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等离子体片离子向内磁层的渗透在亚暴和磁暴过程中都起到了重要作用.以往对于等离子体片离子向内磁层的渗透都是通过固定磁矩的磁层离子漂移轨道理论来进行的.本文将过去的(U,B)空间中固定磁矩的磁层离子漂移轨道理论扩展为固定能量的磁层离子漂移轨道理论,讨论了等离子体片质子在向地球输运过程中,不同能量的质子开放轨道和封闭轨道的分界线的特性,及其随Kp指数的变化.在高能端,随着能量的升高,等离子体片质子分界线地心距离逐渐增大,且分界线的晨侧地心距离远远大于昏侧的地心距离.在低能端,随着质子能量的降低,质子分界线地心距离逐渐增大,且其分界线的昏侧地心距离要大于晨侧的地心距离.模拟结果还显示随着Kp指数的增强,等离子体片中不同能量的质子分界线都向地球移动.但在低能端和高能端,质子分界线的行为是不一样的.在低能端,随着Kp指数的增大,质子内边界形状基本保持不变.但在高能端,随着Kp指数的增大,质子内边界形状也将发生变化.在E=20 keV,Kp=6和E=10 keV,Kp=3两种情况,质子分界线甚至出现了两个分离的区域,一个是环绕地球的封闭轨道区域,一个是晨侧孤立的锥型区域.等离子体片能量为E的质子的内边界就是具有不同磁矩的Alfven层上能量为E的点的连线.TC-1热离子谱仪对等离子体片离子内边界的观测显示模拟结果与观测结果符合得很好. 相似文献
Anis Younes 《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2004,336(6):547-552
Modelling contaminant transfer with biological/chemical/radioactive processes needs appropriate numerical methods able to reproduce sharp concentration fronts. In this work, we develop a new Eulerian–Lagrangian Localized Adjoint Method (ELLAM) for solving the reactive transport equation with non-constant coefficients. To avoid interpolation (leading to errors), we use a moving grid to define the solution and test functions. The method is used to simulate first the infiltration of solute into a column of unsaturated porous medium and second the multispecies transport. The developed ELLAM gives accurate results without non-physical oscillations or numerical diffusion, even when using large time steps. To cite this article: A. Younes, C. R. Geoscience 336 (2004). 相似文献
三肇凹陷榆树林油田扶杨油层中泥岩、粉砂岩和砂岩样品主量元素和微量元素地球化学分析表明,多数主量元素含量中等,与全球平均大陆上地壳(UCC)相比,Fe_2O_3、MgO、CaO、Na_2O含量较低,而TiO_2、Al_2O_3、K_2O、MnO含量均略高;样品中的相容元素(V、Cr、Co、Ni等)含量均低于澳大利亚后太古宙页岩(PAAS)和UCC;稀土元素总量为102×10~(-6)~276×10~(-6),平均为188×10~(-6),与PAAS表现出相似的球粒陨石标准化曲线,显示了相似的物源和构造背景。元素间的相关性分析显示大部分元素与SiO_2负相关而与Al_2O_3正相关,说明大部分元素受到黏土矿物吸附作用的影响,石英与长石矿物对这些元素表现出一定的稀释效应。根据主元素物源判别方程图和Th-Hf-Co图投影及La/Hf、(Gd/Yb)N值,扶杨油层物源主要来自后太古宙长英质火山岩,可能卷入了部分再循环沉积岩。通过一系列的构造背景判别图解分析,表明扶杨油层沉积时以大陆岛弧环境为主。在对油层组进行了纵向古气候分析后,认为FI油层组沉积时处于一个构造活动强、干旱的环境中,所形成的沉积岩储层物性更好,是油气勘探开发的重点层位。 相似文献
构造裂缝发育程度是碳酸盐岩地区构造裂缝定量研究的重要方面,对碳酸盐岩裂缝油气藏的储层预测具有重要意义。论文基于野外地质实际考察,研究岩性、地层厚度、构造性质等因素对构造裂缝的影响,建立比较系统的构造裂缝发育分布规律,建立构造裂缝发育的地质模型。白云岩的裂缝密度明显大于灰岩类的裂缝密度。地层越厚裂缝密度越小,但裂缝规模较大。走滑断裂控制的构造裂缝的裂缝密度与距断裂的距离呈指数关系且存在\"断裂控制的裂缝带\",\"断裂控制裂缝带\"与断裂的性质、规模和断距等因素密切相关。提出不同性质断裂\"断裂控制裂缝带\"宽度与断层破碎带宽度的比值K,这个比值的发现对断裂控制的裂缝油气勘探开发具有重要的应用价值。 相似文献
A. Maher W. S. Douglas D. Yang F. Jafari V. R. Schaefer 《Marine Georesources & Geotechnology》2013,31(3-4):221-235
A preliminary study was conducted to determine the potential for cement deep soil mixing (CDSM) technology as a method for in-situ solidification of contaminated river and estuarine sediments. The study was conducted in Newark Bay, near the mouth of the Passaic River, New Jersey. The primary objective of the study was to evaluate the viability of CDSM for the in-situ S/S with a focus on: 1) determining the correct mix of the cement slurry, which provides rapid stabilization of the sediment matrix, 2) potential resuspension of solids during CSDM operations, 3) the effects of high organic content on the solidification process, and 4) the feasibility of using conventional dredging/extraction methods once the sediments have been stabilized and allowed to cure. The results of the study show CDSM slurry mixtures, as low as 7% in cement content, result in significant solidification and strength gain of in-situ sediments under ambient conditions. In sediments with very high organic contents (> 20%), the slurry mix would need to be adjusted to account for retardation effects of organics on cement hydration. Sediment resuspension during application was shown to be minimal at a distance of as little as 75 feet from the mixing head. Strength gains were considerable, effectively consolidating the sediment particles in a secure matrix, but not so high as to preclude extraction of solidified sediments with conventional dredging equipment. Dredged solidified sediment exhibited characteristics of a stiff glacial clay, and as such was easier to handle and transport than untreated dredged sediments. This technique has high potential to be used as an interim remedial measure prior to either extraction and decontamination/disposal or proper capping. 相似文献
Both the level 2.5 Mellor-Yamada turbulence closure scheme(MY) and K-profile parameterization(KPP) are popularly used by the ocean modeling community.The MY and the KPP are improved through including the non-breaking surface wave-induced vertical mixing(Bv),and the improved schemes were tested by using continuous data at the Papa ocean weather station(OWS) during 1961–1965.The numerical results showed that the Bv can make the temperature simulations fit much better with the continuous data from Papa Station.The two improved schemes overcame the shortcomings of predicting too shallow upper mixed layer depth and consequently overheated sea surface temperature during summertime,which are in fact common problems for all turbulence closure models.Statistical analysis showed that the Bv effectively reduced the mean absolute error and root mean square error of the upper layer temperature and increased the correlation coefficient between simulation and the observation.Furthermore,the performance of vertical mixing induced by shear instability and the Bv is also compared.Both the temperature structure and its seasonal cycle significantly improved by including the Bv,regardless of whether shear instability was included or not,especially for the KPP mixing scheme,which suggested that Bv played a dominant role in the upper ocean where the mean current was relatively weak,such as at Papa Station.These results may provide a clue to improve ocean circulation models. 相似文献
ZHANG Yuming WU Kejian ZHANG Xiaoshuang BI Fan SONG Zhaoyang LIU Shouhua 《海洋学报(英文版)》2013,32(3):19-27
Based on the data and method offered by Liu et al. (2009), the direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC) area are reestimated since the results of the former have been proved to be underestimated. And the result shows that the total rate of energy input into the Ekman-Stokes layer within the ACC area is 852.41 GW, including 649.75 GW of direct wind energy input (76%) and 202.66 GW of Stoke drift-induced energy input (24%). Total increased energy input, due to wave-induced Coriolis-Stokes forcing added to the classical Ekman model, is 52.05 GW, accounting for 6.5% of the wind energy input into the classical Ekman layer. The long-term variability of direct wind and Stokes drift-induced energy inputs into the Ekman layer within the ACC is also investigated, and the result shows that the Stokes drift hinders the decadal increasing trend of direct wind energy input. Meanwhile, there is a period of 4-5 a in the energy spectrums, as same as the Antarctic circumpolar wave. 相似文献