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凡在风化壳红土形成过程中形成,并保留至今的具有工业价值的各类矿床,均可称其为“红土型矿床”。铁、钛、金、锡、钴等云南红土型矿床,易采治(湿法),其基岩岩性与矿化虽差异甚大,但其最终形成的含矿红土,化学性质却较为接近。  相似文献   
岩体节理形貌的分形维数与摩擦角的关系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
陈乃明 《岩土力学》1996,17(3):54-58
在土木工程设计和施工中,岩体节理的摩角是一个重要参数,该值的获取既费时又费力。本文首先简要介绍节理形貌的描述方法和分形几何理论,然后将分形理论引人岩体节理摩擦角的研究中,得出了用分形维数表示摩擦角的经验公式。关键词  相似文献   
甘肃文县上震旦统重力流沉积及其构造古地理的意义   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
程建生  周会武等 《甘肃地质》1993,2(1):17-24,T002
分布于甘肃文县一带的原“碧口群”据岩性、层位特征及微古植物化石厘定为震旦系,并可进一步划分出南沱组、陡山沱组、灯影组。在陡山沱组发育一套陆源浊积岩和深水相泥质岩、硅质岩组合,底部夹有多层火山碎屑岩及火山熔岩;灯影组发育碳酸盐岩浊积岩层和重力滑动层。这些浊积岩能够在地质记录中得以保存且厚度可达数百米,说明该区当时受到一个相对活动的从深水海沟演化到较浅水弧后盆地这一沉积构造环境的控制,从而说明扬子地台北缘应是具有拉张活动性质的被动大陆边缘。  相似文献   
马强  刘长亮  常森  王涛 《地下水》2012,(3):12-14
目的通过分析研究,厘清研究区长6储层油水分布特征。方法顺延砂体走向和垂直砂体走向分别制作两条油藏剖面图,通过对剖面图详细分析,得出目的层油水分布规律。结果研究区砂体呈条带状展布,纵向上层间非均质性较强,油层厚度较薄,厚度变化较快。结论研究区长6储层油水接触关系正常,但油水分异程度差,油水同层现象普遍,纯油层较少,差油层、油水同层较为发育,并且油水相变迅速,以连片层状或透镜体状为主。  相似文献   
通过对研究区FMI成像测井和XMAC,DSI测井等资料的综合,并结合该区的油气地质、地球物理资料,对下奥陶统缝洞型碳酸盐岩古岩溶储层的剖面结构及展布特征进行了较为深入地分析结果表明,研究区古岩溶储层主要分布于下奥陶统顶部不整合面之下约250m的范围内,储层垂向发育具有明显分带性,岩溶剖面的纵向分带与该区多期次岩淀旋回作用密切相关。古岩溶储层的发育与分布受多种因素控制。  相似文献   
Beach profiles along eight sections of two fringing pebble beaches located in the Glamorgan Heritage Coast, Wales were regularly surveyed for over one year. The data were used to examine spatial and seasonal beach profile variations by utilizing them in several graphical procedures. Results showed seasonal variations in terms of beach profile configuration, beach face slope and the rate of profile change, although these variations were not necessarily concurrent. This highlights the special case of fringing pebble beaches on which accretional profiles are probably compensated for by erosional profiles alongshore at any one time. This makes it difficult to generalize spatially the profile response of an entire beach system. For this reason, the rate of profile change may more realistically reflect periodic variations in wave regime, which in European latitudes can be approximated with the summer and winter seasons.  相似文献   
重力滑脱构造在盆地演化中较为常见,地层或岩体在重力作用下向下方滑动所产生的构造变动存在广泛。歧口凹陷为渤海湾新生代盆地内一个次级构造单元凹陷,其特点是新生代沉积巨厚且构造活动强烈,为重力滑脱和相关构造形成提供了发育条件。按照滑脱面性质的不同,将歧口凹陷的滑脱构造分为3类:地层-断裂复合滑脱、顺层滑脱和断裂滑脱。在该凹陷中选其各自具代表性的构造,如埕北滑脱构造、塘沽新港滑脱构造和大张坨滑脱构造进行结构特征和演化等方面剖析。研究认为,歧口凹陷滑脱构造形成的主控因素为新生代凹陷区快速沉积、凸起带强烈隆升、前第三纪地层的滑移层和热力作用。滑脱构造大多有褶皱和断裂相伴生,其组合方式不同可为油气成藏提供有利条件。  相似文献   

堰塞湖及其溃决洪水对山地地表过程具有强烈影响, 严重危害山地区域的安全, 对堰塞湖开展相关研究, 可为区域现代堵江风险分析提供参考。以青藏高原东缘大渡河上游支流小金川鸡心堡古滑坡堰塞湖为研究对象, 采用单片再生剂量法与标准生长曲线法相结合的方法对深度约12.5m的湖相沉积剖面上的7个光释光样品测试年代, 并进行了详细的地层学与年代学研究, 恢复该堰塞湖的年代和范围, 重建该古滑坡的规模, 讨论了该古堰塞湖的成因及其环境效应。研究结果表明: 1)研究区在距今约2~3ka发生过一次滑坡堵江事件, 形成鸡心堡古滑坡堰塞湖, 持续一段时间后, 形成最大流量约为2.70×103m3/s的洪水溃决过程; 2)该古堰塞湖的堵江残留滑坡坝高约150m, 滑坡坝面积约1.41×105m2, 体积约4.19×106m3, 堰塞湖的面积约1.84×106m2, 库容水量约6.10×107m3; 3)依据现有地质证据以及文献记载初步推测鸡心堡古滑坡是由地震引起的; 4)滑坡坝对现代河道的地貌形态仍然存在影响, 在滑坡坝上游形成较宽的现代河道且河道纵剖面的坡度较小, 滑坡坝后的河道陡峭指数(ksn)较高。通过研究, 对大渡河流域的古堰塞湖有更全面、科学的认识, 为古地质灾害领域提供了一个研究实例。

声学地层剖面探测是一种基于声学原理的连续走航式探测水下地层结构和构造的地球物理方法,由于其灵敏度和分辨率高、连续性好且能高效地探测水下地层的地质特征及其分布而在海洋工程勘察中得到了广泛应用。拟在渤海金州湾海域内建造一座人工岛,场址沉积的地层是自晚更新世以来伴随着海平面升降和海侵海退过程而逐渐形成的,自上而下依次为:浅海相淤泥或淤泥质粉质黏土、滨海相淤泥、陆相黏土、滨海相粉质黏土、海陆交互相黏土和粉质黏土。通过对典型声学地层剖面的综合分析和解释,识别出了8个连续的强声学反射界面,主要划定了具有沉积环境意义的6个声学层序,查明了现代沉积层的厚度分布和基岩面埋深状况等;并与工程地质钻孔的沉积地层岩性单元对比研究,发现依据声学地层剖面进行的地层划分与钻孔岩芯的地质地层划分有较好的对应关系,由此确定并推断了地层的沉积相。  相似文献   
Quaternary sedimentary deposits along the structural depression of the San Andreas fault (SAF) zone north of San Francisco in Marin County provide an excellent record of rates and styles of neotectonic deformation in a location near where the greatest amount of horizontal offset was measured after the great 1906 San Francisco earthquake. A high-resolution gravity survey in the Olema Valley was used to determine the depth to bedrock and the thickness of sediment fill along and across the SAF valley. In the gravity profile across the SAF zone, Quaternary deposits are offset across the 1906 fault trace and truncated by the Western and Eastern Boundary faults, whose youthful activity was previously unknown. The gravity profile parallel to the fault valley shows a basement surface that slopes northward toward an area of present-day subsidence near the head of Tomales Bay. Surface and subsurface investigations of the late Pleistocene Olema Creek Formation (Qoc) indicate that this area of subsidence was located further south during deposition of the Qoc and that it has migrated northward since then. Localized subsidence has been replaced by localized contraction that has produced folding and uplift of the Qoc. This apparent alternation between transtension and transpression may be the result of a northward-diverging fault geometry of fault strands that includes the valley-bounding faults as well as the 1906 SAF trace. The Vedanta marsh is a smaller example of localized subsidence in the fault zone, between the 1906 SAF trace and the Western Boundary fault. Analyses of Holocene marsh sediments in cores and a paleoseismic trench indicate thickening, and probably tilting, toward the 1906 trace, consistent with coseismic deformation observed at the site following the 1906 earthquake.New age data and offset sedimentary and geomorphic features were used to calculate four late Quaternary slip rate estimates for the SAF at this latitude. Luminescence dates of 112–186 ka for the middle part of the Olema Creek Formation (Qoc), the oldest Quaternary deposit in this part of the valley, suggest a late Pleistocene slip rate of 17–35 mm/year, which replaces the unit to a position adjacent to its sediment source area. A younger alluvial fan deposit (Qqf; basal age 30 ka) is exposed in a quarry along the medial ridge of the fault valley. This fan deposit has been truncated on its western side by dextral SAF movement, and west-side-down vertical movement that has created the Vedanta marsh. Paleocurrent measurements, clast compositions, sediment facies distributions, and soil characteristics show that the Bear Valley Creek drainage, now located northwest of the site, supplied sediment to the fan, which is now being eroded. Restoration of the drainage to its previous location provides an estimated slip rate of 25 mm/year. Furthermore, the Bear Valley Creek drainage probably created a water gap located north of the Qqf deposit during the last glacial maximum 18 ka. The amount of offset between the drainage and the water gap yields an average slip rate of 21–30 mm/year. Finally, displacement of a 1000-year-old debris lobe approximately 20 m from its hillside hollow along the medial ridge indicates a minimum late Holocene slip rate of 21–25 mm/year. Similarity of the late Pleistocene rates to the Holocene slip rate, and to previous rates obtained in paleoseismic trenches in the area, indicates that the rates may not have changed over the past 30 ka, and perhaps the past 200–400 ka. Stratigraphic and structural observations also indicate that valley-bounding faults were active in the late Pleistocene and suggest the need for further study to evaluate their continued seismic potential.  相似文献   
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