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新疆北天山中东段呼图壁地区震源深度的重新测定   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
联合Hyposat法、PTD法和gCAP矩张量反演法,重新测定新疆北天山中东段呼图壁地区2010—2017年502个地震的震源深度,并对震源深度剖面进行初步分析。结果表明,重新测定的震源深度优势分布为15—20km,平均震源深度为16km,呼图壁MS 6.2地震的震源深度为20km;研究区南部和中部的震源深度集中分布在20km左右,与北天山壳内低速体的层位相当,可能是上地壳和下地壳之间的韧性剪切带存在的部位,起到滑脱层的作用,研究区北部的震源深度则向浅部扩展;呼图壁MS 6.2地震的发震断裂可能在清水河子断裂下方的1条隐伏反冲断层上,可能是霍尔果斯断裂向前沿断坡冲断受阻而在相反方向上发育分支反冲断层的结果。  相似文献   
Stochastic optimization methods, such as genetic algorithms, search for the global minimum of the misfit function within a given parameter range and do not require any calculation of the gradients of the misfit surfaces. More importantly, these methods collect a series of models and associated likelihoods that can be used to estimate the posterior probability distribution. However, because genetic algorithms are not a Markov chain Monte Carlo method, the direct use of the genetic‐algorithm‐sampled models and their associated likelihoods produce a biased estimation of the posterior probability distribution. In contrast, Markov chain Monte Carlo methods, such as the Metropolis–Hastings and Gibbs sampler, provide accurate posterior probability distributions but at considerable computational cost. In this paper, we use a hybrid method that combines the speed of a genetic algorithm to find an optimal solution and the accuracy of a Gibbs sampler to obtain a reliable estimation of the posterior probability distributions. First, we test this method on an analytical function and show that the genetic algorithm method cannot recover the true probability distributions and that it tends to underestimate the true uncertainties. Conversely, combining the genetic algorithm optimization with a Gibbs sampler step enables us to recover the true posterior probability distributions. Then, we demonstrate the applicability of this hybrid method by performing one‐dimensional elastic full‐waveform inversions on synthetic and field data. We also discuss how an appropriate genetic algorithm implementation is essential to attenuate the “genetic drift” effect and to maximize the exploration of the model space. In fact, a wide and efficient exploration of the model space is important not only to avoid entrapment in local minima during the genetic algorithm optimization but also to ensure a reliable estimation of the posterior probability distributions in the subsequent Gibbs sampler step.  相似文献   
Geologically constrained inversion of gravity and magnetic field data of the Victoria property (located in Sudbury, Canada) was undertaken in order to update the present three‐dimensional geological model. The initial and reference model was constructed based on geological information from over 950 drillholes to constrain the inversion. In addition, downhole density and magnetic susceptibility measured in six holes were statistically analysed to derive lower and upper bounds on the physical properties attributed to the lithological units in the reference model. Constrained inversion of the ground gravity and the airborne magnetic data collected at the Victoria property were performed using GRAV3D and MAG3D, respectively. A neural network was trained to predict lithological units from the physical properties measured in six holes. Then, the trained network was applied on the three‐dimensional distribution of physical properties derived from the inversion models to produce a three‐dimensional litho‐prediction model. Some of the features evident in the lithological model are remnants of the constraints, where the data did not demand a significant change in the model from the initial constraining model (e.g., the thin pair of diabase dykes). However, some important changes away from the initial model are evident; for example, a larger body was predicted for quartz diorite, which may be related to the prospective offset dykes; a new zone was predicted as sulfide, which may represent potential mineralisation; and a geophysical subcategory of metabasalt was identified with high magnetic susceptibility and high density. The litho‐prediction model agrees with the geological expectation for the three‐dimensional structure at Victoria and is consistent with the geophysical data, which results in a more holistic understanding of the subsurface lithology.  相似文献   
李伟  储日升  王烁帆 《地震》2019,39(3):28-42
北京时间2017年6月16日19时48分, 湖北省秭归县发生MS4.3地震(震中位置31.06°N, 110.48°E)。 此次地震导致当地160多间建筑物出现不同程度损坏, 100多人生活受到影响, 震区中危岩体出现一定程度破坏。 分析此次地震的震源参数将有助于了解其震源特征和发震机制。 本文首先获取了震中距在3°以内的40个宽频带固定台站的三分量数据, 然后利用FK(Frequency wavenumber)方法计算了在不同深度下Crust2.0模型和改进的1-D模型的格林函数, 分别使用Cut And Paste(CAP)方法反演得到本次地震的震源机制解和深度; 并采用基阶Rayleigh波振幅谱进一步约束了质心深度。 结果表明此次地震的最佳震源机制解的节面Ⅰ: 68°/59°/163°; 节面Ⅱ: 166°/75°/32°, 最佳矩震级为MW4.3, 最佳深度约为5 km。 对比2013年巴东地震、 2014年秭归地震以及2011年湖北阳新—江西瑞昌地震的震源参数和余震信息, 此次地震有可能是水库诱发地震, 但要判断成因还需进一步研究。  相似文献   
CO2 saturations are estimated at Sleipner using a two-step imaging workflow. The workflow combines seismic tomography (full-waveform inversion) and rock physics inversion and is applied to a two-dimensional seismic line located near the injection point at Sleipner. We use baseline data (1994 vintage, before CO2 injection) and monitor data that was acquired after 12 years of CO2 injection (2008 vintage). P-wave velocity models are generated using the Full waveform inversion technology and then, we invert selected rock physics parameters using an rock physics inversion methodology. Full waveform inversion provides high-resolution P-wave velocity models both for baseline and monitor data. The physical relations between rock physics properties and acoustic wave velocities in the Utsira unconsolidated sandstone (reservoir formation) are defined using a dynamic rock physics model based on well-known Biot–Gassmann theories. For data prior to injection, rock frame properties (porosity, bulk and shear dry moduli) are estimated using rock physics inversion that allows deriving physically consistent properties with related uncertainty. We show that the uncertainty related to limited input data (only P-wave velocity) is not an issue because the mean values of parameters are correct. These rock frame properties are then used as a priori constraint in the monitor case. For monitor data, the Full waveform inversion results show nicely resolved thin layers of CO2–brine saturated sandstones under intra-reservoir shale layers. The CO2 saturation estimation is carried out by plugging an effective fluid phase in the rock physics model. Calculating the effective fluid bulk modulus of the brine–CO2 mixture (using Brie equation in our study) is shown to be the key factor to link P-wave velocity to CO2 saturation. The inversion tests are done with several values of Brie/patchiness exponent and show that the CO2 saturation estimates are varying between 0.30 and 0.90 depending on the rock physics model and the location in the reservoir. The uncertainty in CO2 saturation estimation is usually lower than 0.20. When the patchiness exponent is considered as unknown, the inversion is less constrained and we end up with values of exponent varying between 5 and 20 and up to 33 in specific reservoir areas. These estimations tend to show that the CO2–brine mixing is between uniform and patchy mixing and variable throughout the reservoir.  相似文献   
Transverse isotropy with a vertical axis of symmetry is a common form of anisotropy in sedimentary basins, and it has a significant influence on the seismic amplitude variation with offset. Although exact solutions and approximations of the PP-wave reflection coefficient for the transversely isotropic media with vertical axis of symmetry have been explicitly studied, it is difficult to apply these equations to amplitude inversion, because more than three parameters need to be estimated, and such an inverse problem is highly ill-posed. In this paper, we propose a seismic amplitude inversion method for the transversely isotropic media with a vertical axis of symmetry based on a modified approximation of the reflection coefficient. This new approximation consists of only three model parameters: attribute A, the impedance (vertical phase velocity multiplied by bulk density); attribute B, shear modulus proportional to an anellipticity parameter (Thomsen's parameter ε−δ); and attribute C, the approximate horizontal P-wave phase velocity, which can be well estimated by using a Bayesian-framework-based inversion method. Using numerical tests we show that the derived approximation has similar accuracy to the existing linear approximation and much higher accuracy than isotropic approximations, especially at large angles of incidence and for strong anisotropy. The new inversion method is validated by using both synthetic data and field seismic data. We show that the inverted attributes are robust for shale-gas reservoir characterization: the shale formation can be discriminated from surrounding formations by using the crossplot of the attributes A and C, and then the gas-bearing shale can be identified through the combination of the attributes A and B. We then propose a rock-physics-based method and a stepwise-inversion-based method to estimate the P-wave anisotropy parameter (Thomsen's parameter ε). The latter is more suitable when subsurface media are strongly heterogeneous. The stepwise inversion produces a stable and accurate Thomsen's parameter ε, which is proved by using both synthetic and field data.  相似文献   
本文提出一种基于重力/GPS联合观测数据计算垂向构造应力的新方法.计算步骤如下:(1) 通过重力/GPS联合观测数据计算布格重力异常;(2) 依据布格重力异常数据推算莫霍面深度;(3) 依据GPS观测数据,通过均衡理论计算均衡面深度;(4) 依据莫霍面与均衡面之间剩余物质(壳幔物质密度差)所承受的附加浮力,计算地壳承载的垂向构造应力.本文利用上述构造应力新算法,计算了巴颜喀拉块体东边界及周边地区垂向构造应力分布,发现龙泉山断裂带以东地区垂向构造应力基本为零,龙泉山断裂带与龙门山断裂带之间地区垂向构造应力为正值,巴颜喀拉地块东部垂向构造应力为负值.鲜水河断裂带东南段周边蓄积了-40~-50 MPa的垂向构造应力,且梯度变化剧烈;松潘高原蓄积的垂向构造应力大约为-10~-20 MPa,相对较小.  相似文献   
Igneous intrusions, notably carbonatitic–alkalic intrusions, peralkaline intrusions, and pegmatites, represent significant sources of rare‐earth metals. Geophysical exploration for and of such intrusions has met with considerable success. Examples of the application of the gravity, magnetic, and radiometric methods in the search for rare metals are presented and described. Ground gravity surveys defining small positive gravity anomalies helped outline the shape and depth of the Nechalacho (formerly Lake) deposit within the Blatchford Lake alkaline complex, Northwest Territories, and of spodumene‐rich mineralization associated with the Tanco deposit, Manitoba, within the hosting Tanco pegmatite. Based on density considerations, the bastnaesite‐bearing main ore body within the Mountain Pass carbonatite, California, should produce a gravity high similar in amplitude to those associated with the Nechalacho and Tanco deposits. Gravity also has utility in modelling hosting carbonatite intrusions, such as the Mount Weld intrusion, Western Australia, and Elk Creek intrusion, Nebraska. The magnetic method is probably the most successful geophysical technique for locating carbonatitic–alkalic host intrusions, which are typically characterized by intense positive, circular to sub‐circular, crescentic, or annular anomalies. Intrusions found by this technique include the Mount Weld carbonatite and the Misery Lake alkali complex, Quebec. Two potential carbonatitic–alkalic intrusions are proposed in the Grenville Province of Eastern Quebec, where application of an automatic technique to locate circular magnetic anomalies identified several examples. Two in particular displayed strong similarities in magnetic pattern to anomalies accompanying known carbonatitic or alkalic intrusions hosting rare‐metal mineralization and are proposed to have a similar origin. Discovery of carbonatitic–alkalic hosts of rare metals has also been achieved by the radiometric method. The Thor Lake group of rare‐earth metal deposits, which includes the Nechalacho deposit, were found by follow‐up investigations of strong equivalent thorium and uranium peaks defined by an airborne survey. Prominent linear radiometric anomalies associated with glacial till in the Canadian Shield have provided vectors based on ice flow directions to source intrusions. The Allan Lake carbonatite in the Grenville Province of Ontario is one such intrusion found by this method. Although not discovered by its radiometric characteristics, the Strange Lake alkali intrusion on the Quebec–Labrador border is associated with prominent linear thorium and uranium anomalies extending at least 50 km down ice from the intrusion. Radiometric exploration of rare metals hosted by pegmatites is evaluated through examination of radiometric signatures of peraluminous pegmatitic granites in the area of the Tanco pegmatite.  相似文献   

地下密度异常体反演需要由二维数据反演三维结果,为了高效、高精度地反演地下异常体的位置及密度信息,本文提出2D-3D InvNet深度学习反演方法.方法的编-解码器结构,在编码阶段利用二维卷积网络结构提取地表重力异常及重力梯度异常数据信息,解码阶段利用三维卷积网络结构恢复异常体地下形态,实现了二维和三维网络结构的结合.为了精确地反演异常体密度,提出利用加权均方误差(WtdMSE)作为损失函数,同时为了更好地评估反演结果,引入核密度函数作为评价手段.与均方误差(MSE)相比,利用WtdMSE作为损失函数对异常体密度的反演结果更为准确,异常体所在区域的密度误差减少50%以上.对理论样本的反演结果表明,2D-3D InvNet在准确反演异常体地下位置的同时,也能给出准确的密度信息.应用此方法对西澳大利亚Kauring地区实测数据进行反演,我们成功获得了此区域地下异常体的密度分布.理论与实际应用结果表明,2D-3D InvNet深度学习方法稳定且具有较强的泛化性能,能在无需规定限制条件的情况下快速获得准确的反演结果.

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