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张焱孙 《江苏地质》2014,38(4):682-686
介绍了江西会昌县周田镇地面塌陷灾害物探CSAMT法勘查技术、资料分析、勘查成果及验证情况。对了解塌陷区盖层有效厚度、塌落现状、塌陷区后续具体治理方案及决策有十分重要的意义,对在类似地电条件下地质灾害物探勘查方法的选择、资料解释等具一定的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
自2015年6月以来,在山东滕州荆泉水源地范围内连续发生多起岩溶塌陷。通过研究区域地质条件,在已有认识的基础上分析得出发育的浅层开口岩溶洞隙的存在,一定厚度的松散覆盖层及地下水位大幅下降是该区产生岩溶塌陷的基本条件。阐述了岩溶塌陷形成发育过程及影响因素,得出长期过量抽采岩溶水是区内岩溶塌陷的主要因素,合理减少地下水开采量是预防岩溶塌陷最有效的方法。  相似文献   
根据地下资源开发地区岩层与地表移动机理,研究了地面沉陷时路基产生的破坏影响,分析、总结了路基沉陷特征,给出了确定路基和矿柱强度及稳定性的验算方法,以及路基出现坍塌或滑坡等灾害事故的评估方法,提出了地面沉陷区路基防治技术,并列举了治理路基沉陷的例子。  相似文献   
《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(3-4):255-282
The Lycian molasse basin of SW Turkey is a NE-SW-oriented basin that developed on an imbricated basement, comprising the allochthonous Mesozoic rocks of the Lycian nappes and Palaeocene-Eocene supra-allochthonous sediments. The imbricated basement has resulted from a complex history related to the emplacement of different tectonic units from Late Cretaceous to Late Eocene. Following imbrication, extensional collapse of the Lycian orogen resulted in extensive emergent areas, some of which coincide with present-day mountains. These were surrounded by interconnected depressions, namely, the Kale-Tavas, Çardak-Dazk?r? and Denizli subbasins.

The Lycian molasse sequence contains a relatively complete record of the tectonic history of the Lycian orogenic collapse from which it was derived. The sequence is characterised by interdependence between tectonism and sedimentation, the latter of which includes fining-and coarsening-upward sedimentary cycles with syn-depositional intrabasinal unconformities.

The Denizli subbasin consists of thick, coarse-grained wedges of alluvial fans and fine-grained fan-delta deposits formed in a shallowmarine environment. Some areas of the fan deltas were colonised by corals, red algae and foraminifera, forming patch reefs.

The first phase of extensional collapse in the region is marked by the Lycian orogenic collapse, which may have been initiated by the beginning of the Oligocene (Rupelian), following the main Menderes metamorphism. Starting in the latest Early Miocene or in the Middle Miocene, the area of the molasse basin was subject to deformation with the Lycian nappes, and to erosion as well. At that time, the Lycian nappes, with some ophiolitic assemblages, were thrust over the molasse deposits and thus, NE-SW-trending folds were formed. The molasse deposits and thrust-related deformational structures were then unconformably covered by Upper Miocene continental deposits which belong to the neotectonic period of SW Turkey. The second phase of extensional collapse is marked by granitic intrusions and the formation of Miocene detachment-related extensional basins. This phase may have been related to the exhumation of the gneissic core of the Menderes Massif, from which fragments were derived and incorporated into the upper parts of the Denizli subbasin during the Aquitanian.  相似文献   
中国天坑研究学者通过系统调查,确立“tiankeng”作为标准地貌术语,并规范其形态特征,提出塌陷型天坑和侵蚀型天坑两种成因类型。文章以重庆武隆箐口天坑、陕西汉中伯牛天坑、马达加斯加安卡拉那高原的曼格里(Mangily)天坑、巴布亚新几内亚穆勒高原的阿底(Atea)天坑为研究对象,通过对比分析4个天坑(群)发育的地层结构、地貌演化和水文地质特征等,论述侵蚀型天坑系统演化的共性特征,即三元或二元地层结构、深厚包气带和巨大地势差异、覆盖型岩溶分布、覆盖层对雨水的汇聚或夹层对地下水的汇聚等。基于侵蚀型天坑的成因条件,认为其发育阶段可分为:落水洞-竖井(地下河)阶段、侵蚀-竖井状大厅阶段、崩塌-天坑形成阶段和天坑退化阶段,并对侵蚀型天坑演化机理提出新的认识。  相似文献   
强震区公路高位危岩崩塌具有极高隐蔽性和危害性,传统的接触式勘察方法难以有效调查震后位于公路两侧高陡斜坡体上的危岩崩塌体。提出一种基于无人机的倾斜摄影测量技术,该技术采用无人机超低空采集高位危岩体的高清影像数据,构建三维空间模型,从而提取危岩体特征参数,为危岩体稳定性分析提供数据支撑。利用无人机对某高速公路危岩崩塌地质灾害路段进行调查,对无人机倾斜摄影测量成果进行分析,明确调查区19处危岩崩塌体特征和崩塌成因机制,在此基础上评价典型崩塌体稳定性。并且使用RocFall软件模拟分析典型危岩体崩落运动轨迹,研究高位危岩崩塌对公路的危险性。研究成果对强震区山区公路高位危岩崩塌勘察、稳定性评价工作具有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   
矿井电法探测突水陷落柱在任楼煤矿的应用   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
井下工作面侧帮超前探测技术是矿井直流电阻率探测新技术之一。本文阐述了该技术基本探测原理及其在陷落柱突水前探测采煤工作面内部陷落柱的应用。结果表明,该技术能探测含水导水陷落柱位置及其富水性,从而预防陷落柱突水淹井事故的发生,为煤矿井下防治水起到了重要作用。  相似文献   
该文总结了莱芜市地质灾害的总体特征,同时具体分析了各种地质灾害的类型、地理分布和主要影响因素等个体特征。以截至2012底的数据为依据,采用地质灾害综合危险性指数法,对莱芜市地质灾害易发程度进行综合分区评价,划定了莱芜市地质灾害高易发区、中易发区、低易发区和不易发区,针对不同的地质灾害种类提出了相应的防治措施。  相似文献   
正20142512Chen Xiaoan(Jiangxi Provincial Research Institute of Soil and Water Conservation,Nanchang 330029,China);Yang Jie Distribution Characteristics and Causes of Collapse Erosion(Journal of Mountain Research,ISSN1008-2786,CN51-1516/P,31(6),2013,p.716-722,2illus.,7tables,14refs.)  相似文献   
We discuss the energy density and the maximum value of entropy for spherically symmetric, self-gravitating, electromagnetic radiating systems prior to their collapse into black holes. Some interesting results have been obtained.  相似文献   
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