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垭口片麻岩的主要岩石化学特征   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴根耀 《岩石学报》1990,6(1):82-91
出露于川西滇中地区的垭口片麻岩及相应岩石是一套英云闪长质-奥长花岗质(为主)-花岗闪长质片麻岩(灰色片麻岩即TTG岩套)和花岗质片麻岩组合,后者可能是前者活化时遭受钾长石化的结果。其常量元素、过渡金属元素和稀土元素特征与早前寒武纪低铝型灰色片麻岩一致,是本区晚太古代结晶基底(花岗地体)。  相似文献   
The abundance and distribution of radioelements on bulk and microscopic scales were investigated in residual granitic-derived soil at a facility for investigating the movement of radon into structures. In bulk soil samples, Ra concentrations range from 0.6 to 1.3 pCi/g, and variations in Ra, Th, and K appear to be controlled mainly by heterogeneities inherited from the parent granitic rock, which contains abundant dikes and inclusions. U in soil and parent rock is concentrated in primary minerals (mainly zircon and sphene), and in secondary sites that are of greater importance for Rn emanation. The main U-bearing secondary sites are weathered sphene, grain boundary coatings, weathered biotite and plagioclase, as well as dense Fe-rich coatings and a REE-phosphate mineral present in near-vertical fracture zones in saprolite underlying shallow loam. Elevated U in these sites generally correlates with high Ti, Al, Fe, and/or P. Preferential distribution of U and Ra on grain boundaries and porous weathered minerals is reflected in relatively high Rn emanation rates in the soil. Highest emanation occurs between 1.3 and 2.3 m depth, where fine pedogenic phasesgibbsite and amorphous silica and Fe-OOH—are most abundant; it is related to fixation of Ra by these phases, which precipitate close to the surface and accumulate at these depths by illuviation. Separation of Ra from U may occur locally, given remobilization of U-series elements from secondary sites, and large differences between Ra and U sorption capabilities of several phases present in the soil. Concentration of U along permeable fracture zones in saprolite suggests that contribution of soil-gas Rn from depth (> 2 m) could be significant to Rn availability near the surface.  相似文献   
广西海洋山花岗岩体侵位构造特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李晓峰  华仁民 《岩石学报》2000,16(3):371-379
花岗岩是大陆地壳的重要组成部分,是地球动力学演化的示踪剂。花岗岩体侵位构造的研究对于揭示花岗岩体的变形历史和侵位机制具有重要的科学价值。本文研究了海洋山花岗岩体的内部构造、与岩浆侵位应力有的围岩构造及热接触变质带特征,探讨了岩体和围岩的应变状态。研究发现,从岩浆侵位到冷凝固结,海洋山花岗岩体经历了液态流动、塑性变形和“半固态”冷凝阶段的演化。岩体各单元的应变类型分别是单轴压扁、平面应变、单轴压缩,  相似文献   
河北平山小觉地区晚太古代阜平群含有三种主要表壳岩性质的变质岩类,即钾长浅粒岩类,黑云变粒岩-片麻岩类和角闪质岩石类。它们所经历的初期深熔作用产物,其岩石化学成分分别与钾长花岗岩,奥长花岗岩和花岗闪长岩相当,并在很大程度上继承了原岩(母岩)的总体岩石化学特征。可能由于深熔产物中富含稀土的一些副矿物含量的降低,它们的稀土总量都不同程度地较原岩为低,但两者的稀土分布模式却很相似,这从另一角度说明了它们的成因关系。  相似文献   
To provide guides for exploration of porphyry copper mineralization at a district scale, we examine the spatial association between known porphyry copper deposits and geologic features in Benguet, Philippines. The spatial associations between the porphyry copper deposits and strike-slip fault discontinuities, batholithic pluton margins and porphyry plutons are quantified using weights of evidence modeling. In the training and testing district, the porphyry copper occurrences are associated spatially with strike-slip fault discontinuities, batholithic pluton margins and contacts of porphyry plutons within distances of 3 km, 2.25 km, and 1 km, respectively. In addition, the porphyry plutons are associated spatially with strike-slip fault discontinuities and contacts of batholithic plutons within a distance of 2.25 km and 3 km, respectively. Based on these significant spatial associations, predictive maps are generated to delineate zones favorable for porphyry copper mineralization and zones favorable for emplacement of porphyry plutons in Benguet province, Philippines. Validations of the predictive models demonstrate their efficacy in pointing to zones for subsequent follow-up exploration work.  相似文献   
文章对桂东南糯垌—安平地区出露的阳起石化斜长角闪岩(变质基性岩)和中—基性火山角砾岩进行了锆石U-Pb年代学和全岩地球化学分析研究,结果表明,糯垌地区岩体的形成时代晚于123 Ma,安平地区火山角砾岩记录了两期重要的岩浆活动,一组为燕山期(或之后),年龄上限为~138 Ma,一组为早古生代加里东期(452~450 Ma...  相似文献   
Feldspar grain-size reduction occurred due to the fracturing of plagioclase and K-feldspar, myrmekite formation and neocrystallization of albitic plagioclase along shear fractures of K-feldspar porphyroclasts in the leucocratic granitic rocks from the Yecheon shear zone of South Korea that was deformed under a middle greenschist-facies condition. The neocrystallization of albitic plagioclase was induced by strain energy adjacent to the shear fractures and by chemical free energy due to the compositional disequilibrium between infiltrating Na-rich fluid and host K-feldspar. With increasing deformation from protomylonite to mylonite, alternating layers of feldspar, quartz and muscovite developed. The fine-grained feldspar-rich layers were deformed dominantly by granular flow, while quartz ribbons were deformed by dislocation creep. With layer development and a more distributed strain in the mylonite, lower stresses in the quartz-rich layers resulted in a larger size of dynamically recrystallized quartz grains than that of the protomylonite.  相似文献   
Post‐collisional granitoid plutons intrude obducted Neo‐Tethyan ophiolitic rocks in central and eastern Central Anatolia. The Bizmişen and Çaltı plutons and the ophiolitic rocks that they intrude are overlain by fossiliferous and flyschoidal sedimentary rocks of the early Miocene Kemah Formation. These sedimentary rocks were deposited in basins that developed at the same time as tectonic unroofing of the plutons along E–W and NW–SE trending faults in Oligo‐Miocene time. Mineral separates from the Bizmişen and Çaltı plutons yield K‐Ar ages ranging from 42 to 46 Ma, and from 40 to 49 Ma, respectively. Major, trace, and rare‐earth element geochemistry as well as mineralogical and textural evidence reveals that the Bizmişen pluton crystallized first, followed at shallower depth by the Çaltı pluton from a medium‐K calcalkaline, I‐type hybrid magma which was generated by magma mixing of coeval mafic and felsic magmas. Delta 18O values of both plutons fall in the field of I‐type granitoids, although those of the Çaltı pluton are consistently higher than those of the Bizmişen pluton. This is in agreement with field observations, petrographic and whole‐rock geochemical data, which indicate that the Bizmişen pluton represents relatively uncontaminated mantle material, whereas the Çaltı pluton has a significant crustal component. Structural data indicating the middle Eocene emplacement age and intrusion into already obducted ophiolitic rocks, suggest a post‐collisional extensional origin. However, the pure geochemical discrimination diagrams indicate an arc origin which can be inherited either from the source material or from an upper mantle material modified by an early subduction process during the evolution of the Neo‐Tethyan ocean. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
熊欣  李建康  张珈铭  严清高  王臻 《岩石学报》2023,39(7):2085-2100

扎乌龙花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属矿床位于四川省和青海省交界处, 其西部矿体被称为青海草陇矿床, 是我国西部松潘-甘孜稀有金属成矿带的重要组成。扎乌龙矿床Li2O资源储量预估高达157万t, 最主要的锂、铍矿石矿物为绿柱石和锂辉石。前人以扎乌龙伟晶岩脉内多阶段的流体包裹体为研究对象, 着重剖析了其岩浆热液演化过程。然而, 迄今为止尚缺乏锂铍矿物学和同位素方面的研究来加深对该矿床岩浆热液演化及成矿作用方面的理解。14号钠长石-锂辉石型伟晶岩脉是扎乌龙花岗伟晶岩型矿床出露面积最大、锂储量最高的伟晶岩脉, 也是研究该稀有金属矿床成矿作用过程的理想对象。该伟晶岩脉具有一定的内部分带性, 由边部至核部分为: 石英-白云母带(Ⅰ带)、微斜长石-钠长石带(Ⅱ带)、钠长石-锂辉石带(Ⅲ带)和石英-锂辉石带(Ⅳ带)。绿柱石和锂辉石矿物结构和化学组成表明, 扎乌龙14号脉锂铍矿化主要可划分为两个阶段: 第一阶段为岩浆阶段, 主要形成均一或振荡环带结构的原生绿柱石和锂辉石; 第二阶段为热液阶段, 主要表现为流体与原生矿物发生再平衡, 原生锂辉石发生蚀变形成云母等矿物, 原生绿柱石边部和内部缝隙产出相对富Cs2O或Na2O含量的次生绿柱石。14号伟晶岩中原生和次生绿柱石的Cs2O含量(0.71%~2.28%)均低于世界上许多其他Li-Ta-Cs伟晶岩脉, 表明其岩浆结晶分异程度相对较低。Ⅲ和Ⅳ带原生锂辉石均呈现出不均匀的δ7Li值(-1.70‰~1.67‰), 表明锂辉石结晶于流体出溶的环境。次生锂辉石相对略低的δ7Li值(-1.90‰~-0.03‰)表明了热液阶段锂的再活化沉淀对于锂同位素组成产生了一定的影响。次生绿柱石较原生绿柱石的Cs2O含量增加有限, 热液作用未形成高度富铯或锂的矿物如铯馏石和锂云母, 表明热液作用对于原生稀有金属矿物的改造有限。总体而言, 与加拿大Tanco和可可托海3号脉伟晶岩相比, 扎乌龙14号脉伟晶岩熔体的分异程度较低, 出溶的富Cs流体有限, 未发生较大规模的晚阶段热液交代作用, 成矿作用以伟晶岩熔体的结晶作用为主。



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