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Contacts within nested plutons are crucial for constraining the relative timing of pluton emplacement and the internal geometry of composite plutons. Exposures in orogenic belts are commonly discontinuous, however, disguising these contacts. In this paper, the Merrimac plutons in the northern Sierra Nevada of California are used as an example of how composition and foliation patterns can allow the definition of unexposed contacts and identify nested plutons. Image analysis techniques were used to determine modal compositions of a total of 52 samples from the Merrimac plutons. The integrated analysis of compositional data and foliations patterns reveals a critical contact within the plutons, and suggests that the Merrimac plutons indicate way-up towards the north-east at the time of emplacement 142 ± 3 Ma ago. This paper provides guidelines for recognizing nested plutons in poorly exposed areas and shows that consistent structural and compositional assymmetries within nested plutons can be used as regional top-direction indicators.  相似文献   
湘南界牌岭含锡花岗斑岩的岩石学特征   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
界牌岭含锡花岗斑岩是岩浆作用晚期强烈分异之产物。该岩体具有富硅(S1O_271.95~76.71%)和碱(K_2O4.25~6.92%),贫铁(Fe_2O_3+FeO为1.17~2.94%)和镁(MgO0.17~0.58%),富挥发分氟(F 0.013~3.38%)和成矿元素,分异指数(DI>85)高的特征,为陆壳重熔型花岗斑岩,且为成矿母岩。岩体围岩蚀变—矿化分带较明显,锡矿化主要集中在黄玉—萤石—云英岩化带内。界牌岭斑岩为陆壳重熔型含锡花岗斑岩。  相似文献   
位于亚洲中部的塔里木克拉通是中国三大古老克拉通之一,经历了新元古时期罗迪尼亚(Rodinia)大陆聚合和裂解。然而,关于塔里木在该时期的构造演化仍然存在较多争议。本文对塔里木北缘库鲁克塔格地区南华系地层中流纹岩及伴生的正长花岗岩开展岩石学、地球化学、锆石U-Pb年代学和Hf同位素研究,结果表明:正长花岗岩与流纹岩是一套具有"时、空、源"一致的花岗质火山-侵入杂岩组合,锆石U-Pb年龄分别为735±10 Ma和738.9±5.4 Ma,同为新元古代南华纪岩浆作用的产物。它们具有高硅(69.85%~73.87%)、低铁(2.36%~2.96%)、贫镁(0.16%~0.75%)和富碱(Na2O+K2O=7.51%~9.05%)的特征,属碱性系列、过铝质岩石。富集K、Rb、Th等大离子亲石元素和轻稀土元素,亏损Nb、Ta、Ba、Sr、P和Ti等。具A2型花岗岩的特点,是俯冲挤压向减压伸展构造转换背景下岩浆活动的产物。锆石Hf同位素组成较均一, εHf(t)值大多为-17.4~-10.6之间,其二阶段模式年龄TDM2为2732~2321 Ma,表明岩浆来源于太古宙-元古宙古老结晶基底。结合前人研究表明,大约在735 Ma塔里木北缘开始进入减压伸展的拉张环境,之后可能发生了Rodinia超大陆的裂解。  相似文献   
Many Late Paleozoic Cu–Au–Mo deposits occur in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB). However, their tectonic settings and associated geodynamic processes have been disputed. This study provides age, petrologic and geochemical data for andesites and granitic porphyries of the Taerbieke gold deposit from the Tulasu Basin, in the northwestern Tianshan Orogenic Belt (western China). LA-ICP-MS zircon U–Pb dating indicates that the granitic porphyries have an Early Carboniferous crystallization age (349 ± 2 Ma) that is broadly contemporaneous with the eruption age (347 ± 2 Ma) of the andesites. The andesites have a restricted range of SiO2 (58.94–63.85 wt.%) contents, but relatively high Al2O3 (15.39–16.65 wt.%) and MgO (2.51–6.59 wt.%) contents, coupled with high Mg# (57–69) values. Geochemically, they are comparable to Cenozoic sanukites in the Setouchi Volcanic Belt, SW Japan. Compared with the andesites, the granitic porphyries have relatively high SiO2 (72.68–75.32 wt.%) contents, but lower Al2O3 (12.94–13.84 wt.%) and MgO (0.10–0.33 wt.%) contents, coupled with lower Mg# (9–21) values. The andesites and granitic porphyries are enriched in both large ion lithophile and light rare earth elements, but depleted in high field strength elements, similar to those of typical arc magmatic rocks. They also have similar Nd–Hf–Pb isotope compositions: εNd(t) (+0.48 to +4.06 and −0.27 to +2.97) and zircons εHf(t) (+3.4 to +8.0 and −1.7 to +8.2) values and high (206Pb/204Pb)i (18.066–18.158 and 17.998–18.055). We suggest that the Taerbieke high-Mg andesitic magmas were generated by the interaction between mantle wedge peridotites and subducted oceanic sediment-derived melts with minor basaltic oceanic crust-derived melts, and that the magmas then fractionated to produce the more felsic members (i.e., the Taerbieke granitic porphyries) during late-stage evolution. Taking into account the Carboniferous magmatic record from the western Tianshan Orogenic Belt, we suggest that the formation of the Early Carboniferous andesites and granitic porphyries in the Taerbieke area were related to the Paleo-Junggar Oceanic plate southward subduction under the Yili–Central Tianshan plate. The close association of the Early Carboniferous magmatic rocks and Au mineralization in the Taerbieke area suggests that the arc magmatic rocks in the Tulasu basin may have a high potential for Au mineralization.  相似文献   
To place constraints on the formation and deformation history of the major Variscan shear zone in the Bavarian Forest, Bavarian Pfahl zone, SW Bohemian Massif, granitic dykes and their feldspar-phyric massive host rock (so-called palite), zircons were dated by the U–Pb isotope dilution and Pb-evaporation methods. The dated samples comprise two host rocks and four dykes from a K-rich calc-alkaline complex adjoining the SW part of the Bavarian Pfahl shear zone. The palites, which appear to be the oldest magmatic rocks emplaced in the shear zone, yield ages of 334±3, 334.5±1.1 Ma (average 207Pb/206Pb-evaporation zircon ages) and 327–342 Ma (range of U/Pb zircon ages) suggesting a Lower Carboniferous age for the initiation of the Pfahl zone. Absence of inherited older cores in all investigated zircons indicates that incorporation of crustal zircon material has played virtually no role or that the melting temperature was very high. Determination of the dyke emplacement age is complicated by partial Pb-loss in most of the fractions analysed. This Pb-loss can be ascribed to higher U content of the dyke zircons compared to those from host rock. Upper discordia intercept ages of the different dykes range from 322±5 to 331±9 Ma. The dykes are pre- to synkinematic with respect to penetrative regional mylonitisation along the Pfahl zone, and the upper intercept ages provide a maximum age for this tectonic event.  相似文献   
张博  郭锋  张晓兵 《岩石学报》2020,36(4):995-1014
东南沿海地区发育具有"等同位素组成"特征的晚中生代双峰式火成岩,其成因备受争论。本文选择了福建省平潭岛双峰式杂岩体中的花岗闪长岩、英云闪长岩与花岗岩开展了高精度锆石U-Pb定年、原位O-Hf同位素和黑云母矿物化学方面的研究,以探讨这些花岗质岩石的成因。分析结果显示,花岗闪长岩、英云闪长岩与花岗岩的锆石U-Pb年龄分别为116.8±1.0Ma、116.3±1.0Ma与117.4±1.0Ma,表明它们均侵位于早白垩世。这三类岩石也有较为相似的锆石O-Hf同位素组成。其中,锆石的δ18O分别变化为4.6%~5.3‰、4.8%~5.3‰及5.0%~5.6‰,与地幔的O同位素值基本一致。锆石的εHf(t)变化范围分别为+2.0^+7.1、+2.8^+6.5及+1.8^+5.6,相应的两阶段模式年龄tDM2分别为741~1046Ma、754~995Ma及815~1058Ma。锆石O-Hf同位素数据反映其熔融源区主要为相对较年轻的地壳物质,来自华夏地块古老基底的贡献较少。另外,黑云母矿物化学暗示这三类岩石具有Ⅰ型花岗岩的特征。但是,黑云母种属在不同岩性间存在差异,其中花岗闪长岩与英云闪长岩中的黑云母为镁质类型,花岗岩中的黑云母为铁质类型。从花岗闪长岩、英云闪长岩到花岗岩,黑云母的结晶温度和岩浆体系的氧逸度均逐渐降低,这与钙碱性岩浆分异演化的趋势基本一致。结合前人研究资料及区域地质演化历程,我们认为平潭岛杂岩体中的花岗质岩石形成于古太平洋俯冲背景,其熔融源区主要为新增生地壳物质。花岗质岩石内部岩性的差别主要是母岩浆经历不同程度分异演化的结果。我们的研究结果暗示壳幔岩浆混合在东南沿海早白垩世长英质岩石形成过程中所具有的作用可能较为有限。  相似文献   
新疆若羌县阿尔金中段吐格曼地区是花岗伟晶岩型稀有金属成矿的有利地区,目前已发现吐格曼铍锂矿、吐格曼北锂铍矿和瓦石峡南锂铍矿,其中发育于吐格曼层状花岗岩中心的吐格曼铍锂矿和北部接触带的吐格曼北锂铍矿已达中型规模。本文总结了吐格曼地区稀有金属花岗伟晶岩的类型,报导了吐格曼铍锂矿和吐格曼北锂铍矿伟晶岩的特征与形成时代。并基于ASTER遥感岩体与伟晶岩光谱信息提取成果揭示花岗岩与花岗伟晶岩的分布,指出托巴片麻状二长花岗岩中段花岗伟晶岩区以及阿亚格黑云斜长花岗岩南接触带花岗伟晶岩群是稀有金属找矿靶区,指出吐格曼铍锂矿花岗伟晶岩形成于中奥陶世晚期(460Ma)南阿尔金洋闭合后阿中地块与柴达木地块碰撞过程的后碰撞阶段。  相似文献   
新疆白杨河U-Be矿床中电气石的矿物学特征及其成矿指示   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
朱艺婷  李晓峰  张龙  王果  张迪 《岩石学报》2019,35(11):3429-3442
新疆白杨河铀铍矿床是近年发现的亚洲最大的铍矿床,它位于新疆西准噶尔地区雪米斯坦(谢米斯台)火山岩带内。大地构造上处于哈萨克斯坦-准噶尔板块西北缘古生代陆缘活动带内晚古生代成熟岛弧之上。铀铍矿体主要赋存于杨庄花岗斑岩体与上泥盆统塔尔巴哈台组凝灰岩接触带以及花岗斑岩中。野外观察发现白杨河铀铍矿床中电气石以三种不同产状产出:(1)产于玄武岩中电气石;(2)产于凝灰岩中电气石;(3)产于花岗岩中电气石。电气石在玄武岩和凝灰岩中主要以球状集合体为主,部分沿裂隙充填;而在花岗岩中则主要呈针状以浸染状产出。本文在野外详细观察和岩相学基础上,利用电子探针点、面分析技术,对白杨河不同产状的电气石进行了详细的矿物化学研究工作。结果显示,白杨河铀铍矿床中的电气石均属于碱质黑电气石,但不同产状的电气石其化学成分存在明显差异。玄武岩中的富Ti、Mg和Ca,贫Al、Mn和F;凝灰岩中的富Fe和Na,贫Mg和Ca;花岗岩中的富Al、Mn、F,贫Ti、Fe和Na。不同类型的电气石中均具有较高的F(0. 343~1. 117apfu)和Al(5. 648~7. 351apfu)。白杨河U-Be矿床中电气石化学成分的变化是Al~(Y X)□(Y+Na)_(-1)、Al~(Y X)□(Y+OH)-1和FeMg_(-1)、Fe~(3+)Al_(-1)、AlO(MgOH)_(-1)和AlO(Fe3+OH)_(-1)等替代机制联合作用的结果。白杨河铀铍矿床中电气石化学成分表明形成电气石的流体是富Al、富F的流体; Be可能主要以氟化物或者氟络合物、U主要以氟化物或者氟碳酸盐的形式在热液流体中迁移;电气石或萤石的沉淀导致含U和含Be的氟化物或者氟络合物失稳,致使铍、铀富集成矿。  相似文献   
Mineralization with exchangeable rare earth element (REE) and yttrium (MEX-REY) has been recognized in the weathering profiles in South China since the early 1970's. This type of REY mineralization occurs in weathering profiles of parent rocks ranging in composition from granite to acidic volcanic rocks and lamprophyre. The majority of the known resources occurring in the weathering profiles of granitic rocks. Total resources of this type of REY amount to millions tons of rare earth oxides, and therefore represent one of the most important types of rare earth resources in China, particularly for heavy rare earth elements (HREE) and yttrium.Accumulation of REY in the weathering profiles of granitic rocks is strongly controlled by the resistance to weathering of the principal REY-bearing accessory minerals in the parent rocks; only a limited proportion of total REY (< 30%) is incorporated in the rock-forming minerals. MEX-REY more commonly occur in weathering profiles developed on granitic rocks within which most of the REY are incorporated in accessory minerals weakly resistant to weathering (doverite, parisite, etc.). For the well-developed weathering profiles, three horizons can be distinguished from surface downwards: the lateritic horizon (A), the weathered horizon (B), and the weathering front (C). Continuous leaching, coupled with low rate of denudation, results in the accumulation of REY in the subsurface horizons (the B and C horizons), and thus results in REE differentiation within the well-developed, layered, and mature weathering profiles. Exchangeable REY, which can be replaced by cations like NH4+ and Na+ etc. in electrolyte solutions and can be removed by complexing agents such as EDTA, are commonly the major form of REE occurrence in the B horizon. Cerium is enriched in the top layer (A horizon) and depleted in the subsurface horizons of the weathering profiles, most likely due to the oxidation of Ce(III) to Ce(IV) followed by cerianite formation or absorption onto clays and/or Fe and Al oxyhydroxides.  相似文献   
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