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《Geodinamica Acta》2013,26(1-3):127-143
The western part of the Polish Outer Carpathians is built up from the thrust, imbricated Upper Jurassic-Neogene flysch deposits. The following Outer Carpathian nappes have been distinguished: Magura Nappe, Fore-Magura group of nappes, Silesian, Subsilesian and Skole nappes. Interpretation of seismic and magnetotelluric survey from the region South of Wadowice, allows observation of relationship between basement and flysch nappes in the Outer Carpathians. It also allows identification of dislocation cutting both flysch nappes and their basement. All the Outer Carpathian nappes are thrust over the southern part of the North European Platform. The platform basement is composed of older Precambrian metamorphic rocks belonging to the Bruno-Vistulicum terrane. Sedimentary cover consists of Paleozoic, Mesozoic and Neogene sequences. The characteristic features of this boundary are horsts and troughs of general direction NW-SE, turning W-E. Faults cutting only the consolidated basement and the Paleozoic cover were formed during the Hercynian Orogeny in the Carboniferous and the Early Permian. Most of the older normal faults were covered by allochtonous flysch nappes forming thus the blind faults. During the last stage of the geodynamic development the Carpathians thrust sheets moved towards their present position. Displacement of the Carpathians northwards is related to development of dextral strike-slip faults of N—S direction. The orientation of this strike-slip fault zones zone more or less coincides with the surface position of the major faults perpendicular to the strike of the Outer Carpathian thrustsheets. The huge fault cuts formations from the Paleozoic basement through the flysch allochton between the boreholes in Sucha Beskidzka area. The displacement of nappes of the Carpathian overthrust and diapiric extrusion of plastic formations of the lower flysch units occurred along this fault.  相似文献   
王义昭  杨艳  刘舫  金梦迪  胡官兵 《地质通报》2013,32(9):1349-1355
1976年的1∶20万勐腊幅、尚勇幅区调报告报导了景洪澜沧江边南光附近泥盆系的发现并将其时代确定为中—晚泥盆世.中泥盆统为海相沉积(未建组),上泥盆统为陆相沉积,并建“南光组”,对其地层层序及沉积环境和空间关系缺少深入研究.该剖面清楚地记录了复理石沉积建造与磨拉石沉积建造(由海到陆)的连续变化关系,沉积物以含陆源碎屑和火山碎屑物为特点,代表了该区中—晚泥盆世经历了与火山喷发活动有关的造山运动.这一发现将为研究澜沧江河谷地带的地质构造演化增加新的内涵.  相似文献   
试论西藏南部上三叠统复理石郎杰学群与涅如组   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李祥辉 《地质学报》2011,85(10):1551-1562
根据新资料结合前人的研究成果对西藏南部仁布以东上三叠统复理石两套地层郎杰学群和涅如组的岩层特征、化石面貌、碎屑组成、沉积特性、地球化学等方面进行了总结及分析.对比研究结果显示,除亚相、岩层厚度分布、砂岩与板岩比例、重矿物ZTR指数变化趋势有一定的差异外,郎杰学群和涅如组的其他十余项特性(颜色、岩性、碎屑组分、重矿物组成...  相似文献   
Flysch and pelagic sedimentation of the Penninic and Austroalpine tectonic units of the Eastern Alps are results of the closure of the Tethyan-Vardar and the Ligurian-Piemontais Oceans as well as of the progressive deformation of the Austroalpine continental margin. The Austroalpine sequences are characterized by Lower Cretaceous pelagic limestones or minor carbonate flysch and various siliciclastic mid- and Upper Cretaceous flysch formations. Chrome spinel is the most characteristic heavy mineral delivered by the southern Vardar suture, the northern obduction belt at the South Penninic-Austroalpine margin and its continuation into the Klippen belt sensu lato of the Carpathians. The South Penninic sequences, e.g. the Arosa zone, the Ybbsitz Klippen zone and some flysch nappes also contain chrome spinel, whereas the sediments of the North Penninic Rhenodanubian flysch zone are characterized by stable minerals and garnet.  相似文献   
吉磊 《地层学杂志》1994,18(2):131-137,T001
对赣西南地区塞武纪-奥陶纪复理石的沉积学研究表明,它们主要由深水沉积组成,属于浊流沉积和远洋一半远洋沉积,其中包含5个不同相类型,即砂岩相、砂岩-泥岩相、粉砂岩-泥岩相、泥(板)岩相和硅岩相。相的分布特征反映它们形成于中扇、外扇和深海平原环境。复理石层序中存在3个不同级别的沉积旋回,分别为海平面变化、盆地沉降和海底扇进积作用所控制。  相似文献   
Diverse radiolarians (over 70 species) are detected in cherty rocks above the bituminous shale horizon, the marker of anoxic event OAE-2 recorded across the Cenomanian-Turonian boundary in the upper part of the Ananuri Formation of flyschoid deposits, the Lazarevskoe area of the western Caucasus. The radiolarian assemblages studied are comparable in composition with radiolarians from concurrent Cenomanian-Turonian boundary strata in other Mediterranean regions (e.g., in the Crimea and Turkey). The lower radiolarian assemblage includes index species Dactyliosphaera silviae of synonymous Cenomanian zone. Alievium superbum present in the upper assemblage is index species of the relevant Turonian zone. Within the studied flyschoid sequence, sediments indicative of the above event (bituminous shales and cherts) are confined to upper elements of flysch rhythms.  相似文献   
Using a combination of field, laboratory and micromorphological evidence, this study examines tafoni (singular, tafone) in the El Chorro area of Andalucia, southern Spain, and makes inferences concerning the processes responsible for their formation. Twenty-five tafoni were randomly selected for field examination. The morphology of these cavernous rock domes is characterized by a helmet-shaped outer roof and an arched-shaped cavern, often with a partially overhanging visor; measurements of height, width and depth of the caverns revealed marked variations in size. The presence or absence of lichen cover, surface varnish, overhanging visor, cavern backwall stripes, rock flaking, weathering pits and cavern floor sediments was also noted. Surface hardness values, obtained using a Schmidt hammer, are relatively low but significantly higher on the outer roof of the tafoni than on the inner cavern walls. Analysis of sediment samples collected from the cavern backwalls and floors indicates predominantly sandy textures, alkaline pH values and some base cation enrichment. Micromorphological analysis of thin sections, prepared from undisturbed blocks, reveals large quantities of pore-filling cement, consisting mainly of calcite, mineral grains affected by weathering and pseudomorphic replacement, and dark, rounded nodules with a metallic appearance. In terms of their formation, different processes appear to act on different parts of the landform. On the outer roof surfaces, case hardening, resulting from near-surface cementation and surface varnish development, is dominant. On the inner cavern surfaces, however, core softening, resulting from granular disintegration and flaking, dominates. Exfoliation weathering, running water and wind deflation also appear to play an important role in tafone formation. A phased model of tafone evolution is proposed whereby the features pass through four phases of development–initiation, enlargement, amalgamation and degradation; in the study area there are examples of tafoni in each of these phases. Much of the evidence suggests that the tafoni are actively developing under current environmental conditions. © 1997 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   
The Xianshuihe-Anninghe fault extends SE–S and constitutes the southeastern margin of the Tibetan Plateau. However, the Dadu River which is associated with the fault does not flow following the path, but makes a 90° turn within a distance of 1 km at Shimian, heading east, and joins the Yangtze River, finally flowing into the East China Sea. Adjacent to the abrupt turn, a low and wide pass near the Daqiao reservoir at Mianning separates the N–S course of the Dadu River from the headwater of the A...  相似文献   
米钵山组复理石中的内潮汐沉积   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
丁海军  孟祥化  葛铭 《安徽地质》2008,18(4):241-247
贺兰拗拉谷米钵山组复理石由具有递变层理、双向交错层理、单向交错层理、复杂多向交错层理、飘逸层理和波痕构造的韵律性砂岩、粉砂岩、泥岩薄互层组成。根据双向沉积构造等典型物性特征识别出5种内潮汐沉积微相,即飘逸层理砂泥岩韵律性薄互层微相,单向交错层和交错纹理砂岩粉砂岩微相,双向交错纹理和羽状交错纹理砂岩粉砂岩微相。结果表明:研究区复理石为深水牵引流(内波、内潮汐)、重力流以及原地沉积复合成因;经典的鲍玛序列是有待商榷的;重力流与牵引流存在流态转化。  相似文献   
山东灵山岛早白垩世复理石软沉积物变形期次解析   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
前人对软沉积物变形期次研究多数集中于触发变形的地震事件的周期,而对滑塌体内部软沉积物变形期次研究较少。山东灵山岛早白垩世复理石形成于残余盆地背景,且由于地震频发导致滑塌沉积广泛发育。滑塌沉积层中发育有丰富的软沉积物变形构造,如:同沉积滑塌褶皱、底模构造、剖面X形共轭逆断层、同沉积布丁构造、砂岩层断块及变形团块、微型地垒—地堑组合和叠瓦状倒转紧闭褶皱等。不同类型和不同部位的软沉积物变形构造显示出发育期次不同的特征。本文以灵山岛修船厂附近滑塌沉积层为例,分析软沉积物变形构造的变形机制,并将其发育期次大致分为滑塌前、滑塌中和滑塌后三个阶段。只有部分滑塌中的软沉积物变形构造具有滑塌指向意义,而滑塌前的变形构造不能用来判别滑塌体的搬运方向。  相似文献   
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