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硅灰石矿和水库工程地质中应用高密度电阻率法,资料数据处理快捷准确,推测拟断面成果可靠。  相似文献   
“国际地层表”(2008)简介   总被引:31,自引:11,他引:31  
简要介绍"国际地层表"(2008)对"国际地层表"(2004)作出的一些修改:恢复了第四系,完善了下古生界与前寒武系的年代地层单位系统,增加了14枚金钉子,更新了一些同位素年龄数据。为了使读者了解更多磁性地层学与全球海平面变化的情况,在刊出"国际地层表(International Stratigraphic Chart)"(2008)的同时还附上了"地质年代表(Geologic Time Scale)"(2008)。  相似文献   
针对空间二维坐标下存储城市公交系统数据存在的问题,文中提出了采用动态分段技术建立公交系统数据库的方法,并在该数据库的基础上实现了换乘次数最少的乘车方案。基于ArcGIS Engine组件和.Net开发平台,实现了基于动态分段技术的公交查询系统,表明动态分段技术在公交查询系统中的适用性。  相似文献   
四川盐边稗子田志留系牙形刺生物地层的再研究   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
首次在稗子田剖面发现Caudicriodus woschmidti并确认Pterospathodus eopennatus带的存在;以前报道的本剖面的Ozarkodinacrispa和Ozarkodina eosteinhornensis经4次样品分析,仍得不到确认。稗子田剖面的普里道利统(Pridoli)的沉积可能不全,不宜建阶。志留系与泥盆系之间可能为假整合。进一步讨论了牙形刺分带以及志留系内部统间的界线。认为金淳泰等(2005)依据稗子田剖面命名的6个新阶名,不宜使用。  相似文献   
腾格里沙漠南缘土门剖面末次间冰阶层段(TMS 3)由风成砂、黄土状亚砂土、砂黄土、古土壤、湖相沉积物和冲积黄土等6种沉积相相互叠覆构成。粒度分析结果显示,该层段以砂质沉积物为主,粉砂次之,黏土最少,平均值分别为65.45%、26.72%和8.83%;在砂粒级中,以细砂含量最高,其次为极细砂,其余为中砂-粗砂颗粒。粉砂含量、黏土含量、Mzσ在风成砂中呈现谷值,在其他沉积相为峰值,中砂-粗砂和细砂则相反。粒度指标指示腾格里沙漠南缘土门剖面末次间冰阶至少经历了13次暖湿和12次冷干的气候波动,且可划分为TMS 3e(54 200~59 750 a BP)、TMS 3d (54 200~40 800 a BP)、TMS 3c (40 800~32 800 a BP)、TMS 3b (32 800~25 400 a BP)和TMS 3a (25 400~22 940 a BP)等5个亚段, 25次冷暖波动与格陵兰冰芯和中国南方石笋记录的D/O事件以及北大西洋深海沉积物记录的H事件具有很高的同步性。  相似文献   
介绍了露采矿山整治中山体坡面表面积的两种计算方法:剖面法和小三角锁法。剖面法是把宕口坡表面分割成无数个小梯形进行计算表面积的一种方法。小三角锁法是通过对宕口坡表面数字化测量,根据测量数据建立数字高程模型,并在表面建立小三角锁,对所有小三角的面积累加得到面积的一种方法。小三角锁法大大提高了计算的准确度和效率。  相似文献   
This paper systematically investigated the conodonts from the uppermost Permian to the Lower Triassic at the Dongpan Section, Southern Guangxi, South China, and obtained abundant Late Permian conodonts from the syndepositional limestone lenses of beds 3 and 5-2 at this section. One genus and eight species of conodont P1 element including one new species, Neogondolella dongpanensis sp. nov., have been identified. The feature of conodont fauna indicates that conodonts collected from beds 3 and 5 at the Dongpan Section belong to the Neogondolella yini conodont zone, and correspond to bed 24 at the Meishan Section. Based on these conodont data, we suggest that the Neoalbaillella optima radiolarian zone at the Dongpan Section at least extended to the upper part of the N. yini conodont zone.  相似文献   
平顶村剖面古气候变化记录   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对河北省阳原盆地平顶村剖面的野外观察,孢偻分析及^14C测年,作者认为,该剖面的地质时代为晚更新世晚期至全新世早期。依据Fe^3+/Fe^2+值估计温度并结合CaCO3含量分析,该区自晚更新世晚期至全新切早期,古气候经历了温凉湿润→寒凉偏干→寒冷湿润→温冷干燥的变化过程;  相似文献   
中国第一个“金钉子”剖面的建立   总被引:12,自引:5,他引:12  
陈旭  王志浩 《地层学杂志》1998,22(1):1-9,T002
中国浙江常山黄泥塘发育了穿越中奥陶统达瑞威尔阶底界的连续地层剖面,笔石和牙形刺的连续演化序列使之得以成为全球对比的标准。经国际地层委员会奥陶系分会、国际地层委员会和国际地科联邮投和批准,已成为达瑞威尔阶的全球层型剖面点。  相似文献   
This work deals with the evolution of carbon isotope composition in the Luoyixi (罗依溪) Section, a candidate of the Global Standard Stratotype-section and Point (GSSP), defining the base of the as-yet-undefined seventh stage of Cambrian System at the first appearance of the cosmopolitan agnostoid Lejopyge laevigata. This level is favored in a vote of International Subcommission on Cambrian Stratigraphy (ISCS) as the biohorizon for defining the base of a global stage. Two hundred and sixty-four samples for carbon and oxygen isotope analysis have been collected from the carbonate successions at an interval of 0.25 to 0.5 m in this section. Results of the carbon isotope data exhibit a remarkable disciplinarian trend. The pattern of the carbon isotope evolution is gently undulant with a relatively long period during the underlying Drumian Stage, and then the values of δ13C fluctuate sharply with a short period in provisional seventh stage. The onset of sharp fluctuation in the δ13C values begins at the proposed GSSP level, defining the base of the global seventh stage, where δ13C values change from a gentle trend to a sharp trend. Distinct covariant-relationships among δ13C, δ13O, and sea level fluctuations suggest that a warming change in paleoclimate took place during the early global seventh stage, which led to a positive shift in δ13C values.  相似文献   
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