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东北地块群:构造演化与古大陆重建   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
东北地区位于西伯利亚板块、华北板块和太平洋板块之间,为"中亚造山带"的东段和太平洋构造域的叠加部位,因此东北地块群构造属性和背景的研究对深入探讨二大构造域的叠加与转化背景具有重要的理论意义。东北地块群从东到西可细分佳木斯兴凯、松辽、兴安和额尔古纳四大地块,这些地块具有相同的新元古代泛非期变质基底,而古生代沉积岩也存在一定的可比性,表明这些地块存在相同或者相似的构造演化背景。分割这些地块的构造边界特征为:1)额尔古纳与兴安地块的缝合带为早古生代头道桥-新林缝合带,而非中生代德尔布干断裂;2)兴安地块与松辽地块之间的贺根山黑河缝合带形成时代为晚石炭世(330~300 Ma),而非最近报道的中生代;3)古亚洲洋分布在东北陆块群与华北板块之间,沿西拉木伦-长春缝合带闭合,时代为三叠纪;4)佳木斯兴凯地块与松辽地块之间的吉黑高压带形成于古亚洲构造域与环太平洋构造域转换的关键时期(210~180 Ma);5)那丹哈达增生杂岩为中国境内古太平洋板块俯冲增生的唯一直接证据,并记录了晚三叠早白垩世古太平洋板块向欧亚大陆俯冲增生的过程。在此基础上,分析了东北地块群发育的典型古生物和年代学标志,重建了东北地块群从Gondwana 大陆到Pangea大陆的位置与模型。  相似文献   
Detrital zircons are important proxies for crustal provenance and have been widely used in tracing source characteristics and continental reconstructions. Southern Peninsular India constituted the central segment of the late Neoproterozoic supercontinent Gondwana and is composed of crustal blocks ranging in age from Mesoarchean to late Neoproterozoic–Cambrian. Here we investigate detrital zircon grains from a suite of quartzites accreted along the southern part of the Madurai Block. Our LA-ICPMS U-Pb dating reveals multiple populations of magmatic zircons, among which the oldest group ranges in age from Mesoarchean to Paleoproterozoic (ca. 2980–1670 Ma, with peaks at 2900–2800 Ma, 2700–2600 Ma, 2500–2300 Ma, 2100–2000 Ma). Zircons in two samples show magmatic zircons with dominantly Neoproterozoic (950–550 Ma) ages. The metamorphic zircons from the quartzites define ages in the range of 580–500 Ma, correlating with the timing of metamorphism reported from the adjacent Trivandrum Block as well as from other adjacent crustal fragments within the Gondwana assembly. The zircon trace element data are mostly characterized by LREE depletion and HREE enrichment, positive Ce, Sm anomalies and negative Eu, Pr, Nd anomalies. The Mesoarchean to Neoproterozoic age range and the contrasting petrogenetic features as indicated from zircon chemistry suggest that the detritus were sourced from multiple provenances involving a range of lithologies of varying ages. Since the exposed basement of the southern Madurai Block is largely composed of Neoproterozoic orthogneisses, the data presented in our study indicate derivation of the detritus from distal source regions implying an open ocean environment. Samples carrying exclusive Neoproterozoic detrital zircon population in the absence of older zircons suggest proximal sources in the southern Madurai Block. Our results suggest that a branch of the Mozambique ocean might have separated the southern Madurai Block to the north and the Nagercoil Block to the south, with the metasediments of the khondalite belt in Trivandrum Block marking the zone of ocean closure, part of which were accreted onto the southern Madurai Block during the collisional amalgamation of the Gondwana supercontinent in latest Neoproterozoic–Cambrian.  相似文献   
The oxygen isotopic composition of gem corundum was measured from 22 deposits and occurrences in Madagascar to provide a gemstone geological identification and characterization. Primary corundum deposits in Madagascar are hosted in magmatic (syenite and alkali basalt) and metamorphic rocks (gneiss, cordieritite, mafic and ultramafic rocks, marble, and calc-silicate rocks). In both domains the circulation of fluids, especially along shear zones for metamorphic deposits, provoked in situ transformation of the corundum host rocks with the formation of metasomatites such as phlogopite, sakenite, and corundumite. Secondary deposits (placers) are the most important economically and are contained in detrital basins and karsts. The oxygen isotopic ratios (18O/16O) of ruby and sapphire from primary deposits are a good indicator of their geological origin and reveal a wide range of δ18O (Vienna Standard Mean Ocean Water) between 1.3 and 15.6‰. Metamorphic rubies are defined by two groups of δ18O values in the range of 1.7 to 2.9‰ (cordieritite) and 3.8 to 6.1‰ (amphibolite). “Magmatic” rubies from pyroxenitic xenoliths contained in the alkali basalt of Soamiakatra have δ18O values ranging between 1.3 and 4.7‰. Sapphires are classified into two main groups with δ18O in the range of 4.7 to 9.0‰ (pyroxenite and feldspathic gneiss) and 10.7 to 15.6‰ (skarn in marble from Andranondambo). The δ18O values for gem corundum from secondary deposits have a wide spread between −0.3 and 16.5‰. The ruby and sapphire found in placers linked to alkali basalt environments in the northern and central regions of Madagascar have consistent δ18O values between 3.5 and 6.9‰. Ruby from the placers of Vatomandry and Andilamena has δ18O values of 5.9‰, and between 0.5 and 4.0‰, respectively. The placers of the Ilakaka area are characterized by a huge variety of colored sapphires and rubies, with δ18O values between −0.3 and 16.5‰, and their origin is debated. A comparison with oxygen isotope data obtained on gem corundum from Eastern Africa, India, and Sri Lanka is presented. Giant placer deposits from Sri Lanka, Madagascar, and Tanzania have a large variety of colored sapphires and rubies with a large variation in δ18O due to mingling of corundum of different origin: mafic and ultramafic rocks for ruby, desilicated pegmatites for blue sapphire, syenite for yellow, green, and blue sapphire, and skarn in marbles for blue sapphire.  相似文献   
滕霞  张建新 《岩石学报》2020,36(10):2963-2982
超高温(≥900℃)变质作用发生在自太古代以来的各个地质历史时期,目前极可能也正发生在青藏高原地壳深部。同时,它也是以冈瓦纳为代表的超大陆在最终拼合时的显著标识,这一关联指示了超高温变质作用与碰撞造山带的密切关系。本文总结了东冈瓦纳内与泛非造山作用有关的典型超高温变质岩的分布、岩石学特征、峰期变质条件、P-T轨迹及形成时代,并简要介绍我们在柴达木地块西段新识别出的泛非期超高温变质作用的基本特征。结合东冈瓦纳超高温变质作用特征和造山带热模拟研究的新进展,本文获得以东冈瓦纳超高温变质作用为代表的碰撞造山带超高温变质作用的几点认识:1)东冈瓦纳麻粒岩地块中的超高温变质岩和普通麻粒岩记录了相似的变质年龄、P-T轨迹以及呈过渡变化的峰期温度,两者可能是同一构造事件的产物,共同组成一个高温-超高温变质岩单元;2)超高温变质作用在东冈瓦纳内部持续了至少超过30Myr,但未见呈大规模的同期或近同期基性岩岩浆出露,指示此处需要的长期热源不是地幔来源岩浆;3)虽然数值模拟能成功呈现加厚地壳被放射元素衰变热加热至超高温条件的情况,且加热及持续时间与东冈瓦纳超高温变质约束的结果相当,但是模拟中需要的高生热值暗示,在自然界中,完全只靠放射性元素衰变生热或许不能让碰撞造山带内达到超高温条件;4)碰撞造山带经历了长期的构造演化,这一过程中,造山带内地壳不太可能同时达到超高温变质条件,这一特征可能反映在P-T-t轨迹的差异上,对这些轨迹的系统研究有助于对超高温变质作用的构造-热过程的理解。  相似文献   
对云南西部侵入于原西盟群帕可组的花岗片麻岩开展主量元素、锆石U-Pb年龄及原位Hf同位素组成分析。岩石地球化学特征显示其为高钾钙碱性强过铝质S型花岗岩,两件代表性样品分别给出了461.4±2.5 Ma和461.5±3.3 Ma的206Pb/238U加权平均年龄,相应的锆石εHf(t)值分别介于-6.45~-1.90和-5.60~-1.44之间,二阶段模式年龄(tDM2)分别为1.57~1.86 Ga和1.54~1.90 Ga。这些数据表明西盟地区侵入于原西盟群帕可组内的花岗片麻岩并非前人所认为的中元古代岩石,而是中奥陶世产物,其源岩可能是元古宙变质杂砂岩。结合前人研究成果,作者推测西盟地区早古生代花岗片麻岩是环冈瓦纳大陆边缘安第斯型造山作用的产物。  相似文献   
Establishing the age and crustal nature of exotic terranes and their underlying basements helps to determine their paleogeographic origin and tectonic histories. We present U–Pb ages of zircons and Sm–Nd whole rock isotopic data for volcanic and plutonic rocks of the Carolina terrane, one of several peri-Gondwanan terranes that were accreted to the margins of the circum-Atlantic continents during the Paleozoic. Volcanism in this subduction-related arc culminated in the eruption of the Morrow Mountain rhyolite, at ca. 540 Ma; thus, magmatism in the Carolina terrane ceased at the beginning of the Cambrian. The presence of inherited zircons and non-juvenile depleted mantle model ages of Carolina slate belt rocks favor a basement that is, at least in part, composed of evolved continental crust. Ages of inherited xenocrystic zircons cluster at ca. 1000, 2100 and 2500 Ma. These ages, in addition to volcanism at ca. 618–540 Ma, correlate best with well-known tectonic events in present-day northern South America. Specifically, the Orinoquian-Sunsas, the Trans-Amazonian and the Central Amazonian orogenic zones are likely candidates for potential basement correlatives to the Carolina terrane. Sm–Nd isotopic signatures vary significantly, but permit assimilation of Orinoquian age (1000 Ma) crust by magmas derived from the depleted mantle in a subduction (arc-related) setting. Our findings are also consistent with proposed correlations between the Carolina terrane and Avalonia which is likewise believed to have formed along the northern margin of present-day South America.  相似文献   
南极洲大地构造区划和冈瓦纳运动   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
本文在近年来研究的基础上,总结了关于冈瓦纳运动和南极大地构造演化的问题,并且对我国今后深入开展南极地质研究所应注意的问题和研究方向提出了有益的建议。  相似文献   
The Jurassic and Cretaceous sedimentary history of northern Somalia and the Morondava Basin of south-western Madagascar have been studied. Both regions display an independent facial development; however, a comparison of the sequential evolution of the Mesozoic sedimentary successions in these two presently widely separated areas reveals a surprisingly high level of similarity, which probably reflects major events during the disintegration of Eastern Gondwana during the Jurassic and Cretaceous. Although in Jurassic times the onset of transgressions and regressions in both areas compares well with eustatic development, major deviations in combination with the tectonic activities of different degrees are observed in the Early and Late Cretaceous synchronously in both regions. Transgressions are observed in Toarcian, Bajocian (not dated in northern Somalia), Callovian, Valanginian (Madagascar only), Aptian and Campanian times. Tectonism is noted before the Aptian and Campanian transgressions in northern Somalia and the Morondava Basin of south-western Madagascar.  相似文献   
The Band-e-Hezarchah granitoids (BHG) is located in the northern margin of the central Iran, where the very old continental crust of Iran is found. The BHG mainly include granodiorite, granite and leucogranite. Small meta-gabbroic stocks and dykes are associated with BHG. U–Pb zircon dating of the BHG granites and metabasites yield 238U/206Pb crystallization ages of ca. 553.6 and 533.5 Ma respectively (Ediacaran–early Cambrian). The metabasites have calc-alkaline signature and their magmas seem to have originated from a mantle wedge above a subduction zone. These rocks are thought to be formed in a continental back-arc setting, related to the oblique subduction of Proto-Tethys oceanic lithosphere beneath the northern margin of Gondwanan supercontinent during Ediacaran–Cambrian time. The initial 87Sr/86Sr ratios and ɛNd (t) values for metabasites are change from 0.705 to 0.706 and −3.5 to −3.6 respectively. Sr–Nd isotope composition of metabasites indicates that these rocks were derived from a subcontinental lithospheric mantle source. The BHG and associated metabasites are coeval with other similar aged metagranites and gneisses from Iranian basements exposed in central Iran, Sanandaj-Sirjan and Alborz zones. These rocks were formed due to continental arc magmatism of Neoproterozoic–early Cambrian, bordering the northern active margin of Gondwana.  相似文献   
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