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Zircons from Carboniferous sandstones (three samples) and Mid-Late Triassic sandstones (four samples) from the Tauride and Anatolide continental units were analysed for U-Pb-Hf isotopes. For comparison, zircons were also analysed from Carboniferous granites of the Afyon Zone, Anatolides (three samples). A NE African/Arabian source is inferred for both the Carboniferous sandstones of the Taurides (Alada?) and the Anatolides (Konya Complex). In contrast, the Carboniferous Karaburun Melange is characterised by a NW African provenance. A prominent Devonian population occurs in the Carboniferous Karaburun Melange, characterised by mainly positive εHf(t) values that differ significantly from those of the Devonian granites of the Sakarya continental crustal unit (Pontides). Middle-Late Triassic Tauride sandstones include minor Palaeozoic and Early Mesozoic zircons. In contrast, Devonian and Carboniferous zircons are relatively abundant in Late Triassic sandstones of the Karaburun Peninsula. The Hf isotopic compositions of 25 Carboniferous-aged zircons from three samples of Mid-Late Triassic sandstone and one of Late Carboniferous age (one sample) overlap with the εHf(t) values of Carboniferous arc-type granites in the Anatolides. Taking account of the available U-Pb and Lu-Hf isotopic data from comparative crustal units, the Devonian zircon populations from the melanges in the Karaburun Peninsula and the Konya Complex are inferred to have a westerly source (e.g. granitic rocks of Aegean region or central Europe). A tectonic model is proposed in which Palaeozoic Tethys sutured during the late Carboniferous in the west (Aegean region westwards), leaving an eastward-widening oceanic gulf in which sandstone turbidites accumulated, including Devonian zircons.  相似文献   
Interpretations of palaeodepositional environments are important for reconstructing Earth history. Only a few maps showing the Jurassic depositional environments in eastern Australia currently exist. Consequently, a detailed understanding of the setting of Australia in Gondwana is lacking. Core, wireline logs, two-dimensional and three-dimensional seismic from the Precipice Sandstone and Evergreen Formation in the Surat Basin have been used to construct maps showing the evolution of depositional environments through the Early Jurassic. The results indicate the succession consists of three third-order sequences (Sequence 1 to Sequence 3) that were controlled by eustatic sea level. The lowstand systems tract in Sequence 1 comprises braidplain deposits, confined to a fairway that parallels the basin centre. The strata were initially deposited in two sub-basins, with rivers flowing in different orientations in each sub-basin. The transgressive systems tract of Sequence 1 to lowstand systems tract of Sequence 3 is dominated by fluvio–deltaic systems infilling a single merged basin centre. Finally, the transgressive and highstand systems tracts of Sequence 3 show nearshore environments depositing sediment into a shallow marine basin. In the youngest part of this interval, ironstone shoals are the most conspicuous facies, the thickness and number of which increase towards the north and east. This study interprets a corridor to the open ocean through the Clarence–Moreton Basin, or the Carpentaria and Papuan basins, evidence of which has been eroded. These results challenge a commonly held view that eastern Australia was not influenced by eustasy, and propose a more dynamic palaeogeographic setting comprising a mixture of fluvial, deltaic and shallow marine sedimentary environments. This work can be used to unravel the stratigraphic relationships between Mesozoic eastern Australian basins, or in other basins globally as an analogue for understanding the complex interplay of paralic depositional systems in data poor areas.  相似文献   
青藏高原及其邻区石炭纪—二叠纪地层中广泛分布的漂砾层、杂砾岩、含砾板岩等是一套特殊的冰海相沉积岩,称为冰海杂砾岩,前人已对它的成因环境做了初步的研究,但没有获得统一的结论。本次以青藏高原羌塘南部冈玛错地区冰海杂砾岩的砾石为研究对象,观察它们的野外特征和镜下特点,并对与冰海杂砾岩互层产出的石英砂岩做了粒度分析。结果表明,冰海杂砾岩是在冈瓦纳大陆冰川呈消融状的情况下,冰阀搬运沉积的产物。通过碎屑锆石和岩性对比,初步认为冰海杂砾岩的物源为冈瓦纳大陆,并简单论述了冰海杂砾岩各类砾石的可能来源。以上研究成果为探讨冈瓦纳大陆的沉积环境提供了依据。  相似文献   
关于滇西地质的一些新认识   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
方润森  范健才 《现代地质》1993,7(4):394-401,T001
本文依据对云南西部保山、腾冲地区晚古生代丁家寨组、勐洪群含砾地层的研究,认为含砾地层属冰川成因,时限为中、晚石炭世的Baskirian期—Kasimovian期。其层位与西藏珠穆朗玛峰、阿里、拉萨地区及印度次大陆、泰国西部和马来西亚西部的冰成岩系均可对比。根据云南西部及邻区深部地质构造及澜沧江断裂的资料,论述了澜沧江断裂是一条超壳深的压性、压扭性深断裂,是冈瓦纳板块与扬子板块的结合带。结合带以西属于冈瓦纳大陆,以东均属扬子大陆。两大板块的最终敛合时间可能在古新世末期。  相似文献   
拉萨地块西部呈断块状沿狮泉河-申扎-嘉黎蛇绿混杂岩带附近分布的念青唐古拉岩群被认为是前寒武纪变质基底。本文对念青唐古拉岩群进行了系统的岩石学、地球化学、同位素年代学及构造地质学研究。研究结果表明片岩-片麻岩-变粒岩含十字石、石榴子石等特征变质矿物,遵循粒度分异规律,其原岩可能为来自冈瓦纳古陆核北缘中新元古代弧盆体系的活动大陆边缘浊积岩。斜长角闪岩具低硅、高铁镁、富钙的基性岩特征,其原岩为岛弧型基性火山岩。念青唐古拉岩群中的花岗伟晶岩锆石LA-ICPMS U-Pb年龄为1150±13Ma,具过铝质S型花岗岩地球化学特征,可能为中元古代(1150±13 Ma)以前就开始沉积的念青唐古拉岩群基底岩石通过部分熔融形成。与花岗伟晶岩渐变过渡接触的二云斜长片麻岩第一组变质重结晶锆石U-Pb年龄为701±15 Ma,结合十字石特征变质矿物,暗示了该地区中温高压变质作用的峰期变质,变质程度达角闪岩相;第二组热液流体锆石UPb年龄为301±8.4 Ma,可能与冈瓦纳大陆北缘古特提斯洋演化过程中的岩浆热液作用有关。  相似文献   
布卡拉曼加拉贝氏牙形石动物群首次在西藏阿里日土县多玛区脱塔拉剖面的吞龙共巴组底部发现,主要由Rabeignathusbucaramangus,Sweetognathuswhitei,Sweetognathusironatus和Mesogondolellacf.bissilli组成,指示的地层时代为Artinskian中晚期—Kungurian早期。此前,该动物群仅发现于美国犹他州、堪萨斯州、哥伦比亚的布卡拉曼加、帕米尔东南部和中国滇西保山地区。该牙形石动物群的产出地点位于班公湖以北、龙木错以南的喀喇昆仑地层分区,跨越了班公湖-怒江断裂带北界,而这一动物群被认为是冈瓦纳北缘浅海区特有的浅水相类型,因此推测班公湖-怒江缝合带可能不是冈瓦纳大陆的北界。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(11):1297-1312

Early Palaeozoic magmatic records and tectonic reconstructions along the northern margin of Gondwana are still pending problems. In this paper, Late Silurian Dawazi and Dazhonghe volcanics in SW Yunnan Province (China) were studied. The Dazhonghe volcanics (419 Ma) have variable chemical compositions with SiO2 ranging between 49.8 and 79.5 wt.%, whereas, the Dawazi volcanics (417–429 Ma) form a bimodal volcanic suite consisting mainly of silicic rocks and subordinate basaltic rocks with a SiO2 content gap of ca. 15 wt.%. The Dazhonghe volcanics display calc-alkaline elemental compositions with enrichment in light rare earth elements (LREEs), and depletion in high field strength elements (HFSEs) (e.g. Nb, Ta and Ti) and positive εNd(t) values (+ 4.0 to + 5.5). The Dawazi basaltic rocks are calc-alkaline, depleted in HFSEs, enriched in large ion lithophile elements (LILEs) (e.g. Cs, Rb, U and K), and have high εNd(t) values of ?1.7 to + 5.4. The Dawazi silicic rocks have high Na2O/K2O ratios and positive εNd(t) values of + 2.4 to + 5.0, which are equivalents of calc-alkaline I-type granites. The Dazhonghe volcanics are dominated by fractional crystallization (FC) from a calc-alkaline primary magma which originated from an enriched mantle source metasomatized by subduction-related, sediment-derived fluid. The Dawazi basaltic rocks were derived from partial melting of an enriched mantle source metasomatized by subducted oceanic sediment/slab-derived fluids; the Dawazi silicic rocks originated from partial melting of the juvenile mafic lower crust with extensive FC. Both the Dazhonghe and Dawazi volcanics were generated in a continental back-arc extension setting. Combined with previous geological observations, a Late Silurian Prototethyan arc and back-arc extension system is proposed along the northern margin of Gondwana in SW China.  相似文献   
Aeromagnetic anomalies over Bastar craton and Pranhita-Godavari (P-G) basin in the south of central India could be attributed to NW-SE striking mafic intrusives in both the areas at variable depths. Such intrusions can be explained considering the collision of the Bastar and Dharwar cratons by the end of the Archaean and the development of tensile regimes that followed in the Paleoproterozoic, facilitating intrusions of mafic dykes into the continental crust. The P-G basin area, being a zone of crustal weakness along the contact of the Bastar and Dharwar cratons, also experienced extensional tectonics. The inferred remanent magnetization of these dykes dips upwards and it is such that the dykes are oriented towards the east of the magnetic north at the time of their formation compared to their present NW-SE strike. Assuming that there was no imprint of magnetization of a later date, it is concluded that the Indian plate was located in the southern hemisphere, either independently or as part of a supercontinent, for some span of time during Paleoproterozoic and was involved in complex path of movement and rotation subsequently. The paper presents a case study of the utility of aeromagnetic anomalies in qualitatively deducing the palaeopositions of the landmasses from the interpreted remanent magnetism of buried intrusive bodies.  相似文献   
An assessment of the southern Betsimisaraka Suture (B.S.) of southeastern Madagascar using remote sensing and field investigation reveals a complex deformation history. Image processing of Landsat ETM+data and JERS-I Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery was integrated with field observations of structural geology and field petrography. The southern B.S. divides the Precambrian basement rocks of Madagascar in two parts. The western part includes Proterozoic rocks whereas the eastern part is an Archean block, named the Masora block. The southern part of the B.S. includes high-grade metamorphic rocks, recording strong deformation and has mineral deposits including chromite, nickel, and emerald, characteristic of oceanic material that is compatible with a suture zone.Large-scale structural features indicate ductile deformation including three generations of folding (F1, F2, and F3) associated with dextral shearing. The first folding event (F1) shows a succession of folds with NE striking axial planes. The second folding event (F2) mainly has north–south striking axial planes and the last event (F3) is represented by mega folds that have ENE–WSW axial plane directions and have NNW and SSE contractional strain patterns. Closure of the Mozambique Ocean between two components of Gondwana sandwiched rocks of the B.S. and formed upright folds and shortening zones which produced N–S trending lineaments. Later dextral movements followed the contraction and formed NW–SE trending lineaments and N–S trending normal faults associated with dextral strike slip faults and fractures.  相似文献   
非洲Muglad盆地经历多旋回陆内被动裂谷发育与叠合演化历史,具有不同于主动裂谷盆地、单旋回被动裂谷盆地以及跨越多个变革期的叠合盆地的演化特征。本文采用叠合盆地研究思路与方法,通过盆地演化过程中关键构造事件识别、盆地演化阶段划分,恢复和重建了各阶段原型盆地;基于不同期次裂谷作用发育程度、叠加过程及叠加方式的时空差异性,划分了不同凹陷的叠合类型,建立了不同叠合类型凹陷油气成藏模式。研究结果表明,受冈瓦纳大陆裂解、非洲大陆周缘大西洋、印度洋、红海张裂等构造事件的影响,该盆地经历了早白垩世Abu Gabra组(简称AG组,下同)沉积期、晚白垩世Darfur群沉积期以及新生代Nayil-Tendi组沉积期三大同裂谷作用阶段。早白垩世盆地原型为多个地堑及半地堑分隔式分布,为与大西洋张开有关的伸展应力场作用产物;晚白垩世Darfur群沉积时期盆地原型为地堑及半地堑继承发育,但沉积中心东移,为与印度洋张开有关的伸展应力场作用产物;新生代Nayil-Tendi组沉积时期原型盆地主要为发育在Kaikang坳陷的地堑、半地堑,为与红海张开有关的伸展应力场作用所致。依据三期裂谷作用在各凹陷的发育程度差异及构造沉降和沉积充填过程的不同,将各凹陷裂谷叠合方式划分为早断型、继承型与活动型三种类型。其中,早断型以Sufyan凹陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-弱-更弱"特征;继承型以Fula凹陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-较强-弱"特征,而活动型以Kaikang坳陷最为典型,其构造沉降与沉积充填具有"强-强-较强"的特征。三期裂谷作用在各凹陷内时空叠合差异控制了各凹陷油气成藏条件及富集规律的不同,早断型凹陷成藏组合以下部成藏组合为主,继承型则以中部成藏组合为主,而活动型凹陷则以上部成藏组合为主。这些多期叠加型被动裂谷盆地研究成果丰富了全球裂谷盆地构造特征与演化及其控油气作用的认识,深化了该类裂谷盆地油气分布规律研究,对于指导下一步勘探部署有重要借鉴意义。  相似文献   
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