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山东招远大尹格庄金矿成矿流体特征   总被引:18,自引:13,他引:18  
大尹格庄金矿位于中国胶北地体西北部招平断裂带下盘的蚀变花岗质碎裂岩 (绢英岩 )带中 ,断裂上盘为胶东群变质岩系。金主要产于黄铁绢英岩和黄铁矿±多金属硫化物 石英±碳酸盐脉 -细网脉中 ,构成细脉 -浸染状矿石。对蚀变围岩和金矿石中流体包裹体的研究表明钾长石化岩 (钾长石 -石英脉 )和绢英岩 (第 I和第 II阶段 )的石英中含有丰富的 CO2 -H2 O包裹体 ,而金 -硫化物矿石和石英 -碳酸盐脉 (第 III和第 IV阶段 )中 CO2 - H2 O包裹体数量逐渐减少。显微测温指示 ,钾长石化岩和绢英岩石英中的 CO2 - H2 O包裹体的均一温度范围为 2 80~ 36 0℃ ;而金 -黄铜矿和金 -方铅矿 -闪锌矿矿石中包裹体的均一温度分别为 2 40~ 2 75℃和 180~ 2 5 0℃。显微测温和激光拉曼探针分析表明 ,第 I和第 II阶段的成矿流体含 10~ 2 5mol% CO2 ;而第 III和第 IV阶段的含 <5~ 10 mol% CO2 ,并含少量至可观数量 CH4,H2 S和 SO2 等。广泛的黄铁矿化、碳酸盐化蚀变以及缺乏较高盐度的水包裹体说明金很可能是以硫络合物和碳络合物形式被搬运。金的沉淀与温度下降、由裂隙的(重复 )开放引起明显的压力降低和原始流体的不混溶作用有关 ,具多阶段成矿特点  相似文献   
肖力 《地质与勘探》2014,50(Z1):1291-1298
岷-礼成矿带发现较多大型金矿,同时在岩体内发现斑岩型钼矿。金矿床矿石中除有低温矿物外,还有黄铜矿、白钨矿等中-高温矿物,白钨矿在寨上金矿中是载金矿物之一;钼矿中也有黄铜矿、白钨矿矿物;金、钼、钨矿化分带有一定空间关系;金矿床地球化学、稳定同位素、放射性同位素和流体包裹体的研究表明成矿物质,成矿流体有深源特征;中川岩体群的岩石学、年代学、岩石化学、微量元素、稀土元素特征表明岩体为复式岩体,具有壳幔混源特征;据此建立成矿带内受印支-燕山期岩浆活动控制的金矿成矿模式。  相似文献   
西南王金矿床位于栖霞-蓬莱成矿带内,是蓬莱地区西部比较典型的缓倾斜薄层石英脉型金矿床。矿体受NNE—NE向断裂控制,倾向SE,倾角15°~25°,呈薄层脉状,分布于郭家岭序列罗家单元的斑状中粒含黑云二长花岗岩和谭格庄序列牟家单元的片麻状细粒奥长花岗岩中。该文通过对矿床地质特征与矿体空间赋存规律的研究,认为矿床深部及周边区域仍有较好的资源前景。  相似文献   
电吸附找矿方法寻找隐伏金矿床的研究   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
电吸附找矿方法是指对采集的样品在室内特别装置中通电,并用吸附体吸附试样中电运移元素,通过这些元素所形成的异常来发现矿体的一种方法,该方法是依据野外地电提取方法的理论发展起来的,具有设备简单,成本低,工效效率高,工作条件及质量容易控制等优点。  相似文献   
Six peat samples obtained from the Holocene and the Weichselian of the Philippi peat deposit, eastern Macedonia, Greece, were analyzed for 48 trace elements by Inductively Coupled Plasma–Mass Spectrometry (ICP–MS). The ash contents of these samples were also determined. Most of the trace elements are associated with the minerals in the peat, while Ge, Mo, Pb, Se, Ta, Tl, U, and W display a greater affinity with the organic matter. Compared with crustal averages (Clarke concentrations), the Philippi peat is enriched in some elements (Ag, As, Au, Cd, Mo, Se, Te, U, and W) because of the respective mineralizations in the area. The Philippi peat is also enriched in Cr, Cu, Mo, Pb, Sc, Sn, T, V, Y, and Zn in comparison with typical fen peats, as well as in As, Cr, Mo, Se, and U in comparison with typical coals. Climatic and hydrogeological conditions strongly influenced the peat-forming environment resulting in a differentiation between Holocene and Weichselian peat. Generally, the Holocene peat contains lower concentrations of trace elements in the northern and southern part of the fen, than the Weichselian one. The opposite trend is observed in the fen area close to the western basin margins.  相似文献   
何文举 《云南地质》2001,20(3):279-288
缅北中部,印缅岛弧及弧后盆地东侧、新生代造山带的前缘推覆构造带中,分布有许多脉金矿床及矿点,构成金矿带。矿带、矿田、矿床及矿体的形成、分布及其规模,受不同级别的近南北向逆冲断裂,及其间派生的北东向张性扩容断裂组成的剪切断裂带控制。可渗透的下麦尔组下部中一粗粒砂岩,起着很好的容矿作用。下麦尔组上部泥岩、细砂岩、粉砂岩和页岩互层单元,在携金热液的迁移、氧化硅的沉淀和矿质沉积定位等方面,可能起到圈闭作用。  相似文献   
本文阐述了莱州湾东部滨海砂金的物源、地貌、水动力、第四系、新构造运动和海平面变化等成矿条件以及砂金的富集特点,对该区砂金的成矿远景进行了区划和评价,初步认为该区具有良好的砂金成矿远景。  相似文献   
本文详细分析了黄金矿产地质勘查、矿山建设及金矿生产等阶段工作的特点及其相互关系,探索性地提出提前建矿,缩短探矿和建设周期的办矿方式,并就如何加快黄金发展步伐问题提出了几点思考。  相似文献   
哈佳吉金矿区位于尼罗河大型韧性剪切带次级构造带上,属岩浆热液破碎带蚀变岩型金矿床。该文通过论述矿区地质特征,总结控矿因素,证实该区矿体严格受构造蚀变带控制,近EW向韧性剪切构造,尤其是构造转弯部位、构造膨大部位、不同级别构造复合部位,以及多期成矿作用叠加部位是矿床形成的有利空间。并与岩性和蚀变矿化关系密切,赋存于黄铁矿化碎裂岩、黄铁矿化硅化变粒岩质碎裂岩带中,产状与蚀变矿化带一致。  相似文献   
The Granny Smith (37 t Au production) and Wallaby deposits (38 t out of a 180 t Au resource) are located northeast of Kalgoorlie, in 2.7 Ga greenstones of the Eastern Goldfields Province, the youngest orogenic belt of the Yilgarn craton, Western Australia. At Granny Smith, a zoned monzodiorite–granodiorite stock, dated by a concordant titanite–zircon U–Pb age of 2,665 ± 3 Ma, cuts across east-dipping thrust faults. The stock is fractured but not displaced and sets a minimum age for large-scale (1 km) thrust faulting (D2), regional folding (D1), and dynamothermal metamorphism in the mining district. The local gold–pyrite mineralization, controlled by fractured fault zones, is younger than 2,665 ± 3 Ma. In augite–hornblende monzodiorite, alteration progressed from a hematite-stained alkali feldspar–quartz–calcite assemblage and quartz–molybdenite–pyrite veins to a late reduced sericite–dolomite–albite assemblage. Gold-related monazite and xenotime define a U–Pb age of 2,660 ± 5 Ma, and molybdenite from veins a Re–Os isochron age of 2,661 ± 6 Ma, indicating that mineralization took place shortly after the emplacement of the main stock, perhaps coincident with the intrusion of late alkali granite dikes. At Wallaby, a NE-trending swarm of porphyry dikes comprising augite monzonite, monzodiorite, and minor kersantite intrudes folded and thrust-faulted molasse. The conglomerate and the dikes are overprinted by barren (<0.01 g/t Au) anhydrite-bearing epidote–actinolite–calcite skarn, forming a 600-m-wide and >1,600-m-long replacement pipe, which is intruded by a younger ring dike of syenite porphyry pervasively altered to muscovite + calcite + pyrite. Skarn and syenite are cut by pink biotite–calcite veins, containing magnetite + pyrite and subeconomic gold–silver mineralization (Au/Ag = 0.2). The veins are associated with red biotite–sericite–calcite–albite alteration in adjacent monzonite dikes. Structural relations and the concordant titanite U–Pb age of the skarn constrain intrusion-related mineralization to 2,662 ± 3 Ma. The main-stage gold–pyrite ore (Au/Ag >10) forms hematite-stained sericite–dolomite–albite lodes in stacked D2 reverse faults, which offset skarn, syenite, and the biotite–calcite veins by up to 25 m. The molybdenite Re–Os age (2,661 ± 10 Ma) of the ore suggests a genetic link to intrusive activity but is in apparent conflict with a monazite–xenotime U–Pb age (2,651 ± 6 Ma), which differs from that of the skarn at the 95% confidence level. The time relationships at both gold deposits are inconsistent with orogenic models invoking a principal role for metamorphic fluids released during the main phase of compression in the fold belt. Instead, mineralization is related in space and time to late-orogenic, magnetite-series, high-Mg monzodiorite–syenite intrusions of mantle origin, characterized by Mg/(Mg + FeTOTAL) = 0.31–0.57, high Cr (34–96 ppm), Ni (22–63 ppm), Ba (1,056–2,321 ppm), Sr (1,268–2,457 ppm), Th (15–36 ppm), and rare earth elements (total REE: 343–523 ppm). At Wallaby, shared Ca–K–CO2 metasomatism and Th-REE enrichment (in allanite) link Au–Ag mineralization in biotite–calcite veins to the formation of the giant epidote skarn, implicating a Th + REE-rich syenite pluton at depth as the source of the oxidized hydrothermal fluid. At Granny Smith, lead isotope data and the Rb–Th–U signature of early hematite-bearing wall-rock alteration point to fluid released by the source pluton of the differentiated alkali granite dikes.  相似文献   
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