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This paper proposes a basic equation of thermal radiation interaction between surface objects on the basis of the principle of heat balance in the interface. The solution of this equation takes account of the contribution of sensible heat flux and latent heat flux more completely, compared with traditional solution for surface cooling and heating processes. By the aid of the experimental data conducted in the Xiaotangshan experimental site, Beijing, both the non-applicability of Kirchoff's law and the measurability of surface emissivity in a non-isothermal system have been highlighted. Two methods called ventilation and time-delay compensations have been proposed to reduce the error induced by change of surface temperatures of non-isothermal objects during the measurement of emissivity. Based on the solution of the basic equation, this paper has analyzed and pointed out the misunderstanding in comprehension and application of Kirchoff's law published in literature.  相似文献   
Galileo系统导航电文介绍   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对Galileo卫星导航系统所要使用的导航电文进行介绍,详细介绍其导航电文的结构、内容、参数与相关定义,并对GPS和Galileo两种卫星导航系统所使用的导航电文的并同进行了比较。  相似文献   
锡铁山铅锌矿床产于青海省柴达木盆地北缘早古生代裂陷的中基性火山-沉积岩系中,是我国规模最大的铅锌矿床之一.流体包裹体的温度、盐度、气液相成分测试以及同位素组地球化学研究证明锡铁山矿床形成于喷流沉积系统.管道相成矿流体以深源为主,深源流体的CO_2等气相组分溢出及深源流体与海水的混合作用导致了成矿物质沉淀,层状矿体中石英岩是管道相向SE方向位移、喷流的结果,锡铁山铅锌矿床是VMS型与Sedex型系统的复合或过度.  相似文献   
Currently,with the fast development of GPS technique,GPS RTK is rapidly being applied to the cadastral survey.GPS RTK technique not only improves efficiency and accelerates the rate of mapping,but also increases economic efficiency.The authors introduced a method for GPS RTK rapid positioning,which uses continuous operational reference system (CORS) as a base station to change the method of previous map drawing by obtaining real-time three-dimensional coordinates of boundary points and statistically analyzing with the three-dimensional coordinates obtained by Total Station to get the accuracy of GPS RTK real-time coordinates.The application of GPS RTK in practical measurement was discussed when the data link had been lost especially.The results show that the three-dimensional coordinates measured by total station can be replaced by real-time three-dimensional coordinates measured by Engineering Star RTK in the CORS.  相似文献   
对华北地区石炭-二叠系、下第三系、中上元古界沉积物和油样的低环萜烷参数用因子分析方法进行油源对比,表明石炭-二叠系部分样品与该区轻质油的关系密切。进一步分析这套地层的有机地球化学特征后,提出壳质组含量和成熟度是决定石炭-二叠系能否生成轻质油的主要因素,并提出该区煤系地层生成轻质油的成熟度下限是镜质组反射率R0为1.1%。  相似文献   
长江口外陆架区埋藏古河道研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
大量高分辨率单道地震和浅地层剖面资料显示长江口外的广大海域分布着大量埋藏古河道,据区域浅层地质特征及地震相特征,可把研究区埋藏古河道断面划分为对称、不对称和复式三种类型;河道内充填的沉积物复杂多样;古河道主要存在于晚更新世晚期沉积层中。60个古河道断面串联成长180km的古长江河系以及长64km的古舟山河和长近100km的古钱塘江河两条支流河道系。长江古河道宽深比较大,盛冰期时深切81~109m,河底纵比降为0.82×10-4,平均古流量约为535.24m3/s,最大断面的古流量为20433.72m3/s。按比降-河宽法判别,当时古长江河道为辫状分汊河型。  相似文献   
Google地图应用之广东省地区JOPENS地震速报系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军  陈贵美 《华南地震》2011,31(3):41-49
利用Google公司提供的电子地图服务,以B/S结构(即浏览器和服务器结构)作为系统设计架构,监听JOPENS实时系统发送的地震触发消息,访问JOPENS数据库,根据广东省地区的监测要求,制定检索、筛选策略,获取地震详细信息,显示在浏览器网页上.采用Google地图的JOPENS地震速报系统可以使地震信息发布的显示内容...  相似文献   
在广东实现“四个走在全国前列”的时代需求下,茂名应着力建设现代化海洋经济体系。近年来,茂名海洋经济总量快速增长、海洋经济体系基本形成、海洋创新成果初具规模、海洋生态建设成效显著、海洋管理能力不断增强,奠定了建设现代化海洋经济体系的基础,但也面临着海洋经济规模偏小且结构不够合理、现代化海洋产业进程缓慢、现代化海洋经济发展动力不足且受到制约和缺乏保障等问题。未来应从加快供给侧改革、实施创新驱动、推进开放合作、优化海洋生态系统和完善体制机制等方面寻求茂名建设现代化海洋经济体系的路径策略。  相似文献   
河湖水系连通是中国正在推进的重大治水战略,是提高国家水资源统筹调配能力、水生态环境修复能力和河湖健康保障能力的重大举措,也是提高水旱灾害抵御能力的重要保障.目前河湖水系连通的知识比较零散,尚未形成系统的理论体系,河湖水系连通理论基础的研究,对理论体系的构建、战略的实施和持续推进具有重要意义.本文基于河湖水系连通的理论研...  相似文献   
Role of solar activity on modern climate change, particularly in the decadal scale is an important scientific issue. This paper reviews the recent observation of decadal solar signal in earth’s climate, with focus on the mechanism of solar radiation, ultraviolet radiation and cosmic rays on climate system ,and its validation. The paper points out that the assessment of uncertainty in observations, amplification process of the climate system, as well as possible future impact of solar extreme events are challenges in the present study. Finally, the keys of breakthrough are pointed, to provide a reference for future research.  相似文献   
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