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An obvious structural transformation between the early and the late stages of the middle Eocene rifting in the ZhuⅠ Depression, which has a significant impact on the formation and evolution of the Paleogene source-to-sink system, has recently been found. Based on comprehensive analysis of seismic, drilling and logging data in the study area, we argue that the structural transformation controls the basic elements of source-to-sink system, such as basin landscape, material source supply, transportation direction and sedimentary style, and affects the deep Paleogene reservoir conditions. Under the restriction of structural transformation, there are two typical source-to-sink models: source migration and fault transformation. Hydrocarbon accumulation related to structural transformation is commonly interpreted by two typical source-to sink models: source migration and fault transformation. The main source of the source migration model migrates under the influence of structural transformation, and the sedimentary boundary, accommodation space and depositional style change accordingly, forming a favorable superimposed and contiguous reservoir target;the supply, transportation and accumulation of provenance in the fault transformation model change orderly in time and space, forming the compound of co-existing fan-delta-beach sedimentary system and reservoir conditions have strong zonation. It is of great significance to explore the characteristics of source to sink system and sand-controlling model under the control of structural transformation in order to find high-quality reservoirs in Paleogene. © 2021, Science Press. All right reserved.  相似文献   
GIS的社会化及公众GIS   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
GIS(地理信息系统 )的发展继专业化和行业化阶段之后 ,正处于社会化发展阶段。在该阶段 ,GIS的主要作用是为公众提供信息服务。文章在分析了GIS的这种发展趋势的基础上提出了“公众GIS”的概念 ,即 :直接面向公众 ,为公众提供信息服务和辅助公众进行行为决策的地理信息系统。与传统GIS相比 ,公众GIS更具有信息服务业的特点。公众GIS的建设应该突出信息的全面性、现势性和准确性、系统的友好性以及数据的易维护性等原则。公众GIS的关键技术包括数据采集、网络、数据库、多媒体以及系统的友好性设计等技术。公众GIS在建设全国城市公众信息服务网、全国交通旅游信息网以及汽车导航信息系统等方面具有广阔的应用前景。文章对公众GIS的实例———“今日武汉”公众查询系统作了简要介绍。  相似文献   
基于GIS的山地林道网优化配置系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
应用系统选择永安元沙国有林业采育场的部分林班为示范,建立森林资源空间数据库.以ARC/INFO为开发平台,以山地林道网理论为指导,应用G IS技术、DBMS技术与数学规划集成技术,使用AML语言进行二次开发设计山地林道网优化配置系统,实现计算机辅助林道网配置,提高决策的科学性。  相似文献   
省级地震数据容灾备份技术初探   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对地震数据容灾备份技术进行了研究,探讨了地震数据容灾备份的重要性及设计方案,及开展此项工作的技术和流程。详细介绍了地震数据容灾备份所需的网络备份技术、数据复制技术、灾难检测技术和系统迁移技术。  相似文献   
海底勘查技术的最新发展   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文将介绍用于探测海底三维地质特征的海底勘查的最新发展。它主要包括海底地形测绘技术,海底形貌观测技术、海底地层声学探测技术等。  相似文献   
 Surface contamination with radioactive caesium introduced into the environment after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear plant was high enough in the Crimean Mountains to allow using radiocaesium as an indicator of penetration of radioactive contamination into a karst system. Caesium concentrations have been studied in soils above Marble Cave, Tchatyrdag Plateau, in percolation waters and in sediments transported by percolation waters within the cave. Contamination of the daylight surface with 137Cs is about 30 kqB m–2 which is approximately 13 times higher than the density of global fallouts. Besides 137Cs, almost all samples showed presence of 134Cs with the 137Cs/134Cs ratio close to that of Chernobyl contaminations. Concentrations of 137Cs range from 9 to 15 mBq l–1 in the present percolation waters in the cave. In sediments related to percolation waters 134Cs is detected in some samples besides 137Cs, although the effect of 228Ac is not ruled out. Surprisingly, the highest concentrations of radiocaesium were measured in "old" sediments in the cave's lower series. These sediments are not associated with modern percolation and are represented by a clay/moonmilk alternating sequence deposited in an old dried cave lake. Moonmilk layers have higher caesium content than clay. It is assumed that Chernobyl caesium was transported into the cave with aerosols which were then deposited mainly in areas where condensation occurs. The sampling site is located just in the boundary between two microclimatic zones with a temperature gradient of 0.5  °C. Active condensation processes occur in this area. Caesium was not detected in another similar sampling site (old lake deposits) located within homogeneous microclimatic conditions. If the above interpretation is correct, these results show the geochemical significance of the aerosol-condensation mechanism of mass transport and localisation. Received: 1 June 1995 · Accepted: 4 December 1995  相似文献   
测绘监理与测绘行业质量监督不同,测绘监理注重生产的全过程,控制测绘生产过程中各个工序的质量,从而保障最终测绘成果的质量;测绘行业质量监督则是代表政府行使对测绘项目进行监督的行为。因此,两者在工作范围、工作性质以及工作深度等方面存在差别。但是两者同时又有统一的关系,也就是都为保障测绘成果质量,更好地服务保障经济社会发展采取的保障措施。现今在国内已有很多项目引入了监理机制,但尚没有形成一套完善有效的测绘监理行业规范。笔者根据多年在广东、海南、新疆等地区从事监理工作的实际经验,结合工程监理中的部分内容和方法,总结出了一套较为完善有效的测绘工程监理方案。  相似文献   
中国东北地区林地面积变化的动态模拟   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
There is plenty of forests in Northeast China which contributes a lot to the conservation of water and land resources, produces timber products, and provides habitats for a huge number of wild animals and plants. With changes of socio-economic factors as well as the geophysical conditions, there are dramatic changes on the spatial patterns of forest area. In this sense, it is of great significance to shed light on the dynamics of forest area changes to find the underlining reasons for shaping the changing patterns of forest area in Northeast China. To explore the dynamics of forest area change in Northeast China, an econometric model is developed which is composed of three equations identifying forestry production, conversion from open forest to closed forest and conversion from other land uses to closed forest so as to explore the impacts on the forest area changes from demographic, social, economic, location and geophysical factors. On this basis, we employ the Dynamics of Land System (DLS) model to simulate land-use conversions between forest area and non-forest cover and the land-use conversions within the sub-classes of forest area for the period 2000–2020 under business as usual scenario, environmental protection scenario and economic growth scenario. The simulation results show that forest area will expand continuously and there exist various kinds of changing patterns for the sub-classes of forest area, for example, closed forest will expand continuously and open forest and shrub will decrease a little bit, while area of other forest will keep intact. The research results provide meaningful decision-making information for conserving and exploiting the forest resources and making out the planning for forestry production in the Northeast China region.  相似文献   
非贯通节理岩体直剪试验研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘远明  夏才初 《岩土力学》2007,28(8):1719-1724
基于典型的直剪试验,国内外学者提出了非贯通节理岩体贯通破坏机理,并建立了相应的强度准则,如Jennings方法,即加权平均强度理论和强度准则、Lajtai岩桥破坏理论和强度准则、断裂力学的II型破坏理论和强度准则,拉剪复合破坏和强度准则。然而,非贯通节理岩体破坏机理目前还没有完全弄清楚,已建立的强度准则所包含的重要参数还需深入研究,如:如节理面的传压系数、传剪系数、弱化了的岩桥内摩擦力和内摩擦角等;非贯通节理岩体节理闭合和剪切的本构关系有待建立;不共面非贯通节理岩体全过程最大抗剪强度需进一步研究。伺服直剪试验机、静态应变测试仪、声发射仪、X射线测量等无损检测技术能够为进一步研究非贯通节理岩体的破坏机理,提出新的理论和建立新的强度准则提供强有力的技术支持。  相似文献   
<正>A theoretical model of a friction pendulum system(FPS) is introduced to examine its application for the seismic isolation of spatial lattice shell structures.An equation of motion of the lattice shell with FPS bearings is developed.Then, seismic isolation studies are performed for both double-layer and single-layer lattice shell structures under different seismic input and design parameters of the FPS.The influence of frictional coefficients and radius of the FPS on seismic performance are discussed.Based on the study,some suggestions for seismic isolation design of lattice shells with FPS bearings are given and conclusions are made which could be helpful in the application of FPS.  相似文献   
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