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舒见闻 《湖南地质》1991,10(2):171-176
根据地洼学说关于地壳演化的新理论,将地球置于银河系各级引力场研究,发现银河年与地球绕日运行周期(年)有许多相似之处,后者控制了地球上短期的生物兴衰和四季交替,前者是引起地球上长期冷热变化,导致全球的生物质变进化、冰川活动及海侵海退等循银河年周期发生的根本原因。银河年是建立理想地质年代表的基础,每一个银河年就是一个代。依目前天文观测及全球生物质变进化和冰期资料来看,银河年时距以260 Ma为宜。本文据此提出了一个新的地质年代表。  相似文献   
长江江苏段末次盛冰期古河槽特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选择长江江苏段作为研究河段,根据南京长江三桥、长江大桥、长江四桥、润扬长江大桥、扬中长江大桥、江阴长江大桥、苏通长江大桥7个断面的285个地质勘探钻孔资料及参考文献中的8个钻孔资料,建立了7个长江古河谷地质剖面图。在拟建南京长江四桥附近、扬中长江大桥附近的7个钻孔进行了采样分析,获得了8个14C年代、1个ESR年代数据。通过分析发现,末次盛冰期长江古河槽镇江以上切割到基岩,镇江以下嵌在老河床相沉积层上,河槽在南京下关-栖霞山段形成局部深切;南京段约-63 m以下的河槽为末次盛冰期的古河槽,相对狭窄陡峭,宽深比较小,向下游宽深比逐渐变大,扬中以下形成分叉河道体系;古河槽中自下而上充填了从粗到细的沉积旋回,河床相沉积物向下游逐渐变细。  相似文献   
藏北高原季节性冻土区潜在蒸散和干湿状况分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
利用位于藏北高原季节性冻土区的MS3478自动气象站的观测资料,基于FAO推荐的Pen-man-Monteith方法,分析了该地区的潜在蒸散量的变化特征。讨论了动力、热力和水分因子对潜在蒸散的影响,并分析了该地区的干湿状况。结果表明:全年日潜在蒸散量在0.52~6.46mm之间;夏季蒸发力最旺盛,5~9月的月潜在蒸散量均超过了100mm,11月份潜在蒸散锐减至33mm,潜在蒸散年总量为1037.83mm;夏季热力蒸散量明显大于动力蒸散,而冬季动力蒸散明显大于热力蒸散。藏北冻土区仅在5~9月为半湿润气候,持续时间较短,冬半年的干旱和半干旱维持时间长。水分因子和动力因子对潜在蒸散的影响季节变化大。土壤水分不是影响潜在蒸散的主要因素。  相似文献   
甘东科 《工程地质学报》2014,22(s1):226-231
大渡河某水电站坝址河段上、下坝址在河床覆盖层厚度、层次结构、河谷形态方面表现出较大的差异。本文在构造、气候背景基础上对坝段河床覆盖层成因和河谷演化进行了初步分析。认为在晚更新世末次冰期晚冰阶,坝段河谷以冰川剥蚀为主,上坝址河谷至今仍保留较完整U型冰槽谷。下坝址在后期发生了一次强烈下蚀,河谷呈深切V型谷,并在上、下坝址间谷底基覆界面形成纵向陡坎。全新世以来,坝段河谷以加积作用为主,堆积旺盛、侵蚀减弱,下坝址在深切河谷基础上堆积深厚覆盖层,并在中部发育一层堰塞湖相堆积。  相似文献   
The mineralogy, geochemistry, and radiocarbon ages of two sediment cores (GMX1 and GMX2) collected from the deep sea area of the Southwestern Gulf of Mexico (∼876–1752 m water depth) were studied to infer the sedimentation rate, provenance, heavy metal contamination, and depositional environment. The sediments are dominated by silt and clay fractions. The mineralogy determined by X-Ray diffractometry for the sediment cores reveals that montmorillonite and muscovite are the dominant clay minerals. The sections between 100 and 210 cm of the sediment cores GMX1 and GMX2, respectively, are characterized by the G. menardii group and G. Inflata planktonic foraminiferal species, which represent the Holocene and Pleistocene, respectively. The radiocarbon-age measurements of mixed planktonic foraminifera varied from ∼268 to 45,738 cal. years B.P and ∼104 to 25,705 cal. years B.P, for the sediment cores GMX1 and GMX2, respectively. The variation in age between the two sediment cores is due to a change in sediment accumulation rate, which was lowest at the location GMX1 (0.006 cm/yr) and highest at the location GMX2 (0.017 cm/yr).The chemical index of alteration (CIA), chemical index of weathering (CIW), and index of chemical maturity (ICV) values indicated a moderate intensity of weathering in the source area. The total rare earth element concentrations (∑REE) in the cores GMX1 and GMX2 vary from ∼94 to 171 and ∼78 to 151, respectively. The North American Shale Composite (NASC) normalized REE patterns showed flat low REE (LREE), heavy REE (HREE) depletion with low negative to positive Eu anomalies, which suggested that the sediments were likely derived from intermediate source rocks.The enrichment factor of heavy metals indicated that the Cd and Zn concentrations in the sediment cores were impacted by an anthropogenic source. The redox-proxy trace element ratios such as V/Cr, Ni/Co, Cu/Zn, (Cu + Mo)/Zn, and Ce/Ce* indicated that the sediments were deposited under an oxic depositional environment. The similarity in major element concentrations, REE content, and the NASC normalised REE patterns between the cores GMX1 and GMX2 revealed that the provenance of sediments remained relatively uniform or constant during deposition for ∼4.5 Ma. The major and trace element based multidimensional discrimination diagrams showed a rift setting for the core sediments, which is consistent with the geology of the Gulf of Mexico.  相似文献   
Nearly 200 analyses of meltwaters, ice and snow from three alpine glacial sites in carbonate terrain are summarized and discussed in terms of sources of solutes and kinetic controls on the progress of weathering reactions. Most data derive from the Swiss Glacier de Tsanfleuron which is based on Cretaceous and Tertiary pure and impure limestones. Two other sites (Marmolada, Italian Dolomites and the Saskatchewan Glacier, Alberta) are based on a mixed calcitic-dolomitic substrate. Most solutes originate from carbonate dissolution; moreover, where pyrite is present its oxidation supplies significant sulphate and forces more dissolution of carbonate. The ratios Sr2+/Ca2+ and Mg2+/Ca2+ are much higher in Tsanfleuron melt-waters than local bedrock, a phenomenon that can be reproduced in the laboratory at small percentages of dissolution. These anomalous ratios are attributed to incongruent dissolution of traces of the metastable carbonates Mg-calcite and aragonite. These phases also provide Na+ to solution. K+ is argued to originate mainly by ion-exchange on clays with solute Ca2+. Quartz and very minor feldspar dissolution are also inferred. Locally enhanced input from atmospheric sources is recognized by high Cl? and associated Na+. The progress of weathering reactions has been evaluated by the trends in the data, computer modelling and some simple laboratory experiments. The most dilute samples show a trend towards removal of CO2 to low partial pressures (c. 10?5.5 atmospheres), reflecting initially rapid carbonate dissolution and relatively slow dissolution of gaseous CO2. Later addition of atmospheric CO2 or acid from pyrite oxidation allows further carbonate dissolution, but solutions show a wide range of saturations, and CO2 pressures as high as 10?2.2 where pyrite oxidation is important. In a carbonate terrain, measurement of electroconductivity (corrected to 25°C) and alkalinity in the field allows the following preliminary deductions (where meq stands for milliequivalents): where S is the minimum meq(Ca2+ + Mg2+) produced by simple dissolution of carbonate unconnected with pyrite oxidation. As with any proxy method, these deductions do not remove the need for chemical analysis of waters in a given study area.  相似文献   
The Mérida Glaciation (cf. Wisconsinan, Weichselian) as proposed by Schubert (1974b) culminated at about 18 ka during the last glacial maximum (LGM) and ended at about 13 ka as indicated by 14C dating and correlation with the Cordillera Oriental of Colombia. Moraines of an early stade of Mérida Glaciation reached to 2800 m a.s.l. and were largely overrun or eradicated by the maximum Wisconsinan advance (LGM); where they outcrop, the older moraines are characterized by eroded, weathered glacial diamictons and outwash fans.At Pueblo Llano in the central Mérida Andes (Cordillera de Trujillo), older to younger beds of contorted glacitectonized diamict, overlying beds of bouldery till and indurated outwash, all belong to the early Mérida stade. Overlying the early Mérida stade, deposits of rhythmically bedded glaciolacustrine sediments are in turn overlain with contorted sand and silt beds capped with outwash. Above the outwash terrace a loop moraine of LGM age completely encircles the margins of the basin. A stream cut exposed by catastrophic (tectonic or surge?) release of meltwater displays a lithostratigraphic succession that is bereft of organic material for radiocarbon dating. Five optically-stimulated luminescence (OSL) dates place the maximum age of the lowest till at 81 ka.Particle size distributions allow clear distinctions between major lithic units. Heavy mineral analysis of the middle and lower coarse units in the section provide information on sediment sourcing and on major lithostratigraphic divisions. Trace element concentrations provide information on the relative homogeneity of the deposits. The HREE (heavy rare earth element) concentrations allow discrimination of the lower till from the rest of the section; the LREE (light rare earth element) concentrations highlight differences between the lower till, LGM till, and the rest of the section.  相似文献   
通过分析河西走廊花海古湖泊沉积物中的盐类矿物组成,结合年代序列,重建了花海晚冰期以来湖泊演化过程及其对气候变化的响应。结果表明:晚冰期及新仙女木时期,花海湖泊以芒硝沉积为主,属硫酸盐型湖泊,湖水的盐度较高且周期性波动频繁;全新世早期(10.47 cal ka BP以前),湖泊以洪泛堆积和风成沉积为主,揭示了湖泊萎缩、甚至干涸;全新世早期至全新世中期(10.47~8.87 cal ka BP)盐类矿物以碳酸盐沉积为主,为碳酸盐型湖泊,湖水淡化,湖泊水位开始逐渐回升;全新世中期(8.87~5.50 cal ka BP)盐类矿物呈现一定的波动变化,其中,8.8 cal ka BP 时期盐类矿物以硫酸盐沉积为主,湖泊由碳酸盐型转化为硫酸盐型,湖水咸化,盐度升高;随后盐类矿物以碳酸盐沉积为主,湖泊由硫酸盐型转化为碳酸盐型,湖水盐度降低、湖泊扩张;全新世中晚期(5.50 cal ka BP以来)出现沉积间断,表明中晚全新世时期湖泊逐渐萎缩。在全新世期间,花海湖泊千年尺度演化过程揭示了该区域气候干湿状况受亚洲季风和西风共同控制的影响。  相似文献   
杨槿  徐辰  朱竑 《地理科学》2020,40(3):374-382
以广东揭阳的玉器生产专业村阳美村为例,从文化经济地理学视角解读本土产业发展中地方性的嵌入与重构。研究发现:本土产业在地方性多方要素的驱动与支撑下产生,在多重尺度政治经济过程作用与地方主体的响应下发展。地方性是本土产业产生并建立对外功能联系的初始条件,也是主体响应结构变动所做战略选择和地方营销的依托。在地方性嵌入产业发展的同时,生产、生活和宗教等地方活动被强化了与玉器生产相关的功能和意义,民居、街巷、宗祠等空间形制因传统功能被挤压而出现重塑。地方活动与景观的变化并未弱化地方意义,村民的地方依赖和依恋因本土产业提供了更好的发展机会与荣誉感而增强。  相似文献   
王波  曹剑  吴立广 《第四纪研究》2019,39(4):1042-1054

末次冰盛期(Last Glacial Maximum,简称LGM)被认为是较适合用来估算气候系统响应对辐射强迫变化的古气候区间之一。理解LGM时期气候反馈过程有助于进一步限定气候敏感度的范围。本研究利用辐射核方法和参加第三次古气候模式比较计划(Paleoclimate Modelling Intercomparison Project Phase Ⅲ,简称PMIP3)的8个耦合模式资料,对比研究了LGM时期与abrupt4xCO2(4CO2)情景下的气候反馈特征。结果表明:全球平均而言,不同情景下温度反馈、水汽反馈和反照率反馈的强度存在显著差异,然而这一关系并不存在于云反馈过程中,这可能与情景间/模式间云反馈的不确定性相联系;在不同情景下,不同反馈过程强度也存在明显空间差异。温度反馈过程的差异主要来源于LGM时期大陆冰盖强迫引起的温度变化的高度空间不均一性和海陆分布改变引起的热带对流活动的变化;水汽反馈变化可能与海陆分布变化引起的沃克环流变化以及全球降温相联系;大陆冰盖和海冰存在是导致LGM时期地表反照率反馈增加的主要原因;而云反馈的差异可能与低云云量和模式间不确定性有关。LGM时期单独强迫数值试验将有助于进一步厘清不同气候状态下气候反馈过程差异的原因。

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