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The Mössbauer spectra of one chromite at 298 K and one chromite at 298, 200, 170, 140 and 90 K have been analyzed in this study. A Voigt-based quadrupole splitting distribution (QSD) method was used to analyze the spectra. The tetrahedral site Fe2+ and the octahedral site Fe3+ quadrupole splitting distributions (QSDs) were obtained from the Mössbauer spectra of chromites, and the multiple tetrahedral site Fe2+ Gaussian QSD components and the large widths σ Δ of the Gaussian QSD components of the tetrahedral site Fe2+ QSDs for chromites were attributed to next-nearest neighbor effects. In addition, temperature dependences of the isomer shift and the quadrupole splitting were presented and discussed. Comparisons between the Mössbauer parameters for thickness-corrected folded spectra and raw-folded spectra of chromites were made, and the results show that the two sets of the Mössbauer parameters and ratios of ferric to total iron as well as χ2 are very close to each other. This is because of the small absorber thickness of chromites in this study. Comparisons between the Mössbauer parameters of chromites obtained using the Voigt-based QSD method and a Lorentzian doublet method were also made. The results show that there are some differences between the two sets of the Mössbauer parameters and ratios of ferric to total iron, but not significant. However, much larger χ2 were obtained when the Lorentzian doublet method was used to fit the spectra of chromites. This indicates that the Voigt-based QSD method is more adequate to analyze the Mössbauer spectra of chromites from the point of view of statistics.  相似文献   
The thermal evolution of 10-Å phase Mg3Si4O10(OH)2·H2O, a phyllosilicate which may have an important role in the storage/release of water in subducting slabs, was studied by X-ray single-crystal diffraction in the temperature range 116–293 K. The lattice parameters were measured at several intervals both on cooling and heating. The structural model was refined with intensity data collected at 116 K and compared to the model refined at room temperature. As expected for a layer silicate on cooling in this temperature range, the a and b lattice parameters undergo a small linear decrease, α a  = 1.7(4) 10?6 K?1 and α b  = 1.9(4) 10?6 K?1, where α is the linear thermal expansion coefficient. The greater variation is along the c axis and can be modeled with the second order polynomial c T  = c 293(1 + 6.7(4)10?5 K?1ΔT + 9.5(2.5)10?8 K?2T)2) where ΔT = T ? 293 K; the monoclinic angle β slightly increased. The cell volume thermal expansion can be modeled with the polynomial V T  V 293 (1 + 8.0 10?5 K?1 ΔT + 1.4 10?7 K?2T)2) where ΔT = T ? 293 is in K and V in Å3. These variations were similar to those expected for a pressure increase, indicating that T and P effects are approximately inverse. The least-squares refinement with intensity data measured at 116 K shows that the volume of the SiO4 tetrahedra does not change significantly, whereas the volume of the Mg octahedra slightly decreases. To adjust for the increased misfit between the tetrahedral and octahedral sheets, the tetrahedral rotation angle α changes from 0.58° to 1.38°, increasing the ditrigonalization of the silicate sheet. This deformation has implications on the H-bonds between the water molecule and the basal oxygen atoms. Furthermore, the highly anisotropic thermal ellipsoid of the H2O oxygen indicates positional disorder, similar to the disorder observed at room temperature. The low-temperature results support the hypothesis that the disorder is static. It can be modeled with a splitting of the interlayer oxygen site with a statistical distribution of the H2O molecules into two positions, 0.6 Å apart. The resulting shortest Obas–OW distances are 2.97 Å, with a significant shortening with respect to the value at room temperature. The low-temperature behavior of the H-bond system is consistent with that hypothesized at high pressure on the basis of the Raman spectra evolution with P.  相似文献   
Vast marble deposits occur in a cover sequence of the Menderes Massif, SW Turkey. Four major marble deposits are recognized in Mu?la province based on the stratigraphic levels. These are Permo-Carboniferous aged black marbles (1), Triassic aged marbles (2), Upper Cretaceous aged marbles (3), and Paleocene aged pelagic marbles (4). This study deals with Triassic aged marbles of the southern part of the Menderes Massif. The Triassic marbles from SW Turkey consist of two big marble horizons in the Çayboyu (ÇM) and Kestanecik (KM) regions. The characteristic samples are collected from different stratigraphic levels in marble deposits in the ÇM and KM horizons. Mineralogical and major, trace, and rare earth element (REE) analyses of marble, limestone, and schist were conducted on these samples to reveal their petrographical and geochemical characteristics. The ÇM horizon is represented by calcitic marble layers. Nickel, cobalt, manganese, and iron elements filled in fractures, fissures, and intergranular spaces of calcite crystals and these elements give the pinky colour to the marble from the ÇM horizon. KM marbles were deformed, metamorphosed, and recrystallized under greenschist facies P–T conditions. As a result of the metasomatic reaction of magnesium and manganese rich fluids with marbles, dolomite, and manganese, minerals such as rhodochrosite and pyrolusite have crystallized along vein walls and layers in the KM horizon. Dolomitization was determined in KM marbles, whereas ÇM marbles show the character of limestone. MgO, MnO, Fe2O3, Ni, and Zn contents of marbles from the KM horizon are higher than those of ÇM marbles due to metasomatic reactions. The Sr content in white coloured marbles ranges between 11.20 ppm and 112.20 ppm and this concentration reaches up to 272.70 ppm due to metasomatic reactions and fluid intake. The REE content of Triassic marbles is independent of the abundance of carbonate and the REE enrichment observed due to syn-metamorphic fluid flow. The significant negative Eu anomaly in REE patterns indicates that the protoliths of Triassic marbles are carbonate rocks of sedimentary origin.  相似文献   
基于1979年到2016年多种再分析资料,本文分析了El Ni?o衰减年热带北大西洋的海温异常.结果表明,热带北大西洋海温在此期间呈显著变暖趋势.10次El Ni?o事件的合成结果表明热带北大西洋海温异常在El Ni?o事件峰值之后的春季达到最大值,并持续到夏季.一般而言,这种异常与三个因子有关,即El Nino,北大西洋涛动和长期趋势,能分别导致局地海温上升0.4℃,0.3℃和0.35℃.1983年和2005年的对比分析表明,尽管El Ni?o强度对春季北大西洋海温起到决定性作用,与长期趋势密切相关的前冬海温也很重要.此外,超前-滞后相关结果表明北大西洋涛动超前海温约2-3个月.比较两个冬季相反位相北大西洋涛动的年份(即1992年和2010年),表明北大西洋涛动也能调制北大西洋海温异常.冬季负位相北大西洋涛动能显著增强El Ni?o的强迫影响,反之亦然.换言之,如果北大西洋涛动与El Ni?o位相相合,衰减年北大西洋海温异常才更为显著.因此,为全面理解热带北大西洋海温变化,除长期趋势外,还必须考虑El Ni?o和北大西洋涛动的综合影响.  相似文献   
华南冬季气温异常与ENSO的关系   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  
伍红雨  潘蔚娟  王婷 《气象》2014,40(10):1230-1239
利用1951一2012年华南192个测站逐月气温资料、NCEP/NCAR再分析月资料、NCC的ENSO监测资料,采用相关分析和合成分析等方法分析了华南冬季气温异常与ENSO的关系。结果表明:华南冬季气温对La Nina事件的响应比对E1 Nino事件显著,La Nina事件当年华南冬季气温以偏低为主,极强La Nina事件对应的华南冬季气温显著偏低,而中部型La Nina事件出现过华南冬季气温显著偏高的情况。当La Nina(El Nino)事件为东部型、Nino区海温异常的峰值月份出现在秋冬季,当年华南冬季气温易偏低(高)。从年际尺度上,当La Nina发生时,在对流层低层激发西太平洋异常气旋环流和北风异常,对应对流层中层北太平洋高压、乌拉尔山高压脊和东亚大槽南段均加强,西太平洋副热带高压减弱,东亚中高纬经向环流明显,冬季风偏强,导致我国大部分地区包括华南冬季气温偏冷,反之亦然。El Nino事件对华南冬季气温的影响具有年代际差异。对应华南冬季气温年代际变化的海温变化明显的区域位于北太平洋,而与ENSO关系不明显。  相似文献   
The light curves of solar ?ares in the impulsive phase are complex in general, indicating that multiple physical processes are involved in. With the GOES (Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite) observations, we ?nd that there are a subset of ?ares, whose impulsive phases are dominated by a period of exponential growth of the emission measure. The ?ares occurred from January 1999 to December 2002 are analyzed, and the results from the observations made with both GOES 8 and GEOS 10 satellites are compared to estimate the instrumental uncertainties. Their mean temperatures during this exponential growth phase have a normal distribution. Most ?ares within the 1σ range of this temperature distribution belong to the GOES class B or C, with the peak ?uxes at the GOES low-energy channel following a log-normal distribution. The growth rate and duration of the exponential growth phase also follow a log- normal distribution, in which the duration is distributed in the range from half a minute to about half an hour. As expected, the growth time is correlated with the decay time of the soft X-ray ?ux. We also ?nd that the growth rate of the emission measure is strongly anti-correlated with the duration of the exponential growth phase, and the mean temperature increases slightly with the increase of the growth rate. The implications of these results on the study of energy release in solar ?ares are discussed in the end.  相似文献   
本文尝试利用地层剖面岩石样品化学分析数据的聚类分析、非线性映象分析、对应分析及最优分割法等多元统计分析结果,结合地层剖面岩性特征,对遵义下—中三叠统碳酸盐岩地层沉积环境进行了初步探讨。  相似文献   
为研究银川市城市建成区扩展对热环境的影响,基于1989、1999、2010年和2017年Landsat系列遥感数据,采用建筑用地指数(IBI)提取4个年份的城市建成区信息,获取了城市形态演化指标,利用热红外波段反演不同年份的地表温度;在此基础上,分析了城市扩展和热环境变化的时空演变特征,探讨了城市扩展和热环境之间的响应关系。结果表明:(1)1989—2017年银川市城市建成区扩展面积达506.13 km2,各时期的扩展速度和扩展强度差异明显,城市扩展具有"缓慢—快速—稳步"的阶段性特征,城市空间形态趋于紧凑化,向着稳定状态发展,城市整体向东部和北部扩展,重心整体向东北方向迁移约5.54 km。(2)热岛范围随着城市扩展不断扩大,较高温区域所占热岛比例呈先减小后增加的趋势,高温和特高温占比表现出先增加后减小的特征,热岛强度逐渐向较高温区转移,城市热岛效应得到缓解;热岛空间分布显示,热岛逐渐由兴庆区老城区蔓延至贺兰县和西夏区,且兴庆区热岛逐渐演化为相互独立的小次级热岛,强度有所降低;28 a间银川市城市热岛比例指数(URI)表现出先上升后下降的特征,整体呈上升趋势。(3)热岛区域在空间分布...  相似文献   
滦平盆地桑园营子露头剖面沉积层序的Markov链模拟   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
桑园营子露头剖面具有同沉积断层控制的近源、粗粒、陡坡型浅水扇三角洲体系的沉积特征。根据 Markov过程的基本原理 ,认识到桑园营子剖面出露完整的扇三角洲前缘沉积组合( C — C 旋回 )各岩性相之间的转移具有 Markov性质 ,利用转移概率矩阵法及差值矩阵法对该沉积组合进行 Markov链模拟 ,得出了理想的垂向沉积层序模式图。该模式图与实际地层层序吻合较好 ,反映了各岩性相的空间展布特征 ,建立了沉积环境的演化序列。  相似文献   
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