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Unusual monotonous intermediate ignimbrites consist of phenocryst-rich dacite that occurs as very large volume (>1000 km3) deposits that lack systematic compositional zonation, comagmatic rhyolite precursors, and underlying plinian beds. They are distinct from countless, usually smaller volume, zoned rhyolite–dacite–andesite deposits that are conventionally believed to have erupted from magma chambers in which thermal and compositional gradients were established because of sidewall crystallization and associated convective fractionation. Despite their great volume, or because of it, monotonous intermediates have received little attention. Documentation of the stratigraphy, composition, and geologic setting of the Lund Tuff – one of four monotonous intermediate tuffs in the middle-Tertiary Great Basin ignimbrite province – provides insight into its unusual origin and, by implication, the origin of other similar monotonous intermediates.The Lund Tuff is a single cooling unit with normal magnetic polarity whose volume likely exceeded 3000 km3. It was emplaced 29.02±0.04 Ma in and around the coeval White Rock caldera which has an unextended north–south diameter of about 50 km. The tuff is monotonous in that its phenocryst assemblage is virtually uniform throughout the deposit: plagioclase>quartz≈hornblende>biotite>Fe–Ti oxides≈sanidine>titanite, zircon, and apatite. However, ratios of phenocrysts vary by as much as an order of magnitude in a manner consistent with progressive crystallization in the pre-eruption chamber. A significant range in whole-rock chemical composition (e.g., 63–71 wt% SiO2) is poorly correlated with phenocryst abundance.These compositional attributes cannot have been caused wholly by winnowing of glass from phenocrysts during eruption, as has been suggested for the monotonous intermediate Fish Canyon Tuff. Pumice fragments are also crystal-rich, and chemically and mineralogically indistinguishable from bulk tuff. We postulate that convective mixing in a sill-like magma chamber precluded development of a zoned chamber with a rhyolitic top or of a zoned pyroclastic deposit. Chemical variations in the Lund Tuff are consistent with equilibrium crystallization of a parental dacitic magma followed by eruptive mixing of compositionally diverse crystals and high-silica rhyolite vitroclasts during evacuation and emplacement. This model contrasts with the more systematic withdrawal from a bottle-shaped chamber in which sidewall crystallization creates a marked vertical compositional gradient and a substantial volume of capping-evolved rhyolite magma. Eruption at exceptionally high discharge rates precluded development of an underlying plinian deposit.The generation of the monotonous intermediate Lund magma and others like it in the middle Tertiary of the western USA reflects an unusually high flux of mantle-derived mafic magma into unusually thick and warm crust above a subducting slab of oceanic lithosphere.  相似文献   
为了精确识别高光谱遥感图像上的地物,使用交叉相关光谱匹配方法获取光谱整体形态的最大偏移量,通过对比分析吸收谷位置变化获取吸收谷位置的最大偏移量,在此基础上确定吸收谷位置的偏移范围;然后使用穷举法,进行基于整体形态和偏移范围内局部吸收谷位置的识别。在云南中甸普朗斑岩铜矿区的高光谱遥感图像的实际应用表明,该方法的识别结果比仅考虑整体形态的识别结果具有更高的可靠性,能进一步证实识别结果的准确性。  相似文献   
王为  许刘兵  吴正  黄山 《地理学报》2010,65(3):320-330
对广东深圳西冲湾海滩东侧基岩海岸上壶穴的形态特征进行详细测量并对其位置和高程做三角高程测量。结合野外观测结果从经典统计学和空间统计学的角度定量地描述壶穴的形态和空间分布特征及其在基岩海岸发育过程中的地貌作用。研究得出以下结论:西冲海岸壶穴趋向形成于节理、断裂、层面等岩体软弱带,壶穴的形态和分布受这些软弱带控制,但形成于软弱带的具体位置却是随机的;西冲海岸壶穴的形成、扩大和加深实际上是对二级平台产生破坏,但壶穴以现代低潮线为下蚀极限;海岸壶穴是现代海岸动力侵蚀过程的产物,只要动力、岩石条件适合,壶穴随时都可形成;海岸壶穴的形态不仅与流水动力有关,而且与岩石硬度及壶穴发育过程有关;海岸壶穴与河流壶穴一样,可以在形成于各种类型的岩石,起源于各种各样的凹坑;海岸与河流的水动力差异导致了海岸壶穴和河流壶穴形态差异。  相似文献   
大厂矿田成矿分带特征及其控制机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
大厂锡多金属矿田由西向东分为三个带,东、西部为锡石-硫化物矿带,中部为矽卡岩型锌铜矿带.三个矿带在水平方向上具有明显的不对称,在矿物组合和矿体产出形态上相差也较大,通过对构造形态的空间分析以及成矿流体物理化学性质的比较,阐明大厂矿田成矿分带特征,并解释了不同矿带在垂向上的矿体形态差异.  相似文献   
Plate anchor is one of the most common varieties of anchors used in the construction and maintenance work of various on-land and offshore structures. An accurate estimation of the uplift capacity of anchor foundations is necessary for an economical design as well as for the safety and stability of structures. This paper outlines the effect of shape of anchor plates on their breakout capacity, through a series of model tests. Both shallow and deep anchor behaviours were investigated under conditions developing suction force and without suction force. The results of these tests are presented in terms of load-displacement behaviour, variation of breakout factors (with and without suction force) with depth of embedment, the critical embedment depth of anchors and variation of suction force with embedment ratio. Further, the variations of breakout factor ratio with aspect ratio and embedment ratio are reported. Based on the experimental results and the model test results of other investigators an empirical relationship has been suggested to determine the shape factor and holding capacity of plate anchors buried in saturated cohesive soils.  相似文献   
通过论述汉字信息在地图信息中的重要地位,说明开发地名数字化系统的必要性;并且通过分析汉字的“音、形、义”的结构特征,阐明了地名数字化系统的继承性、层次性、稳定性和开放性。从而说明开发地名数字化系统的艰巨性。  相似文献   
Over the past geological and historical period, tens of thousands of landslides occurred in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River, an area which is characterized by alpine valleys and has been densely populated over the past several hundreds of years. Discussing the triggering factor of these landslides is of great significance to geological hazard mitigation and prevention in this region. In this paper, we focus on four aspects of regional rainfall, shape features of landslide slopes, the corresponding relationship between landslide area and earthquake magnitude, and the recurring features of the reconstructed palaeoearthquake record at Diexi. Compared with those in Nepal, both mean seasonal rainfall accumulation and mean daily rainfall for the past 30 years are too low to reach the threshold values triggering landslides in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River. Secondly, landslides in the study area are usually absent of inner gorges(canyon topography)on the hillslope toes, which are confirmed in previous studies as typical features of landslides triggered by storms. Thirdly, wide distribution of the landslides in the study area supports our notion of earthquake-triggering because the landslides triggered by storms commonly distribute locally. Fourthly, periodicity analysis of the reconstructed palaeoearthquake record at Diexi provides a few cycles of twenty to thirty years, possibly corresponding to the earthquakes of magnitudes>5.0 or 5.5 which are believed to have caused soft-sediment deformation in the study area. In contrast, like the 2008 MS8.0 Wenchuan earthquake, the average recurrence interval of the large earthquakes in the study area is 2.6ka. They caused tens of thousands of landslides and provided more coarse silt particles for the nearby lake sediments at least in 330 years for each time. This is consistent with exponential increase of earthquake magnitude from large to medium and of the landslide area with the increased earthquake magnitude. To sum up, we suggest that tens of thousands of landslides in the upper reaches of the Minjiang River were most likely triggered by earthquakes instead of storms. This preliminary viewpoint needs further examination in the future.  相似文献   
阿尔泰可可托海伟晶岩中弧形石英白云母层的成因及意义   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
石英白云母层时常紧贴伟晶岩侵入体的边界出现且平行边界延伸。但是在新疆阿尔泰可可托海伟晶岩型稀有金属矿区伟晶岩体中石英白云母层出现了三种不同类型的弧形起伏,这些弧形形态仅用矿物的定向生长是难以解释的。弧形石英白云母层具有统一的"背地性"指向(弧形凸起顶端一律朝上)并且越靠近伟晶岩侵入体的顶部弧形凸起越明显,在侵入体侧部边界的石英白云母层不存在弧形凸起形态。这些形态特点与浮力作用下形成的形态具有可比性,暗示浮力与弧形石英白云母层间存在密切的成因联系。石英白云母层与石英钠长石层的间隔出现指示伟晶岩浆中挥发分含量的周期性增加。挥发分含量的周期性增加导致了挥发分不断加入未固结的剩余岩浆中并向伟晶岩体顶部上升,逐步在伟晶岩侵入体的顶部形成了弧形石英白云母层。弧形石英白云母层的大量出现不仅说明伟晶岩侵入体规模较大,也暗示存在有利的挥发分保存环境,对伟晶岩型稀有金属矿产的形成和稀有金属找矿预测起到非常重要的作用。  相似文献   
三维激光扫描技术在船体外形测量中的试验性研究   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
介绍了三维激光扫描技术的测量原理,进行了21 m长船体外形测量的试验性研究,证明了其在快速、高效获取船体三维数据、提取船体型线方面有着较大的优越性。  相似文献   
采用多卫星导航系统组合导航,定位精度和系统可靠性会大幅提升,但导航定位运算量也会成倍增长。为解决多系统组合导航定位精度与实时性之间的矛盾,提出一种新的选星方法。新方法不追求最小GDOP值,而是以满足导航定位精度的GDOP值为前提,结合模糊理论中隶属函数的思想,按卫星在星座中均匀分布为原则进行选星。推导伪距测量的误差模型,分析了GDOP与测量误差之间的关系。北斗、GPS和GLONASS三系统组合导航选星实验结果表明,在不超过3次求解GDOP值的情况下,新方法能以不小于98%的概率得到GDOP≤4。  相似文献   
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