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铝的水解反应及其水解聚合铝形态的研究,特别是具有Keggin结构的Al13聚合形态一直是地球化学、环境科学、形态分析以及生物毒理学等众多领域的研究热点之一。综述了近20年来Al13的分析方法、形成和转化机制、影响因素以及动力学方面研究的进展。  相似文献   
结合黔西地区煤层群赋存的地质特点和钻井难点,从工程实际和储层保护出发,分析了现有煤层气参数井、预探井井身结构的地质适应性,划分出4种地层(含煤体)结构条件;提出了不同条件下设计与施工优化的4类8种配套井身结构变化形式,并对其优缺点和适用范围进行了分析评价,以期为复杂地质条件下煤层气探井的井身结构设计提供新的思路。  相似文献   
我国新世纪区域发展规划的基本发展趋向   总被引:15,自引:2,他引:15  
区域发展规划是特定经济体制下引导区域经济和社会持续稳定发展的必然产物,面对市场经济条件下规划编制的“小政府,大社会”宏观背景,我国新世纪区域发展规划编制的基本趋向应该是编制计划与市场兼容型的弹性区域发展规划、多目标复合协调型的区域可持续发展规划、公平与效率兼容型社会发展规划、效益型发展规划和应用导向型发展规划。  相似文献   
The global positioning system meteorology (GPS/MET) experiment was the first practical demonstration of global navigation satellite system (GNSS)-based active limb sounding employing the radio occultation technique. This method measures, as principal observable and with millimetric accuracy, the excess phase path (relative to propagation in vacuum) of GNSS-transmitted radio waves caused by refraction during passage through the Earth’s neutral atmosphere and ionosphere in limb geometry. It shows great potential utility for weather and climate system studies in providing an unique combination of global coverage, high vertical resolution and accuracy, long-term stability, and all-weather capability. We first describe our GPS/MET data processing scheme from excess phases via bending angles to the neutral atmospheric parameters refractivity, density, pressure and temperature. Special emphasis is given to ionospheric correction methodology and the inversion of bending angles to refractivities, where we introduce a matrix inversion technique (instead of the usual integral inversion). The matrix technique is shown to lead to identical results as integral inversion but is more directly extendable to inversion by optimal estimation. The quality of GPS/MET-derived profiles is analyzed with an error estimation analysis employing a Monte Carlo technique. We consider statistical errors together with systematic errors due to upper-boundary initialization of the retrieval by a priori bending angles. Perfect initialization and properly smoothed statistical errors allow for better than 1 K temperature retrieval accuracy up to the stratopause. No initialization and statistical errors yield better than 1 K accuracy up to 30 km but less than 3 K accuracy above 40 km. Given imperfect initialization, biases ≫ 2 K propagate down to below 30 km height in unfavorable realistic cases. Furthermore, results of a statistical validation of GPS/MET profiles through comparison with atmospheric analyses of the European Centre for Medium-range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF) are presented. The comparisons indicate the high utility of the occultation data in that very good agreement of upper troposphere/lower stratosphere temperature (better than 1.5 K rms, ≪ 0.5 K bias) is found for a region (Europe+USA) where the ECMWF analyses are known to be good, but poorer agreement for a region (Southern Pacific) where the analyses are known to be degraded.  相似文献   
本文论述了加强矿石研究的重要性.并对块状构造、浸染状构造、海绵陨铁构造、乳滴状构造、层纹状构造的分类命名及代晶结构的鉴定特征提出了自己的看法.  相似文献   
辽宁省凤城市四道门沟铁矿床地质特征及成因分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
袁士鹏 《吉林地质》2012,31(2):55-57,79
辽宁省凤城市四道门沟铁矿床位于辽东铁、硼成矿带内。以下元古界辽河群变质岩系最为发育,褶皱构造是直接控制本区变质层控铁硼矿的重要控矿条件,其控制着矿体的产出空间位置,并控制着区内铁矿体的展布特征。该区的铁矿属于火山沉积变质-超变质热液迭生层控矿床,矿石自然类型为磁铁矿-透闪石型,局部有磁铁矿-蛇纹石型和磁铁矿-硼镁铁矿型。  相似文献   
Google地图应用之广东省地区JOPENS地震速报系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
刘军  陈贵美 《华南地震》2011,31(3):41-49
利用Google公司提供的电子地图服务,以B/S结构(即浏览器和服务器结构)作为系统设计架构,监听JOPENS实时系统发送的地震触发消息,访问JOPENS数据库,根据广东省地区的监测要求,制定检索、筛选策略,获取地震详细信息,显示在浏览器网页上.采用Google地图的JOPENS地震速报系统可以使地震信息发布的显示内容...  相似文献   
交城水峪贯区域地质构造复杂,三大岩类齐全,岩浆岩类发育,岩层露头特征明显,并伴有煤、铁等矿产分布。区内主要发育NNW、NNE、SN向构造体系,从构造、地貌、地层及岩浆岩等因素分析,本区域经历了多次地质构造运动,对其影响最大的为燕山运动。在早燕山期构造运动中近EW向的主应力作用下形成了本区域古洞道向斜、鲁沿向斜、山前大断裂等构造及狐偃山六大岩浆岩体,后期受应力转变造成本区域X型剪节理发育及构造扭曲等现象。形成了本区域现代地质构造及地貌轮廓。  相似文献   
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