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We have investigated the petrography, geochemistry, and detrital zircon U–Pb LA-ICPMS dating of sandstone from the Gorkhi Formation of the Khangai–Khentei belt in the Ulaanbaatar area, central Mongolia. These data are used to constrain the provenance and source rock composition of the accretionary complex, which is linked to subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean within the Central Asian Orogenic Belt during the Middle Devonian to Early Carboniferous. Field and microscopic observations of the modal composition of sandstone and constituent mineral chemistry indicate that the sandstone of the Gorkhi Formation is feldspathic arenite, enriched in saussuritized plagioclase. Geochemical data show that most of the sandstone and shale were derived from a continental margin to continental island arc setting, with plutonic rocks being the source rocks. Detrital zircon 206Pb/238U ages of two sandstones yields age peaks of 322 ± 3 and 346 ± 3 Ma. The zircon 206Pb/238U age of a quartz–pumpellyite vein that cuts sandstone has a weighted mean age of 339 ± 3 Ma. Based on these zircon ages, we infer that the depositional age of sandstone within the Gorkhi Formation ranges from 320 to 340 Ma (i.e., Early Carboniferous). The provenance and depositional age of the Gorkhi Formation suggest that the evolution of the accretionary complex was influenced by the intrusion and erosion of plutonic rocks during the Early Carboniferous. We also suggest that spatial and temporal changes in the provenance of the accretionary complex in the Khangai–Khentei belt, which developed aound the southern continental margin of the Siberian Craton in relation to island arc activity, were influenced by northward subduction of the Paleo-Asian Ocean plate.  相似文献   
Cu-Mo-Au含矿斑岩不仅可以形成于与洋壳俯冲相联系的弧环境,而且也产于碰撞造山带内。通过对比俯冲型和碰撞型含矿斑岩的地球化学特征,发现它们特别在微量元素上具有较大差别,暗示它们有着不同的物源区组成或形成机制。同冈底斯带碰撞型含矿斑岩相比,太平洋东岸俯冲型含矿斑岩有着明显高的HREE和Y含量,低的Sr/Y、(La/Yb)N以及(Dy/Yb)N比值,表明其物质源区不含或含有少量的石榴子石并可能以角闪石组成为主。统计发现这些俯冲型含矿斑岩部分样品具有埃达克岩地球化学特征,但大部分样品却显示出具有与正常岛弧系列火山岩相似的特征,它们很可能是板片释放流体交代地幔楔形成的熔体并在后期经历MASH过程的产物。冈底斯带碰撞型含矿斑岩具有典型埃达克岩地球化学特征,指示其形成条件达到了石榴子石相变,可能形成于增厚的下地壳,其物质源区很可能与前期的洋壳俯冲有着密切的联系。普朗-雪鸡坪含矿斑岩具有与俯冲型含矿斑岩十分相似的地球化学特征,它们有可能是西向俯冲的甘孜-理塘洋发生断离,进而诱发前期俯冲流体交代的富集地幔楔发生部分熔融的产物,而并非是俯冲洋壳直接发生部分熔融的产物。  相似文献   
针对核安全壳裂缝细微、噪声密集和相似性干扰强的特点,提出了一种基于轮廓纵向膨胀去噪的裂缝提取算法。利用裂缝区别于非目标点群的形态特征——整体连续性,对点群进行纵向膨胀操作,基于轮廓的长度、面积和形心比等形态参数计算裂缝判断置信度,以此滤除大量的噪声和相似性干扰点群。实验证明,该算法能滤除大量噪声和非目标的干扰信息,正确提取裂缝,且具有一定的通用性。  相似文献   
东南极普里兹湾陆隆区发育数个近垂直陆缘的脊状沉积体,这些沉积体记录了区域冰川活动和底流变化的历史。本文主要利用多道地震资料和水深资料对这些脊状沉积体的平面展布、走向上的结构差异进行了研究,在此基础上讨论了不同脊状沉积体的形成过程。结果表明研究区内脊状沉积体有两种不同结构类型:西部Wild峡谷两侧不对称发育的浊流堤岸沉积形成两个平行峡谷的脊状沉积体;东部数个脊状沉积体的形成与其下长期存在的浊流活动引起的穿时沉积间断面有关。不同峡谷的浊流活动起始时代不一,西部的Wild峡谷起始时代和陆隆区冰海沉积起始时代(P1)一致;东部Wilkins峡谷以及Murray峡谷从后期的P3(约26.1 Ma)开始,代表普里兹湾地区的一次冰川极盛事件。研究区所有峡谷及其浊流活动均随时间向海扩展,造成相应的脊状沉积体向海扩展。在脊状沉积体外缘区域,浊流输送而来的细粒沉积物在向西的底流作用下形成大型深海沉积物波。  相似文献   
Water and sediment samples collected from the Gomti River, a tributary of the Ganges River system, during the postmonsoon season have been analyzed to estimate major elemental chemistry. Water chemistry of the River Gomti shows almost monotonous spatial distribution of various chemical species, especially because of uniform presence of alluvium Dun gravels throughout the basin. The river annually transports 0.34×106 tonnes of total suspended material (TSM) and 3.0×106 tonnes of total dissolved solids (TDS), 69 percent of which is accounted for by bicarbonate ions only. Samples collected downstream of the city of Lucknow show the influence of anthropogenic loadings for a considerable distance in the river water. Na+, Cl, and SO4 2– concentrations build up downstream. The bed sediment chemistry is dominated by Si (36 percent), reflecting a high percentage of detrital quartz, which makes up about 74 percent of the mineralogy of the bed sediments in the River Gomti. The average Kjeldahl nitrogen concentration (234 g/g) indicates indirectly the amount of organic matter in the sediments. The Hg concentration in sediments has been found to be higher (average 904 ppb) than the background value. The suspended sediments are well sorted, very finely skewed, and extremely leptokurtic, indicating a low energy condition of flow in the Gomti River. The influence of chemical loads in the Gomti has been found to be small or nonexistent on the Ganges River, perhaps because the water discharge of the Gomti (1.57 percent) to the Ganges is quite low.  相似文献   
Diamond exploration in India over the past decade has led to the discovery of over 80 kimberlite-inferred and lamproite-related intrusions in three of the four major Archean cratons that dominate the subcontinent. These intrusions are Proterozoic (1.1 Ga), and are structurally controlled: locally (at the intersections of faults); regionally (in a 200 km wide, 1000 km long diamond corridor); and globally (in the reconstructed supercontinent of Rodinia). The geochemistry of 57 samples from 13 intrusions in the southern Dharwar Craton of Andhra Pradesh has been determined by XRF spectrometry. The bodies are iron-rich with mg#=50–70 and are neither archetypal kimberlites nor ideal lamproites; this may be the underlying reason that conventional exploration techniques have thus far failed to locate the primary sources of India's historically famous diamonds. The two major fields of kimberlite-clan rocks (KCR) in the Dharwar Craton, Wajrakur and Narayanpet, are separated by a NW–SE trending, transcontinental (Mumbai-Chennai) gravity lineament. About 80% of intrusions in Wajrakur are diamondiferous, but diamonds have not yet been reported in Narayanpet. The gravity anomaly may mark the boundary of an architectural modification in the keel of the sub-continental lithosphere, a suggestion that is supported by differences in kimberlite mineralogy, chemistry, mantle xenoliths, structural setting and crustal host rocks.  相似文献   
在基于启发式内插等高线算法的基础上提出了一种局部内插方法。首先利用Douglas-Peucker算法提取等高线的特征点,根据特征点判断等高线之间的相似性程度,找出导致等高线出现异常的特征点;然后将相似性程度很低的两条等高线自动分解为若干简单等高线再进行内插。有效地解决了局部弯曲很大、马鞍型地貌等复杂等高线的内插问题。算法已经在以Microstation为平台的数字制图系统中实现并逐渐实用化。  相似文献   
The Palaeoproterozoic Dabla granitoid pluton of the North Khetri Copper Belt is located to the east of a NNE-SSW trending lineament with numerous albite-rich intrusives, the intraplate ‘albitite line’. The Dabla pluton is essentially made up of calcic amphibole-bearing granitoids, displaying a concentric bimodal distribution of alkali-feldspar granites, comprising a microcline-albite granite and an albite-granite. The dominant rock type is pink-coloured granite, which is characterised by quartz, microcline, albite and hastingsitic hornblende, and occurs in the marginal parts of the pluton. The volumetrically subordinate albite-granite in the central part of the pluton is invariably white in colour, non-foliated and is mainly composed of quartz, albite and amphibole of actinolite to ferro-actinolite composition. The albite-granite is characterised by low K2O (0.06-0.09%), Rb (<5 ppm) and Ba (<20 ppm), high Na2O (7.19-7.36%) and high Na/K ratios (122.4-185.2) as compared to the granite. These rocks are not subjected to any metamorphic overprint, especially the albite-granite, which shows pristine abundances of major and trace elements. The rocks are highly evolved as reflected in their high SiO2 (72 to 78%) contents and high DI (89.5-97) values. The Dabla granitoids are characterised by similar REE and spider patterns, displaying LREE enriched slopes, flat HREE profiles and strong negative Sr, P, Ti and Eu anomalies suggesting their comagmatic nature. Nevertheless, the granite is relatively more fractionated [(La/Yb)N = 3.89-8.19] and show higher REE abundances (466-673 ppm) as compared to the albite-granite [(La/Yb)N = 1.97-2.96; REE = 220-277 ppm]. Distinctive features of these rocks are their low Ca (0.21-1.53%), Mg (<0.02-0.19%), Al (11.84-12.96%) and Sr (12-46 ppm) abundances, high Zr (155-631 ppm), Y (67-156 ppm), Nb (14-91 ppm), and Ga (20-31 ppm) concentrations and high Fe*-number, high Ga/Al ratio and high agpaitic index (AI) values. These features, coupled with their ferroan, alkaline and metaluminous nature, are typical of within-plate aluminous A-type granites. The geochemical data further indicate that the Dabla magma was generated at fairly high temperature, apparently in an upper mantle region, under relatively low H2O activities and reduced conditions and emplaced at a shallow depth in an extensional tectonic environment.  相似文献   
利用江苏地区2019~2021年流动重力观测资料,分析江苏省常州市4.2级地震前不同时间尺度下的重力场变化。结果表明:1)0.5 a尺度重力场变化图像较好地反映了此次地震下降-转折上升-持续上升-反向变化及零值线附近发震的演化过程;2)常州4.2级地震前0.5 a和1 a尺度下的重力场均显示,地震发生在重力变化零值线附近。  相似文献   
The bimodal Malani suite, West of Barmer, Rajasthan is characterized by discontinuous, ring shaped outcrops of Siwana peralkaline granite with minor outcrops of basalt. The peralkaline, within- plate and A-type nature of granite are evident by its chemical characteristics. The granite is characterized by high Na2O+K2O, Fe/Mg, Zr, Nb, Y, Zn; low Al2O3, CaO and Sr and is significantly low in absolute abundance of trace and REE elements compared to type area Siwana granite. The granite is correlated to the “Pan-African” event and its petrogenesis and tectonic significance are discussed.  相似文献   
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