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郭际华 《湖南地质》2000,19(4):271-274
本文就石门超大型雄黄-雌黄矿床矿区化探方法的选择,异常下限的确定,远景区的圈定等作了阐述,并圈出了5个有找矿希望的远景区。  相似文献   
通过对茶梁子矿区的地质背景、矿体特征、矿石特征及岩石地球化学特征进行综合研究,初步探讨了矿床的成因。认为矿体是由含硫质的低温热液携带矿质运移到断裂构造的有利部位沉淀而形成的。同时在表生环境下,原生矿体经过后期的次生改造作用后,形成了富含铁、锰氧化物的土状矿石,并且以较为富集的铁、锰氧化物作为寻找钴的直接标志。  相似文献   
Three wells in New Hampshire were sampled bimonthly over three years to evaluate the temporal variability of arsenic concentrations and groundwater age.All samples had measurable concentrations of arsenic throughout the entire sampling period and concentrations in individual wells had a mean variation of more than 7 μg/L.The time series data from this sampling effort showed that arsenic concentrations ranged from a median of 4 μg/L in a glacial aquifer well(SGW-65)to medians of 19μg/L and37 μg/L in wells(SGW-93 and KFW-87)screened in the bedrock aquifer,respectively.These high arsenic concentrations were associated with the consistently high pH(median≥8)and low dissolved oxygen(median0.1 mg/L)in the bedrock aquifer wells,which is typical of fractured crystalline bedrock aquifers in New Hampshire.Groundwater from the glacial aquifer often has high dissolved oxygen,but in this case was consistently low.The pH also is generally acidic in the glacial aquifer but in this case was slightly alkaline(median = 7.5).Also,sorption sites may be more abundant in glacial aquifer deposits than in fractured bedrock which may contribute to lower arsenic concentrations.Mean groundwater ages were less than 50 years old in all three wells and correlated with conservative tracer concentrations,such as chloride;however,mean age was not directly correlated with arsenic concentrations.Arsenic concentrations at KFW-87 did correlate with water levels,in addition,there was a seasonal pattern,which suggests that either the timing of or multiple sampling efforts may be important to define the full range of arsenic concentrations in domestic bedrock wells.Since geochemically reduced conditions and alkaline pHs are common to both bedrock and glacial aquifer wells in this study,groundwater age correlates less strongly with arsenic concentrations than geochemical conditions.There also is evidence of direct hydraulic connection between the glacial and bedrock aquifers,which can influence arsenic concentrations.Correlations between arsenic concentrations and the age of the old fraction of water in SGW-65 and the age of the young fraction of water in SGW-93 suggest that water in the two aquifers may be mixing or at least some of the deeper,older water captured by the glacial aquifer well may be from a similar source as the shallow young groundwater from the bedrock aquifer.The contrast in arsenic concentrations in the two aquifers may be because of increased adsorption capacity of glacio-fluvial sediments,which can limit contaminants more than fractured rock.In addition,this study illustrates that long residence times are not necessary to achieve more geochemically evolved conditions such as high pH and reduced conditions as is typically found with older water in other regions.  相似文献   
采用地质类比方法, 结合秦岭造山带热水沉积岩相研究, 提出热水沉积体系概念。通过现代陆相及海相热泉和秦岭热水沉积岩相对比, 按化学成分可将古热水场划分为强酸性硫酸盐型、弱酸强碱碳酸盐型、以SiO2 为酸酐型、碱性富Mg 重卤水型、热卤水型及强酸性硼硅酸盐型等6 种类型古热水场。并对典型热水场的地球化学类型特征及成岩成矿作用进行了讨论。在前人研究的基础上, 探讨了热水系统的流体地球化学动力学。提出了热水沉积成矿盆地中热水系统的两类地球化学流体动力学模型, 热水层流体系模型和不同成分、性状的热水混合体系模型。从热水系统的边界协同学约束条件、空间拓朴结构、流体通量动量方程及矿质大规模沉淀的地球化学动力学等方面对这两类流体动力学模型进行了讨论。  相似文献   
滇-黔边境鲁甸沿河铜矿床矿化受二叠纪玄武岩最上部古火山口相角砾凝灰岩-气孔状熔岩和上覆宣威组碳泥质层控制。矿石矿物主要为自然铜、氧化铜与辉铜矿。自然铜呈板片状、网脉状、浸染状产出。矿化与阳起石化、沥青化、硅化和沸石化密切相关。在峨眉山大火成岩省寻找沿河式铜矿应关注以下重要问题:①地球化学急变带所确定的岩石圈不连续界面控制了峨眉山玄武岩裂隙式喷发;②古火山口相从苦橄质到安山质高分异岩浆喷发;③火山口环境联系下的贫硫、贫酸根同生热液活动;④富有机质地层中有机-无机相互作用所产生的强还原性环境;⑤脆韧性断裂带的发育导致矿体的进一步富化。  相似文献   
陈石  张元元  郭召杰 《岩石学报》2009,25(3):527-538
新疆三塘湖盆地广泛出露哈尔加乌组地层,主要为陆相中性喷发岩夹火山碎屑岩。火山岩锆石SHRIMP U-Pb年龄为319.6±9.8Ma(MSWD=4.8)。地球化学分析表明,哈尔加乌组火山岩高钾富碱,属于高钾钙碱性系列;LREE强烈富集、大离子亲石元素(LILE)强烈富集、大多数高场强元素(HFSE)明显高于MORB,没有Ti的负异常和P的正异常,Nb、Ta负异常明显,基本没有Eu、Ce的异常,Ti/Y(467~494)、Nb/Y(0.41~0.43)值高。判别图解投入板内火山岩和岛弧火山岩区域,整体显示板内火山岩的特征又携带岛弧火山岩的地球化学痕迹。εNd (t)值(+5.90~+6.31)为正值、Mg#较高(0.54~0.57),显示与亏损地幔相关的源区特点,(87Sr/86Sr) i值(0.70397~0.70464)相对于亏损地幔高、La/Nb(3.12~3.39)、Nb/U(5.86~9.80)比值显示源区有陆壳组分的参与。综合区域地质特征和前人研究资料表明,三塘湖盆地哈尔加乌组火山岩是碰撞造山中增厚的岩石圈根部拆沉作用致使软流圈地幔上涌底侵,致使早期的陆壳组分和弧组分部分熔融而形成的火山喷发,形成于后碰撞伸展转换背景。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地寒武系—下奥陶统白云岩成因及识别特征   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
对63口井岩心及薄片的观察以及大量阴极发光、碳氧同位素、包裹体及电子探针能谱的分析,认为塔里木盆地寒武系—下奥陶统白云岩主要有四种成因,分别对应有四种白云岩类型,即萨布哈白云岩、渗透回流白云岩、埋藏白云岩和热液白云岩。前两者受沉积相控制,后两者受成岩相控制。萨布哈白云岩发育于同生—准同生期蒸发成岩环境的潮间—潮上坪,渗透回流白云岩发育于同生—准同生期蒸发成岩环境的澙湖中,埋藏白云岩发育于埋藏期的深、浅埋藏环境,热液白云岩发育于埋藏期的深埋藏环境。总结了四种不同成因的白云岩的岩石特征及地球化学特征。认识到叠合盆地古老海相地层的白云石化机理复杂,白云岩类型多样,白云岩结构特征不但与沉积相密切相关,更受埋藏期白云石化作用的叠加改造。  相似文献   
彭红  蔡冰堰  陶平  李明琴 《贵州地质》2014,31(4):256-260272
通过对天桥铅锌矿床常量元素、稀土元素、同位素及微量元素等地球化学特征的分析,研究了天桥铅锌矿床的成矿物质流体来源及成矿过程。研究结果表明:(1)矿石、围岩等的稀土元素组成特点相似。∑REE相对较低,LREE/HREE比值较大,稀土配分曲线呈富轻稀土的右倾型曲线。Eu负异常明显,Ce具弱负异常特征。(2)矿床成矿物质流体多来源。受陆源影响较大,主要来自上地壳,且可能主要来自赋矿地层及围岩;无大洋地壳和原始地幔来源。(3)成矿作用为热液改造成矿。  相似文献   
罗开欢 《矿产与地质》1993,7(4):307-310
青海拉脊山东段水系沉积物地球化学测量,发现金源、喇嘛庙、七里寺峡Au、As、Ag、Bi、Sb、Hg等元素的水系沉积物组合异常.Au、Ag、As相对高浓度带发育形态、分布范围、异常浓集中心吻合,与区内已知尼旦沟金矿床地球化学异常特征可以类比,发现有金、铜矿体和金矿化,显示铜金成矿的有望远景地段.  相似文献   
This research aims to take the effect of drainage sediment dilution into consideration by using catchment weighted-bulk leachable extractable gold (CW-BLEG) data in order to enhance and recognize Au anomalies. As a case study, an area in the Eskisehir region in Western Turkey was selected. In this area, gold-bearing crystalline quartz veins, of probable orogenic type, containing up to 20 g/t Au, occur in low-grade schists and marbles of the Karakaya Complex in the vicinity of the Sogut area. To classify the final geochemical maps of the BLEG data to differentiate Au anomalies from background, the singularity model was applied. After that, in order to take the sediments dilution effect (DE) into account, the other important factors in the study area such as the sinuosity index (SI) of the stream sediments per catchment, and the topography slope and area of each catchment were taken into consideration and implemented on the BLEG data. To do so, the CW-BLEG models based on the relation between the Au concentrations and each factor (i.e., C × sinuosity as DE-sinuosity, C × slope as DE-slope, and C × area as DE-area) were generated. Because of the insufficient number of known mineral deposits within the study area to evaluate the effectiveness of the models statistically, the models generated were compared with each other and studied using cross-validation. It demonstrated that the DE-area and DE-sinuosity models work better than the other model in recognizing strong and very strong anomalies considering the known mineral deposits. The cross-validation results show that the DE-area model provides a more robust result compared the other models. Considering the models generated, the very strong and strong Au anomalies in the western part of the study area are corresponded to the known gold mineralization (e.g., Sogut and Mayislar) hosted by the Karakaya Complex, and the anomalies in the eastern and central parts of the study area are associated with the Damdaca mineralization.  相似文献   
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