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Tabular steeply dipping cassiterite‐bearing lodes in the Mount Wells region are hosted by lower greenschist fades metasediment of the Pine Creek Geosyncline within the contact aureole of late orogenic granitoids. The latter are predominantly I‐type, but S‐type phases are developed near the sediment‐granitoid contact.

Quartz, cassiterite, pyrite, arsenopyrite, chalcopyrite and pyrrhotite are the main minerals. Two types of lodes are present: (i) Sn‐quartz lodes containing 5–10 vol% sulphide minerals; and (ii) Sn‐sulphide lodes containing ~ 70 vol% sulphide minerals. At the surface, the former appear as normal quartz veins and the latter as hematite‐quartz breccia resulting from the collapse of original sulphide‐rich lodes as a consequence of volume reduction due to oxidation and leaching.

Two stages of quartz veining are recognized in both types of lodes. Cassiterite is present in stage I while stage II is composed of barren quartz with minor pyrite. Late stage III carbonate veinlets are present in Sn‐sulphide lodes. The lode‐wallrock contact is sharp with weak alteration effects confined to the fringe of the lodes. The alteration minerals include sericite, quartz, tourmaline, chlorite, pyrite and minor K‐feldspar.

Four types of fluid inclusions are present in vein quartz and cassiterite: Type A (CO2 ± H2O ± CH4); Type B (H2O+~ 20% vapour); Type C (H2O+ < 15% vapour) and Type D (H2O+ < 15% vapour + NaCl). Early ‘primary’ inclusions represented by Types A and B are present in stage I only and have a well‐defined temperature mode at ~300°C and a salinity range of 1–20 wt% eq NaCl. Types C and D inclusions are ‘secondary’ in stage I and primary in stage II and have a temperature mode at 120–160°C and salinities from about 1 to more than 26 wt% eq NaCl. Variable H2O‐CO2 ratios of Type A inclusions and homogenization in CO2 or H2O phase at near identical temperature indicate entrapment at the H2O‐CO2 solvus and define a pressure of ~ 100 MPa. The melting sequence of frozen inclusions suggests that the ore fluids were mainly H2O‐CO2‐CH4‐Na‐Ca‐Cl brines. This is also confirmed by Raman Laser Spectrometry.

Oxygen and sulphur isotope data are consistent with a magmatic origin of the ore fluids. The δD values are up to 20%0 higher than those expected for magmatic fluids and probably resulted from interaction of the latter with the carbonaceous strata. This interpretation is supported by δ13C data on the fluid inclusion CO2.

Fluid inclusions, stable isotope and mineralogical data are used to approximate the physico‐chemical parameters of the ore fluids which are as follows: T 300°C, m Cl~2, fO2 ~ 10‐35, mSS ~ 0.01, Sn ~ 1 ppm, Cu ~ 1 ppm and pH ~ 5.5.

It is suggested that fluids of granitic parentage interacted with the enclosing sediment and picked up CO2, CH4 and possibly Ca. The granitic phases became reduced due to this interaction and developed S‐type characteristics. Tin was probably partitioned into the CH4‐bearing reduced fluids. At some stage the fluid overpressure exceeded the lithostatic lode enforcing failure of the carapace and the intruded rocks by hydraulic fracturing causing CH4 and CO2 loss resulting in the precipitation of the ore minerals.  相似文献   
王泽蛟 《城市地质》2019,14(1):60-64
通过对薄杖子钾长石矿地质特征分析,阐述了该矿床的成因类型,为中酸性侵入岩型。钾长石矿严格受沿断裂侵入的燕山期碱性正长岩小岩株控制,通过岩浆结晶分离作用而形成,区内矿体基本裸露于地表,地表出露体呈零星分布,矿体形态均不规则。矿体的主要矿物为钾长石,次要矿物为石英、条纹长石、绢云母、黑云母、角闪石,副矿物为黄铁矿、磁铁矿。矿石自然类型为碱性正长岩型,工业类型为玻璃及建筑陶瓷用钾长石矿,开发利用方向为玻璃及建筑陶瓷工业原料。  相似文献   
地形、岩土性质与岩土结构、降水及融雪为滑坡的发生提供了极有利的条件。通过现场调查、文献调研,分析特克斯达坂滑坡灾害发育特征及孕灾机制,计算其稳定性,推测其形成的力学机制为推移式;揭示特克斯黄土+泥岩结构、黄土+基岩(灰岩)结构、黄土+砂砾石+软岩(泥岩)岩土体结构主要滑坡类型的致滑机理;对研究区内不稳定斜坡采用“内外钢丝网+横纵混凝土梁+混凝土盖和防护柱(外壁带钢筋倒刺)+黄土中植草”加固。  相似文献   
在软土地基加筋路堤稳定性分析方法中,传统分析方法(如瑞典法和荷兰法)因对加筋材料的加筋作用估计不足,导致计算结果过于保守,与实际不符。本文在充分考虑加筋体的加筋作用下,提出了新的加筋路堤稳定性分析计算方法,并采用小生境遗传算法搜索临界滑动面和最小安全系数。算例计算结果表明,本文提出的加筋路堤稳定性分析方法与工程实际情况吻合较好,并且小生境遗传算法能有效地搜索到边坡所有的临界滑动面。  相似文献   
运用扫描电子显微镜对采自ZK1200B钻孔1.12~53.00 m处岩芯的部分样品进行了分析研究。据此,较精确地划分出了4层含钾岩层,发现有钾石盐、光卤石、杂卤石、泻利盐、硫锶钾石、天青石等固体盐类矿物,其中的硫锶钾石和天青石矿物在新疆罗布泊地区属首次发现。钙芒硝岩层中含有硫锶钾石、天青石,推断其锶可能来源于深部地层水(或油田水)的补给,对罗布泊地区钾盐矿的成因研究具有重要意义。  相似文献   
阐述了山西地堑系的构造背景及现今应力场状态,对该地区发育的地裂缝特点进行了概括性描述。根据实际调查,在该地区发现了一类特殊的剪切-挤压型地裂缝万荣县城关变电所地裂缝,该地裂缝地貌上位于山西地堑系峨嵋台地,发育特征表现为强烈的剪切、挤压变形,地面、墙体拱曲、翘起,并出现明显的水平位错现象。与该区发育的其他地裂缝有明显的不同。根据地裂缝发育的特征,并结合区域构造应力场分析,讨论了该地裂缝的力学成因机制。  相似文献   
基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件新进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于Web(WordwideWeb万维网 )平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件是按照浏览器 服务器的模式工作 ,即用户以客户端浏览器为计算平台 ,而计算的应用程序及数据库在服务器端运行。本文介绍了当前岩石矿物数据处理软件的发展现状和趋势及成功开发基于Web平台的岩石数据处理程序的范例 ,探讨了开发基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件的实现方法及优越性 ,从而论证了建立基于Web平台的岩石矿物数据处理软件的必要性和可行性  相似文献   
黄钇钽矿形成条件的实验研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文实验表明,黄钇钽矿需要在温度≥500℃,溶液pH≈4.0-7.5,压力500—1500bar的范围内形成,与褐钇铌矿相比,其形成条件的范围要窄得多。 不同的稀土元素在形成黄钇钽矿时的成矿温度亦不同。钇族稀土成矿温度相对较低且相互接近,铈族稀土的成矿温度比钇族稀土高得多,并随原子序数减小而迅速增高,以致La、Ce、Pr、Nd在一般的地质条件下难以形成这种结构的矿物,这就是至今在自然界发现的黄钇钽矿均为钇族稀土占优势的原因之一。实验还表明,大量F、P等组分的存在,对黄钇钽矿的形成是不利的。  相似文献   
湖南滑石矿床类型可分为变质型、沉积风化残余型、中低温热液交代型三类。变质型又可分为区域动力变质和接触变质交代两个亚型。据湖南滑石矿床分布特点、成矿地质条件,全省滑石矿可划为四个成矿带、九个远景区,作为今后滑石找矿方向。  相似文献   
苏皖凹凸棒石矿物红外光谱特征研究   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
苏皖凹凸捧石粘土矿物包括沉积、风化及火山碎屑蚀变三种成因类型。成矿物质来源于内陆浅水湖盆水下玄武岩风化蚀变及地表玄武岩的风化。不同成因类型的凹凸棒石在矿物晶体结晶程度上有较大差异。通常,由风化作用生成并与碳酸盐共生的沉积型凹凸棒石结晶程度低,较纯的并与硅质岩共生的沉积型凹凸棒石结晶程度高。它们在红外吸收光谱特征上表现为:前者红外振动吸收带分裂程度低,吸收峰弱且峰形钝。后者红外振动吸收带分裂程度高,吸收峰尖锐。因此研究凹凸捧石的红外吸收光谱特征可基本上区分出它们的成因类型。本文还对凹凸棒石红外吸收光谱振动波数带进行了划分,并对相应的振动类型作了探讨。  相似文献   
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