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南岭离子吸附型稀土矿床成矿规律研究新进展   总被引:12,自引:1,他引:12  
赵芝  王登红  陈郑辉  陈振宇 《地质学报》2017,91(12):2814-2827
离子吸附型稀土矿是我国的优势资源,是全球重稀土的主要来源。20世纪80年代我国对此类矿床的成矿规律开展过大量研究,但仍有诸多未解之谜。为了解目前离子吸附型稀土资源的分布特征和成矿规律,2011~2015年中国地质科学院矿产资源所三稀项目组对52个离子吸附型稀土矿床进行了综合研究,本文介绍稀土成矿规律研究方面取得的一些新进展:(1)离子吸附型稀土矿床广泛分布在华南地区,以南岭最为发育,近些年在越南、老挝、泰国及美国也有发现。矿床主要产在花岗岩和酸性火山岩风化壳中,近几年也在变质岩和灰岩风化壳中有所发现,但花岗岩离子吸附型稀土矿床规模较大,品位较高,仍是最为重要的一类(亚类)稀土矿床;(2)成矿花岗岩的形成时代范围较宽,锆石U-Pb年龄集中在461~384Ma、228~242Ma和189~94Ma三个区间。相对于LREE型成矿花岗岩,HREE型更加富硅,富HREE,具有强烈的负Eu异常,普遍高Rb,低Ti、Zr、Hf、Nb、Ta、Ba、Sr等微量元素,暗示HREE型成矿花岗岩岩浆经历了高度分异。值得注意的是,部分LREE型成矿花岗岩相对富集HREE,特别是富集Y,轻重稀土元素比值(LREE/HREE)多介于1~3之间,风化易形成HREE型风化壳,这很可能是今后重稀土资源的重要来源之一;(3)成矿花岗岩中稀土矿物的成因多样,有岩浆成因(如榍石、褐帘石、独居石、磷钇矿等)、流体交代成因(稀土氟碳酸盐类)和表生成因(水磷铈矿、水磷镧矿等),稀土元素的内生矿化很大程度上受流体交代作用影响;(4)发育完整的风化壳垂向剖面中稀土元素含量呈"弓背式"分布,即表土层和半风化层中含量低,全风化层中含量高,但受地形、地貌及地表水等因素的影响,稀土含量变化曲线呈多种形态。垂向上LREE和HREE可分层富集,即全风化层上部富集LREE,下部富集HREE,也可以同时富集在全风化层下部。华南大量成矿母岩和风化壳样品的化学风化蚀变指数(CIA)与稀土元素总量(∑REE)之间存在明显的相关性,当CIA85%时,CIA与∑REE呈正相关,当85%CIA100%时,CIA与∑REE呈负相关;(5)表生过程中,母岩中易风化的稀土矿物不断释放出可交换性吸附态的稀土元素,酸性淋滤作用是稀土元素迁移的动力,黏土矿物是稀土元素赋存的载体,风化程度影响稀土元素的次生富集。  相似文献   
The exceptional development of coeval hydrocarbon and aqueous fluid inclusions (FI) in fluorite from the MVT-type ore deposit of Koh-i-Maran, Baluchistan (North Kirthar range, Pakistan), provides samples which are representative of the ore-forming fluid and which support the hypothesis of petroleum migration in the province. Primary brines at 125°C (10 wt% equ. NaCl) and secondary CH4-rich brines at 135°C (7 wt% equ. NaCl), are recognised to be associated with oil migration in the fluid inclusions. They support the model of a per ascensum MVT (Mississippi Valley Type) stratabound hydrothermal deposit. A pressure–temperature path of 120–125°C to 165–200 bars is calculated from microthermometric data and PVT modelling of hydrocarbon FI using the modified Peng–Robinson Equation of State (IFP software) from primary cogenetic inclusions (oil and brines).The composition of gas and oil fractions is obtained by a combination of Synchrotron FTIR microanalysis and gas chromatography performed on individual fluid inclusions. The oil entrapped as a coeval primary fluid phase is a light aliphatic normal oil in the range C8–C35 with a high CO2 content. The brown solid phase found systematically in the oil is probably asphaltene resulting from precipitation after trapping of the heavy fraction, which commonly occurs by decreasing pressure and temperature and\or by CO2 injection. Later CH4-rich brine influx probably modified part of the oil in the primary fluid inclusions because degraded oil is observed within such inclusions. Biomarkers obtained by GC-MS analysis indicate a terpane distribution quite similar to the nearest oil seepage in the Gokurt area. This result and the high CO2 content of organic fluid inclusions indicate a restricted/confined sedimentary environment for the source rock, which could correspond to the Eocene Carbonate formation with type-II organic matter. A possible additional input of gas from the Sambar formation is suggested as feasible. The link between the fluid inclusion data and the geodynamic evolution lead us to propose a circulation of basinal fluids driven mainly by the fault system during dewatering in the foredeep. In Pakistan, they are coeval to major compressional NW–SE Oligocene episode in the thrust belt. The origin of the fluorine may be found in the basin sediments as well as near the basement. The brines originated in salt structures recognized in eocambrian at the decollement level, the source rock was already mature.  相似文献   
The Ural Volcanics are a early Devonian, submarine, felsic lava-sill complex, exposed in the western central Lachlan Orogen, New South Wales. The Ural Volcanics and underlying Upper Silurian, deepwater, basin-fill sedimentary rocks make up the Rast Group. The Ural Range study area, centrally located in the Cargelligo 1:100 000 map sheet area, was mapped at 1:10 000 scale. Seventeen principal volcanic facies were identified in the study area, dominated by felsic coherent facies (rhyolite and dacite) and associated monomictic breccia and siltstone-matrix monomictic breccia facies. Subordinate volcaniclastic facies include the pumice-rich breccia facies association, rhyolite – dacite – siltstone breccia facies and fiamme – siltstone breccia facies. The sedimentary facies association includes mixed-provenance and non-volcanic sandstone to conglomerate, black mudstone, micaceous quartz sandstone and foliated mudstone. The succession was derived from at least two intrabasinal volcanic centres. One, in the north, was largely effusive and intrusive, building a lava – sill complex. Another, in the south, was effusive, intrusive and explosive, generating lavas and moderate-volume (~3 km3) pyroclastic facies. The presence of turbidites, marine fossils, very thick massive to graded volcaniclastic units and black mudstone, and the lack of large-scale cross-beds and erosional scours, provide evidence for deposition in a submarine environment below storm wave-base. The Ural Volcanics have potential for seafloor or sub-seafloor replacement massive sulfide deposits, although no massive sulfide prospects or related altered zones have yet been defined. Sparse, disseminated sulfides occur in sericite-altered, steeply dipping shear zones.  相似文献   
The Antrim Plateau Volcanics, Australia's largest Phanerozoic flood‐basalt province, originally covered an area of at least 300 000 km2 across northern Australia. Stratigraphic constraints indicate that the Antrim Plateau Volcanics are of Early Cambrian age (ca 545–509 Ma), although previous attempts to date the Antrim basalts by radiometric methods have been inconclusive. We present an ion microprobe U–Pb zircon age of 513 ± 12 Ma for the ~250 km‐long Milliwindi dolerite dyke in the west Kimberley. The dolerite is geochemically identical to basalts of the Antrim Plateau Volcanics, and was probably a feeder dyke for basalts that have since been eroded. It is suggested that the Antrim Plateau Volcanics extended hundreds of kilometres further to the west than recognised previously and may have once covered part of the Kimberley block.  相似文献   

A U–Pb zircon age of 1762 ± 11 Ma is reported for granite gneiss located on Flinders Island, South Australia. This age is identical, within analytical uncertainty, to a previously reported age for schists of the Price Metasediments located 100 km to the southeast on the southwestern coast of the Eyre Peninsula. The outcrop represents the only known country rock to the Early Mesoproterozoic Calca Granite (Hiltaba Suite) of Flinders Island, the largest island of the Investigator Group of islands, in the southwestern Gawler Craton. The stratigraphic name Investigator Granite Gneiss is proposed for this rock unit. The discovery of the Investigator Granite Gneiss now considerably increases the extent of known Late Palaeoproterozoic rocks on the eastern side of the peninsula. The outcrop was previously included with the considerably younger St Peter Suite granite‐monzogranite, and grouped together with other islands in the Investigator Group. This new dating suggests that the geology on the other islands may require revision. For the first time, detailed major and trace‐element geochemistry is supplied for the granite gneiss on Flinders Island.  相似文献   
滇西点苍山—哀牢山变质岩系锆石SHRIMP定年及其地质意义   总被引:7,自引:14,他引:7  
滇西点苍山和哀牢山主体分别由下元古界苍山群和哀牢山群深变质岩系组成,被认为是前寒武纪结晶基底。选取点苍山的花岗闪长质糜棱岩(DCS-1)和哀牢山元江段黑云母花岗闪长质片麻岩(SM07-1)之中的锆石进行U-Pb SHRIMP定年。样品DCS-1和SM07-1测年结果分别为233±2.6Ma和239.8±2.8Ma。结合前人对滇西地区花岗质岩类所做的研究,揭示滇西地区在三叠纪经历一期在空间上广泛分布的岩浆事件,点苍山花岗质糜棱岩和哀牢山花岗质片麻岩的原岩为三叠纪侵位的花岗岩,其构造环境属于大陆裂谷,反映了滇西地区在三叠纪地壳物质的重新调整,而该变质岩系不是前寒武纪的结晶基底,其变质作用与山体出露地表过程和新生代构造作用有关。  相似文献   
The strongly peraluminous granites (SPGs) of Eastern Nanling Range (ENR) are a characteristic of all bearing highly aluminous minerals, such as muscovite±AI-rich biotite±tourmaline±garnet, and lack of cordierite. In respect of petrography, geochemistry, Nd isotope, and single grain zircon U-Pb dating, the representative granite bodies of them are studied. The research shows that these granites were emplaced in two stages, namely 228-225 Ma BP and J2-3 159-156 Ma BP, belonging to Indosinian and early Yanshanian periods, respectively, and they have low εNd(t) values (-10.6--11.1), high A/CNK, Rb/Sr ratios and tDM values (1887-1817 Ma), and REE's tetrad effect (TE1,3=1.13-1.34). In comparison with related geology, petrology and chronology of granites in adjacent regions, it is suggested that Indosinian SPGs of ENR formed in the circumstance of post-collisional extension 20 Ma after the major collision of Indosinian Movement (258-243 Ma BP) in Indo-China Peninsula, and early Yanshanian SPGs formed in the  相似文献   
塔源二支线铅锌铜矿床地处额尔古纳地块东南缘,位于得尔布干成矿带东段.为确定塔源二支线铅锌铜矿区岩浆岩的岩石成因及其地质意义,对矿区岩浆岩开展了岩石学、地球化学以及同位素年代学研究.笔者在矿区识别出两期岩浆作用,早期发生于(296.1±2.3)Ma(早二叠世),侵入体为二长闪长岩;晚期发生在(136.5±2.1)Ma(早...  相似文献   
In 2003–2004, long-term seismic noise observations were launched on Shikotan Island (Lesser Kuril Range) based on the “Shikotan” dormant regional seismic station. The geological and geophysical data on the registration area are reported. Information about the equipment and its technical specifications is given. The precursors to the strongest local earthquakesthat occurred in the Shikotan Island region in January 2005–March 2007 are identified.  相似文献   
The Olympic iron oxide–copper–gold province in South Australia contains numerous deposits and prospects, including the Olympic Dam Cu–U–Au–Ag deposit and the Acropolis prospect. The Acropolis prospect comprises massive, coarse-grained magnetite–apatite veins partly replaced by a hematite-stable assemblage. The apatite grains in the veins contain zones with abundant inclusions of other minerals (including monazite and xenotime) and low trace-element concentrations relative to the inclusion-free zones. The inclusion-rich apatite zones are interpreted to be formed from the recrystallisation of the inclusion-free apatite and remobilisation of U, Th and rare earth element (REE) from apatite into monazite and xenotime. Apatite, monazite and xenotime are all established U–Th–Pb geochronometers and offer the potential to constrain the alteration history of the Acropolis prospect. The LA-ICPMS U–Pb age of inclusion-free apatite is within error of the age of the host volcanic units (ca 1.59 Ga). Inclusion-rich apatite yields both near-concordant analyses that are within error of the inclusion-free apatite as well as highly disturbed (discordant) analyses. The most concordant analyses of monazite (Th–Pb) inclusions and xenotime (U–Pb) inclusions and rim grains indicate an alteration event occurred at ca 1.37 Ga and possibly also at ca 500 Ma. The disparity in age of the inclusion-rich apatite and the REE-phosphate inclusions (and rim grains) is suggested to be owing to the apatite being initially recrystallised at ca 1.59 Ga and modified again by a later event that also formed (or coarsened) most of the inclusions. Partial resetting of the majority of the monazite inclusions as well as the presence of significant amounts of common Pb has complicated the interpretation of the monazite results. In contrast, xenotime is a more robust geochronometer in this setting. The ages of the two post-1.59 Ga events that appear to have affected the Acropolis prospect do not correspond to any events known to have occurred in the Gawler Craton. The earlier (ca 1.37 Ga) age instead corresponds best with metamorphic–magmatic–hydrothermal activity in Laurentia, consistent with the proximity of Laurentia and the Gawler Craton inferred from palaeogeographic reconstructions. The later (ca 500 Ma) event corresponds to the Delamerian Orogeny and has been shown by prior studies to have also affected the Olympic Dam deposit.  相似文献   
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