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R. Burgess  G.B. Kiviets  J.W. Harris 《Lithos》2004,77(1-4):113-124
Ar–Ar age measurements are reported for selected eclogitic clinopyroxene and garnet inclusions in Orapa diamonds and clinopyroxene inclusions in Venetia diamonds. Laser drilling of encapsulated clinopyroxene inclusions within Venetia diamonds released a maximum of 3% of the total 40Ar, indicating little diffusive transfer and storage of radiogenic 40Ar at the diamond–inclusion boundary. Apparent ages obtained during stepped heating of three diamonds are consistent with diamond crystallisation occurring just prior to the kimberlite eruption 520 Ma ago. Stepped heating of three clinopyroxene-bearing Orapa diamonds gave ages of 906–1032 Ma, significantly above the eruption age, but consistent with previously determined isotopic ages. A few higher apparent ages hint at the presence an older generation of Orapa diamonds that formed >2500 Ma ago. Orapa garnets also contain measurable K contents, and record a range of ages between 1000 and 2500 Ma. The old apparent ages and lack of significant interface 40Ar released by the laser probe, suggests that pre-eruption radiogenic 40Ar and mantle-derived 40Ar components are trapped in microinclusions within the pyroxene and garnet inclusions.  相似文献   
本文报道了南极拉丝曼丘陵“中山站”石榴石变粒岩的岩石学和矿物化学特征;确定了其矿物组合及世代演化关系,利用电子探针分析了其特征变质矿物的化学组成,最后推断东南极拉丝曼丘陵地区曾发生过麻粒岩相变质作用和混合岩化作用。  相似文献   
石榴子石是矽卡岩型矿床的标志性矿物之一,其结构和成分特征被广泛用来示踪早期成矿流体性质的变化,但其生长过程与金属元素富集过程的关系还不清楚。本文对长江中下游成矿带最西端鄂东矿集区内的铜山口铜钼钨矿床中的石榴子石开展了显微结构和电子探针主量元素、LA-ICP-MS微量元素点分析和面扫描分析。结果显示,铜山口矿床中的石榴子石端元成分以钙铁榴石-钙铝榴石为主,普遍含有一定量的W,特别是在钙铁榴石端元比例高的石榴子石中(可达3898×10-6),且W与Mo、As、Sn存在明显的正相关关系、与Ti存在一定的负相关关系,指示W以类质同象的方式进入石榴子石晶格。石榴子石可包裹结构简单的白钨矿或被具复杂结构的白钨矿交代,指示石榴子石记录了白钨矿形成前和形成过程中流体性质(氧逸度和W含量等)的变化。铜山口矿床中钙铁榴石的大量结晶,导致成矿早期W的大量分散,不利于高品位和大规模钨矿的形成,仅在这些钙铁榴石遭受强烈的退化蚀变时,释放的W在一定程度能够提高矿石的品位,这可能是氧化性矽卡岩型钨矿通常比还原性矽卡岩型钨矿品位低、规模小的重要原因。石榴子石的成分特征(如W、Sn等元素含量和W/Sn、W/Mo和W/As等比值)可以作为判断矽卡岩的氧化还原性和钨矿床的品位及规模的依据,并具有成为W、Mo和Sn等矿床的找矿勘查指示矿物的潜力。  相似文献   
鞠东阳  庞润连  李瑞  杜蔚 《岩石学报》2022,38(4):1025-1042
月球岩浆洋结晶形成的初始月球内部结构是其后续演化过程的开端,其结晶过程受月球岩浆洋的初始深度和物质组成这两个参数的制约。由于缺少直接来自月球深部的岩石样品,目前关于月球岩浆洋演化过程的探讨主要依赖实验和计算模拟手段。岩浆洋模型中形成的月壳厚度是否与探测结果一致是月球岩浆洋演化模型合理性的重要约束。最新的GRAIL(Gravity Recovery and Interior Laboratory)探测数据推算月壳厚度为34~43km,低于阿波罗时期认为的约70km,这对已有的月球岩浆洋演化模型提出了挑战。本文采用并修正FXMOTR程序包,针对月球岩浆洋在不同的初始深度和物质组成情况下的结晶过程,进行了一系列热力学计算模拟。通过量化月球岩浆洋的初始深度和物质组成对月壳厚度的影响,结合关于月球内部微量元素分配的研究结果,对比了月球岩浆洋结晶后期的残余熔体与原始克里普组分(urKREEP)的成分。本文的模拟结果显示,一个全月幔熔融且初始成分为月球初始上月幔组成(LPUM)的岩浆洋将在其深部结晶2.5%石榴子石,形成的月壳厚度符合GRAIL的约束,并且结晶出了合适的urKREEP成分。在此模型的基础上获取了月球初始的内部成分和密度结构,并对后期月幔翻转(Overturn)的程度进行了探讨。  相似文献   
The site location and local geometry of trace amounts (299 ppm) of dysprosium in a natural melanite garnet from a carbonatitic rock have been studied by high-energy fluorescence-detected X-ray absorption fine-structure spectroscopy (XAFS). Measurements were done at the Dy K-edge (53789 eV). Data analysis shows that Dy (i.r. = 0.98 Å) is incorporated at the X site, similarly to other REE, namely Nd (i.r. = 1.11 Å) and Ce (i.r. = 1.14 Å). Comparison of the XAFS data obtained for these three REE and for Ca shows that, within a given garnet composition, the difference in the local geometry can be modelled in terms of differences in the ionic radii. On the contrary, the local coordination of the individual cations is different in distinct garnet compositions, in contrast to what was suggested by previous atomistic simulations of the garnet structure. Comparison of the local coordination geometries available in the literature shows that the Young modulus of the X site strongly depends on the major-element composition of all the structural sites. Both these points are important for Earth Sciences, and especially for geochemical modelling of trace-element incorporation and partitioning.  相似文献   
新田岭矿床是南岭钨锡成矿带中的一个大型矽卡岩型钨矿床,产于骑田岭岩体东北部与石炭系碳酸盐地层的接触带位置。本文运用LA-ICP-MS技术对该矿床矽卡岩中的石榴子石进行了系统的成分分析,获得了其主量、微量和稀土元素含量。结果显示,新田岭矿床中的石榴子石属于钙铁榴石-钙铝榴石固溶体系列(And24Gro66 -And71Gro22),石榴子石的端元成分在富钙铝榴石和富钙铁榴石之间变化。稀土元素的配分模式也同时出现了左倾、Eu负异常和右倾、Eu正异常两种类型,暗示新田岭矿床石榴子石结晶过程中热液流体存在不同的氧化还原环境和水/岩比条件,这也与其晶体中是否出现振荡环带相对应。将不同矽卡岩型矿床中石榴子石的W、Sn含量进行对比显示,含W矿化的矽卡岩型矿床中石榴子石的W、Sn含量整体上显著高于不含W矿化的矿床,指示石榴子石中的W、Sn含量在一定程度上具有预测矽卡岩型矿床成W矿潜力的作用。此外,石榴子石中Fe、Eu、U等元素的含量还可以进一步区分矽卡岩W矿床中的伴生金属元素类型(包括W-Mo、W-Sn、W-Cu-...  相似文献   
The Erlangmiao granite intrusion is located in the eastern part of the East Qinling Orogen.The granite contains almost 99 vol.% felsic minerals with accessory garnet,muscovite,biotite,zircon,and Fe-Ti ...  相似文献   
武川高级片麻岩地体中石榴基性麻粒岩的变质用与同位素年代学研究对于揭示阴山陆块新太古代构造演化过程具有十分重要的研究意义。它们主要以不规则透镜体或变形岩墙/岩脉群的形式赋存于新太古代晚期英云闪长质片麻岩或变质表壳岩系之中,并切割近南-北向的区域性片麻理。岩相学观察、矿物相转变分析与矿物化学研究表明,武川石榴基性麻粒岩保留了十分典型的高压麻粒岩相矿物:石榴石+单斜辉石+斜长石+角闪石+石英+铁-钛氧化物。其中,粗粒石榴石边部常发育微弱的扩散环带,表现为从幔部至边部,镁铝榴石组分不断减少,相应地铁铝榴石组分不断增加,而钙铝榴石与锰铝榴石组分基本不变,指示晚期冷却降温作用对石榴石成分产生一定影响。斜长石具有细粒包体型与粗粒基质型两种不同的类型,它们具有十分相似化学成分,均为An=35~45的中长石。在NCFMASHTO(Na_2O-CaO-FeO-MgO-Al_2O_3-SiO_2-H_2O-TiO_2-Fe_2O_3)体系下,利用THERM OCA LC 3.33软件,对两件石榴基性麻粒岩样品进行了相平衡模拟,模拟的峰期矿物组合为:石榴石+单斜辉石+斜长石+角闪石+石英+铁-钛氧化物,与岩相学观察十分一致。采用石榴石中最小x(g)Fe~(2 +)/(Fe~(2 +)+Mg))与斜长石是中最小ca(pl)(Ca/(Ca+Na))等值线,将本区石榴基性麻粒岩峰期高压麻粒岩相的温压条件限定在P=1.31~1.40GPa,T=770~840℃的范围内。LA-ICP-MS锆石U-Pb定年结果表明,两件石榴基性麻粒岩麻粒岩中发育的变质锆石分别记录了2517±6Ma(BT58-1,MSWD=0.66,n=21)与2512±16Ma(LH66-1,MSWD=0.26,n=42)的加权平均年龄,与阴山陆块其它新太古代岩石记录的约2500Ma变质年龄一致,被解释为本区石榴基性麻粒岩遭受高压麻粒岩相变质时代。结合本区其它新的研究资料,本文认为武川石榴基性麻粒岩形成可能与区内新太古代晚期造山作用有关。  相似文献   
幕阜山地区是我国重要的伟晶岩型稀有金属矿集区, 区内大规模的岩浆作用形成了众多稀有金属矿床。为了研究幕阜山地区花岗岩-伟晶岩岩浆分异演化过程, 建立岩浆演化各阶段和稀有金属成矿的矿物学指标, 本文对区内各类型花岗岩和伟晶岩中的石榴石进行了电子探针和LA-ICP-MS原位微区主、微量元素研究。结果表明, 幕阜山地区花岗岩-伟晶岩系统中石榴石均为岩浆成因, 属于铁铝榴石-锰铝榴石固溶体系列。区内花岗岩-伟晶岩岩浆呈连续分异演化的特征, 早期花岗岩浆已开始富集稀有金属元素, 且在岩浆多阶段分异演化过程中, 稀有金属元素逐渐富集, 稀有金属矿化强度逐渐增大, 显示出幕阜山地区具有极好的稀有金属成矿潜力。在岩浆演化过程中, 石榴石逐渐富Mn和HREE。花岗岩阶段中, 受黑云母结晶的影响石榴石Mn含量演化趋势与岩浆演化程度相反; 伟晶岩晚阶段的石榴石HREE含量"断崖式"下降的成分特征, 标志着成矿体系由岩浆阶段向富流体阶段转变。伟晶岩阶段中石榴石Mn含量与岩浆演化呈正相关, 高Mn含量石榴石(MnO>27.1%)是幕阜山地区高分异矿化伟晶岩的标志, 也是伟晶岩Li矿化的有效矿物学标志。此外, 低HREE含量(< 66.3×10-6)且高稀碱总量(大于572×10-6)的石榴石也可作为晚期高分异矿化伟晶岩的标志。  相似文献   
Examination of schorlomite from ijolite at Magnet Cove (USA) and silicocarbonatite at Afrikanda (Russia), using electron-microprobe and hydrogen analyses, X-ray diffraction and Mössbauer spectroscopy, shows the complexity of substitution mechanisms operating in Ti-rich garnets. These substitutions involve incorporation of Na in the eightfold-coordinated X site, Fe2+ and Mg in the octahedrally coordinated Y site, and Fe3+, Al and Fe2+ in the tetrahedrally coordinated Z site. Substitutions Ti4+Fe3+Fe3+–1Si–1 and Ti4+Al3+Fe3+–1Si–1 are of major significance to the crystal chemistry of schorlomite, whereas Fe2+ enters the Z site in relatively minor quantities (<3% Fe). There is no evidence (either structural or indirect, such as discrepancies between the measured and calculated Fe2+ contents) for the presence of [6]Ti3+ or [4]Ti4+ in schorlomite. The simplified general formula of schorlomite can be written as Ca3Ti4+2[Si3-x(Fe3+,Al,Fe2+)xO12], keeping in mind that the notion of end-member composition is inapplicable to this mineral. In the published analyses of schorlomite with low to moderate Zr contents, x ranges from 0.6 to 1.0, i.e. Ti4+ in the Y site is <2 and accompanied by appreciable amounts of lower-charged cations (in particular, Fe3+, Fe2+ and Mg). For classification purposes, the mole percentage of schorlomite can be determined as the amount of [6]Ti4+, balanced by substitutions in the Z site, relative to the total occupancy in the Y site: ([6]Ti4+[6]Fe2+[6]Mg2+[8]Na+)/2. In addition to the predominant schorlomite component, the crystals examined in this work contain significant (>15 mol.%) proportions of andradite (Ca3Fe3+2Si3O12), morimotoite (Ca3Fe2+TiSi3O12), and Ca3MgTiSi3O12. The importance of accurate quantitative determination and assignment of Fe, Ti and other cations to the crystallographic sites for petrogenetic studies is discussed.
A. R. ChakhmouradianEmail: Phone: +1-204-4747278Fax: +1-204-4747623
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