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板块汇聚带的造山和重力垮塌作用及其力学成因:以雅鲁藏布江-喜马拉雅山汇聚带为例 总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5
从大洋底部磁异常条带的宽度变化可以看出,大洋的扩张速率是时常变化的,这种变化与板块俯冲角度的变化一样,对板块汇聚带的应力和应变场有重要的控制作用。中国存在众多不同特征、不同年代的板块汇聚带,根据其中发生的构造作用可以反演汇聚带在板块扩张速率和俯冲角度控制下的演化。有着巨大高差的喜马拉雅山构造带和雅鲁藏布江缝合带在喜马拉雅山东、西构造结逐渐交汇在一起,其平均海拔高度随之增大而宽度不断变小。喜马拉雅山中段的推覆发生在中新世早期,在推覆的过程中,其北缘沿藏南拆离系还发生了大规模的南北向伸展。这表明在中新世前,在雅鲁藏布江缝合带和喜马拉雅山之间可能存在一个规模很大的造山带,在这里称之为喜马拉雅山—雅鲁藏布江造山带,它在中新世初发生了垮塌。作为这个造山带的前缘,喜马拉雅山中段发生向南的推覆,这就是喜马拉雅山中段的推覆时间要远远滞后于印度和欧亚大陆的碰撞时间的原因。造山带的垮塌可能是印度与欧亚大陆间水平汇聚速率的突然减小造成的。发生在古近纪的日本海和中国的松辽盆地的弧后扩张与喜马拉雅山—雅鲁藏布江造山带的重力垮塌作用可以对比,可能是太平洋和欧亚大陆汇聚速率的突然减小造成的。在白垩纪,太平洋和欧亚大陆汇聚速率很大,所以,欧亚大陆东缘,包括日本海和中国的松辽盆地,在当时可能是规模很大的造山带。位于秦岭南侧,上覆在四川盆地之上的大巴山推覆带的形成机制与喜马拉雅山在中新世的推覆成因类似,与晚白垩世—古近纪秦岭的垮塌有成因关联。秦岭的垮塌可能是华南—华北汇聚速率减小造成的,在此之前秦岭要比现今高得多。 相似文献
Kinematics and dynamics of the Namche Barwa Syntaxis, eastern Himalaya: Constraints from deformation, fabrics and geochronology 总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15
Zhiqin Xu Shaocheng Ji Zhihui CaiLingsen Zeng Quanru GengHui Cao 《Gondwana Research》2012,21(1):19-36
Field observations, deformation and fabric analyses, and precise age data acquired by zircon SHRIMP, LA-ICP-MS U-Pb and 40Ar-39Ar dating methods have yielded new constraints on the kinematics and dynamics of the Namche Barwa Syntaxis (NBS) which is the eastern corner of the Himalaya. A two-stage model has been established to explain the formation and evolution of the NBS. The northward indentation of the Indian plate beneath the Lhasa terrane began at 55-40 Ma, and crustal materials at this corner were subducted to depths > 70 km where they experienced HP (UHP?) metamorphism. Since 40 Ma, large-scale, right-lateral strike-slip along the Sagaing fault has accommodated the rapid northward movement of the eastern Indian plate corner with respect to the Indochina block. This caused significant and progressive bending of the Indus-Yarlung suture zone (IYSZ) such that it became the Dongjiu-Milin left-lateral, strike-slip, shear zone (DMSZ) in the west and the Aniqiao-Motuo right-lateral, strike-slip, shear zone (AMSZ) in the east. Both zones underwent strong mylonitization. Meanwhile, the HP (UHP?) metamorphic rocks were rapidly exhumed, first into the deep crust at 22-18 Ma and then to the shallow crust to form an antiformal dome at 6-2 Ma. Our model provides new insight into the processes of post-collisional crustal thickening related to the formation of the Himalayan orogenic belt. 相似文献
Tree-Ring-Based Spring Temperature Patterns over the Past Four Centuries in Western Himalaya 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A network of 12 tree-ring width chronologies of Himalayan cedar (Cedrus deodara) from the western Himalayan region, India, has been used to reconstruct mean spring (March–May) temperature variations back to A.D. 1600. The most conspicuous feature of the temperature reconstruction is the long-term cooling trend since the late 17th century that ended early in the 20th century. The warmest 30-yr mean for the 20th century was recorded during 1945–1974. However, this warming, in the context of the past four centuries is well within the range of natural variability, since warmer springs of greater magnitude occurred in the later part of the 17th century (1662–1691). 相似文献
石炭系纳兴组事件沉积的发育对明确喜马拉雅北缘盆地属性和构造背景具有重要指示意义。通过野外地质调查在石炭系纳兴组下部识别出典型深水重力流沉积,并新发现大量软沉积物变形构造。深水重力流主要包括滑塌沉积和砂质碎屑流沉积,浊流沉积发育有限。负载构造、火焰构造、液化砂岩脉和液化角砾岩的发育指示地震触发软沉积物变形构造特征。综合区域地质背景,纳兴组深水重力流和软沉积物变形构造特征表明石炭纪喜马拉雅北缘处于被动陆缘裂谷环境。 相似文献
S C Bhatia S V Chalam V K Gaur V I Keilis-Borok V G Kosobokov 《Journal of Earth System Science》1989,98(1):111-123
Seismicity of the Himalayan arc lying within the limits shown in figure 1 and covering the period 1964 to 1987 was scanned
using M8 algorithm with a view to identifying the times of increased probabilities (TIPs) of the occurrence of earthquakes
of magnitude greater than or equal to 7·0, during the period 1970 to 1987. In this period, TIPs occupy 18% of the space time
considered. One of these precedes the only earthquake in this magnitude range which occurred during the period. Two numerical
parameters used in the algorithm, namely the magnitude thresholds, had to be altered for the present study owing to incomplete
data. Further monitoring of TIPs is however warranted, both for testing the predictive capability of this algorithm in the
Himalayan region and for creating a base for the search of short-term precursors. 相似文献
Earthquake processes of the Himalayan collision zone in eastern Nepal and the southern Tibetan Plateau 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
T. L. de la Torre G. Monsalve A. F. Sheehan S. Sapkota F. Wu 《Geophysical Journal International》2007,171(2):718-738
Focal mechanisms determined from moment tensor inversion and first motion polarities of the Himalayan Nepal Tibet Seismic Experiment (HIMNT) coupled with previously published solutions show the Himalayan continental collision zone near eastern Nepal is deforming by a variety of styles of deformation. These styles include strike-slip, thrust and normal faulting in the upper and lower crust, but mostly strike-slip faulting near or below the crust–mantle boundary (Moho). One normal faulting earthquake from this experiment accommodates east–west extension beneath the Main Himalayan Thrust of the Lesser Himalaya while three upper crustal normal events on the southern Tibetan Plateau are consistent with east–west extension of the Tibetan crust. Strike-slip earthquakes near the Himalayan Moho at depths >60 km also absorb this continental collision. Shallow plunging P -axes and shallow plunging EW trending T -axes, proxies for the predominant strain orientations, show active shearing at focal depths ∼60–90 km beneath the High Himalaya and southern Tibetan Plateau. Beneath the southern Tibetan Plateau the plunge of the P -axes shift from vertical in the upper crust to mostly horizontal near the crust–mantle boundary, indicating that body forces may play larger role at shallower depths than at deeper depths where plate boundary forces may dominate. 相似文献
Sedimentation of water bodies is governed by the erosional processes occurring at the watershed level. In this research, a method is proposed for assessing the sediment yield of the mountainous watersheds surrounding the Wular lake in Kashmir Himalaya, using geoinformatics and geostatistics. This method is empirical and semi-quantitative in approach and takes into account the weightage-based influence of the parameters governing the watershed sediment yield. The results of this study reveal that out of the six surrounding watersheds of the Wular Lake, Madhumati watershed with the highest sediment yield index, SYI (39.78) drains maximum sediments into the Lake followed by Arin (39.27), Ferozpur (34.30), Wular II (32.53), Wular I (24.65) and Gundar (23.43) in the event of a same intensity storm. The proposed method is reasonably a better approach in the data-scarce Himalayan region and shall be a useful tool for watershed management in other regions with similar geographic setting. 相似文献
Upendra Baral Ding Lin Deepak Chamlagain Muhammad Qasim Khum N. Paudayal Bhupati Neupane 《Geological Journal》2019,54(1):120-132
The present study integrates detrital zircon U–Pb–Hf isotopic analysis from 13 sandstone samples from an Upper Cretaceous–Miocene sedimentary sequence in Nepal Himalaya to determine their provenance. These sequences constrain a shifting of provenance from south to north. The U–Pb ages from Upper Cretaceous–Palaeocene strata (Amile Formation) mainly cluster between ~1,860 and 1,400 Ma with a peak at ~1,630 Ma and an absence of grains younger than the Palaeoproterozoic (1,400 Ma) age. The detritus yielded positive detrital zircon ƐHf (t) values (as high as +10). However, the detrital zircon U–Pb ages from Eocene–Miocene sequence cluster at ~500–650, ~700–900, ~1,600–1,850, and ~2,500 Ma, and in addition, they have both positive and negative ƐHf (t) values (+11 to −25). This finding further elucidates that the detritus in the Amile Formation was entirely sourced from India, which changed following the time of the Bhainskati Formation deposition, to a mixture of both Asian and Indian affinities (the Himalayan region). This change in source region marks the possible time of the India–Asia collision during this transition phase, that is, Late Palaeocene–Earliest Eocene. 相似文献
对喜马拉雅前陆盆地和孟加拉海扇中各地层的碎屑白云母40Ar/39Ar资料的系统分析揭示了喜马拉雅造山带自印度-欧亚板块碰撞开始造山以来的整个剥落历史: 剥落速率开始较为稳定,然后开始上升,在22Ma左右达到峰值,为4~5mm/a,随后急剧下降,最终以2mm/a的速率保持平稳。喜马拉雅造山带与青藏高原周缘剥落历史的对比约束了印度-欧亚板块碰撞造成青藏高原东缘和北缘的不同反应方式。即开始时的挤压主要被青藏高原北缘的大规模左旋走滑吸收, 到30Ma左右,喜马拉雅造山带冷却、剥落速率显著增强,北缘左旋走滑造成的柴达木地块的向东运动被华北板块阻挡而停滞,因此在北缘发生了一些重要的冷却和抬升剥落事件。至18Ma左右,喜马拉雅造山带的冷却、剥落速率继续增高并维持在较高水平,而该时间段内无论是北缘还是东缘,均未发生显著的抬升剥落事件,因此青藏高原的整体隆升和地壳增厚可能发生在此期间。中新世末—上新世初开始至今,青藏高原东缘龙门山地区发生了一些显著的抬升剥落事件,导致了大量的山崩和河流侵蚀,即此时来自喜马拉雅的挤压主要被青藏高原向东方向的地壳逃逸所吸收。 相似文献