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在对研究区地震资料精细解释的基础上,对原阳江凹陷及其南缘低凸起重新进行了构造单元划分。阳江低凸起北支将原阳江凹陷分隔为阳江东、西两个凹陷,阳江东凹陷可以进一步分为东1洼和东2洼。阳江北断裂是阳江东、西两个凹陷主要的控凹断裂,根据断裂走向拐点和阳江东、西凹陷的分界可以把阳江北断裂划分为3段,分别是西段、中段和东段,西段控制阳江西凹陷,中段控制东1洼,东段控制东2洼。断裂各段活动规律不同,其中断裂中段控制的东1洼的主要活动期在晚始新世和早渐新世,控制文昌组和恩平组的湖相沉积,勘探潜力最好。继承、叠加发育的伸展构造样式是阳江东、西两凹陷的主要构造样式,断层型圈闭和披覆背斜型圈闭是该地区发育的主要圈闭类型。勘探实践表明,垂向运移和近源成藏是阳江东、西两凹陷主要的成藏规律。  相似文献   
An example of diagenesis and reservoir quality of buried sandstones with ancient incursion of meteoric freshwater is presented in this study. The interpretation is based on information including porosity and permeability, petrography, stable isotopic composition of authigenic minerals, homogenization temperatures (Th) of aqueous fluid inclusions (AFIs), and pore water chemistry. These sandstones, closely beneath or far from the regional unconformity formed during the late Paleogene period, are located in the thick Shahejie Formation in the Gaoliu area of Nanpu Sag, Bohai Bay Basin, East China. Early-diagenetic calcite cements were leached to form intergranular secondary pores without precipitation of late-diagenetic calcite cements in most sandstones. Feldspars were leached to form abundant intragranular secondary pores, but with small amounts of concomitant secondary minerals including authigenic quartz and kaolinite. The mass imbalance between the amount of leached minerals and associated secondary minerals suggests that mineral leaching reactions occurred most likely in an open geochemical system, and diagenetic petrography textures suggest that advective flow dominated the transfer of solutes from leached feldspars and calcites. Low salinity and ion concentrations of present pore waters, and extensive water rock interactions suggest significant incursion of meteoric freshwater flux in the sandstones. Distances of the sandstones to the regional unconformity can reach up to 1800 m, while with significant uplift in the Gaoliu area, the burial depth of such sandstones (below sea level) can be less than 800–1000 m during the uplift and initial reburial stage. Significant uplift during the Oligocene period provided substantial hydraulic drive and widely developed faults served as favorable conduits for downward penetration of meteoric freshwater from the earth's surface (unconformity) to these sandstone beds. Extensive feldspar leaching has been occurring since the uplift period. Coupled high Th (95∼115 °C) of AFI and low δ18O(SMOW) values (+17∼+20‰) within the quartz overgrowths show that quartz cementation occurred in the presence of diagenetic modified meteoric freshwater with δ18O(SMOW) values of −7∼−2‰, indicating that authigenic quartz only have been formed during the late reburial stage when meteoric fresh water penetration slowed down. Secondary pores in thin sections and tested porosity suggest that meteoric freshwater leaching of feldspars and calcite minerals generated approximately 7–10% enhanced secondary porosity in these sandstones. Meteoric freshwater leaching reactions cannot be ignored in similar sandstones that located deep beneath the unconformity, with great uplift moving these sandstones above or close to sea level and with faults connecting the earth's surface with the sandstone beds.  相似文献   
介绍了瞬时均匀拉伸模型、挠曲悬臂梁模型和多幕伸展模型,特别强调各种模型的基本假设和适用条件,以及基于这些模型发展出的二维正反演模拟和一维应变速率模拟的方法。这些方法在计算岩石圈伸展系数和盆地张裂的过程中,具有一定的优越性。在盆地的数值模拟中,有时需要综合运用多种数值模型来突破单个模型假设条件的约束。为了研究南海北部白云凹陷的裂后沉降特点,分别应用二维正反演和一维应变速率正反演方法计算岩石圈的伸展系数,并计算理论热沉降,与实测裂后沉降进行对比。模拟结果表明,白云凹陷岩石圈的伸展系数大致呈钟形分布,在凹陷中心处最大,大约为3.5;凹陷的实测裂后沉降远大于理论值,即存在裂后异常沉降,裂后期的异常沉降总量在凹陷中心和南部在2km以上。  相似文献   
大民屯凹陷超压发育机制及其成藏意义   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
沉积盆地超压具多样性,超压演化具系统性,超压的发育受多种因素控制。大民屯凹陷构造沉降史、沉积埋藏史、热史及生烃史等多种因素与剩余压力演化史有着良好的耦合匹配关系。压实不均衡和生烃作用分别是本区超压发育、演化不同阶段的主控因素。超压提供了油气运移的动力和通道,提高了高分子量组分,特别是“蜡”的排出效率是泥岩穿刺构造的诱发因素,亦可作为下伏油气藏的优质盖层,为本区油气富集成藏的有利保障。  相似文献   
The lithological features, the types of organic matter and its occurrence and carbon and oxygen isotopic value were clarified by combining core observation, thin slice authentication, X ray diffraction analysis, kerogen type identification and carbon and oxygen isotope analysis. The characteristic of strata, the distribution of volcanoes of Junggar Basin were also taken into consideration. A comprehensive analysis was conducted to evaluate environmental response of volcanism in Lucaogou formation in Jimsar sag. The results show that rocks is a mixed sedimentation of effusive rock and carbonate rocks, volcanic materials is widely developed in Lucaogou formation and origins from the edge of sag or distant source volcano activity. Organic matter is predominantly unstructural algae and asphaltene. The carbon isotopic value of carbonates ranges between 6.8‰ and 9.7‰ with an average of 8.3‰, featured in high positive excursions, while oxygen isotopic value varies from -11.9‰ to -4.3‰ with an average of -6.2‰. During the period of volcanic activity, the volcanic material released high amounts of nutrient to the lake basin, which is beneficial to the algae and other organic organisms. In the poor oxygen and calm water environments, the organic matter is distributed in the laminar algal and the carbon isotope value is high positive drift. During the intermittent period of volcanic activity, the lake level decreased and the lake bottom water changed to the oxygen-enriched environments. The organic matter is locally enriched or dispersed in local layers, and the carbon isotope values decreased slightly. The frequent volcanic activity promoted the organism boom, which lead carbon isotope value to have high positive characteristics and change trends.  相似文献   
车排子凸起与沙湾凹陷过渡带的构造模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
车排子凸起位于准噶尔盆地扎伊尔山前,是夹持在南部四棵树凹陷和东部沙湾凹陷之间的三角构造带。然而对这个三角构造带是原地掩伏构造,山前推覆构造,还是走滑构造控制形成的认识存在争议。目前对于车排子凸起与沙湾凹陷过渡带的构造变形特征以及变形机制的认识尚不清楚。而过渡带是研究该区构造变形与演化的良好区域,精细研究该区域构造几何学与运动学对于揭示其构造变形机制以及认识盆山之间的关系具有积极作用,并对于该区油气勘探具有重要意义。本文以研究区的连片三维地震资料为基础,运用不整合面识别、轴面分析及平衡剖面等方法,对车排子凸起与沙湾凹陷过渡带进行精细的构造解析、建模与构造复原。研究表明,过渡带发育下二叠统(P1j-P1f),中二叠统(P2x-P2w),上二叠统(P3w),三叠系(T),侏罗系(J),白垩系(K)与古近系-第四系(E-Q)7个构造变形层序。发育佳木河组底部及石炭系内部滑脱层。深部(前二叠系)构造楔发育于整个过渡带,其个数和几何学形态的变化直接影响了上覆背斜形态。构造楔在早二叠世开始楔入,挤压作用持续至三叠纪末期。晚三叠世发育生长地层,显示了P-T构造层褶皱变形的时间,随后三叠纪末期,过渡带受到来自西北缘造山带方向的逆冲推覆构造的叠加作用,表现在后缘发育一系列叠瓦构造,推覆距离约为8 km,南部逆冲断层上盘二叠系-三叠系被剥蚀完全,北部残余少量下二叠统佳木河组。  相似文献   
对南堡凹陷馆陶组(粉)砂岩的主量、微量及稀土元素的地球化学特征研究表明:多数主量元素含量中等,SiO2、Al2O3等主元素含量及其相关比值反映大多数砂岩属于岩屑砂岩和长石砂岩,个别为杂砂岩;镁铁族元素(Co,Cr,Ni,Sc,V)和大离子亲石元素(Rb,Cs,Ba,Sr)含量类似于上地壳。砂岩十分相似的REE分布模式显示了相似的物源和构造背景。SiO2-K2O/Na2O图解、主元素双变量判别图解及Th-Sc-Zr/10和Th-Co-Zr/10等构造背景判别图解均表明,馆陶组物源区属于活动大陆边缘构造背景。根据主元素物源判别方程图、La/Sc-Co/Th和Th-Hf-Co图投影及(Gd/Yb)N值,表明馆陶组物源主要来自由长英质岩石组成的后太古宙上陆壳。通过与燕山地区不同时代(期)中酸性火山岩和花岗岩REE的对比,表明母岩主要来自燕山褶皱带地区于燕山期发育的中酸性火山岩和/或花岗岩体。  相似文献   
基于河北平原廊固凹陷东北部ACX03孔(深300.0 m)浅部14C年龄和磁性地层,建立钻孔第四纪地层格架,依据ACX03孔岩心沉积物、测井曲线和微体古生物特征划分沉积层段并分析沉积环境。研究结果表明: ACX03孔B/M(布容/松山)、M/G(松山/高斯)极性界线分别位于83.8 m、220.2 m,孔底年龄约3.2 Ma,划分13个沉积层段。上新统(220.2~300.0 m)为河道、河漫滩夹湖泊沉积,下更新统(85.2~220.2 m)为河道、湖泊、河漫滩沉积,中更新统(61.5~85.2 m)为分支河道夹河漫滩及河间洼地—湖沼沉积,上更新统(23.2~61.5 m)为河漫滩、分支河道沉积,全新统(0~23.2 m)为泛滥平原、河曲—牛轭湖沉积。对比ACX03孔与邻近钻孔第四纪地层认为,河北平原廊坊—固安一带早更新世差异性沉降最强,之后一直到全新世越来越弱。  相似文献   
根据陆相断陷盆地层序界面在电测曲线和地震剖面上的识别标志、岩石类型组合特点以及古生物资料等方面的特征,在苏北盆地白驹凹陷古近系共识别出6个层序界面,划分出1个超层序组、2个超层序、5个三级层序,其中SQ1、SQ2~SQ4分别为断陷Ⅰ幕初始断陷、断陷-坳陷转化阶段的湖泊层序,SQ5为断陷Ⅲ幕断陷收敛阶段的河流层序.根据盆...  相似文献   
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