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薛德升  林韬  黄耿志 《地理研究》2014,33(4):698-709
作为世界城市化发展中的普遍现象,非正规部门的形成发展一直是研究重点。以广州狮岭皮具产业为例,以非正规工厂和临时工为对象,研究了外向型制造业中非正规部门的形成发展机制。研究认为:正规企业为满足产品生产和降低成本的需求而采取的生产分包模式是非正规部门形成的根本因素;正规企业劳动保障的缺失与工人对自由轻松的工作方式的追求促使工人转入非正规工厂和临时工市场,推动了非正规部门的发展;当地宽松的管制环境为非正规部门的存在提供了可能。全球金融危机在短期内对非正规部门的发展起到了催化作用。研究支持了新马克思主义理论,认为正规部门和非正规部门是相互联系的关系,是产业经济发展中有利的组成要素。非正规部门不是劳动者进入正规部门的“跳板”,而是他们逃避正规经济过度剥削的“避难所”。最后讨论了有关非正规部门和非正规劳动者的政策启示。  相似文献   
数字化测绘是目前较为流行的测量方式,其技术本身也日渐成熟。文章简述了数字化测绘技术在城镇地籍测量中作业流程、实施过程与地籍管理信息系统的建立过程。  相似文献   
刘岩 《地理研究》1998,17(3):303-308
在区域产业经济发展过程中,地缘优势、经济规律、文化传统都是不容忽视的重要因素。文章以安国市的药材产业为研究实例,通过解释中心集聚的“空间拉力”所孕育的对外交流的潜力,揭示“交易成本机制”在市场交易中的刺激作用,以及分析安国药市网络管理的特定形式,对药材产业区域发展的地理、历史、经济和文化因子作了综合性研究。  相似文献   
王杰瑜  王尚义 《地理研究》2012,31(11):1952-1960
为抵御蒙古贵族侵扰,明朝于长城沿线设置了九个军事重镇。大同镇位于北京西北部,是明代重要的军事屏障,因此十分重视大同镇的建设。有明一代,围绕大同镇的建设,大批军士征调于此,修筑边墙堡寨,屯垦土地。这些政策与措施虽然为明朝国防安全发挥了极其重要的作用,但对资源形成了巨大的消耗,使这一地区的生态环境发生了剧烈的变化。大片森林和草场被新垦土地所吞噬,生态效益迅速跌落,土壤保水能力差,风蚀、水蚀严重,土地不断荒漠化,不少以土地为生的百姓被迫留离失所,影响到该区域经济社会的发展。同时,严重的水土流失也导致了河流水性与水质发生变化,殃及下流北京以及沿岸地区。生态与环境是经济社会发展基本的物质基础,历史警示在区域经济建设中,我们只有提高环境保护意识,注重资源环境利用的科学性,才能达到经济社会发展与生态良性循环的双赢目标。  相似文献   
Ian R. Cook 《Geoforum》2009,40(5):930-478
Although it has many merits, the voluminous literature on urban governance gives scant attention to the actual involvement and positioning of business elites and businesses within Public-Private Partnerships. There is also little consensus among academics as to why the private sector become involved in such schemes. This paper begins to address these issues through a critical empirical examination of how and why the private sector is involved with three English Town Centre Management (TCM) partnerships and the Business Improvement District (BID) subsidiaries all three partnerships have recently developed. In order to do this, the empirical study is guided by a conceptual framework that foregrounds the relationship between (a) the opening up and monitoring of ‘institutional space’ by partnerships and the state, and (b) the motivations and ‘constrained agency’ of the business elites. The paper demonstrates that the positioning of the private sector is more multifarious and fractured than previous studies of urban governance have suggested. It also reveals that business elites and businesses view their participation as an ‘investment’ that needs to accrue significant financial returns and that partnership and state officials are highly selective in their choice of ‘who governs’.  相似文献   
连倪 《吉林地质》2019,38(2):99-102
本次需要治理的5处矿山遗留的地质环境问题严阻碍了社会发展,使当地人居环境恶化。综合地质灾害、生态环境、气象水文条件以及居民生产活动等因素,提出合理的治理工程方案,解决治理区内突出的矿山地质环境问题,消除或减少露采边坡存在的威胁,改善生态环境,营造一个宜居、宜人的生存环境,确保地方经济的可持续发展。通过治理消除或最大限度的减少露采边坡存在的威胁,确保人民生命财产安全和社会稳定。  相似文献   
袁丰  李丹丹 《地理研究》2014,33(3):546-557
制造集群和专业市场分别由经济活动的生产环节和销售环节在空间上高度集聚形成,两者间互动融合已成为中国沿海地区产业转型升级的新路径。基于共同演化理论分析框架,以辽宁佟二堡镇皮革产业为例,通过实地调研和企业访谈,研究制造集群和专业市场的形成与共同演化过程及其驱动机理,重点考察政府和企业衍生在推动两者共同演化过程中的作用。研究表明,佟二堡镇皮革制造集群与专业市场遵循共生发展型演化模式,呈现出产业规模共同扩大、组织方式共同演进、产业分工共同深化的共同演化过程。东北广阔的消费市场、地方政府的积极推动、制造集群和专业市场内企业衍生是引致两者共同演化的主要原因。  相似文献   
广东吴川吴阳镇是国家级的历史文化名镇,境内历史文物众多.因濒临南海,自古为雷州半岛与外界交往的海洋通道.据考察研究及文物普查,该镇存在着一处古沉船遗址.沉船年代未明,一说为唐宋船,一说为近代外国船.通过民俗、历史地理遗迹调查,结合相关历史文献,论证吴阳古沉船为明代古船的可能性,甚至为17世纪荷兰古沉船.古沉船的历史信息不仅丰富了雷州半岛与域外交往的历史,而且为今后进一步开展雷州半岛航海史考古特别是古沉船考古奠定了文献基础  相似文献   
How have the recent real estate, mortgage and financial crises affected different countries, territories and cities? How have the different public and private stakeholders behaved and how accountable have they been for the origin and development thereof? What links are there among the local, national and global contexts in the crises? Recent geographic research ought to attempt to answer these questions, but there have, however, been few in-depth studies on the link between urbanisation, financial markets and the global crisis. The present paper analyses one of the principal causes of Spain’s recent evolution: urbanisation of the territory, the start and consequences of housing bubble; our study emphasises the differential elements in relation to the crisis in other countries. We study in greater depth the municipality of Torrelodones, which constitutes a reference due to the appearance of a residents’ movement opposed to the development process and which is a perfect example of the dynamics that led to the economic and social crisis. We describe in detail the lack of any strategic vision, participation or transparency in town planning decision-making, the processes by which reports and inspections were doctored, and the mechanisms of corruption of public decision-making in town planning. Finally, we analyse the concrete manner in which huge losses in mortgage markets occurred, with the collapse of the real estate bubble and the financial markets, which subsequently forced a State bailout.  相似文献   
《Urban geography》2013,34(4):371-376
In the second half of the 20th century, considerable resources and efforts have been devoted to revitalizing American central cities. In these redevelopment processes, however, the common byproduct of physical upgrading is social upgrading, the displacement of many of the original residents, who are often low-income and minority, from their traditional neighborhoods. This article explores the various processes of physical and social upgrading—including locally driven urban renewal, private sector "blockbusting," and gentrification—occurring in late 20th century Houston, Texas. This research also examines the neighborhood characteristics and demographic patterns that influence the occurrence of specific upgrading processes. One location of particular interest in the study is Houston's historic African American community of Freedmen's Town, which has experienced decades of conflict over land and space. Most recently, Freedmen's Town has been at the focus of Houston's urban revival, where physical upgrading has been accompanied by the displacement of the community's traditional population and the destruction of this historic neighborhood.  相似文献   
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