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Hydropower has made a significant contribution to the economic development of Vietnam, thus it is important to monitor the safety of hydropower dams for the good of the country and the people. In this paper, dam horizontal displacement is analyzed and then forecasted using three methods: the multi-regression model, the seasonal integrated auto-regressive moving average (SARIMA) model and the back-propagation neural network (BPNN) merging models. The monitoring data of the Hoa Binh Dam in Vietnam, including horizontal displacement, time, reservoir water level, and air temperature, are used for the experiments. The results indicate that all of these three methods can approximately describe the trend of dam deformation despite their different forecast accuracies. Hence, their short-term forecasts can provide valuable references for the dam safety.  相似文献   
政企联系是企业外部联系的重要组成部分,基于政府采购活动交易数据构建的城市间供需网络可为城市网络研究提供一个新的视角。采用2018年中国政府采购活动的交易数据,构建东北地区供需城市网络,结合GIS空间分析和社会网络分析方法,揭示东北地区城市网络的空间联系格局和网络结构特征,并对其影响机制进行探讨。结果显示:中央项目层面,空间联系结构呈现出以长春为辐射中心,以哈大城市走廊为主要轴线的联系格局;地方项目网络主要表现为三省内分别以哈尔滨、长春及沈阳为中心的辐射状联系特征;且两种网络涉及节点和联系轴线数量明显不同。哈尔滨、长春及沈阳三大省会城市在网络中占据绝对中心位置,主要扮演着供应商的角色,同时城市网络中存在多个凝聚子群。基于政企联系的东北地区城市供需网络的空间结构受城市经济实力、行政壁垒、地理距离、项目预算来源以及政策引导等多方面的影响。  相似文献   
基于等高线的三角网快速构建与处理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用一种利用等高线数据,快速处理和优化TIN的方法。该方法首先将等高线离散成数据点集;然后利用凸壳技术快速地进行三角形构网;再利用TIN的拓扑结构快速内插入等高线,形成约束TIN;最后利用三角形与特征边的关系及TIN的拓扑结构,从而快速消除平坦三角形,提高TIN的质量。  相似文献   
缑兰兰  陈勇  苏健  赵庆 《内陆地震》2003,17(2):145-149
选取乌鲁木齐地震台和克拉玛依地震台震级资料为标准样本,分析对比了遥测数字台网与模拟遥测地震台的震级相关性,求出乌鲁木齐遥测地震台网各子台震级与标准样本震级的回归方程,给出了标准样本震级与子台震级的换算值。  相似文献   
In the present study, Artificial Neural Network (ANN) has been implemented to derive ratings of categories of causative factors, which are then integrated to produce a landslide susceptibility zonation map in an objective manner. The results have been evaluated with an ANN based black box approach for Landslide Susceptibility Zonation (LSZ) proposed earlier by the authors. Seven causative factors, namely, slope, slope aspect, relative relief, lithology, structural features (e.g., thrusts and faults), landuse landcover, and drainage density, were placed in 42 categories for which ratings were determined. The results indicate that LSZ map based on ratings derived from ANN performs exceedingly better than that produced from the earlier ANN based approach. The landslide density analysis clearly showed that susceptibility zones were in close agreement with actual landslide areas in the field.  相似文献   
 本文就推动“数字城市”的顺利发展,提出了一个建设网络模拟实验系统的新的组织结构方式。就此较为详细地阐述了该系统的意义与功用,并指出适用的建设原则和首要任务,同时予以示例说明  相似文献   
气象远程教育培训系统省级站的构建及应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
概述了气象远程教育培训系统省级站在职工教育培训方面的重要性,介绍了气象远程教育培训系统省级站构建的设计功能与目标,提出了气象远程教育培训系统省级站在网络结构、网络安全、设备选型等方面的技术方法,解读了分布式视频服务器软件、流媒体课件录制软件的功能和实用技术,并通过实例,说明了省级远程教育培训系统在加强气象职工教育培训、提高气象职工素质方面所发挥的积极作用。  相似文献   
随着RTK技术在数字化测图方面的应用日益广泛,但对地形复杂测区,普通RTK技术常遇到诸多问题,造成作业效率低下。而CORS系统中的网络RTK技术是GPS-RTK技术进一步延伸,采用网络通讯大大延伸了RTK的作业半径,提高了定位精度和可靠性,以工程项目为例,详细介绍了网络RTK技术在数字化测绘中的应用。  相似文献   
三维网络结构岩体力学是岩体力学的一个分支。根据笔者20余年对裂隙岩体研究的心得,阐述了三维网络结构岩体力学的主要特点、研究对象,基本架构、主要研究内容与未来的展望。将岩体结构控制论归结为材料强度控制、结构类型控制、渗流通道控制和几何边界控制4个方面。技术层面的主要内容包括三维RQD估算、岩体表征单元估算技术、结构块体搜索技术、定向投影岩体结构面三维连通率估算技术以及岩体三维渗径搜索技术等。理论层面主要由球面投影理论、概率统计理论、随机动力学、几何拓扑理论、块体理论、非线性系统理论和裂隙岩体多尺度等效结构模型等构成。强调足量的随机不连续面地质信息的原位统计取样是三维网络结构岩体力学的基础,岩体随机不连续面三维网络数值模拟技术是三维网络结构岩体力学的核心技术。  相似文献   
The El Niño of 1997–98 was one of the strongest warming events of the past century; among many other effects, it impacted phytoplankton along the Peruvian coast by changing species composition and reducing biomass. While responses of the main fish resources to this natural perturbation are relatively well known, understanding the ecosystem response as a whole requires an ecotrophic multispecies approach. In this work, we construct trophic models of the Northern Humboldt Current Ecosystem (NHCE) and compare the La Niña (LN) years in 1995–96 with the El Niño (EN) years in 1997–98. The model area extends from 4°S–16°S and to 60 nm from the coast. The model consists of 32 functional groups of organisms and differs from previous trophic models of the Peruvian system through: (i) division of plankton into size classes to account for EN-associated changes and feeding preferences of small pelagic fish, (ii) increased division of demersal groups and separation of life history stages of hake, (iii) inclusion of mesopelagic fish, and (iv) incorporation of the jumbo squid (Dosidicus gigas), which became abundant following EN. Results show that EN reduced the size and organization of energy flows of the NHCE, but the overall functioning (proportion of energy flows used for respiration, consumption by predators, detritus and export) of the ecosystem was maintained. The reduction of diatom biomass during EN forced omnivorous planktivorous fish to switch to a more zooplankton-dominated diet, raising their trophic level. Consequently, in the EN model the trophic level increased for several predatory groups (mackerel, other large pelagics, sea birds, pinnipeds) and for fishery catch. A high modeled biomass of macrozooplankton was needed to balance the consumption by planktivores, especially during EN condition when observed diatoms biomass diminished dramatically. Despite overall lower planktivorous fish catches, the higher primary production required-to-catch ratio implied a stronger ecological impact of the fishery and stresses the need for precautionary management of fisheries during and after EN. During EN energetic indicators such as the lower primary production/total biomass ratio suggest a more energetically efficient ecosystem, while reduced network indicators such as the cycling index and relative ascendency indicate of a less organized state of the ecosystem. Compared to previous trophic models of the NHCE we observed: (i) a shrinking of ecosystem size in term of energy flows, (ii) slight changes in overall functioning (proportion of energy flows used for respiration, consumption by predators and detritus), and (iii) the use of alternate pathways leading to a higher ecological impact of the fishery for planktivorous fish.  相似文献   
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