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从工程组成及实现、关键技术及解决方法等方面,介绍和讨论已完成的“安徽省空间地理信息基础数据库示范工程”项目。示范库的建设工作达到了预期的目的。  相似文献   
周建民  张鑫  刘志平  李震 《遥感学报》2021,25(2):530-538
近年来国产遥感卫星数据增多,但在山地冰川运动速度监测研究中,国产卫星遥感数据的使用却很少.基于此现状,本研究利用"高分一号"卫星数据(GF-1)对藏东南雅弄冰川运动速度进行了提取.通过与同分辨率、同时段的Landsat8数据进行对比,以及利用非冰川稳定区域的残余位移和冰川主冰流线剖面运动速度两方面,评估了 GF-1数据...  相似文献   
神舟四号高度计波形数据预处理和信息提取   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
神舟四号(SZ-4)高度计在国内首次提供了星载雷达高度计回波波形数据.本文中作者分析了SZ-4高度计回波波形的特点,完成波形数据的预处理,并在此基础上完成初步的信息提取.在数据预处理方面,通过SZ-4高度计水陆边界处波形的特点,提出了波形最大幅度控制的方法,筛选回波波形.在波形归一化处理过程中,发现SZ-4高度计波形中存在双峰现象,并指出第二个峰为异常波形区.在波形信息提取方面,利用波形重新跟踪得到的半功率点计算出SZ-4高度计高度跟踪补偿误差,并根据高度计天线指向角和回波波形下降沿斜率之间的关系,从波形后沿提取天线指向角信息.分析结果表明,SZ-4高度计天线指向比较平稳,而跟踪补偿由于变化较大,在计算海面高度时,应作为一项误差源被考虑到.  相似文献   
针对青藏高原地区雷电短临预报缺乏雷达资料的问题,采用FY-4A卫星多通道数据、欧洲中心第5代再分析资料(ERA5)中的对流指数、闪电定位仪资料等多源监测数据,根据雷电的发生、发展机理,提出了18个关键预报因子,利用随机森林算法建立了适用于西藏山南地区的雷电短临预报模型。统计分析各预报因子在有无雷电天气样本中的概率密度分布与随机森林模型得到的特征重要度指标,结果表明提出的预报因子物理意义明确,建立的模型可信度较高。利用随机森林算法分别对未来10 min、20 min、30 min建立雷电预报模型,并与光流外推预报方法进行对比检验,结果表明:随机森林模型预报效果命中率(POD)、临界成功指数(CSI)均高于光流法,空报率(FAR)也相对较低;未来20 min的随机森林预报模型CSI评分最高,整体预报效果最佳。  相似文献   
选取2018—2021年汛期短时强降水天气过程,利用相关性分析、箱线图法和极值统计法,尝试研究FY-4A卫星产品在短时强降水天气过程中的监测预警指标。研究表明:(1)FY-4A卫星多通道数据可以作为短时强降水监测预警的定量化指标予以应用。(2)筛选出相关性较好的13项产品统计出短时强降水的监测预警指标,其中赋值类指标4项,数值判别类指标9项(含辅助指标3项);初步设定13项指标中有9项达标时,短时强降水会发生。(3)在评估基础上完善了指标,监测预警效果有所提高,TS评分提高5.4%,空报率降低2.7%,漏报率降低1.9%。  相似文献   
HALOE资料揭示的热带平流层CH4时空变化特征   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
中层大气微量成分的分布和变化是中层大气研究的重要问题之一,但是长期以来中层大气的资料非常少。卤素掩星试验(HALOE)对中层大气多种微量气体进行观测,形成中层大气多种微量元素的空间分布和时间演变资料组,这是对中层大气微量气体含量资料的极大补充。作者利用1992~2003年HALOE资料分析热带地区(20°S~20°N)平均的CH4的垂直分布和时间演变特征。结果表明:热带平流层CH4混合比在平流层下层有较充分的混合;热带平流层CH4混合比的季节变化明显,在平流层中上层以年循环为主,而在平流层下部以半年变化为主;热带平流层CH4混合比的年际变化主要有准2年和准5年振荡。    相似文献   

高精度定年的石笋记录有助于校正冰芯时标和理解千年尺度事件的驱动机制。基于湖北永兴洞YX288石笋5个高精度230Th年龄和264组氧同位素数据,重建了MIS4早期东亚季风水文循环演化过程。结合同一洞穴YX46记录,发现两条记录在重叠时段的波动特征高度一致,清晰地记录了持续时间较长的DO19.1事件和持续极短的DO19.2事件。石笋记录显示DO19.2和DO19.1事件的开始时间分别为约72.06 ka和69.40 ka,结束时间依次为约69.85 ka和69.03 ka,在误差范围内与格陵兰NGRIP冰芯AICC2012时标一致。这两个事件的持续时间依次约为2200 a和360 a。在DO19.2事件期间,石笋记录的东亚季风较为稳定,显著不同于格陵兰冰芯记录的温度持续下降的特征。这一季风稳定状态与南北两极间温度差的稳定波动特征较为一致,这也得到反映热带辐合带位置变化的Cariaco盆地反照率记录的支持,表明南北半球的温度变化对亚洲季风的综合影响。

Wetland ecosystems are the most important natural methane (CH4) sources, whose fluxes periodically fluctuate. Methanogens (methane producers) and methanotrophs (methane consumers) are considered key factors affecting CH4 fluxes in wetlands. However, the symbiotic relationship between methanogens and methanotrophs remains unclear. To help close this research gap, we collected and analyzed samples from four soil depths in the Dajiuhu subalpine peatland in January, April, July, and October 2019 and acquired seasonal methane flux data from an eddy covariance (EC) system, and investigated relationships. A phylogenetic molecular ecological networks (pMENs) analysis was used to identify keystone species and the seasonal variations of the co-occurrence patterns of methanogenic and methanotrophic communities. The results indicate that the seasonal variations of the interactions between methanogenic and methanotrophic communities contributed to CH4 emissions in wetlands. The keystone species discerned by the network analysis also showed their importance in mediating CH4 fluxes. Methane (CH4) emissions in wetlands were lowest in spring; during this period, the most complex interactions between microbes were observed, with intense competition among methanogens while methanotrophs demonstrated better cooperation. Reverse patterns manifested themselves in summer when the highest CH4 flux was observed. Methanoregula formicica was negatively correlated with CH4 fluxes and occupied the largest ecological niches in the spring network. In contrast, both Methanocella arvoryzae and Methylocystaceae demonstrated positive correlations with CH4 fluxes and were better adapted to the microbial community in the summer. In addition, soil temperature and nitrogen were regarded as significant environmental factors to CH4 fluxes. This study was successful in explaining the seasonal patterns and microbial driving mechanisms of CH4 emissions in wetlands.  相似文献   
Surface solar irradiance (SSI) nowcasting (0–3 h) is an effective way to overcome the intermittency of solar energy and to ensure the safe operation of grid-connected solar power plants. In this study, an SSI estimate and nowcasting system was established using the near-infrared channel of Fengyun-4A (FY-4A) geostationary satellite. The system is composed of two key components: The first is a hybrid SSI estimation method combining a physical clear-sky model and an empirical cloudy-sky model. The second component is the SSI nowcasting model, the core of which is the derivation of the cloud motion vector (CMV) using the block-matching method. The goal of simultaneous estimation and nowcasting of global horizontal irradiance (GHI) and direct normal irradiance (DNI) is fulfilled. The system was evaluated under different sky conditions using SSI measurements at Xianghe, a radiation station in the North China Plain. The results show that the accuracy of GHI estimation is higher than that of DNI estimation, with a normalized root-mean-square error (nRMSE) of 22.4% relative to 45.4%. The nRMSE of forecasting GHI and DNI at 30–180 min ahead varied within 25.1%–30.8% and 48.1%–53.4%, respectively. The discrepancy of SSI estimation depends on cloud occurrence frequency and shows a seasonal pattern, being lower in spring–summer and higher in autumn–winter. The FY-4A has great potential in supporting SSI nowcasting, which promotes the development of photovoltaic energy and the reduction of carbon emissions in China. The system can be improved further if calibration of the empirical method is improved.  相似文献   
电磁测深在鲁西地区绿岩带型金矿勘探中的应用   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
在山东省泰安市周家庄地区金矿勘探中进行电磁测量方法试验, 获得了高分辨率的电性剖面和较可靠的地质解释资料, 经钻探验证发现了隐伏金矿体。测量结果表明, 在岩层深部高电阻率背景下的低值电阻率异常带是寻找金矿化带的有利部位, 低阻异常带的空间展布范围揭示了金矿化带的延伸趋势。   相似文献   
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