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风电场流场特性及风机布局数值模拟研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对风电场流场特性研究对风力机工作性能提高的重要意义,采用计算流体力学(CFD)方法在单机风力机模拟验证的基础上,对某风电场单风力机和三种布局条件下的风电场流场特性进行了数值模拟研究.考察了不同布局条件下风电场速度、叶轮表面压力以及湍流涡的分布特性.结果表明:叶轮后方尾流效应明显,速度损失随着相对距离的增加而逐渐减小,...  相似文献   
Natural fractures are characterized by rough surfaces and complex fluid flows. A large distribution of apertures (residual voids) within their walls and the presence of contact points (in situ normal loads) produce heterogeneous flows (channeling). The resulting permeabilities, porosities or fluid–rock exchange surfaces cannot be realistically modeled by parallel and smooth plate models. Four natural fractures are sampled at different depths and degrees of alteration in the Soultz sandstone and granite (EPS1 drillhole, Soultz-sous-Forêts, Bas-Rhin, France). The fracture surfaces are measured with mechanical profilometry and maps of asperity heights (XYZ). Resulting local apertures (XYe) are then calculated. A statistical study of the surface profiles (XZ) show that the fractures are more or less rough and tortuous according to the types of alteration. Altered samples are characterized by smoother surfaces of fractures. Such differences imply that (i) the average fracture aperture is not representative for the whole fracture and that (ii) the different local apertures should be integrated in hydraulic and mechanical models. A hydraulic model (finite difference calculations) of fluid flow, taking into account the elastic closure (Hertz contact theory) of fractures with depth, is used. Maps of contact points and relative local loads within the fracture planes are compared to flow maps. They show different channeling of fluid flows. Strongly altered fractures are characterized by homogeneous fluxes despite the presence of numerous contact zones during the closure of fracture. By contrast, fresh fractures develop, increasing fluid flow channels with depth.Fracture closure (increasing normal stress) does not systematically increase the channeling of fluid flow. There is evidence for a general smoothing out of the irregularities of the fracture walls due to precipitation of secondary minerals, indicating that the cubic law can be commonly valid, also at great crustal depth but this validity depends on the degree of fracture alteration. Mineralogical and geochemical observations, thus, should be taken into account to perform more accurate permeability calculations and models of fluid circulation in fracture networks.  相似文献   
山洪是山区中影响范围广,人员伤亡较大的一类地质灾害。针对山洪预警模型,国内外学者从多个角度对其进行过研究,研究区域多为大流域,方法多为雨量临界值预警。为了建立一套适用于北京山区小流域的山洪预警模型,本文研究了小流域单沟洪水模型预警在系统,此系统是基于充分的野外地质调查,在获得详细的沟域地质及土地利用数据后,利用合理的数学模型对流域内的降雨所产生的洪水产汇流过程进行全过程模拟,并对汇流过程中可能产生的灾害进行预警预报的一个系统。此单沟洪水模型具有精度高,计算结果准确的特点,其相应的预警系统能够对小范围居民区等重要建构筑物进行灾害预报,并预估人员撤离的安全时间,对实际的防灾减灾工作具有重要意义。  相似文献   
地籍管理工作中,不同来源的宗地数据通常存在着诸多差异,识别和匹配不同数据源中的同名宗地图斑是提高数据更新精度与速度的关键,对地籍数据库的集成与信息共享有着非常重要的意义。该文针对地籍数据中宗地图斑的形状及变化特点,提出了一种基于局部相似的简单而有效的匹配方法来提高匹配率,基本原理是通过搜索两个面实体间最优的点对应或特征对应关系判断两个面实体是否匹配,采用形状相似度作为局部相似的判断指标。  相似文献   
利用流式细胞仪研究温度对两种藻竞争的影响   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
为研究温度对微囊藻优势形成的影响,本试验利用流式细胞仪研究了不同温度时铜绿微囊藻(Microcystis aerugi- nosa)与蛋白核小球藻(Chlorella pyrenoidosa)间的竞争关系,在单独培养和混合培养条件下分别对两种藻细胞密度比值和细胞内叶绿素a(Chla)荧光强度进行了测定.结果表明在本试验条件下,随着温度的升高(18℃,25℃和32℃),混合培养组中微囊藻优势逐渐明显,小球藻Chla荧光强度随着温度的升高而升高,微囊藻Chla荧光强度随着温度的升高却有所降低.说明在光照适宜、高营养盐的水体中,较高的温度对铜绿微囊藻成为优势种具有明显的促进作用,进而影响着微囊藻水华的形成.  相似文献   
A Froude‐scaled physical model of a proximal gravel‐bed braided river was used to connect the river morphological characteristics, and sedimentary processes and forms, to deposit geometry. High resolution continuous three‐dimensional topographic data were acquired from sequential photogrammetric digital elevation models paired with grain‐size surface maps derived from image analysis of textural properties of the surface. From these data, the full three‐dimensional development of the braided river deposit and grain‐size sorting patterns was compiled over an experimental time period of 41 h during which the model river reworked a large portion of the braided channel. The minimum surface of the deposit is developed progressively over time by erosion, migration and avulsion of channels, and by local scour at channel confluences. The maximum surface of the deposit is formed by amalgamation of braid bar surfaces and has less overall relief than the minimum surface. Confluence scour constitutes about 5% of the area of the minimum surface. Migration of individual confluences is limited to distances of the order of the width and length of the confluence, so that confluences do not form laterally extensive deposits and basal surfaces. Maximum and minimum surfaces have very similar grain‐size distributions, and there is no extensive basal coarse layer. Deposit maximum thickness is strongly associated with large channel confluences which occur as deeper areas along the main channel belt and make up a large proportion of the thickest portions of the deposit.  相似文献   
The Grès de Champsaur turbidite system, deposited in a distal setting in the Alpine Foreland Basin of south‐eastern France, exhibits a repeated upsection alternation in sand body geometry between incised channels and sheet sands. The channels form symmetric lenticular erosional features, of width 900–1000 m (measured between the lateral limits of incision) and depth 65–115 m, and can be traced axially for up to 5 km. In each case, the channel fill is capped by a laterally persistent sandy sheet‐form interval, which lies upon a fine‐grained substrate beyond the channel margins. No intrachannel elements have been traced into the substrate sequence, suggesting that, before infill, the channels acted as open sea‐floor conduits of essentially the same dimensions as the preserved channel deposits. The channels are vertically stacked, although axial erosion juxtaposes younger channel axis deposits against the fill of older channels and their channel‐capping sheet sandstones to produce an apparently well‐connected composite sandstone body geometry. The predominant channel‐fill facies comprises coarse‐grained, amalgamated sandstones, which are commonly parallel‐ or cross‐stratified. Subsidiary facies of finer grained sandstone–mudstone couplets and clast‐bearing muddy debrites are commonly preserved as erosional remnants, suggesting a complex channel history of aggradation and erosion. The repeated cycles of channel incision, infill and transition to sheet sandstone development indicate repetitive incision and healing of the palaeo‐sea floor. A model is proposed that links incision to the development of relatively steep axial gradients (parallel to the mean dispersal direction) and the return to sheet‐form deposition to the re‐establishment of lower axial gradients, with the repetitive switch between incisional channels and sheet sandstones driven by changes in sediment input rate against a background of ongoing sea‐floor tilting.  相似文献   
The deep lacustrine gravity-flow deposits are widely developed in the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, southeast Ordos Basin, central China. Three lithofacies include massive fine-grained sandstone, banded sandstone, and massive oil shale and mudstone. The massive fine-grained sandstones have sharp upper contacts, mud clasts, boxed-shaped Gamma Ray (GR) log, but no grading and Bouma sequences. In contrast, the banded sandstones display different bedding characteristics, gradational upper contacts, and fine-upward. The massive, fine-grained sandstones recognized in this study are sandy debrites deposited by sandy debris flows, while the banded sandstones are turbidites deposited by turbidity currents not bottom currents. The sediment source for these deep gravity-flow sediments is a sand-rich delta system prograding at the basin margin. Fabric of the debrites in the sandy debris fields indicates initial formation from slope failure caused by the tectonic movement. As the sandy debris flows became diluted by water and clay, they became turbidity currents. The deep lacustrine depositional model is different from the traditional marine fan or turbidite fan models. There are no channels or wide lobate sand bodies. In the lower Triassic Yanchang Formation, layers within the sandy debrites have higher porosity (8–14%) and permeability (0.1–4 mD) than the turbidites with lower porosity (3–8%) and permeability (0.04–1 mD). Consequently, only the sandy debrites constitute potential petroleum reservoir intervals. Results of this study may serve as a model for hydrocarbon exploration and production for deep-lacustrine reservoirs from gravity-flow systems in similar lacustrine depositional environments.  相似文献   
Data to describe the morphologic, hydrologic and sedimentologic characteristics of 72 South Island, New Zealand, rivers were collected and analysed. Nearly 70 per cent of variation in channel morphology is accounted for by differences in cross-sectional area, slope, and cross-section shape; only 53 per cent of the morphologic variability could be statistically ‘explained’ by the hydrologic and sediment variables used. The level of explanation varied for different morphologic variables; nearly 90 per cent of the variability in cross-sectional area could be explained, but aspect ratio (maximum depth divided by hydraulic radius) was completely independent. Apart from the inadequacy of the measured variables as indices of the true underlying controlling factors, and the imperfect measurement and sampling procedures, the low level of explanation is probably due to the influence of factors such as floodplain vegetation, high quasi-random variability in bark sediment character, boundary effects imposed by bedrock bluffs, and the precise sequence of flood events, none of which are easily quantified. In addition, observations indicate that there is a large random variation in channel form which cannot be related to any factor. An attempt to relate channel morphology to flow variability, using simple indices of the latter, was unsuccessful.  相似文献   
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