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流动注射分析及其在地质样品痕量元素测试中的应用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
简述了流动注射分析方法的发展及其特点,介绍了流动注射在线分析技术,包括流动注射-原子光谱法、流动注射-分光光度法和流动注射-电化学分析法等联用技术在地质样品分析中的应用情况。  相似文献   
The numerical simulation of liquefaction phenomena in fluid-saturated porous materials within a continuum-mechanical framework is the aim of this contribution. This is achieved by exploiting the Theory of Porous Media (TPM) together with thermodynamically consistent elasto-viscoplastic constitutive laws. Additionally, the Finite Element Method (FEM) besides monolithic time-stepping schemes is used for the numerical treatment of the arising coupled multi-field problem. Within an isothermal and geometrically linear framework, the focus is on fully saturated biphasic materials with incompressible and immiscible phases. Thus, one is concerned with the class of volumetrically coupled problems involving a potentially strong coupling of the solid and fluid momentum balance equations and the algebraic incompressibility constraint. Applying the suggested material model, two important liquefaction-related incidents in porous media dynamics, namely the flow liquefaction and the cyclic mobility, are addressed, and a seismic soil–structure interaction problem to reveal the aforementioned two behaviors in saturated soils is introduced.  相似文献   
Integrated hydrometeorological investigations are not frequently available at a regional scale over a longer time period, especially near the terminus of Indian Himalayan glaciers. An integrated approach to the collection of hydrological data has major advantages for understanding the runoff generation mechanisms at basin scale, particularly when coupled with meteorological observations. The current study involves time series analysis of hydrometeorological records collected near the terminus of the Chorabari Glacier, for four consecutive ablation seasons(June-Sept.) 2009-2012. The analysis shows that variation in rainfall was higher(c_v= 0.9) at the same elevation over proximal sites, while the intensity of extreme rainfall events was 121-160 mm/d. The diurnal temperature range(DTR) has a tendency to reduce over the ablation season because of the onset of the Indian Summer Monsoon(ISM) and then further increases during the ISM withdrawal indicating humid-temperate conditions. The peak discharge(Qpeak) was found to be higher during July and August. Snow and glacier melt contributed 76% of the total suspended sediment transport during peak ISM months(July and August) reflecting seasonal evolution of the hydrologic conduits. The results indicate that Karakoram and western Himalayan glaciers produce comparatively low sediment yield compared to central Himalayan glaciers. The hydrological variations are depicted through flow duration curves(FDC) for meltwater discharge and sediment load. The flow corresponding to Q_(50), Q_(75), and Q_(90)(where Qx is the discharge that is exceeded x percent of the time referred to as % dependability) are 4.2, 3.7, and 2.8 m~3/s; and the corresponding dependability for suspended sediment loads(SSLs) are 409.0, 266.0, and 157.2 t/d, respectively. The daily SSL and discharge(Q) from 2009 to 2012 were used to develop a sediment rating curve(SSL = 39.55 × Q~(1.588). R~2 = 0.8).Multiple regressions are used to determine the impacts of meteorological parameters on glacier melt.The meteorological conditions, hydrological characteristics, and suspended sediment delivery for the Chorabari Glacier provide insight on meltwater generation processes and sediment transport patterns during the ISM season.  相似文献   
A calculation method for determining the amount of Rn isotopes and daughter products at the start of measurement (CRAS) is proposed as a more accurate means of estimating the initial Rn concentration in soil gas. The CRAS utilizes the decay law between 222Rn and 220Rn isotopes and the daughter products 218Po and 216Po, and is applicable to α-scintillation counter measurements. As Rn is both inert and chemically stable, it is useful for fault investigation based on the soil gas geochemistry. However, the total number of α particles emitted by the decay of Rn has generally been considered to be proportional to the initial Rn concentration, without considering the gas condition with respect to radioactive equilibrium. The CRAS method is shown to be effective to derive Rn concentration for soil gases under both nonequilibrium conditions, in which the total number of decays increases with time, and equilibrium conditions, which are typical of normal soil under low gas flux. The CRAS method in conjunction with finite difference method simulation is applied to the analysis of two active fault areas in Japan, and it is demonstrated that this combination could detect the sharp rises in 222Rn concentrations associated with faults. The method also allows the determination of fault geometry near the surface based on the asymmetry variation of the Rn concentration distribution when coupled with a numerical simulation of 222Rn transport. The results for the new method as applied to the two case studies are consistent with the data collected from the geological survey. It implies that the CRAS method is suitable for investigating the fault system and interstitial gas mobility through fractures. The present analyses have also demonstrated that high Rn concentrations require the recent and repeated accumulation of 222Rn parents (230Th and 226Ra) in fault gouges through deep gas release during fault movement.  相似文献   
Rheological properties of polyphase rocks play an important role in the dynamics of the lithosphere and asthenosphere. However, such fundamental issues have not been well resolved. A theoretical analysis has been made to develop expressions for the flow laws of polyphase rocks in terms of the volume fractions and flow laws of their constituent phases. The flow strengths predicted by the proposed model for common crustal and upper mantle rocks such as granite, diorite, diabase and lherzolite, and for synthetic two-phase composites such as forsterite-enstatite and water ice-ammonia dehydrate aggregates are in good agreement with previously determined experimental values. The proposed theoretical model allows one to calculate, to the first approximation, the flow laws of a large number of polyphase rocks at geologic conditions based on the experimentally determined flow laws of a relatively small number of monomineralic aggregates.  相似文献   
空间数据库模型概念与结构研究   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
空间数据库模型是实现地理信息系统的基础,它决定了客观世界中的空间实体将以何种方式在计算机系统中被抽象、存储和管理。传统地理信息系统的空间数据库采用空间数据和属性数据由关系数据库和文件系统分别管理的机制,这种机制在当今面向对象的思想日益得到深入应用以及地理信息系统应用开发日益复杂的趋势之下,暴露出描述能力不足、实现复杂以及不利于空间数据共享等问题。针对这些问题,在此结合OGC(OPEN GIS CONSORTIUM)给出的空间实体存储规范和Oracle Spatial的数据格式,着重讨论了结合关系数据库和面向对象思想的对象-关系数据模型。  相似文献   
The optical characteristics of a black water river estuary from the north coast of Scotland were examined in the filtered (0.4 µm), ultrafiltered (5 kDa) and colloid-enriched fractions of estuarine samples. The samples were collected over the full salinity range during a period when the pH was relatively constant (8.2–8.5) throughout the estuary, allowing the influence of salinity on estuarine colloidal processes to be distinguished. The properties examined in the bulk, the low molecular weight (LMW) and the colloidal fraction (HMW) were UV–visible absorption, 3-D fluorescence excitation–emission matrix (EEM) spectrum, inorganic and organic carbon, mean size (by dynamic light scattering), and size distribution by flow field-flow fractionation analysis (FlFFF). The combined results of these analyses support the view that river-borne, humic-rich colloids underwent two types of transformation upon mixing with the seawater end member. The first one resulted in an apparent increase in the abundance of LMW constituents and may be explained by coiling of the individual humic macromolecules. The second one resulted in an increase in the mean size measured in both the lower and higher colloidal size ranges, and may be explained by aggregation of colloids to form entities that were still mostly colloidal i.e., smaller than 0.4 µm. The LMW contribution to the bulk optical properties increased with increasing salinity. Very similar findings were obtained from simulated mixing experiments using a Nordic Reference NOM extract as a source of freshwater colloids. This indicates that changes in the molecular architecture and molar mass of river-borne colloids—not changes in their chemical nature—were responsible for the observed variations in the spectral characteristics of CDOM in this estuary.  相似文献   
The Hortonian model of runoff flow which had been thought to be applicable in arid areas has previously been shown not to be valid, notably in Israel, where inverse relations have been observed between slope angle, and runoff discharge and slope erosion. The paper discusses laboratory experiments on simulated slope conditions in a rather arid environment. It is shown by rain simulation on granite grus that infiltration capacity is a function of rainfall intensity, slope angle and runoff discharge. The infiltration capacity f can equal the rainfall intensity beyond a critical distance x(m) so that discharge becomes constant. Debris covers affect runoff hydraulics, especially on poorly cohesive soils, and both slow downslope and upslope movements which correspond to the process of so-called runoff creep can occur. Coarse debris and grass covers, as roughness factors, induce hydraulic discontinuities and activate local turbulent flow and slope erosion. Instead of being merely protective elements these factors tend to catalyze the slope wash, in comparison with naked surfaces, if the Reynolds number of the flow exceeds a certain critical value.  相似文献   
A novel semi-analytical model for computation of capillary entry pressures and associated fluid configurations in arbitrary, potentially non-convex, 2D pore space geometries at uniform wettability is developed. The model computes all possible centre positions of circular arcs, and physically sound criteria are implemented to determine the set of these arcs that correspond to geometrically allowed interfaces. Interfaces and pore boundary segments are connected to form closed boundaries of identified geometrical regions. These regions are classified as either oil regions, located in the wider parts of the pore space, or as water regions located in pore space constrictions. All possible region combinations are identified and evaluated for each radius value in an iterative procedure to determine the favourable entry radius and corresponding configuration based on minimisation of free energy. The model has been validated by comparison with known analytical solutions in idealised pore geometries. In cases where different analytical solutions are geometrically possible, the model generates several oil and water regions, and the valid solution is determined by the region combination that corresponds to the most favourable entry pressure, consistent with the analytical solution. Entry pressure radii and configurations are computed in strongly non-convex pore spaces extracted from an image of Bentheimer sandstone, which demonstrates that the model captures successfully well-known characteristics of capillary behaviour at different wetting conditions. The computations also demonstrate the importance of selecting the fluid configuration of minimum change in free energy. In some cases, a merged region formed by a combination of oil and water regions corresponds to the favourable entry configuration of oil, whereas in other cases, an individual oil region may correspond to the favourable oil entry configuration. It is also demonstrated that oil entry configurations may constitute merged regions for weakly water-wet conditions and individual oil regions for strongly water-wet conditions in the same pore space. The computations show that the ratio of pore area to perimeter multiplied by the cosine of the contact angle under-predicts the entry pressure radii in Bentheimer sandstone pore spaces. An alternative formula is proposed for prediction of entry radii for nonzero contact angles based on the entry radii obtained for zero contact angles.  相似文献   
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