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Extreme weather is an important noise factor in affecting dynamic access to river morphology information.The response characteristics of river channel on climate disturbances draw us to develop a method to investigate the dynamic evolution of bankfull channel geometries(including the hydraulic geometry variables and bankfull discharges)with stochastic differential equations in this study.Three different forms of random inputs,including single Gaussian white noise and compound Gaussian/Fractional white noise plus Poisson noise,are explored respectively on the basis of the classical deterministic models.The model parameters are consistently estimated by applying a composite nonparametric maximum likelihood estimation(MLE)method.Results of the model application in the Lower Yellow River reveal the potential responses of bankfull channel geometries to climate disturbances in a probabilistic way,and,the calculated average trends mainly run to synchronize with the measured values.Comparisons among the three models confirm the advantage of Fractional jump-diffusion model,and through further discussion,stream power based on such a model is concluded as a better systematic measure of river dynamics.The proposed method helps to offer an effective tool for analyzing fluvial relationships and improves the ability of crisis management of river system under varying environment conditions.  相似文献   
本文采用二阶矩湍流闭合方案,分别就非静力和准静力两种条件建立PBL数值模式,并模拟了二维山脊流场的结构,计算了二维山体对气流平均场和湍流场的影响。计算结果表明,无论是平均场还是湍流场,采用准静力假设都会造成模拟结果的较大偏差,且对平均场的影响比对湍流场的影响更为显著。两种模式计算结果的差别还随地形坡度和背景风增大而增大。  相似文献   
介绍了LandSatMss影像、遥感影像处理技术以及在乌江彭水电站生态评价中的应用。  相似文献   
梅艳国  王随继 《地理学报》2016,71(9):1509-1519
不同时段河道的侧向侵蚀/加积面积变化的定量研究可以揭示河道的变化特征。以黄河临河段213 km长的河段为研究对象,利用1977年以来19个时段基于遥感影像绘制的河道平面形态图的面积变化来估算其4个亚河段(S1、S2、S3和S4)在不同时段的河岸侧向侵蚀/加积面积以及全河段的河道平均萎缩速率。研究结果表明,黄河临河段左右河岸在37年间都表现为侧向净加积,其4个亚河段左岸的侧向累计加积面积分别为33.16 km2、49.59 km2、29.52 km2和30.85 km2,其中1995-2000年的加积面积分别占到其总加积面积的85.5%、51.2%、47.2%和104.6%;右岸的侧向累计加积面积分别为30.83 km2、8.74 km2、26.44 km2和18.76 km2,而1995-2000年的加积面积分别占到其总加积面积的57.2%、111.9%、65.7%和61.6%。该河段河道面积1977-2001年具有减小趋势,2001年之后河道表现为侧向侵蚀、加积的交替变化,1977-2014年间河道平均萎缩速率为6.16 km2/yr。该河段河道平面形态值最明显的变化也发生在1990s,与1995年相比,2000年的河道长度增加了5.8%,河道面积减少了39.4%,河道平均宽度减小了42.8%,弯曲系数增加了6.6%。黄河临河段河道形态剧烈变化及河道严重萎缩都发生在1990s,这主要是黄河上游刘家峡和龙羊峡水库联合运行导致汛期水沙量大量减小所致,4个亚河段的河岸冲淤变化还受到局部河岸物质结构、护岸工程及水动力差异的影响。随着2000年后河流综合管理措施的调整,黄河临河段河道的上述变化趋势明显弱化,河流健康程度有所好转。  相似文献   
To better understand the characteristics of coal pores and their influence on coal reservoirs, coal pores in eight main coalfields of North China were analyzed by mercury porosimetry and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Fractal characteristics of coal pores (size distribution and structure) were researched using two fractal models: classic geometry and thermodynamics. These two models establish the relationship between fractal dimensions and coal pores characteristics. New results include: (1) SEM imaging and fractal analysis show that coal reservoirs generally have very high heterogeneity; (2) coal pore structures have fractal characteristics and fractal dimensions characteristic of pore structures are controlled by the composition (e.g., ash, moisture, volatile component) and pore parameters (e.g., pore diameter, micro pores content) of coals; (3) the fractal dimensions (D1 and D2) of coal pores have good correlations with the heterogeneity of coal pore structures. Larger fractal dimensions correlate to higher heterogeneity of pore structures. The fractal dimensions (D1 and D2) have strong negative linear correlations with the sorted coefficient of coals (R2=0.719 and 0.639, respectively) that shows the heterogeneity of coal pores; (4) fractal dimension D1 and petrologic permeability of coals have a strong negative exponential correlation (R2=0.82). However, fractal dimension D2 and petrologic permeability of coals have no obvious correlation; and (5) the model of classic geometry is more accurate for fractal characterization of coal pores in coal reservoirs than that of thermodynamics by optimization.  相似文献   
Modeling the spread of subsurface contaminants requires coupling a groundwater flow model with a contaminant transport model. Such coupling may provide accurate estimates of future subsurface hydrologic states if essential flow and contaminant data are assimilated in the model. Assuming perfect flow, an ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) can be used for direct data assimilation into the transport model. This is, however, a crude assumption as flow models can be subject to many sources of uncertainty. If the flow is not accurately simulated, contaminant predictions will likely be inaccurate even after successive Kalman updates of the contaminant model with the data. The problem is better handled when both flow and contaminant states are concurrently estimated using the traditional joint state augmentation approach. In this paper, we introduce a dual estimation strategy for data assimilation into a one-way coupled system by treating the flow and the contaminant models separately while intertwining a pair of distinct EnKFs, one for each model. The presented strategy only deals with the estimation of state variables but it can also be used for state and parameter estimation problems. This EnKF-based dual state-state estimation procedure presents a number of novel features: (i) it allows for simultaneous estimation of both flow and contaminant states in parallel; (ii) it provides a time consistent sequential updating scheme between the two models (first flow, then transport); (iii) it simplifies the implementation of the filtering system; and (iv) it yields more stable and accurate solutions than does the standard joint approach. We conducted synthetic numerical experiments based on various time stepping and observation strategies to evaluate the dual EnKF approach and compare its performance with the joint state augmentation approach. Experimental results show that on average, the dual strategy could reduce the estimation error of the coupled states by 15% compared with the joint approach. Furthermore, the dual estimation is proven to be very effective computationally, recovering accurate estimates at a reasonable cost.  相似文献   
1 INTRODUCTION'LOcal scour around a pier is a result of the interatiOn amongst the pier, the aPproach flow and theerodible bed. The Presence of a pier results in a stagnation pressure build-up in front of the pier and athree-dimensional tUrbulent flow echaracterized by the downward flow ahead of the pier and the so-called horseshoe vortex along the base of the Pier forms itself The flow modifies the erothe bed inthe vicinity of the pier when local scour takes place (Graf and AJhnakar l…  相似文献   
吴浩  江志猛  林安琪  朱文超  王伟 《地理学报》2021,76(10):2439-2458
资源环境承载力是衡量城市国土空间发展状况的晴雨表,深入揭示资源环境承载力系统要素的相互作用机理对城市国土空间格局优化具有重大意义。本文在双评价指南的基础上引入夜光/大气遥感、兴趣点、交通态势、社交媒体等多源时空数据,建立了基于隐性—韧性—显性的城市资源环境承载力空间特征分析理论框架,提出了空间自相关和分形几何相结合的承载力空间特征挖掘方法。以武汉市为例开展研究,结果表明:① 武汉市资源环境承载力呈显著空间异质性,隐性承载力指数高值区分布于城市外围生态环境优越的区域,韧性承载力指数高值区集中于综合风险应对能力较强的中心城区,显性承载力指数高值区位于各项基础功能均较为健全的城市次中心一带;② 武汉市资源环境承载力存在正向空间聚集性,并呈显著半径向心分形特征,隐性承载力指数高值区呈放射状向四周扩散,韧性承载力指数高值区呈向心状聚集在城市核心圈层,显性承载力指数高值区分布于则介于二者之间。本文构建的城市资源环境承载力空间特征分析与挖掘方法体系,通过引入多源时空数据弥补了传统数据现势性的不足,完善了城市资源环境承载力研究的理论和技术范式,可为新时期城市资源环境承载力研究提供一种新思路。  相似文献   
河道过流能力与主槽形态有关,而主槽形态又取决于上游水沙条件,分析过流能力与这两者之间的关系对研究黄河下游游荡段河床演变规律有重要意义。从典型断面和河段平均两个尺度,定量分析了黄河下游游荡段1986-2015年平滩流量与水沙条件(来沙系数和水流冲刷强度)及汛前主槽形态(河相系数)之间的响应关系。结果表明:①1986年至小浪底水库运行前,游荡段淤积严重,主槽萎缩,河道过流能力急剧下降,自小浪底水库运行后,游荡段发生强烈冲刷,其断面持续趋向窄深,过流能力逐年恢复;②建立了断面和河段平滩流量与水沙条件及河相系数的幂函数关系,二者相关系数均在0.5以上,但河段尺度相比于断面尺度的相关系数至少可提高17%;③河段平滩流量与前5年汛期平均水流冲刷强度及河相系数的相关系数接近0.94,相应计算公式能较好地反映平滩流量的变化过程,为分析其他河段平滩流量的变化提供了参考方法。  相似文献   
A novel semi-analytical model for computation of capillary entry pressures and associated fluid configurations in arbitrary, potentially non-convex, 2D pore space geometries at uniform wettability is developed. The model computes all possible centre positions of circular arcs, and physically sound criteria are implemented to determine the set of these arcs that correspond to geometrically allowed interfaces. Interfaces and pore boundary segments are connected to form closed boundaries of identified geometrical regions. These regions are classified as either oil regions, located in the wider parts of the pore space, or as water regions located in pore space constrictions. All possible region combinations are identified and evaluated for each radius value in an iterative procedure to determine the favourable entry radius and corresponding configuration based on minimisation of free energy. The model has been validated by comparison with known analytical solutions in idealised pore geometries. In cases where different analytical solutions are geometrically possible, the model generates several oil and water regions, and the valid solution is determined by the region combination that corresponds to the most favourable entry pressure, consistent with the analytical solution. Entry pressure radii and configurations are computed in strongly non-convex pore spaces extracted from an image of Bentheimer sandstone, which demonstrates that the model captures successfully well-known characteristics of capillary behaviour at different wetting conditions. The computations also demonstrate the importance of selecting the fluid configuration of minimum change in free energy. In some cases, a merged region formed by a combination of oil and water regions corresponds to the favourable entry configuration of oil, whereas in other cases, an individual oil region may correspond to the favourable oil entry configuration. It is also demonstrated that oil entry configurations may constitute merged regions for weakly water-wet conditions and individual oil regions for strongly water-wet conditions in the same pore space. The computations show that the ratio of pore area to perimeter multiplied by the cosine of the contact angle under-predicts the entry pressure radii in Bentheimer sandstone pore spaces. An alternative formula is proposed for prediction of entry radii for nonzero contact angles based on the entry radii obtained for zero contact angles.  相似文献   
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