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本文包括中国大陆科学钻(CCSD)主孔(MH)0~5000m和先导孔(PP2)0~1000m的磷灰石裂变径迹分折结果,先导孔PP2的裂变径迹表观年龄变化范围为79.5±5.1~50.4±6.2Ma,主孔的裂变径迹表观年龄变化范围为98.6±17.0~2.9±2.0Ma,主孔在4200m以下,磷灰石样品中实际上已不存在自发裂变径迹,表明裂变径迹时钟已经“置零”。实验资料表明,裂变径迹表观年龄值随样品深度的增加而逐渐减少,直到一定深度,即达到磷灰石的裂变径迹封闭温度(~120℃)以后,年龄值为零。根据主孔0~2000m和先导孔0~1000m的裂变径迹年龄剖面,作为一级近似,计算出超高压变质岩体在90~30Ma期间,平均隆升速度为~35m/Ma。对主孔测定了9个样品的约束径迹(Confined track)长度,样品约束径迹平均长度的变化范围约为13.1~7.4μm,总的变化趋势是:约束径迹平均长度随样品深度的增加而逐渐减少。样品的约束径迹长度分布都具有双峰型特征。根据裂变径迹年龄和约束径迹长度的资料,应用计算机模拟得到了样品的时间-温度(t-T)轨迹。结果表明,岩体从早白垩世(~120Ma)快速冷却以后,在晚白垩世和始新世又经历了两次加热作用,始新世末岩体所达到的温度大约是80℃,随后岩体则一直上升和缓慢冷却到现今所处的位置。在最后~30Ma岩体的平均隆升速度为~53m/Ma。  相似文献   
介绍利用VisualBASIC可视化编程语言作 50年台风路径资料以及实时台风路径资料的检索与分析。包括台风路径资料检索程序的设计、多种路径资料的检索方法、相似路径检索方法和双台风路径检索方法等 ;利用所开发的程序框架 ,分析了若干个例的检索结果 ,如 4 8h内影响厦门市的台风路径高频中心在 19.5°N ,12 6.2°E等 ,对实际台风预报业务具有一定的参考价值  相似文献   
无人机因其灵活、高分辨率等特点在遥感领域中得到了广泛应用,但是目前的无人机遥感多为单机作业,存在缺乏组网协同规划、作业效率有待提高等问题.无人机组网遥感观测能够克服单机作业存在的问题,可以实现多尺度、多平台、多载荷的高频次迅捷组网观测,快速获取大范围的超高分辨率数据,为大范围的生态环境监测、洪涝灾害监测以及国土安全应急...  相似文献   
Western Yunnan is composed of several extruded continental microblocks that were generated by the oblique collision between the Indian and Asian continents during the Cenozoic. In this study, the magmatic and tectonic frameworks of western Yunnan in the Cenozoic were analyzed based on geochemistry, Sr–Nd–Pb isotopes, and apatite/zircon fission track dating. Magmatism during the Cenozoic in western Yunnan was then divided into three distinctive episodes: alkali granite rocks produced from 55 to 46 Ma were derived from the anatexis of crustal materials; bimodal igneous rocks formed between 37 and 24 Ma were possibly derived from an EMII mantle with a contribution from continental materials; and intermediate–basic volcanic rocks produced in the Tengchong microblocks since ~16 Ma are considered to be generated by the partial melting of the upper mantle that was induced by the pulling apart of the dextral Gaoligong strike–slip fault system. Moreover, fission track analysis of apatite and zircon indicates that the regional crustal uplift in western Yunnan possibly began at ~34 Ma, with accelerated annealing occurring at ~24 Ma, ~13 Ma, and ~4 Ma. During the past 24 Ma, the average denudation rate was ~0.32 mm/yr for the faulted block controlled by the Chongshan–Lancang River fault. However, crustal uplift has been relatively gentle in places lacking influence from strike–slip shear zones, with an average denudation rate of ~0.2 mm/yr. Combined with strike–slip shear and block rotation in the Cenozoic, the tectonic evolution of western Yunnan since ~45 Ma can thus be divided into four stages occurring at 45–37 Ma, 37–24 Ma, 24–13 Ma, and 13–0 Ma.  相似文献   
分析了伊犁盆地南缘蚀源区14件磷灰石样品,其中南缘中西部10件,东部4件。磷灰石裂变径迹表观年龄及其与高程的关系、单颗粒年龄、封闭径迹分布特征表明,伊犁盆地南缘样品均遭受了不同程度的退火,但没有发生明显的区域性热事件。通过封闭径迹正演热史模拟得出,伊犁盆地南缘中新生代构造演化经历了三叠纪-侏罗纪晚期快速隆升,白垩纪-古近纪相对稳定和新构造快速隆升三个阶段。东西两段略有不同,西段隆升时间较早,样品所在地在早三叠世就开始强烈隆升,说明当时该处离原型盆地边界较近,而东段此时样品所在位置还可能接受沉积,直至中侏罗世末期才开始隆升剥蚀。侏罗纪原型盆地南部边界至少跨过大板煤矿,因为在该处出露中侏罗世西山窑组残留地层。相应的稳定阶段东段要滞后一些,稳定时间相对较短,西段该时段长达100Ma,而东段多在50~60Ma。新构造运动强烈活动的时间东段相对较早,局部地段在38Ma就开始隆升。盆地南缘沉积相带的发育特征和新近纪(或第四纪)内给出的电子自旋共振年龄(ESR)均说明,沉积对构造具明显的响应,盆缘快速隆升阶段其盆地内相应的沉积物较粗,相对稳定阶段对应的沉积较细或缺失。  相似文献   
王嘉琦  李宗星  刘奎 《地学前缘》2022,29(4):371-384
依据地面地质调查分析了柴达木盆地东部主要不整合面的接触关系和发育特征,并利用古温标(镜质体反射率(Ro)、磷灰石裂变径迹)反演和地震地层趋势延伸法对柴达木盆地东部燕山期剥蚀量进行了恢复。结果表明,研究区东部旺尕秀、牦牛山一带晚燕山期剥蚀量为500~2 300 m,研究区南缘格尔木、大干沟、纳赤台一带剥蚀厚度最高达2 000 m,研究区北缘绿梁山、大柴旦一带增大到平均1 750 m,至柴东欧南凹陷、霍布逊凹陷逐渐减小到平均700 m。该区剥蚀厚度表现出由周缘老山向坳陷中心逐步减小的趋势,并呈现出“东西分块、南北分带”的特征。柴达木盆地东部燕山运动发生的时间为87~62 Ma,该时期研究区整体处于SE-NW向弱挤压的环境,与早白垩世末冈底斯—念青唐古拉地块群和欧亚大陆拼合有关,导致柴达木盆地东部差异隆升,形成现今欧龙布鲁克隆起带的雏形,并进一步控制该区油气的富集,一方面是造成局部地区地层剥蚀严重,油气散失;另一方面是因构造挤压,在覆盖区挤压拗陷,主力烃源岩进一步深埋,该区侏罗系烃源岩进一步成熟生烃,下伏石炭系烃源岩经历二次生烃;同时在挤压环境下形成一系列的近EW向的圈闭,有利油气的调整、聚集。  相似文献   
为满足煤矿对整体式钻机提出的更高要求,采用新技术和工业设计方法,研制出ZDY6000LD (B)履带式全液压坑道钻机。该钻机布局紧凑合理,结构新颖,机动性强,井下移动快捷方便,钻进效率高,工艺适应性强,可用于瓦斯抽采穿层钻孔、瓦斯抽采顺层钻孔和探放水以及底板注浆等钻孔施工。介绍了该钻机的主要技术参数、钻机结构、液压系统与型式试验。  相似文献   
INTRODUCTIONThe strong Indosinian orogeny that occurred atthe end of the Middle Triassic leads to the end of ma rine sedimentation in the southern part of China. Asa result of this strong orogeny, a continental sedi mentary basin called as th…  相似文献   
The western cordilleras of the Northern Andes (north of 5°S) are constructed from allochthonous terranes floored by oceanic crust. We present 40Ar/39Ar and fission-track data from the Cordillera Occidental and Amotape Complex of Ecuador that probably constrain the time of terrane collision and post-accretionary tectonism in the western Andes. The data record cooling rates of 80–2 °C/my from temperatures of 540 °C, during 85 to 60 Ma, in a highly tectonised mélange (Pujilí unit) at the continent–ocean suture and in the northern Amotape Complex. The rates were highest during 85–80 Ma and decelerated towards 60 Ma. Cooling was a consequence of exhumation of the continental margin, which probably occurred in response to the accretion of the presently juxtaposing Pallatanga Terrane. The northern Amotape Complex and the Pujilí unit may have formed part of a single, regional scale, tectonic mélange that started to develop at ~85 Ma, part of which currently comprises the basement of the Interandean Depression. Cooling and rotation in the allochthonous, continental, Amotape Complex and along parts of the continent–ocean suture during 43–29 Ma, record the second accretionary phase, during which the Macuchi Island Arc system collided with the Pallatanga Terrane. Distinct periods of regional scale cooling in the Cordillera Occidental at 13 and 9 Ma were synchronous with exhumation in the Cordillera Real and were probably driven by the collision of the Carnegie Ridge with the Ecuador Trench. Finally, late Miocene–Pliocene reactivation of the Chimbo–Toachi Shear Zone was coincident with the formation of the oldest basins in the Interandean Depression and probably formed part of a transcurrent or thrust system that was responsible for the inception and subsequent growth of the valley since 6 Ma.  相似文献   
介绍了黑龙江省大庆短临前兆数据网的布局和业务流程,阐述了台网存在的一些问题并提出完善措施。  相似文献   
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