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排庭金矿是贵州三都——丹寨锑、汞、金成矿带上,继苗龙锑-金矿、宏发厂汞-金矿后首次发现的产于中下寒武统独立型的微细浸染型金矿,其矿体受断裂构造、地层、岩性等因素控制,矿床规模为中型。对该矿床的地质特征及成因进行总结和分析,对于华南褶皱带与扬子准地台过渡带寻找寒武纪地层中的微细浸染型金矿具有重要的借鉴和指导意义。  相似文献   
龙庆兵 《云南地质》2012,(3):404-406
东川播卡金矿,位于金沙江与小江夹持的三角成矿带上,为昆阳群中迄今发现的唯一独立大型金矿。矿区出露中元古界昆阳群浅变质岩系。结合近年来勘探成果,收集矿石品位进行统计学研究,探讨品位与矿化关系。  相似文献   
《China Geology》2020,3(3):385-401
Recently, continuous breakthroughs have been made about deep gold prospecting in the Jiaodong gold province area of China. Approximately 5000 t of cumulative gold resources have been explored in Jiaodong, which has thus become an internationally noteworthy gold ore cluster. The gold exploration depth has been increased to about 2000 m from the previous <1000 m. To further explore the mineralization potential of the Jiaodong area at a depth of about 3000 m, the Shandong Institute of Geological Sciences has drilled an exploratory drillhole named “Deep drillhole ZK01” to a depth of 3266 m. Hence, as reported herein, the mineralization characteristics of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt have been successfully documented. ZK01 is, to date, the deepest borehole with an gold intersect in China, and constitutes a significant advance in deep gold prospecting in China. The findings of this study further indicate that the depth interval of 2000 m to 4000 m below the ground surface in the Wuyi Village area incorporates 912 t of inferred gold resources, while the depth interval of 2000 m to 4000 m below the surface across the Jiaodong area possesses about 4000 t of inferred gold resources. The Jiaojia Fault Belt tends to gently dip downward, having dip angles of about 25° and about 20° at vertical depths of 2000 m and 2850 m, respectively. The deep part of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt differs from the shallow and moderately deep parts about fracturing, alteration, mineralization, and tectonic type. The deep zones can generally be categorized from inside outward as cataclastic granite, granitic cataclasite, weakly beresitized granitic cataclasite, beresitized cataclasite, and gouge. These zones exhibit a gradual transitional relation or occur alternately and repeatedly. The mineralization degree of the pyritized cataclastic granite-type ore in the deep part of the Jiaojia metallogenic belt is closely related to the degree of pyrite vein development; that is, the higher the pyrite content, the wider the veins and the higher the gold grade. Compared to the shallow gold ores, the deep-seated gold ores have higher fineness and contain joseite, tetradymite, and native bismuth, suggesting that the deep gold mineralization temperature is higher and that mantle-sourced material may have contributed to this mineralization. ZK01 has also revealed that the deep-seated ore bodies in the Jiaojia metallogenic belt are principally situated above the main fracture plane (gouge) and hosted within the Linglong Granite, contradicting previous findings indicating that the moderately shallow gold ore bodies are usually hosted in the contact zone between the Linglong Granite and Jiaodong Group or meta-gabbro. These new discoveries are particularly significant because they can help correct mineralization prospecting models, determine favorable positions for deep prospecting, and improve metallogenic prediction and resource potential evaluation.  相似文献   
云南锑(金)成矿带划分及有关成矿问题讨论   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
云南可划分11个锑(金)成矿带(区)。Sb—Au属同一成矿系列(Sb略晚),二者常相伴产出。滇东坡脚组(D1p)与滇西三合洞组(T3s),同为锑矿矿源层。滇东南与黔西区玄武岩喷溢早期的大厂层(P3d)、主期玄武岩组(P3β)、晚期龙潭组(P3l),三者含Sb、Au背景值远高于全球玄武岩,构成统一的Sb—Au矿源层(岩),在有利构造条件下,产出Sb矿(伴生Au)、Au矿(伴生Sb)或二者共存(广南堂上),其成因都与幔源玄武岩喷溢作用有关。  相似文献   
The SEM-EDX technique was applied to investigate Au, and Cu+Sn alloyed grains in the mineralization of the Um Shashoba mine for achieving further understanding of occurrences, internal structures and microchemistry of Au and Cu alloys and associated minerals, and mineralization type. This study is aiming at the genetic history of ore-bearing fluid events, geochemical evaluation and exploration significance. The results showed that the mineralization could be considered as a single major episode generated by metamorphic mesothermal solution rich in sulfides and unsaturated respect to Au. It was differentiated into many stages; started with formation of auriferous pyrite that was pseudomorphed by secondary hematite, limonite and goethite. Three phases of Au alloy were precipitated, and Cu+Sn and Ag-rich alloys were produced respectively and followed by deposition of two generations of barren pyrite. Calcite and ankerite were crystalized, surrounded and partially replaced some of early formed minerals. Finally, barren muscovite recrystallized around and inside both later formed carbonate minerals that were free of any sign of Au in their structures. The processes of deformation, recrystallization, annealing, dissolution, remobilization and re-precipitation played the most important roles in the genetic history of the mineralization.  相似文献   
Both adakitic and shoshonitic igneous rocks in the Luzong area, Anhui Province, eastern China are associated with Cretaceous Cu–Au mineralization. The Shaxi quartz diorite porphyrites exhibit adakite-like geochemical features, such as light rare earth element (LREE) enrichment, heavy REE (HREE) depletion, high Al2O3, MgO, Sr, Sr / Y and La / Yb values, and low Y and Yb contents. They have low εNd(t) values (− 3.46 to − 6.28) and high (87Sr / 86Sr)i ratios (0.7051–0.7057). Sensitive High-Resolution Ion Microprobe (SHRIMP) zircon analyses indicate a crystallization age of 136 ± 3 Ma for the adakitic rocks. Most volcanic rocks and the majority of monzonites and syenites in the Luzong area are K-rich (or shoshonitic) and were also produced during the Cretaceous (140–125 Ma). They are enriched in LREE and large-ion lithophile elements, and depleted in Ti, and Nb and Ba and exhibit relatively lower εNd(t) values ranging from − 4.65 to − 7.03 and relatively higher (87Sr / 86Sr)i ratios varying between 0.7057 and 0.7062. The shoshonitic and adakitic rocks in the Luzong area have similar Pb isotopic compositions (206Pb / 204Pb = 17.90–18.83, 207Pb / 204Pb = 15.45–15.62 and 208Pb / 204Pb = 38.07–38.80). Geological data from the Luzong area suggest that the Cretaceous igneous rocks are distributed along NE fault zones (e.g., Tanlu and Yangtze River fault zones) in eastern China and were likely formed in an extensional setting within the Yangtze Block. The Shaxi adakitic rocks were probably derived by the partial melting of delaminated lower crust at pressures equivalent to crustal thickness of > 50 km (i.e., 1.5 GPa), possibly leaving rutile-bearing eclogitic residue. The shoshonitic magmas, in contrast, originated mainly from an enriched mantle metasomatized by subducted oceanic sediments. They underwent early high-pressure (> 1.5 GPa) fractional crystallization at the boundary between thickened (> 50 km) lower crust and lithospheric mantle and late low-pressure (< 1.5 GPa) fractional crystallization in the shallow (< 50 km) crust. The adakitic and shoshonitic rocks appear to be linked to an intra-continental extensional setting where partial melting of enriched mantle and delaminated lower crust was probably controlled by lithospheric thinning and upwelling of hot asthenosphere along NE fault zones (e.g., Tanlu and Yangtze River fault zones) in eastern China. Both the shoshonitic and adakitic magmas were fertile with respect to Cu–Au mineralization.  相似文献   
何照波  刘涛  杨宗  余红平 《云南地质》2007,26(2):175-182
萨尔布拉克金矿为北疆地区重要金矿之一,位于两个一级构造单元结合部位,矿床受北西向断裂破碎带控制,走向延伸长,规模大,从地表向下氧化矿、混合矿、硫化矿分带明显。明显受构造、地层及岩性控制,属构造一热液蚀变岩型微粒金矿。  相似文献   
延边地区是中国东北部陆缘浅成热液金铜矿床发育的地区之一,广泛发育着浅成热液金矿床、中温热液金(铜)矿床和中深成中高温热液富金铜矿床(类斑岩型);富金铜矿床的成矿时代发生在105~102 Ma,为了进一步确定浅成热液金矿床与中深成中高温热液富金铜矿床的成矿动力学背景,采用流体包裹体的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar激光探针定年法,对该区典型浅成热液金矿床进行了精细的年代学测定,获得刺猬沟金矿床、五星山金矿床和杜荒岭金矿床的脉石矿物石英流体包裹体的~(40)Ar/~(39)Ar等时线年龄分别为(141±7)Ma、(123±7)Ma和(107±6)Ma,其中刺猬沟金矿床((141±7)Ma)和五星山金矿床((123±7)Ma)的脉石矿物石英流体包裹体含有过剩放射性成因~(40)Ar,而杜荒岭金矿床((107±6)Ma)的脉石矿物石英流体包裹体几乎不含或含极少量过剩放射性成因~(40)Ar。结合最新获得的相关地质体的精细年代学成果,认定该区浅成热液金矿床成矿作用均发生在早白垩世晚期,或发生在早白垩世晚期火山喷发、浅成岩浆就位之后,其形成环境与富金铜矿床一致,为古太平洋板块向亚洲大陆正北向俯冲转入Izanagi-Farallon板块西向俯冲的构造转换期。  相似文献   
高杖子金矿成因类型为中温热液蚀变岩型,新太古代叶柏寿片麻杂岩为其矿源层,燕山期发育的北东、北北东及北西向断裂是控制金矿的主要构造.在区域岩浆热动力作用下,金元素活化转移,金在富含挥发份及碱质的流体中迁移,在适当的压力、温度和介质条件下,在有利的构造部位富集成矿.  相似文献   
The Qingchengzi orefield in northeastern China, is a concentration of several Pb–Zn, Ag, and Au ore deposits. A combination of geochronological and Pb, Sr isotopic investigations was conducted. Zircon SHRIMP U–Pb ages of 225.3 ± 1.8 Ma and 184.5 ± 1.6 Ma were obtained for the Xinling and Yaojiagou granites, respectively. By step-dissolution Rb–Sr dating, ages of 221 ± 12 Ma and 138.7 ± 4.1 Ma were obtained for the sphalerite of the Zhenzigou Zn–Pb deposit and pyrargyrite of the Ag ore in the Gaojiabaozi Ag deposit, respectively. Pb isotopic ratios of the Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi (206Pb/204Pb = 18.38 to 18.53) are higher than those of the Pb–Zn ores (206Pb/204Pb = 17.66 to 17.96; Chen et al. [Chen, J.F., Yu, G., Xue, C.J., Qian, H., He, J.F., Xing, Z., Zhang, X., 2005. Pb isotope geochemistry of lead, zinc, gold and silver deposit clustered region, Liaodong rift zone, northeastern China. Science in China Series D 48, 467–476.]). Triassic granites show low Pb isotopic ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 17.12 to 17.41, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.47 to 15.54, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.51 to 37.89) and metamorphic rocks of the Liaohe Group have high ratios (206Pb/204Pb = 18.20 to 24.28 and 18.32 to 20.06, 207Pb/204Pb = 15.69 to 16.44 and 15.66 to 15.98, 208Pb/204Pb = 37.29 to 38.61 and 38.69 to 40.00 for the marble of the Dashiqiao Formation and schist of the Gaixian Formation, respectively).Magmatic activities at Qingchengzi and in adjacent regions took place in three stages, and each contained several magmatic pulses: ca. 220 to 225 Ma and 211 to 216 Ma in the Triassic; 179 to 185 Ma, 163 to 168 Ma, 155 Ma and 149 Ma in the Jurassic, as well as ca. 140 to 130 Ma in the Early Cretaceous. The Triassic magmatism was part of the Triassic magmatic belt along the northern margin of the North China Craton produced in a post-collisional extensional setting, and granites in it formed by crustal melting induced by mantle magma. The Jurassic and Early Cretaceous magmatism was related to the lithospheric delamination in eastern China. The Triassic is the most important metallogenic stage at Qingchengzi. The Pb–Zn deposits, the Pb–Zn–Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi, and the gold deposits were all formed in this stage. They are temporally and spatially associated with the Triassic magmatic activity. Mineralization is very weak in the Jurassic. Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi was formed in the Early Cretaceous, which is suggested by the young Rb–Sr isochron age, field relations, and significantly different Pb isotopic ratios between the Pb–Zn–Ag and Ag ores. Pb isotopic compositions of the Pb–Zn ores suggest binary mixing for the source of the deposits. The magmatic end-member is the Triassic granites and the other metamorphic rocks of the Liaohe Group. Slightly different proportions of the two end-members, or an involvement of materials from hidden Cretaceous granites with slightly different Pb isotopic ratios, is postulated to interpret the difference of Pb isotopic compositions between the Pb–Zn–(Ag) and Ag ores. Sr isotopic ratios support this conclusion. At the western part of the Qingchengzi orefield, hydrothermal fluid driven by the heat provided by the now exposed Triassic granites deposited ore-forming materials in the low and middle horizons of the marbles of the Dashiqiao Formation near the intrusions to form mesothermal Zn–Pb deposits. In the eastern part, hydrothermal fluids associated with deep, hidden Triassic intrusions moved upward along a regional fault over a long distance and then deposited the ore-forming materials to form epithermal Au and Pb–Zn–Ag ores. Young magmatic activities are all represented by dykes across the entire orefield, suggesting that the corresponding main intrusion bodies are situated in the deep part of the crust. Among these, only intrusions with age of ca. 140 Ma might have released sufficient amounts of fluid to be responsible for the formation of the Ag ore at Gaojiabaozi.Our age results support previous conclusions that sphalerite can provide a reliable Rb–Sr age as long as the fluid inclusion phase is effectively separated from the “sulfide” phase. Our work suggests that the separation can be achieved by a step-resolution technique. Moreover, we suggest that pyrargyrite is a promising mineral for Rb–Sr isochron dating.  相似文献   
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