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For spatial analyses, raster land cover/use maps are converted into points, where each point holds attribute of its corresponding land cover/use. However, these are not identical in terms of areas or shapes; thus assigning a point to each isolated shape is not an adequate solution and for that gridding is suggested. Square, hexagon and triangle are among the basic land use gridding systems where each of them has its own advantages in such process. This research aims to compare the systems in providing accurate representations of the original land cover/use maps, assess the data loss while increasing resolution and suggest suitable gridding system. The research finds the errors in area and feature numbers as criteria for selected classes. Modules that find out errors in each scale considering each criterion and class alone are proposed. The modules suggest both the best system for each criterion alone and for combined criteria.  相似文献   
The volume FeO and TiO_2 abundances(FTAs) of lunar regolith can be more important for understanding the geological evolution of the Moon compared to the optical and gamma-ray results. In this paper, the volume FTAs are retrieved with microwave sounder(CELMS) data from the Chang'E-2 satellite using the back propagation neural network(BPNN) method. Firstly, a three-layered BPNN network with five-dimensional input is constructed by taking nonlinearity into account. Then, the brightness temperature(TB) and surface slope are set as the inputs and the volume FTAs are set as the outputs of the BPNN network.Thereafter, the BPNN network is trained with the corresponding parameters collected from Apollo, Luna,and Surveyor missions. Finally, the volume FTAs are retrieved with the trained BPNN network using the four-channel TBderived from the CELMS data and the surface slope estimated from Lunar Orbiter Laser Altimeter(LOLA) data. The rationality of the retrieved FTAs is verified by comparing with the Clementine UV-VIS results and Lunar Prospector(LP) GRS results. The retrieved volume FTAs enable us to re-evaluate the geological features of the lunar surface. Several important results are as follows. Firstly, very-low-Ti(<1.5 wt.%) basalts are the most spatially abundant, and the surfaces with TiO_2> 5 wt.% constitute less than 10% of the maria. Also, two linear relationships occur between the FeO abundance(FA) and the TiO_2 abundance before and after the threshold, 16 wt.% for FA. Secondly, a new perspective on mare volcanism is derived with the volume FTAs in several important mare basins, although this conclusion should be verified with more sources of data. Thirdly, FTAs in the lunar regolith change with depth to the uppermost surface,and the change is complex over the lunar surface. Finally, the distribution of volume FTAs hints that the highlands crust is probably homogeneous, at least in terms of the microwave thermophysical parameters.  相似文献   
In the solar system satellite systems of Jupiter, Saturn and Uranus are typical ones. The distribution of the semi-major axis of satellite orbits in each system may be expressed by an empirical formula corresponding to the Titius-Bode law. We found that it can be written as an = B′ · Bn, where B′ and B are constants. Values of B′ and B depend on formation conditions of each system. Satellites should be formed in the gas-satellitesimal disk around a planet and by aggregation of satellitesimals. The gas is the major component in the disk and its damping effect must play an important role in the process of aggregation of satellitesimals. It may be proved that radial small perturbation in the disk can cause the gravitational instability and the formation of gaseous rings with increased density, where satellitesimals can easy aggregat into satellites.  相似文献   
由于空间大地观测数据传输耗时及处理过程复杂, 导致极移测量值的获取存在时延, 无法满足对高精度的极移预报值有重大需求的应用领域. 针对极移复杂的时变特性, 提出一种基于奇异谱分析(singular spectrum analysis, SSA)的预报方法. 首先用SSA分离提取极移时序中的高频组分与低频组分; 其次建立最小二乘(least square, LS)外推与自回归(AutoreGressive, AR)模型对极移高频和低频组分进行组合预报. 结果表明, SSA方法能够准确地分离和提取极移低频和高频组分, 对低频和高频组分组合预报可以显著改善极移的中长期(30--365d)预报精度, 与国际地球自转和参考系服务局(International Earth Rotation and Reference Systems Service, IERS)提供的A公报中的极移预报值相比, SSA方法对极移PMX分量(本初子午线方向)和PMY分量(西90$^\circ$子午线方向)的中长期预报精度改进最高分别可达45.97%和62.44%. 研究结果验证了SSA方法对极移中长期预报改进的有效性.  相似文献   
Continuous subglacial measurements of turbidity and electrical conductivity — two indicators of basal water quality — can be used to help characterize subglacial drainage systems. These indicators of water quality yield information that complements that provided by water pressure measurements. Quantitative attributes of subglacial drainage systems, such as water velocity and subglacial residence time, as well as qualitative behaviour — for example, spatial and temporal variations in system morphology — can be deduced using water quality measurements. Interpretation is complicated by the many potential influences on turbidity and electrical conductivity, but when these complications are appreciated a richer interpretation results. To demonstrate the utility of basal water quality measurements, observations from Trapridge Glacier, Yukon Territory, Canada were examined. The data reveal complex behaviour of the drainage system, but constraints imposed by basal water quality measurements help to clarify the nature of the subglacial flow system. The measurement and interpretation methods described and demonstrated are applicable to other glaciers. As such, they should prove useful for characterizing different subglacial drainage configurations and behaviours, thereby improving our general understanding of the hydrology and dynamics of wet-based glaciers.  相似文献   
基于多智能体的土地利用模拟与规划模型   总被引:31,自引:5,他引:26  
刘小平  黎夏  艾彬  陶海燕  伍少坤  刘涛 《地理学报》2006,61(10):1101-1112
利用多智能体和元胞自动机对城市土地资源的可持续利用进行了规划。根据环境经济学资源分配原理和可持续发展理论,提出结合多智能体及元胞自动机的微观规划模型,在时间和空间上合理分配及规划城市土地资源的利用,以避免浪费不可再生的土地资源。该模型由相互作用的多智能体层、元胞自动机层和环境因素层组成,可方便地探索不同土地利用政策下城市土地利用发展情景,能够为城市规划提供有用的决策依据。以广州市海珠区为实验区,在可持续发展为前提的规划下,模拟了1995-2010年的城市扩展的动态变化,并讨论了在不同规划情景下城市土地资源的利用效率及合理性。  相似文献   
Two formations are named in the presumed Precambrian sedimentary rocks of the Old Radnor Inlier. The Strinds Formation comprises fine- to medium-grained sandstones and pebbly sandstones. Grain-size, texture, clast types, and lithological invariance support correlation with the homogeneous and cross-bedded sandstone facies of the Bayston-Oakswood Formation of the Longmyndian, assigned to a braided alluvial plain environment. The Yat Wood Formation comprises fine-grained sandstones, siltstones, and laminated mudstones. It may be equivalent to some part of the Burway, Synalds, or Lightspout Formation. The Strinds and Yat Wood Formations are petrographically similar to each other and to the type Lonmyndian, and were sourced either directly or indirectly from a magmatic arc. The Strinds and Yat Wood Formations are seen only in faulted contact, and the inlier itself is partly or wholly bounded by strands of the Church Stretton fault zone. Similar faulted relationships are seen further northeast along the system at Pedwardine and in the Church Stretton area. A fault explanation for the juxtaposition of contrasting facies is favoured over that of an original unconformity of Strinds on Yat Wood Formation.  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了结构地震反应观测研究的意义。并以中国地震局防灾大楼和北京市人大办公大楼结构地震反应观测系统为布设实例,阐述了中国大陆地区结构地震反应观测系统的两种布设方式。对两种方式进行了分析,指出简化布设中存在的问题,并提出了布设原则,用于指导结构地震反应观测系统的布设。  相似文献   
Satellite rainfall products for landslide early warning prediction have been spotlighted by several researchers, in the last couple of decades. This study investigates the use of TRMM and ERA-Interim data, for the determination of rainfall thresholds and the prediction of precipitation, respectively, to be used for landslide early warning purposes at the Bogowonto catchment, Central Java, Indonesia. A landslide inventory of 218 landslides for the period of 2003–2016 was compiled, and rainfall data were retrieved for the landslide locations, as given by 6 ground stations, TRMM, and ERA-Interim data. First, rainfall data from the three different sources was compared in terms of correlation and extreme precipitation indices. Second, a procedure for the calculation of rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrence was followed consisting of four steps: i) the TRMM-based rainfall data was reconstructed for selected dates and locations characterized by landslide occurrence and non-occurrence; ii) the antecedent daily rainfall was calculated for 3, 5, 10, 15, 20 and 30 days for the selected dates and locations; iii) two-parameter daily rainfall-antecedent rainfall thresholds were calculated for the aforementioned dates; after analysis of the curves the optimum number of antecedent rainfall days was selected; and (iv) empirical rainfall thresholds for landslide occurrence were determined. The procedure was repeated for the entire landslide dataset, differentiating between forested and built-up areas, and between landslide occurrence in four temporal periods, in relation to the monsoon. The results indicated that TRMM performs well for the detection of very heavy precipitation and can be used to indicate the extreme rainfall events that trigger landslides. On the contrary, as ERA-Interim failed to detect those events, its applicability for LEWS remains limited. The 15-day antecedent rainfall was indicated to mostly affect the landslide occurrence in the area. The rainfall thresholds vary for forested and built-up areas, as well as for the beginning, middle and end of the rainy season.  相似文献   
张家口-蓬莱断裂带渤海段晚第四纪活动特征   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
张家口-蓬莱断裂带是华北地区一条显著的地震带.利用最新获得的高分辨率浅层地震资料研究了渤海海域内该断裂带晚第四纪以来的活动特征.研究表明:在渤海,张家口-蓬莱断裂带主要由沙西断裂、埕北断裂、沙南断裂、沙东北断裂、柏各庄断裂、石臼坨3号断裂、渤中2号断裂和BZ29断裂等一系列NW走向断裂组成,走向在290°~310°之间;在浅层沉积物中各断裂由多条次级小断裂组成;晚第四纪以来主要表现出强烈的垂向运动特征,具有正断性质;海域各断裂的最新活动时代为晚更新世(Q3)末期-全新世(Q4)初期,并具有相同的活动趋势,在20 ka B.P.和60 ka B.P.左右活动强烈,统计计算显示平均垂向活动速率分别为0.15 mm/a和0.1 mm/a,近20 000 a以来的垂向活动速率超过0.06 mm/a.  相似文献   
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