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中国中部高铝质超高压变质岩   总被引:6,自引:3,他引:3  
..  硬水铝石 《岩石学报》1999,15(4):548-556
我国中部在超高压条件下形成的高铝质变质岩石, 以蓝晶黄玉石英岩为特征, 具有以蓝晶石、富水黄玉、富镁硬绿泥石、柯石英、硬水铝石等为代表的高压-超高压变质矿物, 矿物组合主要为蓝晶石+ 黄玉+ 石英 (柯石英)、蓝晶石+ 蓝刚玉±富镁硬绿泥石等。化学成分富铝而贫镁, 其原岩为陆缘高铝质泥质沉积岩。实验岩石学的研究表明, 蓝晶石+ 黄玉在1000℃~1200℃,3.1~3.77GPa 条件下仍可稳定存在,而石英已部分转变为柯石英。蓝晶石+ 黄玉与柯石英一起稳定于超高压条件下。这表明以高铝质岩石为代表的地壳物质已进入到地幔深度, 达到这样的深度只能由会聚板块的俯冲作用而引起。因此,高铝质岩石的存在可以作为A型俯冲作用的指示剂。超高压变质的高铝质岩石将成为陆-陆碰撞事件的重要研究内容。  相似文献   
藏北鱼鳞山超钾质火山岩为一中等规模的熔岩被, 可分为三期。前两期主要为霞石黝方白榴石响岩、霞石白榴斑岩等, 后期主要为方钠石霓石粗面岩、霓霞粗面岩等。时代为18~30 Ma。本区超钾质岩浆 Si O2 强烈不饱和、强碱性、高度富集 L R E E及 L I L E、放射成因 Sr、 Pb 及非放射成因 Nd 同位素 (86 Sr/87 Sr= 0708766~0709162, 206 Pb/204 Pb= 18882888~ 19104751, 207 Pb/204 Pb= 15642037 ~ 15828458, 208 Pb/204 Pb= 39138921 ~ 39686835 及143 Nd/144 Nd= 0512116 ~0512342),其上述特征指示岩浆源区为受到地壳物质强烈交代的富集 E M I I型地幔。藏北拉嘎拉钠质碱性橄榄玄武岩为高原面上的剥蚀残丘, 时代为60 Ma。其岩石学、 R E E、微量元素及 Sr Nd Pb 同位素指示了岩浆源区为受到洋壳俯冲物质交代的轻度富集地幔。本研究结果指示, 羌塘高原南部富集地幔的形成可能是受到印度板块俯冲的影响。  相似文献   
1933年叠溪发生7?级强震,关于此次地震的发震构造存在较大争议,有些学者认为NW向松坪沟断裂是此次地震的发震构造,另有学者认为近NS向岷江断裂南段才是这次地震的发震构造。本文根据成丛小震发生在大震断层面附近的原则,利用1990-2014年精定位小震目录,根据万永革等(2008)提出的震源断层面拟合方法,反演了叠溪地震震源断层走向、倾角和位置。断层走向和倾角分别是172.8°和82.9°,倾向偏向西。本文结果更支持岷江断裂南段为叠溪地震发震构造这一结论。  相似文献   
蔚广盆地南缘断裂带唐山口段山前断层活动性研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
蔚广盆地是山西地堑系北端京西北盆岭构造区内的一个半地堑盆地,蔚广盆地南缘断裂带为控制该盆地形成的边界断裂。该断裂带位于唐山口段的山前断裂在冲洪积扇体上形成了线性特征显著的断层陡坎。横跨断层陡坎开挖的探槽表明该条山前断裂属于全新世活动断裂,探槽揭示了2条活动断层以及相应的3次古地震事件。在距今约9ka时其中一条断层首次活动,之后在距今约7.3ka时该条断层再次活动并引发了另一条断层的形成与同步活动。最后它们又发生了第三次活动,而最新一次活动的时间由于相应地表沉积的缺失而无法获得。这3次古地震事件的累积垂直位错约为8.1m。估算出整条山前断裂的平均复发周期约为1.7ka、平均滑动速率约为1.6mm/a。此外还依据经验公式估算出了各次古地震的参考震级。  相似文献   
本文利用GPS观测的1999-2007年汶川震前3期地表变形数据和2008年汶川同震地表变形数据,结合地震位错理论,通过高斯变换和坐标旋转建立断层模型,运用遗传算法,反演了龙门山断裂带断层震前3期和同震滑动参数。结果表明龙门山断层震前3期平均走滑位移为-5.39mm,倾向位移为2.66mm,与同震断层滑移相比较,发现震前断层的滑移趋势与同震断层滑移一致,均为逆冲兼右旋的挤压运动。比较震前3期逆冲方向的滑移量,发现逆冲滑移有加速的现象。并根据震前和同震的断层滑动量估算了汶川地震复发周期。  相似文献   
The Tan-Lu Fault Zone(TLFZ), a well-known lithosphere fault zone in eastern China, is a boundary tectonic belt of the secondary block within the North China plate, and its seismic risk has always been a focus problem. Previous studies were primarily conducted on the eastern graben faults of the Yishu segment where there are historical earthquake records, but the faults in western graben have seldom been involved. So, there has been no agreement about the activity of the western graben fault from the previous studies. This paper focuses on the activity of the two buried faults in the western graben along the southern segment of Yishu through combination of shallow seismic reflection profile and composite drilling section exploration. Shallow seismic reflection profile reveals that the Tangwu-Gegou Fault(F4)only affects the top surface of Suqian Formation, therefore, the fault may be an early Quaternary fault. The Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)has displaced the upper Pleistocene series in the shallow seismic reflection profile, suggesting that the fault may be a late Pleistocene active fault. Drilling was implemented in Caiji Town and Lingcheng Town along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)respectively, and the result shows that the latest activity time of Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)is between(91.2±4.4)ka and(97.0±4.8)ka, therefore, the fault belongs to late Pleistocene active fault. Combined with the latest research on the activity of other faults along TLFZ, both faults in eastern and western graben were active during the late Pleistocene in the southern segment of the Yishu fault zone, however, only the fault in eastern graben was active in the Holocene. This phenomenon is the tectonic response to the subduction of the Pacific and Philippine Sea Plate and collision between India and Asian Plate. The two late Quaternary active faults in the Yishu segment of TLFZ are deep faults and present different forms on the surface and in near surface according to studies of deep seismic reflection profile, seismic wave function and seismic relocation. Considering the tectonic structure of the southern segment of Yishu fault zone, the relationship between deep and shallow structures, and the impact of 1668 Tancheng earthquake(M=8(1/2)), the seismogenic ability of moderate-strong earthquake along the Yishui-Tangtou Fault(F3)can't be ignored.  相似文献   
In order to analyze 3-dimensional movement and deformation characteristics and seismic risk of the Xianshuihe fault zone, we inverted for dynamic fault locking and slip deficit rate of the fault using the GPS horizontal velocity field of 1999-2007 and 2013-2017 in Sichuan-Yunnan region, and calculated annual vertical change rate to analyze the vertical deformation characteristics of the fault using the cross-fault leveling data during 1980-2017 locating on the Xianshuihe fault. The GPS inversion results indicate that in 1999-2007, the southeastern segment of the fault is tightly locked, the middle segment is less locked, and the northwestern segment is basically in creeping state. In 2013-2017, the southeastern segment of the fault is obviously weekly locked, in which only a patch between Daofu-Bamei is locked, and the northwestern segment is still mostly in creeping state, in which only a patch at southeastern Luhuo is slightly locked from surface to 10km depth. The cross-fault leveling data show that annual vertical change rate of the Zhuwo, Gelou, Xuxu and Goupu sites on the northwestern segment is larger, which means vertical movement is relatively active, and annual vertical change rate of the Longdengba, Laoqianning, and Zheduotang sites on the southeastern segment is small, which means the fault is locked, and the vertical movement changes little before and after the Wenchuan earthquake. Combining with the 3-dimensional movement and deformation, seismic activity and Coulomb stress on the Xianshuihe Fault, we consider the seismic risk of the southeastern segment is larger, and the Wenchuan earthquake reduced the far-field sinistral movement and the fault slip deficit rate, which may reduce the stress and strain accumulation rate and relieve the seismic risk of the southeastern segment.  相似文献   
In this paper, we processed and analyzed the Sentinel-1A data by "two-pass" method and acquired the surface deformation fields of Menyuan earthquake. The results show the deformation occurred mainly in the south wall of fault, where uplift deformation is dominant. The uplift deformation is significantly larger than the subsidence and the maximum uplift of ascending and descending in the LOS is 6cm, 8cm respectively. Meanwhile, based on the Okada model, we use the ascending and descending passes data as constraints to invert jointly the fault distribution and source parameters through constructing fault model of different dip directions. The optimum fault parameters are:The dip is 43°, the strike is 128°with the mean rake of 85°. The maximum slip is about 0.27m. The inverted seismic moment M0 is 1.13×1018N·m, and the moment magnitude MW is 5.9. The SW-dipping Minyue-Damaying Fault is possibly the seismogenic fault, based on the comprehensive analysis of the focal mechanisms, aftershocks relocation results and the regional tectonic background. The focus property is dominated by thrust movement with a small amount of dextral strike-slip component. The earthquake is the result of local stress adjustment nearby the Lenglongling Fault under the background of northeastward push and growth of Tibet Plateau.  相似文献   
A M3. 4 seismic event occurred in the Punggye-ri nuclear test site,D. P. R Korea at 16∶29 p.m. on September 23,2017. We analyzed the waveforms of this event recorded by the China Earthquake Networks Center. In conclusion,this event is complex,including an explosion with a successive earthquake. Although the beginning of the event is an explosion,fault dislocation plays the main role in the event.  相似文献   
More attention has been paid to the late Quaternary activity of the boundary fault of the Sichuan-Yunnan block in eastern Tibet. The Lijiang-Xiaojinhe Fault (LXF) locates along the boundary of the northwest Sichuan and central Yunnan sub-blocks in the Sichuan-Yunnan block. Clear displaced landforms show that the fault has undergone strong late-Quaternary activity. However there is no surface-rupturing earthquake occurring on the LXF in the historical record. The LXF crosses the city of Lijiang, one of the most important tourist cities in Southwest China. The rupture behavior on this fault remains unclear and it is hard to assess its seismic hazard in the future. In this study, on the base of the interpretation of high-resolution satellite imagery, we chose the middle segment of the LXF and dug three trenches at Muzhuda, Hongxing, and Gantangzi sites to constrain the ages of paleoearthquakes combined with radiocarbon dating and OxCal modeling. The Muzhuda trench shows that at least three events occurred on the middle segment of the LXF at 7 940~6 540a BP, 4 740~4 050a BP and 1 830~420a BP, respectively. The Hongxing trench indicates that the LXF underwent two events at 5 120~3 200a BP and 2 100~1 220a BP. The Gantangzi trench reveals at least three paleoearthquakes at 44 980~17 660a BP, 7 210~3 810a BP and 2 540~1 540a BP, respectively. The events in the Gantangzi trench might be incomplete because of stratigraphic gap. These three trenches indicate that three events occurred on the middle segment of the LXF in the Holocene at 7 940~7 210a BP, 4 740~4 050a BP and 1 830~1 540a BP, respectively. Large earthquakes on the middle segment of the LXF appear to fit the quasi-periodic model with the mean recurrence interval of~3 000a and the estimated magnitude 7.5. Given the strong late-Quaternary activity of the middle segment of the LXF and a long elapsed time, we propose that the middle segment of the LXF might have a high seismic hazard potential in the near future.  相似文献   
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