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Cooling rate (CR) effects on the intensity of thermoremanent magnetization has been documented for archaeomagnetic materials, where cooling in laboratory conditions is generally much faster compared to natural cooling rates. Since the latter condition also applies to many volcanic rocks, we have investigated in this study the influences of the CR on the determination of absolute paleointensity using recent basaltic rocks. We used magnetically and thermally stable samples mainly containing Ti-poor pseudo-singledomain titanomagnetites (the most widely used material for Thellier paleointensity experiments). These samples previously succeed in retrieving the strength of laboratory field intensities with the Coe’s version of the Thellier method in a simulated paleointensity experiment using similar cooling rates. Our experimental results indicate that the cooling rate effects produce systematic and significant overestimates of the absolute intensity up to 70%. The effect can be much larger than predicted by Neél theory for non-interacting single-domain grains.  相似文献   
The 1991 Pinatubo eruption left 5–6 km3 of debris on the volcano slopes, much of which has been mobilized into large lahars in the following rainy seasons. Also during the eruption, collapse, localized in part along preexisting faults, left a caldera 2.5 km in diameter that almost immediately began to accumulate a 1.6 × 108 m3 lake. By 2001, the water had risen to the fault-controlled Maraunot Notch, the lowest, northwestern portion of the caldera rim comprising the physiographic sill of the Caldera Lake. That year, a narrow artificial canal dug into an old volcanic breccia underlying the outlet channel failed to induce a deliberate lake breakout, but discharge from heavy rains in July 2002 rapidly deepened the notch by 23 m, releasing an estimated 6.5 × 107 m3 of lake water that bulked up into lahars with a volume well in excess of 1.6 × 108 m3. Lakes in other volcanoes have experienced multiple breakouts, providing practical motivation for this study. Fieldwork and high-resolution digital elevation models reveal andesites and ancient lacustrine deposits, strongly fractured and deformed along a segment of the Maraunot Fault, a prominent, steeply dipping, left-lateral fault zone that trends N35°–40°W within and parallel to the notch. Seismicity in 1991 demonstrated that the Maraunot Fault is still active. The fault zone appears to have previously been the erosional locus for a large channel, filled with avalanche or landslide deposits of an earlier eruption that were exhumed by the 2002 breakout floods. The deformed lacustrine sediments, with an uncalibrated 14C age of 14,760 ± 40 year BP from a single charcoal sample, attest to the existence of an earlier lake, possibly within the Tayawan Caldera, rim remnants of which survive as arcuate escarpments. That lake may well have experienced one or more ancient breakouts as well. The 2002 event greatly reduced the possibility of another such event by scouring away the erodible breccia, leaving less erodible fractured andesites and lacustrine rocks, and by enlarging the outlet channel and its discharge capacity. Several lines of evidence indicate, however, that future lahar-generating lake breakouts at the notch may keep populations of Botolan municipality downstream at risk: (1) a volume of 9.5 × 107 m3 of lake water remains perched 0.8 km above sea level; (2) seismicity in 1991 demonstrated that the Maraunot Fault is still active and movements of sufficient magnitude could enlarge the outlet and the discharge through it; (3) more likely, however, with or without earthquake activity, landslides from the steep to overhanging channel walls could block the channel again, and a major rainstorm could then cause a rise in lake level and sudden breakouts; (4) intrusion of a new dome into the bottom of the lake, possibly accompanied by phreatic explosions, could expel large volumes of lahar-generating water.  相似文献   
河北沽源—多伦地区中生代含铀火山岩地球化学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
沽源和多伦地区是燕辽多金属成矿带的重要组成部分,中生界主要发育上侏罗统白旗组、张家口组,下白垩统大北沟组和花吉营组。张家口组火山岩分布广、厚度大,是铀(钼)矿床的主要含矿主岩。中生代火山岩属于钙碱性系列,化学成分富硅、偏碱,δ值1.17-7.60。稀土元素特征反映火山岩有壳幔混合和壳源改造两种成因。火山岩形成于弱造山环境,其年龄与库拉—太平洋板块向亚洲板块俯冲的时间吻合。张家口组酸性火山岩具有我国相山产铀火山杂岩富硅、富钾,铕极亏损的地球化学特征。  相似文献   
济阳坳陷四扣洼陷泥质岩裂缝储层预测研究   总被引:15,自引:0,他引:15  
通过对济阳坳陷四扣洼陷及郭局子地区泥质岩储层的裂缝类型、识别特征进行的研究,认为影响本区裂缝发育程度的因素是区域构造应力及构造部位、岩性、岩相、岩层厚度、埋深及地层压力。并在此基础上建立了地质模型、力学模型和数学模型,运用三维有限元方法对四扣洼陷构造裂缝储层的分布进行了预测。通过预测,提出了研究区裂缝发育在平面上具有不均匀性、连片性差、与断层关系密切的特点,进一步指出了罗42-罗48井区等8个区带为裂缝发育的地区。这项研究不仅对研究区泥岩油气勘探,而且对济阳坳陷及类似地区的泥岩油气勘探有重要指导和启示意义。  相似文献   
上黑龙江断陷火山岩特征及岩金找矿方向   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究区处于上黑龙江断陷盆地中段,中生代火山岩出露面积广泛,区内12处岩金矿床(点)均与中生代火山活动有关,塔木兰沟期和上库力期火山岩是成矿的岩体标志,3期火山岩均属碱性系列,以富Zr,Ti,Cr,P及轻稀土富集型为特征。硅化,绢云母化,绿泥石化,黄铁矿化,黄铜矿化。方铅矿化和褐铁矿化是找矿的蚀变标志,断陷盆地边缘和推覆构造边缘,火山带交汇部位,NE或NNE向断裂与其他方向断裂交汇部位以及火山机构周围的环状,放射状断裂是成矿的有利部位。  相似文献   
塔里木盆地西部碳酸盐岩成岩演化与储层形成关系   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
王琪  陈国俊 《新疆地质》2002,20(1):23-28
塔里木盆地西部碳酸盐岩的地质演化,主要经历了大气淡水成岩环境,海水成岩环境和埋藏成岩环境的改造,形成丰富的储人间类型和4种典型的孔隙结构特征,即溶孔-晶间孔复合型,粒间孔-粒间溶孔型,缝合线-微裂缝型和致密微孔型,大气淡水淋滤溶解作用和各种类型白云岩化作用有利于优质储层的形成,而胶结作用及压实,压溶作用则阻碍了储集空间的形成,奥陶系微晶灰岩和生屑灰岩由于主要经历了海水成岩-埋藏成岩环境的改造,胶结和压实作用特征明显,未能形成有效储集空间,整体属Ⅳ类差储集层,石炭系碳酸盐岩储层特征具有分区性,麦盖提斜坡区的储层物性明显优于巴楚隆起区,这与斜坡区碳酸盐岩遭后期大气淡水淋溶改造有关,古近系卡拉尔组碳酸盐岩经去膏化作用和大气淡水淋溶作用的复合改造,储层整体面貌呈Ⅲ-Ⅰ类的优良储层。  相似文献   
沉积岩的一种各向异性模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
给出了沉积岩的一种各向异性模型。用一个各向异性参数描述这类材料的固有各向异性,各向异性参数和单轴抗压强度是一个分布函数,其分布用一个微结构张量和加载方向表示。建立了一个描述各向异性沉积岩变形过程的全塑性模型。用该模型对这一些三轴试验进行了模拟,结果表明该模型能有效地描述沉积岩的固有各向异性。  相似文献   
以有关规范为基础,分别从区域、近区域和场址区三个尺度对吉林红石蓄能电站场址的稳定性作了评价。从地质构造、新构造、火山、地震等方面来分析,区域和近区域均是稳定的,场址区内虽有5条断裂构造发育并有发生轻微崩塌和泥石流等灾害的可能,但不会对场址产生的影响,因而场址区也是稳定的。  相似文献   
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