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Internal surface, formation factor, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR)-T2 relaxation times and pore radius distributions were measured on representative core samples for the estimation of hydraulic permeability. Permeability is estimated using various versions of the classic Kozeny–Carman-equation (K–C) and a further development of K–C, the fractal PaRiS-model, taking into account the internal surface. In addition to grain and pore size distribution, directly connected to permeability, internal surface reflects the internal structure (“micro morphology”). Lithologies could be grouped with respect to differences in internal surface. Most melt rich impact breccia lithologies exhibit large internal surfaces, while Tertiary post-impact sediments and Cretaceous lithologies in displaced megablocks display smaller internal surfaces. Investigations with scanning electron microscopy confirm the correlation between internal surface and micro morphology. In addition to different versions of K–C, estimations by means of NMR, pore radius distributions and some gas permeability measurements serve for cross-checking and calibration. In general, the different estimations from the independent methods and the measurements are in satisfactory accordance. For Tertiary limestones and Suevites bulk with very high porosities (up to 35%) permeabilites between 10−14 and 10−16 m2 are found, whereas in lower Suevite, Cretaceous anhydrites and dolomites, bulk permeabilites are between 10−15 and 10−23 m2.  相似文献   
姬塬油田长4+5砂岩储层孔隙类型与成岩作用   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:9  
通过常规物性、岩石及铸体薄片、重矿物、X射线衍射、扫描电镜等多项测试方法,对鄂尔多斯盆地姬塬油田长4 5含油砂体的岩石学特征、成岩作用、储集类型进行了分析和研究。长4 5储层孔隙主要以粒间孔和长石溶孔为主,粒间溶孔次之,孔隙组合一般以粒间孔和溶孔-粒间孔为主。本区破坏性成岩作用包括机械压实作用、石英及长石的次生加大、碳酸盐胶结作用等,其中压实作用是造成本区砂岩原生孔隙大量丧失的主要原因。建设性成岩作用为溶蚀作用、绿泥石粘土膜形成作用,但溶蚀作用产生的次生孔隙对储层物性的改善不足。  相似文献   
选择辽西为中心,以近东西向延伸800km的辽蒙地质走廊为研究区,通过年代学研究,确认130Ma以来的中、新生代火山活动对称分布的时空格局,具有“中间老、两侧新”的特点,而且随着时间的推移,软流圈来源的岩浆向东西两侧侧向流动,岩浆来源不断加深。在此基础上提出“软流圈底辟体上涌和水平侧向流动”的模式。  相似文献   
系统研究了西藏冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩的时空分布、岩相学、元素及Sr、Nd、Pb 同位素地球化学和构造环境、源区性质,并与喜马拉雅带二叠纪火山岩进行了对比研究。冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩近东西向集中分布在冈底斯构造带中北部地带,空间上从东至西火山活动的强度和规模渐次减小,时间上从早至晚火山活动的强度和规模总体由弱到强。冈底斯带石炭纪—二叠纪火山岩形成于活动大陆边缘的岛弧构造环境,从早到晚岛弧造山作用经历了初始岛弧→早期岛弧→成熟岛弧的发展演变过程,火山岩浆来源于富集型地幔部分熔融作用,原始岩浆在形成和演化的过程中有俯冲洋壳及随带的深海沉积物和再循环进人地慢的地壳物质组分的强烈混染,明显不同于受地壳物质组分强烈混染的喜马拉雅带二叠纪陆缘裂陷型火山岩。综合研究冈底斯带及其邻区近年来的最新调查与研究成果,从北向南拟建了石炭纪—二叠纪冈底斯岛弧→雅鲁藏布江弧后裂谷盆地→喜马拉雅陆缘裂陷盆地的弧盆系时空结构演化模式,探讨了冈瓦纳大陆北缘石炭纪—二叠纪活动大陆边缘的岛弧造山作用与青藏高原古特提斯演化的耦合关系及其动力学机制,讨论了冈底斯带松多乡榴辉岩的形成过程。  相似文献   
葛店煤矿双庙扩大区位于豫、皖两省交界处。勘探区为一轴向北北东向的不对称向斜构造,地层倾角26°~30°,测区深部有岩浆岩侵入体,严重影响煤层赋存形态;地表条件复杂,村庄密集、河流较多,测区东侧塌陷区水塘大面积分布.三维地震勘探野外施工难度大。本区地震勘探观测系统设计为12线18炮制,为避免偏移归位及叠加次数降低等问题,在向斜轴部两侧、村子周边及河岸处适当加密炮点,并在塌陷区利用钢钎插置检波器以保证CDP点完整性。数据处理采取了叠前反褶积、叠前时间偏移等技术,数据处理效果显著。遵循多波组对比、多个数据体综合解释的原则,以纵向、横向和任意时间剖面相结合,充分利用三维可视化技术进行地震资料解释。本次勘探成果查明了主采煤层三2^2、二2煤层的构造形态及埋藏深度;解释落差5m以上断层34条,其中修改原有断层5条;另外新发现小于5m的异常断点22个。经巷道验证煤层底板标高误差0.43%~1.96%,巷道已揭露断层7条,与解释成果基本一致。  相似文献   
The lithological-stratigraphic study of volcanogenic-siliceous rocks developed on the left side of the Machtovaya River, a right tributary of the Amur River, yielded the first radiolarian assemblages of the late Late Tithonian, the late Late Tithonian-early Valanginian, and the middle-late Albian age. It is established that the stratigraphic succession of volcanogenic-siliceous rocks in this area is composed of upper Tithonian-Valanginian dark red to red-brown cherts with basalts in the lower part of the section and Albian dark gray clayey cherts, olive-gray siliceous-tuffaceous argillites, and tufaceous siltstones in its upper part. The replacement of cherts by their clayey varieties likely occurred in the Aptian. The composition, structure, and age of these strata and the rocks constituting the Kiselevka-Manoma accretionary complex are different, which indicates their different tectonic origin.  相似文献   
Daily averaged tilt component data from two sites of the Central Apennines (Italy) and of the Southern Caucasus (Georgia), respectively, revealed intermediate-term tilts as possible precursors to earthquakes (M=3.0÷4.7) which occurred in the above-mentioned seismic areas within a distance of 50 km from the sites. A good temporal correlation as well as a fair spatial correspondence between these residual tilts (with amplitude and duration of some microradians and months, respectively) and main shocks were pointed out, by removing both secular trends and seasonal thermoelastic effects from the raw tilts. An attempt was made to justify the above-mentioned results, based on the assumption that the observed intermediate-term preseismic tilts are the manifestation of aseismic creep episodes of comparable duration in the fault materials of thrust faults close to the tilt sites. The mechanism refers to a strain field slowly propagating from the preparation focal area to the tilt site, through crustal blocks separated by weak transition zones. This propagation is thought to be the cause of the local aseismic fault slip recorded by the tiltmeters. Previously, both discrete structures and strain propagation effects were revealed in the Central Apennines and are thought also to exist in the Southern Caucasus. As in the past, the rheological properties of fault materials are revealed as viscoelastic ones. In fact, creep equations obtained by applying several viscoelastic models on our data, proved to fit quite well some of the observed tilt precursors, producing viscosity and rigidity values very similar to those reported in literature.Professor Petr Viktorovich Manjgaladze died during the writing of this paper  相似文献   
We present results from petrophysical analysis of a normal fault zone with the aim of defining the flow pathways and their behavior during seismic and interseismic periods. Data are obtained on porosity geometry, strain structure and mineralogy of different domains of a normal fault zone in the Corinth rift. Data point out a close relationship between mineralogy of the clayey minerals, porosity network and strain structures and allow definition of a macroscopic anisotropy of the flow parameters with a strong control by microscopic ultracataclasite structures. The Pirgaki fault zone, developed within pelagic limestone, has a sharp asymmetric porosity profile, with a high porosity volume in the fault core and in the damage zone of the hanging wall. From porosity volumes and threshold measurements, a matrix permeability variation of 6 orders of magnitude could be expected between the protolith and the fault core. Modifications of this pathway during seismic and interseismic phases are depicted. Healing of cracks formed during seismic slip events occurred in the fault core zone and the porous network in the damage zone is sealed in a second step. The lens geometry of the fault core zone is associated with dissolution surfaces and open conduits where dissolved matter could move out of the fault core zone. These elementary processes are developed in particular along Riedel's structures and depend on the orientation of the strain surfaces relative to the local stress and depend also on the roughness of each surface type. P-surfaces are smooth and control shearing process. R-surfaces are rough and present two wavelengths of roughness. The long one controls localization of dissolution surfaces and conduits; the short one is characteristic of dissolution surfaces. The dissolved matter can precipitate in the open structures of the hanging wall damage zone, decreasing the connectivity of the macroscopic conduit developed within this part of the fault zone.  相似文献   
This paper reviews the data concerning the fracture network and the hydraulic characteristics of faults in an active zone of the Gulf of Corinth. Pressure gap measured through fault planes shows that in this area the active normal faults (Aigion, Helike) act, at least temporarily and locally, as transversal seal. The analysis of the carbonate cements in the fractures on both the hangingwall and the footwall of the faults also suggests that they have acted as local seals during the whole fault zone evolution. However, the pressure and the characteristics of the water samples measured in the wells indicate that meteoric water circulates from the highest part of the relief to the coast, which means it goes through the fault zones. Field quantitative analysis and core studies from the AIG-10 well have been performed to define both regional and fault-related fracture networks. Then laboratory thin section observations have been done to recognize the different fault rocks characterizing the fault zone components. These two kinds of approach give information on the permeability characteristics of the fault zone. To synthesize the data, a schematic conceptual 3D fluid flow modeling has been performed taking into account fault zone permeability architecture, sedimentation, fluid flow, fault vertical offset and meteoric water influx, as well as compaction water flow. This modeling allows us to fit all the data with a model where the fault segments act as a seal whereas the relays between these segments allow for the regional flow from the Peloponnese topographic highs to the coast.  相似文献   
Grain size and grain shape analysis of fault rocks   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
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