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月球表面多种金属元素的分布特征初探   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
美国的"克莱门汀"(Clementine)和"月球探测者"(Lunar Prospector)号月球探测器,分别于1994和1998年完成了对月球形貌、水冰以及月球重力和磁场等物理参数的高精度、高分辨率探测。月球探测者号还利用伽马射线仪探测了月表层中铁、钛、铀、钍和钾等元素含量分布,这为进一步研究月球的空间与表面环境,月球的地形、地貌、地层与地质构造,月表土壤与岩石的分布、成分与成因,月球物理场特征,月球的内部结构、演化与成因提供了大量的科学数据和证据。根据"克莱门汀"和"月球探测者"号测得的数据,对月球表面金属钛、铁、镁、铀、钍、钾的分布进行分析,初步研究了这些金属元素分布与月球地貌的关系,计算各金属元素之间空间分布的相关系数,分析蕴藏这些金属资源地区的岩性及各种元素可能的来源。由此推测30亿年前月球内部逐渐固化,大量小行星对月表岩石频繁的撞击导致金属元素分布不均衡,使金属元素在月球高原地带普遍含量低于月海,同时也形成了现在我们看到的遍布月表的环形山。  相似文献   
广东地区雷电活动的气候分布特征   总被引:27,自引:14,他引:27  
利用地闪定向仪(DF)和时间到达法(TOA)定位技术,1997年3月~1998年6月在研究范围内共计得到404431次地闪资料.分析了地闪的雷电流强度、回击数的气候概率分布特征以及雷电参数的日变化及其空间分布的气候规律.正闪占总闪的比例仅为5.03%,正负闪密度的高值中心均在(114.E,23.N)附近.总体日变化特征明显,全天有两个高值时段,分别为00~06时和12~18时.与北方地区的雷电特征不同.结果表明雷电活动特征可以基本揭示本地区天气活动的时空分布的规律.  相似文献   
To evaluate the potential of using surficial shell accumulations for paleoenvironmental studies, an extensive time series of individually dated specimens of the marine infaunal bivalve mollusk Semele casali was assembled using amino acid racemization (AAR) ratios (n = 270) calibrated against radiocarbon ages (n = 32). The shells were collected from surface sediments at multiple sites across a sediment-starved shelf in the shallow sub-tropical São Paulo Bight (São Paulo State, Brazil). The resulting 14C-calibrated AAR time series, one of the largest AAR datasets compiled to date, ranges from modern to 10,307 cal yr BP, is right skewed, and represents a remarkably complete time series: the completeness of the Holocene record is 66% at 250-yr binning resolution and 81% at 500-yr binning resolution. Extensive time-averaging is observed for all sites across the sampled bathymetric range indicating long water depth-invariant survival of carbonate shells at the sediment surface with low net sedimentation rates. Benthic organisms collected from active depositional surfaces can provide multi-millennial time series of biomineral records and serve as a source of geochemical proxy data for reconstructing environmental and climatic trends throughout the Holocene at centennial resolution. Surface sediments can contain time-rich shell accumulations that record the entire Holocene, not just the present.  相似文献   
本文利用Monte-Carlo数字模拟原理,以同一集系的多条地震加速度时程为输入,利用作者提出的考虑结构低周疲劳特性,首超破坏与累积损伤破坏合一的地震破坏准则,通过时程反应分析,直接统计反应量的随机特征来寻求结构的抗震可靠度,避免了建立地面运动简化模型和求解强非线性随机振动问题带来的近似与误差,在可靠度分析中采用了一次二阶矩的验算点法,将结构抗震可靠性统一到可靠指标β上来分析,便于在工程中实际运用  相似文献   
The hydrodynamic properties and the capability to measure sediment-water solute fluxes, at assumed steady state conditions, were compared for three radically different benthic chamber designs: the “Microcosm”, the “Mississippi” and the “Göteborg” chambers. The hydrodynamic properties were characterized by mounting a PVC bottom in each chamber and measuring mixing time, diffusive boundary layer thickness (DBL thickness) shear velocity (u∗), and total pressure created by the water mixing. The Microcosm had the most even distribution of DBL thickness and u∗, but the highest differential pressure at high water mixing rates. The Mississippi chamber had low differential pressures at high u∗. The Göteborg chamber was in between the two others regarding these properties. DBL thickness and u∗ were found to correlate according to the following empirical formula: DBL=76.18(u∗)−0.933. Multiple flux incubations with replicates of each of the chamber types were carried out on homogenized, macrofauna-free sediments in four tanks. The degree of homogeneity was determined by calculating solute fluxes (of oxygen, silicate, phosphate and ammonium) from porewater profiles and by sampling for porosity, organic carbon and meiofauna. All these results, except meiofauna, indicated that there were no significant horizontal variations within the sediment in any of the parallel incubation experiments. The statistical evaluations also suggested that the occasional variations in meiofauna abundance did not have any influence on the measured solute fluxes. Forty-three microelectrode profiles of oxygen in the DBL and porewater were evaluated with four different procedures to calculate diffusive fluxes. The procedure presented by Berg, Risgaard-Petersen and Rysgaard, 1989 [Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 1500] was found to be superior because of its ability to fit measured profiles accurately, and because it takes into consideration vertical zonation with different oxygen consumption rates in the sediment. During the flux incubations, the mixing in the chambers was replicated ranging from slow mixing to just noticeable sediment resuspension. In the “hydrodynamic characterizations” these mixing rates corresponded to average DBL thickness from 120 to 550 μm, to u∗ from 0.12 to 0.68 cm/s, and to differential pressures from 0-3 Pa. Although not directly transferable, since the incubations were done on a “real” sediment with a rougher surface while in the characterizations a PVC plate simulated the sediments surface, these data give ideas about the prevailing hydrodynamic condition in the chambers during the incubations. The variations in water mixing did not generate statistically significant differences between the chamber types for any of the measured fluxes of oxygen or nutrients. Consequently it can be concluded that, for these non-permeable sediments and so long as appropriate water mixing (within the ranges given above) is maintained, the type of stirring mechanism and chamber design used were not critical for the magnitude of the measured fluxes. The average measured oxygen flux was 11.2 ± 2.7 (from 40 incubations), while the diffusive flux calculated (from 43 profiles using the Berg et al., 1989 [Limnol. Oceanogr. 43, 1500] procedure) was 11.1 ± 3.0 mmol m−2 day−1. This strongly suggests that accurate oxygen flux measurements were obtained with the three types of benthic chambers used and that the oxygen uptake is diffusive.  相似文献   
The flow field and the bottom pressure signatures due to an air cushion vehicle are calculated by analytical and computational means. The singularities in the integrals from the theoretical analyses are removed by using the Cauchy's residue theorem and the resulting integrals are numerically evaluated by the adaptive quadrature routines of QUADPACK.  相似文献   
A key factor for computing environmental contours is the appropriate modeling of the dependence structure among the environmental variables. It is known that all the information on the dependence structure of a set of random variables is contained in the copulas that define their multivariate probability distribution. Provided that copula parameters are estimated by means of statistical inference using observations, recordings, numerical or historical data, uncertainty is unavoidably introduced in their estimates. Parametric uncertainty in the copulas parameters then introduces uncertainty in the environmental contours. This study deals with the assessment of uncertainty in environmental contours due to parametric uncertainty in the copula models that define the dependence structure of the environmental variables. A point estimation approach is adopted to estimate the statistics of the uncertain coordinates of the environmental contours considering they are given in terms of inverse functions of conditional copulas. A case study is reported using copulas models estimated from storm hindcast data for the Gulf of Mexico. Uncertainty in environmental contours of significant wave height, peak period and wind speed is assessed. The accuracy of the point estimation of the mean and variance of the contour coordinates is validated based on Monte Carlo simulations. A parametric study shows the manner in which greater parametric uncertainty induces larger variability in the environmental contours. The influence of parametric uncertainty for different degrees of association is also analyzed. The results indicate that variability between contours considering parametric uncertainty can be meaningful.  相似文献   
An early mathematical model of egg size evolution in marine invertebrates (American Naturalist, 1973a, 107 , 353) traded fecundity against development time and resulted in a U‐shaped optimality curve suggesting that only extremes of egg sizes should be evolutionary stable. It was later suggested that the model predicts a bimodal distribution of egg sizes and therefore can be tested by examining histograms of egg sizes. More recent fecundity‐time models (American Naturalist, 1997, 150 , 48; American Naturalist, 2000, 156 , 175) came up with predictions of intermediate optimal egg sizes; however, comparisons of optimality curves with histograms of egg sizes remained central to model testing. Here the question whether the bimodality assumption has any basis has been addressed theoretically. Simulation modeling and analysis show that egg size distributions generally do not match the optimality curves produced by fecundity‐time models and that the shape of predicted frequency distributions depends on both the optimality curve and other model parameters. Therefore, egg size frequency distributions alone cannot be used for model testing.  相似文献   
Arsenic(As) and mercury(Hg) are pollutants presented in marine environment. A process of atomic fluorescence spectrometry was proposed for the simultaneous determination of As and Hg in marine sediment samples(n =38) collected from the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent East China Sea. The proposed method used an optimized pretreatment procedure in an aqua regia–H_2 O digestion system. Recoveries of As and Hg increased to97% and 98%, respectively, with suitable precisions(2.7%–4.1%) under optimized process conditions. As and Hg were widely presented in these samples, with the ranges of content values were 2.39–8.77 μg/g for As and48.03–410.8 ng/g for Hg. Results indicate that anthropogenic factors strongly influence the abundances of As and Hg in investigated samples. The preliminary environmental risk assessment was investigated using the I_(geo)accumulation index(I_(geo)) and anthropogenic contribution rate(M). Findings reveal that Hg demonstrates a strong ecological risk(with average values of 1.3 and 72% for I_(geo) and M, respectively) in the sediments from the Changjiang River Estuary and adjacent East China Sea. Therefore, Hg should be considered in future investigations.  相似文献   
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