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气候变化影响着农作物的生长。文章通过对比济南大辛庄遗址中、晚商时期的植物遗存和济南刘家庄遗址商末周初的植物遗存,发现两个遗址主要农作物均包括粟(Setaria italica(L.)Beauv.)、黍(Panicum miliaceum L.)、大豆(Glycine max(L.)Merr.)和小麦(Ttiticum aestivum L.),大辛庄遗址水稻(Oryza sativa L.)绝对数量较多,但刘家庄遗址未发现水稻。综合本地区其他遗址的植物考古研究结果,可以发现山东地区岳石文化时期、商代水稻仍是主要粮食作物之一,但到商末周初水稻数量急剧减少。同时,邻近的中原地区和关中地区,多处商周时期遗址水稻种植也普遍出现萎缩。多项地质记录表明,商末(3000 a B.P.前后)东亚夏季风快速减弱,降水量显著下降。山东地区受东亚季风影响,这一时期降水量减少,难以保证稻作农业所需的持续充足的水源,从而影响到水稻产量和种植规模。因此,商末气候变化很可能是刘家庄遗址商末周初水稻缺失以及山东地区商末周初水稻数量骤降的主要原因之一,也同时影响到整个黄河中下游这一时期的稻作农业。


以山西太原阳曲西殿南遗址(38°03′45″N,112°45′55″E)出土的3例人骨和34例动物骨骼(3例鹿、3例狗、5例牛、6例羊、17例猪)为研究对象,运用AMS-14C测年与C、N稳定同位素分析的研究方法,研究该遗址所处的年代、动物和人的食物结构以及先民对家畜的饲喂方式,进而还原龙山文化时期太原盆地的生业经济。AMS-14C测年结果显示,M1墓主人骨骼的14C年代为4200±30 a B. P.,树轮校正后的年代范围为4844~4620 cal.a B. P.,结合该遗址遗存及其组合群特征初步判断其应为一处龙山文化时期遗址。C、N稳定同位素测试结果显示,鹿(δ13C:-20.8‰ ~-18.7‰,均值-19.6‰ ±1.1‰;δ15N:2.9‰ ~3.6‰,均值3.3‰ ±0.4‰,n=3)主要以C3类食物为生,说明当地野生植被主要为C3类植物;与鹿不同,羊的δ13C值和δ15N值(δ13C:-17.2‰ ~-14.3‰,均值-16.2‰ ±1.0‰;δ15N:6.7‰ ~9.6‰,均值8.1‰ ±1.2‰,n=6)明显高于鹿,其内部存在一些差异性,可分为A、B、C三组:A组羊(YQ17和YQ19)的δ13C值偏高(分别为-16.4‰和-16.3‰),δ15N值(分别为9.3‰和9.6‰)较高,其年龄较小,食物中包含较多的羊奶或生活于缺水的环境中,抑或被投喂了高蛋白的饲料;B组羊(YQ16、YQ18、YQ20)的δ13C值偏低(分别为-16.8‰、-14.3‰和-17.2‰),但δ15N值(分别为8.3‰、7.4‰和7.2‰)偏高,其受到人工干扰的可能性最大,特别是在冬春季节,野外植被较少,羊群很可能无法自行获得充足的食物资源,这时人为投放的饲料(如粟黍的秸秆等)可能作为其食物的补充;C组羊(YQ15)的δ13C值(-16.3‰)和δ15N值(6.7‰)都较低,其食物来源以C3类植物为主,也有少量C4类食物,其数值符合羊作为食草动物的特征,同时反映出当地野生植被主要以C3类植物为主。显然,以野外放养为主的羊,它们的食物结构仍然受到粟黍农业的强烈影响。大部分牛(δ13C:-20.2‰ ~-14.6%,均值-16.4‰ ±2.6‰;δ15N:3.5‰ ~6.8‰,均值5.3‰ ±1.6‰,n=4)的食物主要以C3类植物为主,但也添加了少量的C4类食物;家猪(δ13C:-7.5‰ ~-6.3‰,均值-6.9‰ ±0.3‰;δ15N:6.1‰ ~8.4‰,均值7.5‰ ±0.6‰,n=17)、家犬(δ13C:-7.3‰ ~-6.8‰,均值-7.0‰ ±0.3‰;δ15N:6.6‰ ~7.9‰,均值7.1‰ ±0.7‰,n=3)及牛YQ13(δ13C:-10.7‰;δ15N:8.7‰)主要以C4类食物为生。其中,猪和狗则主要以粟黍及其副产品为生,并食用了较多先民食物残余和/或残羹冷炙,甚至先民的粪便等;牛YQ13可能受到先民的特殊饲喂,其食物中添加了大量的粟黍及其副产品。先民(δ13C:-8.6‰ ~-7.1‰,均值-7.7‰ ±0.8‰,δ15N:9.5‰ ~10.3‰,均值10.0‰ ±0.4‰,n=3)主要以C4类食物为生,即粟黍及其副产品饲喂的家猪和家犬。因此,西殿南遗址所在太原盆地龙山文化时期先民的生业经济以粟黍农业及家猪饲喂业为主,也对外来的牛和羊进行放养和饲喂;与处于同时期且邻近的中原腹地新砦遗址、临汾盆地的陶寺遗址和清凉寺墓地、忻定盆地的辛章遗址以及陕北地区的神圪垯梁遗址已发表的人和动物骨骼的C、N稳定同位素相关数据进行单因素方差分析发现,西殿南遗址所在太原盆地的生业经济相比略显单一,社会复杂化程度有限。

通过介绍“盱眙县农业环境地质评价”,提出了开展农业地质工作的思路、方法及成果的编制。对如何开发地质资源,控制地质灾害,以服务于农业,进行了有益地探索。  相似文献   
The paper summarises the history of human settlement in the Sudetes from the Bronze Age. A more intensive stage was reached in the Middle Ages when settlers from the west established new villages deep in the mountain valleys. By the beginning of the 20th century the Sudetes were already overpopulated but after a near-complete ethnic replacement from a German to a Polish population in 1945–8, population continued to grow until the 1980s. However, the economic system was hardly sustainable by this time. There were many polluting industries in the region and massive transboundary pollution from adjacent areas of Czechoslovakia and Germany had a devastating effect on the forests. Moreover, subsidised state agriculture placed heavy pressure on vulnerable mountain grazings. Since 1989 there has been a process of deindustrialisation in the Sudetes and surrounding areas and, with the disappearance of the state farms and the reduction in subsidies, agriculture is now better adjusted to the natural potential and is complemented by a promising start with agrotourism. The population of the region is growing relatively slowly (0.8% per annum 1956–1999), with the rural areas now in decline. A sustainable future for the region is now a possibility, but while there is a consensus for continued environmental reconstruction, supported by alternative economies, this will have to be carefully managed in the years ahead when EU accession may bring heavier development pressures than those evident at the moment. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   
Subsurface tile drainage speeds water removal from agricultural fields that are historically prone to flooding. While managed drainage systems improve crop yields, they can also contribute tothe eutrophication of downstream ecosystems, as tile-drained systems are conduits for nutrients to adjacent waterways. The changing climate of the Midwestern US has already altered precipitation regimes which will likely continue into the future, with unknown effects on tile drain water and nutrient loss to waterways. Adding vegetative cover (i.e., as winter cover crops) is one approach that can retain water and nutrients on fields to minimize export via tile drains. In the current study, we evaluate the effect of cover crops on tile drain discharge and soluble reactive phosphorus (SRP) loads using bi-monthly measurements from 43 unique tile outlets draining fields with or without cover crops in two watersheds in northern Indiana. Using four water years of data (n = 844 measurements), we examined the role of short-term antecedent precipitation conditions and variation in soil biogeochemistry in mediating the effect of cover crops on tile drain flow and SRP loads. We observed significant effects of cover crops on both tile drain discharge and SRP loads, but these results were season and watershed specific. Cover crop effects were identified only in spring, where their presence reduced tile drain discharge in both watersheds and SRP loads in one watershed. Varying effects on SRP loads between watersheds were attributed to different soil biogeochemical characteristics, where soils with lower bioavailable P and higher P sorption capacity were less likely to have a cover crop effect. Antecedent precipitation was important in spring, and cover crop differences were still evident during periods of wet and dry antecedent precipitation conditions. Overall, we show that cover crops have the potential to significantly decrease spring tile drain P export, and these effects are resilient to a wide range of precipitation conditions.  相似文献   
2016年5月15日清晨河西走廊东部发生区域性强霜冻天气,对农林业生产造成了2004年以来最为严重的灾害。本文利用实时MICAPS常规观测资料、物理量场和河西走廊东部区域内6个国家自动气象观测站和93个区域气象站观测资料,对这次冻害天气过程的天气学成因进行分析,在此基础上分析了霜冻对农业的影响。结果表明强冷空气爆发是造成冻害的直接原因;0 cm地面温度和气温≤0 ℃持续时间长,导致农林作物深度冻伤;前期气温偏高使得农林作物发育期提前,加之霜冻出现时间偏迟,农林作物抵抗冻害的能力明显下降,冻害影响加重;冻害发生后,温度急剧上升、湿度迅速减小,作物水分强烈蒸腾,作物细胞失去受损,导致受灾程度加重。  相似文献   
The majority of emissions of nitrous oxide – a potent greenhouse gas (GHG) – are from agricultural sources, particularly nitrogen fertilizer applications. A growing focus on these emission sources has led to the development in the United States of GHG offset protocols that could enable payment to farmers for reducing fertilizer use or implementing other nitrogen management strategies. Despite the development of several protocols, the current regional scope is narrow, adoption by farmers is low, and policy implementation of protocols has a significant time lag. Here we utilize existing research and policy structures to propose an ‘umbrella’ approach for nitrogen management GHG emissions protocols that has the potential to streamline the policy implementation and acceptance of such protocols. We suggest that the umbrella protocol could set forth standard definitions common across multiple protocol options, and then modules could be further developed as scientific evidence advances. Modules could be developed for specific crops, regions, and practices. We identify a policy process that could facilitate this development in concert with emerging scientific research and conclude by acknowledging potential benefits and limitations of the approach.

Key policy insights

  • Agricultural greenhouse gas market options are growing, but are still underutilized

  • Streamlining protocol development through an umbrella process could enable quicker development of protocols across new crops, regions, and practices

  • Effective protocol development must not compromise best available science and should follow a rigorous pathway to ensure appropriate implementation

Strong and rapid greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions, far beyond those currently committed to, are required to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. This allows no sector to maintain business as usual practices, while application of the precautionary principle requires avoiding a reliance on negative emission technologies. Animal to plant-sourced protein shifts offer substantial potential for GHG emission reductions. Unabated, the livestock sector could take between 37% and 49% of the GHG budget allowable under the 2°C and 1.5°C targets, respectively, by 2030. Inaction in the livestock sector would require substantial GHG reductions, far beyond what are planned or realistic, from other sectors. This outlook article outlines why animal to plant-sourced protein shifts should be taken up by the Conference of the Parties (COP), and how they could feature as part of countries’ mitigation commitments under their updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) to be adopted from 2020 onwards. The proposed framework includes an acknowledgment of ‘peak livestock’, followed by targets for large and rapid reductions in livestock numbers based on a combined ‘worst first’ and ‘best available food’ approach. Adequate support, including climate finance, is needed to facilitate countries in implementing animal to plant-sourced protein shifts.

Key policy insights

  • Given the livestock sector’s significant contribution to global GHG emissions and methane dominance, animal to plant protein shifts make a necessary contribution to meeting the Paris temperature goals and reducing warming in the short term, while providing a suite of co-benefits.

  • Without action, the livestock sector could take between 37% and 49% of the GHG budget allowable under the 2°C and 1.5°C targets, respectively, by 2030.

  • Failure to implement animal to plant protein shifts increases the risk of exceeding temperate goals; requires additional GHG reductions from other sectors; and increases reliance on negative emissions technologies.

  • COP 24 is an opportunity to bring animal to plant protein shifts to the climate mitigation table.

  • Revised NDCs from 2020 should include animal to plant protein shifts, starting with a declaration of ‘peak livestock’, followed by a ‘worst first’ replacement approach, guided by ‘best available food’.

干旱是世界最严重的气象灾害, 是自然灾害中经济损失最重、影响范围最广的灾害。我国深受干旱灾害的影响, 近几十年干旱事件频繁发生, 给社会造成的不利影响和对人们生存环境的危害日趋严重。因此, 讨论全球干旱指数研究进展对于我国干旱研究及防旱抗旱工作具有重要意义。该文系统介绍全球特别是欧美等国气象干旱指数、农业干旱指数、水文干旱指数、遥感干旱指数以及综合干旱指数研究进展, 并与我国干旱指数研究情况对比。探讨我国在干旱研究领域存在的主要问题, 包括干旱指数适用性比较不足, 新的机理性干旱监测指数研究不足, 干旱预测预警研究不足。因此加强干旱机理机制研究、开展干旱监测准确性定量评估和加强数值模式在干旱预测预警中的应用是未来研究的重点和难点。  相似文献   
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