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PENN STATE/NCAR MM5 is used to simulate precipitation of the heavy rain process during 12-13 July 1994.The effects of different PBL parameterizations,resolvable scale moisture schemes and cumulus parameterization on the process rainfall simulation are investigated.By comparing the results of hydrostatic and nor.hydrostatic experiments,the nonhydrostatic impact upon precipitation is also examined.It is found in this study thai PENN STATE/NCAR MM5 has advantage not only in theory but also in simulating results with real data.In MM5.however,the selection of physical processes,especially water-cycle process,is very important and crucial to precipitation forecast of the case.It is concluded that the model with Grell (1993) scheme for convection and condensation method for resolvable scale precipitation captured the rainstorm during 12-13 July 1994 in Beijing area more successfully  相似文献   
张耀存 《气象科学》1995,15(3):245-253
本文利用三维土壤-植被-大气耦合的区域气候模式模拟分析植被覆盖状地山谷风环流形成与演变过程的影响。结果表明,植被覆盖状况不仅影响风速大小和环流强弱经,而且对环流的形成和维持也有很大影响。植被覆盖度越大,山谷风环流形成时间越滞后,风速越小,环流强度越弱,维持时间越短。  相似文献   
Collective Payments for Ecosystem Services (PES), where forest users receive compensation conditional on group rather than individual performance, are an increasingly used policy instrument to reduce tropical deforestation. However, implementing effective, (cost) efficient and equitable (3E) collective PES is challenging because individuals have an incentive to free ride on others’ conservation actions. Few comparative studies exist on how different enforcement strategies can improve collective PES performance. We conducted a framed field experiment in Brazil, Indonesia and Peru to evaluate how three different strategies to contain the local free-rider problem perform in terms of the 3Es: (i) Public monitoring of individual deforestation, (ii) internal, peer-to-peer sanctions (Community enforcement) and (iii) external sanctions (Government enforcement). We also examined how inequality in wealth, framed as differences in deforestation capacity, affects policy performance. We find that introducing individual level sanctions can improve the effectiveness, efficiency and equity of collective PES, but there is no silver bullet that consistently improves all 3Es across country sites. Public monitoring reduced deforestation and improved the equity of the program in sites with stronger history of collective action. External sanctions provided the strongest and most robust improvement in the 3Es. While internal, peer enforcement can significantly reduce free riding, it does not improve the program’s efficiency, and thus participants’ earnings. The sanctioning mechanisms failed to systematically improve the equitable distribution of benefits due to the ineffectiveness of punishments to target the largest free-riders. Inequality in wealth increased group deforestation and reduced the efficiency of Community enforcement in Indonesia but had no effect in the other two country sites. Factors explaining differences across country sites include the history of collective action and land tenure systems.  相似文献   
Geological sequestration of CO2 is one of the options studied to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Although the feasibility of this concept is proven, apart from literature data on modelling still little is known about the CO2–water–rock interactions induced by CO2-injection.To evaluate the effect of CO2–water–rock interactions on three sandstone aquifers in NE-Belgium an experimental setup was built. Eighteen experiments were performed in which sandstones were exposed to supercritical CO2. CO2–water–rock interactions were deduced from the evolution of aqueous concentrations of 25 species and a thorough characterisation of the sandstones before and after treatment. The results show that dissolution of ankerite/dolomite and Al-silicates could enhance porosity/permeability. The observed precipitation of end-member carbonates could increase storage capacity if it exceeds carbonate dissolution. Precipitation of the latter and of K-rich clays as observed, however, can hamper the injection.  相似文献   
The purpose of this research work is to study the effect of specific surface s, the fluid–solid contact surface per volume unit, on the wave energy dissipation by porous structures consisting in dense arrays of emergent vertical cylinders. Experiments have been carried out in a 10 m long wave flume. Three cylinder diameters D are considered in order to study the effects of the specific surface while keeping the porosity constant. In a first series, the length of the porous zone is kept constant for the three cylinder diameters tested. The measurements, which include various wave steepness conditions, demonstrate the role of specific surface s on both wave attenuation and interference processes. The larger the specific surface is, the stronger the wave damping is. Damping is found to be almost proportional to 1/D when laminar, turbulent and inertial effects are of same order. Results are compared to numerical calculations based on either a constant rate of wave damping within the porous medium per unit wavelength or a quadratic damping developed using a force expression based on the work of [26]. This latter model, calibrated with drag and inertia coefficients, shows a good agreement with measurements. In a second series, both porous length and water depth are kept proportional to the cylinder diameter for the three diameters. Scale effects are then discussed and underline the importance of the flow regime within the porous medium.  相似文献   
Clay smear is a collection of fault processes and resulting fault structures that form when normal faults deform layered sedimentary sections. These elusive structures have attracted deep interest from researchers interested in subsurface fluid flow, particularly in the oil and gas industry. In the four decades since the association between clay-smear structures and oil and gas accumulations was introduced, there has been extensive research into the fault processes that create clay smear and the resulting effects of that clay smear on fluid flow. We undertake a critical review of the literature associated with outcrop studies, laboratory and numerical modeling, and subsurface field studies of clay smear and propose a comprehensive summary that encompasses all of these elements. Important fault processes that contribute to clay smear are defined in the context of the ratio of rock strength and in situ effective stresses, the geometric evolution of fault systems, and the composition of the faulted section. We find that although there has been progress in all avenues pursued, progress has been uneven, and the processes that disrupt clay smears are mostly overlooked. We highlight those research areas that we think will yield the greatest benefit and suggest that taking these emerging results within a more process-based framework presented here will lead to a new generation of clay smear models.  相似文献   
New experimental data on the effect of anorthite (An) on liquidus phase equilibria in the system Qz–Ab–Or are presented. The data were obtained for 5 wt% An added to variable Qz/Ab/Or compositions at 300 MPa and under H2O-saturated conditions. Crystal–liquid equilibria were determined for 13 synthetic glass compositions made from gels in experiments performed between 660 and 750 °C in cold-seal pressure vessels. Forward and reversal experiments were systematically conducted on each composition to demonstrate equilibrium. A total of 51 charges was examined. Three crystalline phases, quartz, alkali feldspar and plagioclase appear on the H2O-saturated liquidus surface. The determined minimum liquidus 5 wt% An “piercing” point (39% Qz, 33% Ab, 28% Or) is shifted away from the Ab apex toward the Qz–Or sideline when compared with the An-free 300 MPa H2O-saturated minimum. This shift is of the same type as that observed at 100 MPa in the same system and at 200 MPa in a rhyolitic system. The new experimental results are used to test both empirical and thermodynamic models for silicic magmas. Empirical models reproduce reasonably well the new experimental data, although more sophisticated calculations schemes appear to be required to improve their accuracy. The new experimental results in the haplogranodiorite system are not well reproduced with the model of Holland and Powell (2001), mainly because plagioclase stability appears greatly enhanced in the model. Rhyolite-MELTS satisfactorily reproduces the Qz-, Pl- and Af-liquid phase equilibria, but model H2O solubilities are significantly lower and crystallization temperatures higher than in experiments.  相似文献   
Large‐scale experiments generating ground‐hugging multiphase flows were carried out with the aim of modelling the rate of sedimentation, of pyroclastic density currents. The current was initiated by the impact on the ground of a dense gas‐particle fountain issuing from a vertical conduit. On impact, a thick massive deposit was formed. The grain size of the massive deposit was almost identical to that of the mixture feeding the fountain, suggesting that similar layers formed at the impact of a natural volcanic fountain should be representative of the parent grain‐size distribution of the eruption. The flow evolved laterally into a turbulent suspension current that sedimented a thin, tractive layer. A good correlation was found between the ratio of transported/sedimented load and the normalized Rouse number of the turbulent current. A model of the sedimentation rate was developed, which shows a relationship between grain size and flow runout. A current fed with coarser particles has a higher sedimentation rate, a larger grain‐size selectivity and runs shorter than a current fed with finer particles. Application of the model to pyroclastic deposits of Vesuvius and Campi Flegrei of Southern Italy resulted in sedimentation rates falling inside the range of experiments and allowed definition of the duration of pyroclastic density currents which add important information on the hazard of such dangerous flows. The model could possibly be extended, in the future, to other geological density currents as, for example, turbidity currents.  相似文献   
Deposits and transport processes resulting from the resedimentation of cold, unconsolidated ignimbrite into water were simulated by flume experiments. The ignimbrite sample used was poorly sorted (σ = 2·4–3), fine ash‐rich (< 63 μm, 17–30 wt%) and included both dense lithic clasts (> 2000 kg m?3) and pumice (500 to ca 1300 kg m?3). As a result of the binding forces of the ash matrix, the experiments involved resedimentation from a steep front onto the floor (with or without an initial ramp) of the water‐filled tank under both still and wave‐generated conditions. Larger discrete collapse events were induced by oversteepening the sample front and by undercutting from wave action. The mass of the collapse and proportion of pore–space water strongly influenced the style of resedimentation and the deposits. Initial collapse events were from the top of the steep front and fell onto the floor. The largest, densest clasts were deposited as a lithic lag in a proximal sediment wedge or rolled down to a break‐in‐slope. Fine ash was transported in dilute turbidity currents, and coarse unsaturated pumice clasts floated off. Moderate collapse events generated high‐density turbidity currents, trapping pumice in the flow, causing them to saturate. These low‐density pumice clasts were easily remobilized by wave activity and passing currents and accumulated on the gentle slope at the bottom of the resedimented deposit. Large collapse events slumped, producing poorly sorted mounds similar in texture to the original starting material. As the matrix of the ignimbrite sample became saturated with water, moderate and large collapse events generated debrisflows and slurries that deposited massive, poorly sorted deposits. Furthermore, once more gentle slopes were established between the sample and deposit, small cascading grainflows deposited lithic clasts on the upper slopes and levees of pumice at the terminus of low‐relief, ash channels. The experiments show that, excluding large collapse events and debrisflows, resedimenting ignimbrite in water is effective at segregating low‐density pumice clasts from dense lithic clasts and fine ash. Experiments using fine‐ash poor ignimbrite and well‐sorted quartz sand for comparison formed an inherently unstable initial steep front that immediately collapsed by continuous grain avalanches. The grainflow deposits had textures similar to the fines‐poor starting material.  相似文献   
A flume experiment on entrainment of woody debris is carried out. Woody debris is modeled using smooth, cylindrical dowels, in touch with the flume bed. The water depth and velocity are evaluated that initiate the motion of the partially submerged dowels. On the basis of the experimental finding, a theoretical model of log entrainment is developed, providing in dimensionless form the equilibrium equation for incipient motion. The experiment shows that the equilibrium equation must keep into account the modification of the local water profile, affecting the force balance at incipient motion. This issue has been apparently neglected in the wood entrainment models so far developed. The entrainment model is less sensitive to the choice of the apparent drag coefficient. The capability of the model in predicting the critical log diameter for initiation of motion is discussed and compared with that from the recent entrainment model from Braudrick and Grant, 2000. The comparison shows interesting results and provide evidence of the needs for further studies on wood entrainment in rivers.  相似文献   
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