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李小波  王保弟  刘函  王立全  陈莉 《地质通报》2015,34(203):251-261
对出露于拉萨地块北部的达如错接奴群安山岩进行了年代学、元素地球化学和锆石原位Hf同位素研究。用LA-ICP-MS技术测得的安山岩锆石206Pb/238U年龄为163.3±1.7Ma,即火山活动时限为晚侏罗世早期。安山岩地球化学研究结果表明,其具有典型高镁安山岩的地球化学特征,所有样品均具有较高的MgO、Mg#值,低的TFeO/MgO值(小于1.5);所有样品都显示轻稀土元素富集,具有Eu负异常,富集大离子亲石元素、亏损高场强元素的特征;锆石εHf(t)值为较均一的负值(εHf(t)=-8.5~-6.7)。研究表明,达如错高镁安山岩很可能是班公湖—怒江洋壳在俯冲消减背景下,由俯冲沉积物熔融产生的熔体与地幔橄榄岩发生交代作用的产物,形成于与班公湖—怒江洋壳俯冲消减有关的活动大陆边缘(安第斯型)的构造环境。由此认为,晚侏罗世接奴群火山岩是班公湖—怒江洋壳俯冲消减的产物,从而为班公湖—怒江洋壳的俯冲消减提供了直接的火山岩证据。  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(12):1443-1455
Experimental studies on the partial melting of eclogite and peridotite provide important clues on mantle metasomatism. Here, we review results from some of the recent experiments and show that melting of carbonated eclogite and peridotite can produce carbonatitic to carbonated silicate melt, in which carbonates melt preferentially before Ti oxides and silicates. Low-degree melting results in carbonatitic melt coexisting with Ti oxides and silicates. This process also leads to the fractionation between some high-field strength elements (Nb, Ta, Zr, Hf, and HREE) and highly incompatible elements (U and Th) in the melt. When Ti oxides are nearly exhausted in eclogite, extremely high TiO2 contents (e.g. 19 wt.%) are present in the melt with marked concentration of Nb and Ta. These results help to explain the features of carbonatitic metasomatism and the Nb–Ta spike in oceanic island basalts as identified in experimental studies. These studies also explain the reducing conditions that stabilize diamond in the deep mantle (>150 km) as well as the occurrence of diamond at different depths reported in various studies. Melting in such a reduced mantle can happen through redox reaction between diamond, pyroxene, and olivine, in which the initial liquid is a carbonated silicate melt. However, the theoretical oxygen fugacity (fO2) in the asthenosphere is much lower than that predicted by the reaction and requires elevated fO2, which can be caused by the addition of relatively oxidized materials from the lower mantle, deep asthenospheric material, and various recycled components. A combination of these processes generates locally oxidized domains in the deep mantle.  相似文献   
本文利用作者首次设计改进的固液制样术、金管处理术及测试分析程序完成了铅、锌在花岗质硅酸盐熔体和共存含水流体间的分配实验,确定了一系列铅锌流-熔分配系数;并从分配模型和熔体地球化学等方面探讨了铅锌的流-熔分配规律和机理。实验结果和理论分析均表明,在含水花岗质岩浆体系中,氯(钠)有利于铅、锌的流-熔分离,而氟(钾)则相对地阻碍了这种分离。  相似文献   
邵济安  张宏福  路凤香 《岩石学报》2008,24(10):2205-2211
以辽西阜新地区115Ma快速喷发的玻基方辉安山岩和其下伏的玄武岩为研究对象,通过岩相学研究,发现不同阶段形成的,以不同形式赋存的高镁和高硅玻璃,通过它们追溯地壳-幔熔体混合的过程,在此基础上再进一步探讨壳-幔熔体混合的环境及其底侵作用的构造背景。  相似文献   
The fidelity of melt inclusions as records of melt composition   总被引:5,自引:5,他引:0  
A series of experiments created melt inclusions in plagioclase and pyroxene crystals grown from a basaltic melt at 1,150°C, 1.0 GPa to investigate diffusive fractionation during melt inclusion formation; additionally, P diffusion in a basaltic melt was measured at 1.0 GPa. Melt inclusions and melts within a few 100 microns of plagioclase–melt interfaces were analyzed for comparison with melt compositions far from the crystals. Melt inclusions and melt compositions in the boundary layer close to the crystal–melt interface were similar, but both differ significantly in incompatible element concentrations from melt found greater than approximately 200 microns away from the crystals. The compositional profiles of S, Cl, P, Fe, and Al in the boundary layers were successfully reproduced by a two-step model of rapid crystal growth followed by diffusive relaxation toward equilibrium after termination of crystal growth. Applying this model to investigate possible incompatible element enrichment in natural melt inclusions demonstrated that at growth rates high enough to create the conditions for melt inclusion formation, ∼10−9–10−8 m s−1, the concentration of water in the boundary layer near the crystal was similar to that of the bulk melt because of its high diffusion coefficient, but sulfur, with a diffusivity similar to major elements and CO2, was somewhat enriched in the boundary layer melt, and phosphorus, with its low diffusion coefficient similar to other high-field strength elements and rare earth elements, was significantly enriched. Thus, the concentrations of sulfur and phosphorus in melt inclusions may over-estimate their values in the bulk melt, and other elements with similar diffusion coefficients may also be enriched in melt inclusions relative to the bulk melt. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   
张洁  阳国运 《岩矿测试》2018,37(6):657-663
铅锌矿常与硫化矿共生形成复合多金属矿床,其中伴生有益元素的含量对矿床的综合利用评估有重要的参考意义。在目前常用方法中,钨钼锡锗硒碲主要采用分组或单独熔矿和测试的方法,操作强度大、分析效率低,且高含量铜、铅和含量高于1μg/g的硒分别干扰钨钼和碲的测定。本文采用过氧化钠碱熔,提取后加入0. 8%柠檬酸溶液络合钨、钼、锡形成金属复合物,以8~9 g阳离子树脂交换分离高含量钠盐和铜、铅、锌、铁等主量元素,采用动能歧视模式以铼、硼为内标用电感耦合等离子体质谱仪同时测定钨钼锡锗硒碲的含量。经树脂处理后,铜铅锌铁的去除率均高于96%,在测定介质中实际浓度为0. 192 ng/mL~1. 28μg/mL,基本消除了主量元素的干扰。各待测元素工作曲线相关系数为0. 9994~0. 9999,优于阳离子树脂处理前的0. 9923~0. 9992。经标准物质验证,各元素测定相对误差为-8. 33%~7. 00%,加标回收率为94. 9%~107. 5%,相对标准偏差(RSD,n=8)小于8%。该方法在样品前处理环节将主量干扰元素从溶液体系中分离,优化了测定介质,实现了铅锌矿中多元素的准确快速测定。  相似文献   
Biological invasions currently pose major threats to ecosystems worldwide. Invasive bivalves such as the Golden Mussel Limnoperna fortunei can act as ‘environmental engineers’, altering biogeochemistry, reducing biodiversity, and literally changing the landscape of aquatic environments. The risk that this mussel will invade the Amazon basin is a great concern for environmental authorities, especially because no efficient control methods presently exist. In this study, we tested new microencapsulated chemicals, along with the traditional dissolved chlorine and KCl, as alternatives to control L. fortunei infestation in industrial and water supply plants along rivers. Because these bivalves can close their valves when they sense toxic substances in the water, microencapsulation has improved the effectiveness of the chemicals in controlling L. fortunei, reducing variation in the application and increasing toxicity compared to dissolved chemicals. Microencapsulation should be seriously considered as an alternative to replace hazardous chlorine.  相似文献   
New mineralogical, bulk chemical and oxygen isotope data on the Palaeoproterozoic Bijli Rhyolite, the basal unit of a bimodal volcanic sequence (Dongargarh Group) in central India, and one of the most voluminous silicic volcanic expressions in the Indian Shield, are presented. The Bijli Rhyolite can be recognized as a poorly sorted pyroclastic deposit, and comprises of phenocrystic K-feldspar + albite ± anorthoclase set in fine-grained micro-fragmental matrix of quartz-feldspar-sericite-chlorite-iron-oxide ± calcite. The rocks are largely metaluminous with high SiO2, Na2O + K2O, Fe/Mg, Ga/Al, Zr, Ta, Sn, Y, REE and low CaO, Ba, Sr contents; the composition points to an ‘A-type granite’ melt. The rocks show negative Cs-, Sr-, Eu- and Ti- anomalies with incompatible element concentrations 2–3 times more than the upper continental crust (UCC). LREE is high (La/Yb ∼ 20) and HREE 20–30 times chondritic. δ18Owhole-rock varies between 4.4 and 7.8‰ (mean 5.87±1.26‰). The Bijli melt is neither formed by fractionation of a basaltic magma, nor does it represent a fractionated crustal melt. It is shown that the mantle-derived high temperature basaltic komatiitic melts/high Mg basalts triggered crustal melting, and interacted predominantly with deep crust compositionally similar to the Average Archaean Granulite (AAG), and a shallower crustal component with low CaO and Al2O3 to give rise to the hybrid Bijli melts. Geochemical mass balance suggests that ∼ 30% partial melting of AAG under anhydrous condition, instead of the upper continental crust (UCC) including the Amgaon granitoid gneiss reported from the area, better matches the trace element concentrations in the rocks. The similar Ta/Th of the rhyolites (0.060) and average granulite (0.065) vs. UCC (0.13) also support a deep crustal protolith. Variable contributions of crust and mantle, and action of hydrothermal fluid are attributed for the spread in δ18Owhole-rock values. The fast eruption of high temperature (∼ 900°C) rhyolitic melts suggests a rapid drop in pressure of melting related to decompression in an extensional setting.  相似文献   
The compositions of various transition-zone and lower-mantle phases and coexisting carbonatic melts were determined by exploratory melting experiments in chemically complex CO2-bearing systems at 20–24.5 GPa and 1600–2000 °C. The melts are highly ultramafic, enriched in K, Na, Ca, Fe, and Mg, and depleted in Al and Si. Melting experiments were also carried out with the compositions on the join Mg2SiO4–Na2CO3 at 3.7 GPa and 1200–1600 °C. The solidus assemblage of MgCO3 and Na2MgSiO4 melts incongruently to produce forsterite and Na-rich melt. The new results and other recent studies in CO2-bearing systems suggest that carbonatic melt could be present, either transiently or permanently, in the whole Earth's upper mantle and at least the uppermost lower mantle. Carbonate-melt metasomatism is recognized as a process that could have a major effect on the composition and structure of the deep mantle, and thus play an important role in its evolution. Due to the unique properties of the carbonatic melt, its circulation in an otherwise static mantle could be a more efficient process than the solid-state convection for maintaining equilibrium in most of the mantle not involved directly in plate tectonics.  相似文献   
At the Krafla central volcano in north-east Iceland, two main phases of rhyolite volcanism are identified. The earlier phase (last interglacial) is related to the formation of a caldera, whereas the second phase (last glacial) is related to the emplacement of a ring dike. Subsequently, only minor amounts of rhyolite have been erupted. The volcanic products of Krafla are volumetrically bimodal. Geochemically, there is a series of basaltic to basalto-andesitic rocks and a cluster of rhyolitic rocks. Rocks of intermediate to silicic composition (icelandites and dacites) show clear signs of mixing. The rhyolites are Fe-rich (tholeiitic), and aphyric to slightly porphyritic (plagioclase, augite, pigeonite, fayalitic olivine and magnetite). They are minimum melts on the quartz-plagioclase cotectic plane in the granite system (Qz-Or-Ab-An). The rhyolites at Krafla were produced by near-solidus, rather than nearliquidus fractionation. They are interpreted as silicic minimum melts of hydrothermally altered crust, mainly of basaltic composition. They were primarily generated on the peripheries of an active basaltic magma chamber or intrusive domain, where sufficient volumes of crust were subjected to temperatures favorable for rhyolite genesis (850–950° C). The silicic melts were extracted crystal-free from their source in response to crustal deformation.  相似文献   
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