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南京地铁许府巷站深基坑工程与监测   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
南京许府巷地铁站深基坑工程采用地下连续墙围护,明挖顺做法施工。地下连续墙接头采用预制钢筋砼接头桩连接止水,两端头井辅以深层搅拌桩加固地基。基坑开挖时进行墙体位移、轴力、临近建筑物沉降变形监测,保证了安全施工。  相似文献   
Performance observation is a necessary part of the design and construction process in geotechnical engineering. For deep urban excavations, empirical and numerical methods are used to predict potential deformations and their impacts on surrounding structures. Two inverse analysis approaches are described and compared for an excavation project in downtown Chicago. The first approach is a parameter optimization approach based on genetic algorithm (GA). GA is a stochastic global search technique for optimizing an objective function with linear or non-linear constraints. The second approach, self-learning simulations (SelfSim), is an inverse analysis technique that combines finite element method, continuously evolving material models, and field measurements. The optimization based on genetic algorithm approach identifies material properties of an existing soil model, and SelfSim approach extracts the underlying soil behavior unconstrained by a specific assumption on soil constitutive behavior. The two inverse analysis approaches capture well lateral wall deflections and maximum surface settlements. The GA optimization approach tends to overpredict surface settlements at some distance from the excavation as it is constrained by a specific form of the material constitutive model (i.e. hardening soil model); while the surface settlements computed using SelfSim approach match the observed ones due to its ability to learn small strain non-linearity of soil implied in the measured settlements.  相似文献   
This study presents the probabilistic analysis of the inverse analysis of an excavation problem. Two techniques are used during two successive stages. First, a genetic algorithm inverse analysis is conducted to identify soil parameters from in situ measurements (i.e. first stage of the construction project). For a given tolerable error between the measurement and the response of the numerical model the genetic algorithm is able to generate a statistical set of soil parameters, which may then serve as input data to a stochastic finite element method. The second analysis allows predicting a confidence interval for the final behaviour of the geotechnical structure (i.e. second stage of the project). The tools employed in this study have already been presented in previous papers, but the originality herein consists of coupling them. To illustrate this method, a synthetic excavation problem with a very simple geometry is used.  相似文献   
程亮 《城市地质》2016,(4):106-111
以某狭小场区超深基坑为例,详细的介绍了该项目的土方施工方案和各施工阶段相应的施工措施。探讨了利用常规运土车辆和挖掘机联合作业,通过多方面的施工措施完成了狭小场区基坑开挖的技术难题。通过妥善处理与支护施工交叉作业场地占用问题,分步分段进行开挖作业,优化布置场区内走向和坡度,合理安排好单步开挖深度及范围,采用分区块循环开挖的方法顺次推进,合理选择土方出运坡道的构筑材料,合理安排土方坡道改移作业时间,及时对坡道进行恢复,在最大限度的减少土方出运停歇时间的基础上,使场地内无坡道土方间歇期与支护施工各工序必要等待时间能够尽量协调一致。很好的保证了在狭小场地条件下按期完成既定土方施工计划,对今后同类项目的实施提供一定的帮助。  相似文献   
Engineering geological mapping was carried out, at a scale of 1:100,000, in the Fortaleza Metropolitan Region, located in northeastern Brazil, to provide engineering geological information as an aid in planning land use and occupation. In this study, eight basic maps were produced drawing: urban areas, lithology, unconsolidated materials in addition to geomorphological map showing slopes, water resources, engineering geological zoning and distribution of geological–geotechnical environmental problems based on information collected through field and laboratory investigations. The region was divided into nine engineering geological zones analyzed in terms of geohazard susceptibility and foundation, excavation and waste disposal conditions.  相似文献   
南四湖的形成及水环境演变   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
采用重力活塞取样器在南四湖的独山湖和微山湖分别采取了两个湖底沉积剖面的样品。通过对湖底沉积物高分辨率的粒度、矿物、磁化率、有机碳、色素等环境指标和沉积年代学的综合研究 ,结合研究区的历史文献资料 ,探讨了南四湖形成近 2 5ka以来的水环境演变过程。研究表明 ,南四湖的形成和发展可分为 4个阶段 :初时 ,湖区为古泗水及其沿岸平原 ;西汉时期古泗水中下游段形成分散的湖沼地 ;唐—明代受黄河夺泗入淮和开挖京杭运河等人类活动的影响 ,湖沼扩张、合并 ;清同治 1 1年黄河大决于东明后 ,先后出现的南阳、昭阳、独山、微山四湖合并为统一的南四湖。  相似文献   
本文简要介绍了高地应力地区水电高边坡工程中人们十分关注的两个工程地质与岩石力学问题:锦屏一级水电站边坡大范围岩体卸荷松动和小湾导致坝基(肩)岩体开挖快速卸荷问题。作者认为锦屏一级水电站左岸边坡大范围松动变形仍然是自重和构造复合应力场卸荷作用的结果,边坡的规模大、坡度陡,以及高水平构造应力是导致大范围卸荷松动变形的重要因素;小湾电站坝基(肩)岩体开挖过程中出现的坚硬完整岩体板裂、拱裂和葱剥皮等一系列新破裂现象是在高地应力作用下,由于开挖导致垂直坡面应力卸荷,增大边坡表面岩体主应力差和剪应力而引起的快速破裂行为,并通过破裂完成了顺坡面的最大主应力的卸荷,卸荷破裂主要集中在开挖面附近5~6m深度范围内。  相似文献   
The excavated height of the left bank slope of the diversion power system intake in Jinchuan hydropower station is about 16o m. The stability and safety of the slope during construction and its operation/utilization become one of the most important geological engineering problems. At the same time, it is also crucial to select a safe and economic excavation gradient for the construction. We studied the problem of how to select a safe and economic slope ratio by analyzing the geological condition of the high slope, including the lithology, slope structure, structural surface and their combinations, rock weathering and unloading, hydrology, and the natural gradient. The study results showed that the use of an excavation gradient larger than the gradient observed during site investigation and the gradient recommended in standards and field practice manuals is feasible. Then, we used the finite element method and rigid limit equilibrium method to evaluate the stability of the excavation slope under natural, rainstorm and earthquake conditions. The calculated results showed that the excavated slope only has limited failure, but its stability is greatly satisfactory. The research findings can be useful in excavation and slope stabilization projects.  相似文献   
为了揭示彬长地区黄土滑坡的成灾机理,在分析滑坡发育特征和分布规律的基础上,基于典型黄土滑坡案例分析,采用野外调查、理论分析等方法,研究了开挖型黄土滑坡、采动型黄土滑坡和采空区活化型黄土滑坡的成灾过程。研究结果表明:开挖型黄土滑破,在卸荷作用下,坡脚处应力出现集中而在坡顶出现牵引拉张裂隙,同时又加强坡脚挤压力。裂缝和压应力相互交替增大,互成因果,直到发展成一条上、下贯通裂缝带,整个坡体失稳。采动型黄土滑坡,在采煤扰动作用下,上覆基岩发生失稳而引起地表黄土层不均匀沉降,沟谷两侧的坡体在因采空而形成的汇聚于采空区方向的位移向量和坡体在重力作用下沿坡向滑动的位移向量相互叠加作用下,引发沟谷两侧坡体失稳破坏,回采晚到达一侧的坡体往往先与早到达一侧的坡体滑动。采空区活化型黄土滑坡主要发生在老采空区上部的黄土塬边,相对稳定的采空区在地表水入渗和地下水位抬升条件下,煤柱在水动力侵蚀作用下失稳垮塌,冒裂带岩体应力重新分布,造成地表黄土层二次失稳,最终触发滑坡。  相似文献   
本文对通过对仪长管道线路测量勘察、水文地质、河流、冲沟穿跨越勘测存在的问题进行了分析,并提出了相应的改进措施和建议,旨在加强对管道建设勘测阶段的管理,提高勘测水平,达到优化设计和投资的目的。  相似文献   
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