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A comparison of mean number of scatterings and escape probabilities has been made in isotropic scattering and dipole scattering by using the angle-averaged partial frequency redistribution functionR I. We have solved the equations of radiative transfer and statistical equilibrium simultaneously in a spherically symmetric expanding atmosphere. Two cases of atmospheric extension (i.e.)B/A=3 and 10 (whereB andA are the outer and inner radii of the atmosphere) have been treated. We find that the partial frequency redistribution gives a larger mean number of scatterings compared to that given by complete redistribution. Velocities tend to reduce the mean number of scatterings and in crease the mean escape probabilities.  相似文献   
Unusual behavior detection has been of interest in video analysis, transportation systems, movement trajectories, and so on. In movement trajectories, only a few works identify unusual behavior of objects around pre-defined points of interest (POI), such as surveillance cameras, commercial buildings, etc., that may be interesting for several application domains, mainly for security. In this article, we define new types of unusual behaviors of moving objects in relation to POI, including surround, escape, and return. Based on these types of unusual behavior, we (i) present an algorithm to compute these behaviors, (ii) define a set of functions to weight the degree of unusual behavior of every moving object in the database, and (iii) rank the moving objects according to the degree of unusual behavior in relation to a set of POIs. We evaluate the proposed method with real trajectory data and show that the closest work does not detect the proposed behaviors and ranks objects considering only one type of unusual movement.  相似文献   
SubUrbanizationisastageofurbanizationprocess.Itmeansthatpopulation,jobsandservicetradesdecentralizefrominnercitytosuburbanarea.SuburbanizationhasgreatlychangedtheeconomicandUrbandevelopmentinthedevelopedcountries.NOw,thefocalpointisWhethersuburbanizationinChina,asadevelOPingcountry,hasactuallybegun?Whendiditstartandwhatisthemechanisminprocess.ThispaperisapreliminalycasestudyofBeijing.I.~L~coxczviofaSUING~POLl~PeterHall's(1984)modelofurbanchangeofferedaframeworkthatcaneasilyidentifyOT…  相似文献   
莺歌海盆地位于印支半岛与南海北部大陆边缘交接区,复杂的地质构造背景使其形成演化的动力学机制成为国内外研究的焦点。综合新的区域资料,对影响莺歌海盆地发育的区域构造演化特征进行了系统分析,认为新生代以来印度板块与欧亚板块的碰撞造成印支板块的逃逸构造,以及印支板块的顺时针旋转,红河断裂带新生代的变形机制,直接或间接地控制了莺歌海盆地的形成与演化。在此背景条件下,莺歌海盆地新生代以来的构造演化经历了3个阶段,即左旋走滑-伸展裂陷阶段、地壳韧性伸展-热沉降阶段和加速沉降阶段。  相似文献   
The upper ionospheres of Mars and Venus are permeated by the magnetic fields induced by the solar wind. It is a long-standing question whether these fields can put the dense ionospheric plasma into motion. If so, the transterminator flow of the upper ionosphere could explain a significant part of the ion escape from the planets atmospheres. But it has been technically very challenging to measure the ion flow at energies below 20 eV. The only such measurements have been made by the ORPA instrument of the Pioneer Venus Orbiter reporting speeds of 1-5 km/s for O+ ions at Venus above 300 km altitude at the terminator ( [Knudsen et al., 1980] and [Knudsen et al., 1982]). At Venus the transterminator flow is sufficient to sustain a permanent nightside ionosphere, at Mars a nightside ionosphere is observed only sporadically. We here report on new measurements of the transterminator ion flow at Mars by the ASPERA-3 experiment on board Mars Express with support from the MARSIS radar experiment for some orbits with fortunate observation geometry. We observe a transterminator flow of O+ and O2+ ions with a super-sonic velocity of around 5 km/s and fluxes of 0.8×109/cm2 s. If we assume a symmetric flux around the terminator this corresponds to an ion flow of 3.1±0.5×1025/s half of which is expected to escape from the planet. This escape flux is significantly higher than previously observed on the tailside of Mars. A possible mechanism to generate this flux can be the ionospheric pressure gradient between dayside and nightside or momentum transfer from the solar wind via the induced magnetic field since the flow velocity is in the Alfvénic regime. We discuss the implication of these new observations for ion escape and possible extensions of the analysis to dayside observations which may allow us to infer the flow structure imposed by the induced magnetic field.  相似文献   
北京良乡、赵各庄井水位、水温同震响应对比研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
收集了2001年以来北京地区良乡、赵各庄井水位、水温的同震响应资料,从其同震响应特征中发现,虽然两观测井水位的响应灵敏度相差不大,但良乡井水温的灵敏度要好于赵各庄井。在对比两观测井水温日变化幅度以及气泡脱逸模型的基础上,结合两观测井含水层的水文地质特征,对于两观测井水温响应灵敏度的差异给出了较为合理的解释。  相似文献   
Field observations by divers indicated that a high rate of predation of whelks (Buccinum undatum) by starfish (Asterias rubens) occurred in an area disturbed by scallop dredging, although these whelks mostly appeared to be alive and externally undamaged. The ability of whelks to escape from starfish was tested in the laboratory after they were dropped or rolled to simulate direct physical contact with bottom fishing gear. Dropping whelks did not significantly affect their escape behaviour, but whelks which had been rolled took significantly longer to right themselves and were significantly less likely to perform an escape response than whelks that had not experienced this treatment. This study suggests that demersal fishing may indirectly increase whelk mortality by increasing their risk of predation.  相似文献   
LocatedatthesoutheasterncoastofChina,Fujianwasoneoftheprovinceswhichwereearlieropenedtonavigationandhadtraderelationswiththew...  相似文献   
Comparative fishing experiments were carried out in 2010 using tube traps with five hole diameters (8, 15, 18, 20 and 22 mm) to establish the size selectivity of escape holes for white-spotted conger. Selectivity and split parameters of the SELECT model were calculated using the estimated-split and equal-spilt model. From likelihood ratio tests and AIC (Akaike’s Information Criterion) values, the estimated-split model was selected as the best-fit model. Size selectivity of escape holes in the tube traps was expressed as a logistic curve, similar to mesh selectivity. The 50% selection length of white-spotted conger in the estimated-split model was 28.26, 33.35, 39.31 and 47.30 cm for escape-hole diameters of 15, 18, 20 and 22 mm, respectively. The optimum escape-hole size is discussed with respect to management of the white-spotted conger fishery. The results indicate that tube traps with escape holes of 18 mm in diameter would benefit this fishery.  相似文献   
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