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新疆昆仑山乌斯腾塔格—喀拉米兰地区晚三叠世植物群Drepanozamites nilssoni-Otozamites indosinensis-Thinnfeldia nordenskioldi-Glossophyllum sheisense等的首次发现,揭示了该地区中国南方型晚三叠世植物群的面貌.对研究新疆南部地区晚三叠世地层、中国地层区划及晚三叠世植物群地理分区、以及板块构造等均具有重要意义.  相似文献   
This article reports the depositional environment, provenance, and U–Pb zircon age constraints for the newly identified Zhaga Formation in northern Tibet and uses these to better understand the tectonic evolution of the Bangong–Nujiang suture. One transect across the Zhaga Formation was investigated. The Zhaga Formation is ~2 km thick, dominated by greywacke and conglomerate at the base, basalt and limestone in the middle, and greywacke and shale at the top. Greywacke in the Zhaga Formation typically contains 70–75% quartz, 5% feldspar, 3–5% rock debris, and >15% matrix, with normal grading and convolute bedding, basal flow structures, and distinct Bouma sequences interpreted as bathyal to abyssal turbidites. One rhyolite sample and one greywacke sample from the studied transect were collected for zircon U–Pb dating. The rhyolite yields a concordia age of 118 Ma, and the greywacke yields nine age peaks of 247, 330, 459, 541, 611, 941, 1590, 1871, and 2482 Ma, indicating that the Zhaga Formation formed during the late Early Cretaceous and the provenance of its detritus was the Qiangtang area. These data, combined with the Early Cretaceous ocean islands, indicates that the Bangong–Nujiang Neo-Tethys Ocean must have been open during the late Early Cretaceous. We conclude that the Bangong–Nujiang Neo-Tethys Ocean closed after the late Early Cretaceous and not during the Late Jurassic or the early Early Cretaceous as proposed by previous workers.  相似文献   
陕西富平地区中奥陶统等深流沉积的特征及其地质意义   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陕西富平赵老峪地区中奥陶统赵老峪组发育一套与深水碳酸盐岩重力流沉积、放射虫硅质岩、火山凝灰岩伴生的等深流沉积。根据岩性特征可以将该等深流沉积划分为砾屑等深积岩、砂屑等深积岩、粉屑等深积岩和灰泥等深积岩4种类型,识别出较完整的、由单一灰泥或粉屑或砂屑等深积岩叠置组成的4种等深积岩层序。等深流的流向从东北向西南方向,说明中奥陶世富平地区可能是秦岭北侧弧后盆地伸进浅水台地的一个北东向的深海前槽。富平赵老峪地区下奥陶统马家沟组和华北地块其他地区一样都发育浅水台地相碳酸盐岩,中奥陶统突变为深水斜坡-盆地边缘相的碳酸盐岩重力流及等深流沉积,而同期华北地块主体隆升为陆,反映了在扬子板块向华北板块俯冲的背景下,秦岭北侧早古生代弧后盆地北测的陷落下沉作用。  相似文献   
本文首次报道了在我国豫西晚前寒武系白草坪组中发现的一种可能的蠕虫状后生动物实体化石:Ruyangia Cylindrica Hu et Meng,1989。化石产于砂岩表面浪成波痕之波谷中,圆筒状,已压扁,中空,可见长度4.5~9.5cm,直径4mm左右,虫体外壁具体环,环背间距1.5~2mm,虫体一端较大,具平行纵向边缘的纵纹,可能为头部;另一端渐尖,可能为尾部。与该实体化石伴生的有大量遗迹化石。已知白草坪组的时代超过1400Ma,因此,该实体化石的发现对研究地球上后生动物起源与早期演化等具重要意义。  相似文献   
阿克莫木气田目前已有多口井完钻,各井在钻揭白垩系砂岩储层前,对地层压力纵向上的变化规律认识不清,在什么层位及深度下7″套管意见仍不统一。本文根据目前研究现状和生产面临问题,对白垩系各组地层分布规律、压力特征进行了详细研究,认为白垩系克孜勒苏群、库克拜组分布稳定,压力窗口相近,白垩系东巴组与上覆古近系阿尔塔什组压力窗口相近。建议今后该区钻探7″套管应下至库克拜组顶部-东巴组底部,减少地层漏失和油气勘探风险。  相似文献   

吉木萨尔芦草沟组页岩油资源潜力巨大,为探究其储层介—宏孔孔隙结构特征及控制因素,以研究区芦草沟组钻井岩心为对象,利用X射线衍射、铸体薄片、扫描电镜、孔渗测试、高压压汞、氮气吸附、分形理论、相关性分析等方法,对其储层特征、孔隙结构及控制因素进行了讨论。研究发现:1)研究区芦草沟组储层是一套以长英质碳酸盐岩(A岩)、长英质黏土岩(B岩)、灰/云质细粒长英沉积岩(C岩)、混积岩(D岩)为主的低孔—特低孔、特低渗储层,主要孔隙类型为溶孔,此外还发育有剩余粒间孔、晶间孔、微裂缝;2)研究区芦草沟组储层孔隙分布复杂,孔径分布曲线呈现多峰形,介孔提供了大部分孔容和比表面积;高压压汞计算的宏孔分形维数均值和氮气吸附计算的介孔分形维数均值分别为:2.864 7、2.507 5,介孔孔隙结构复杂程度相对较低;3)有机质丰度有利于A岩、B岩和C岩宏孔孔隙结构的发育,会导致C岩介孔和D岩孔容、比表面积减小;有机质演化程度对A岩介孔、B岩和C岩介孔起到建设作用,对C岩宏孔、D岩介—宏孔有破坏做用;4)脆性矿物含量越高C岩介孔和D岩孔容比表面积越大,而A岩、B岩宏孔、C岩宏孔孔容、比表面积减小;黏土矿物对A岩介孔、C岩介孔及D岩的孔隙系统发育起到建设作用,对B岩宏孔和C岩宏孔有破坏作用。孔隙结构的发育主要受有机质(有机质丰度、有机质演化程度)和矿物组份(脆性矿物含量、黏土矿物含量)的影响,不同岩性、不同尺度的孔隙发育影响因素各有差异。

北京周口店豹皮灰岩的变形特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周口店地区广泛分布的寒武纪地层府君山组底部灰岩因其具典型的豹斑状构造而被称为豹皮灰岩。本文主要以出露于周口店黄院地区的豹皮灰岩为研究对象。组成豹皮灰岩的物质成分有2种,一为白云质成分的豹斑,其余部分为泥灰质。在露头尺度上,豹皮灰岩中的豹斑发生了明显的旋转变形并具有一定的定向性,而泥灰质成分则具有清晰的韧性变形特征,为较典型的碳酸盐糜棱岩;在微观尺度上,构成豹斑的白云石矿物未发生韧性变形,而泥灰质成分中的方解石具有明显的细粒化、拉长和定向。豹皮灰岩变形发生时岩石所处的温度介于200~250℃之间。豹皮灰岩的形成经历了原岩形成和后期构造变形改造2个阶段,于寒武纪由沉积作用形成了岩石的物质组分和原生层状构造,在前印支期受水平剪切作用形成岩石的豹斑状构造。  相似文献   
为恢复延兴盆地城子河组的古环境,对研究区zk6井钻井岩芯系统取样进行地球化学特征分析,结果显示下部含煤岩段Sr/Ba比值为0.20~0.75,平均值为0.41,上部湖泊泥岩段Sr/Ba比值为0.12~0.36,平均值为0.21,反映城子河组整体以淡水沉积为主,且下部含煤岩段较上部湖泊泥岩段盐度高。城子河组所有样品V/(V+Ni)比值为0.72~0.84,Cu/Zn比值为0.10~0.55,Th/U比值为0.28~3.60,δEu值为0.4~0.84,Ceanom值为-0.04~0.09,表明城子河组沉积时期水体为还原环境;下部含煤岩段Sr/Cu比值为5.87~24.12,平均值为11.21,B元素含量为232.60×10-6~721.00×10-6,平均值为425.75×10-6。上部湖泊泥岩段Sr/Cu比值为3.56~10.50,平均值为6.00,B元素含量为23.69×10-6~119.00×10-6,平均值为78.36×10-6,结合Rb/Sr及孢粉化石分析,表明城子河组下部含煤岩段气候干旱,湖泊泥岩段气候湿润,总体上气候自下而上具有由干旱向湿润变化的规律。  相似文献   
The coarse grain braided river delta in Jurassic Sangonghe Formation of Junggar Basin formed the main Mesozoic reservoir system. At present,there are obvious different opinions on the sedimentary cycle characteristics of Jurassic Sangonghe Formation,and there is a lack of research on the driving mechanisms of sedimentary cyclicity,which leads to a great dispute on the stacked style of sand-bodies. Using 38 wells coring and logging data in the belly of Junggar Basin,based on principles and methods of sedimentology and sedimentary basin analysis,the characteristics of sedimentary cycle in Sangonghe Formation are systematically analyzed. The stacked style and combination rule of sand-bodies are studied in detail within sedimentary cyclic framework. The characteristics of basement subsidence and multi-stage uplifting during the Early Jurassic of Junggar Basin are discussed,so as to clear the driving mechanisms of positive sedimentary cycle. The Sangonghe Formation in the study area is divided into four system tract level positive cycles with no reverse cycle deposition,which reflects the sedimentary characteristics of slow lacustrine transgress and fast lacustrine retrogress. The sand-bodies in the braided river delta front of the Sangonghe Formation show five stacking patterns: Strong erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel,weak erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel,superimposed river-mouth bar on subaqueous distributary channel,distal bar-blanket sand assemblage,beach bar sand-body. The first cycle is the intermittent distribution of beach bar sand-bodies. The second cycle includes continuous distribution of strong erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel,weak erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel,and superimposed river-mouth bar on subaqueous distributary channel. The third cycle is composed of relatively continuous distribution of weak erosion of superimposed sand-body by subaqueous distributary channel and distal bar-blanket sand assemblage. The fourth cycle is scattered distribution of beach bar sand-body. It is possible because of the slow subsidence and intermittent rapid uplift of the basement of Junggar Basin that regressive superposition and the scour interface between each sedimentary cycle are formed.  相似文献   
大型陆相煤盆地边缘的煤层划分与对比是煤炭地质勘查的关键性基础工作。依据基础地质勘探资料,应用标志层法、煤层自身特征法、测井曲线组合法、灰色关联分析法等,对永陇矿区老爷岭普查区延安组煤层进行综合对比。研究结果表明,在成煤环境不稳定地区,应用地质、地球物理和灰色关联分析等方法进行煤层综合对比可以取得可靠的结果。  相似文献   
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