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刘书会  高永进  王长轩 《地质论评》2014,60(5):1043-1050
针对红层划分对比所面临的难题,在充分吸收前人研究成果的基础上,将现有的多种分层方法相互整合,彼此约束和印证,形成了一套科学、便捷的技术方法,即"接触关系明顶底、岩电特征找界面、多元融合定方案、地震约束建格架"的综合地层划分对比技术。该方法针对红层的特殊性,根据岩电特征对干旱气候的响应变化,充分利用了测、录井资料纵向上的连续性优势(避免了取样分析的局限),以及地震资料横向上的优势,有效地解决了红层纵向划分、横向对比的难题,在济阳坳陷东营凹陷南坡始新统沙河街组、孔店组的应用取得了良好效果。该方法可为其它地区同类复杂地层划分对比提供技术支持。  相似文献   
热鲁组因其下部发现孢粉、轮藻等化石,被定为始新世,但其上部地层时代无从定论。笔者等最近在上部地层中发现较多的植物孢粉,并建立了Lycopodiumsporites oligocenicus-Ephedripites(Distachyapites)eocenipites-Peltandripites davissii孢粉组合带,确定热鲁组上部地层的形成时代为始新世。  相似文献   
The Antaramut–Kurtan–Dzoragukh (AKD) coal deposit is a previously unrecognized coal field in north-central Armenia. Coal has been known to exist in the general vicinity since the turn of the century, but coal was thought to be restricted to a small (1 km2) area only near the village of Antaramut. However, through detailed field work and exploratory drilling, this coal deposit has been expanded to at least 20 km2, and thus renamed the Antaramut–Kurtan–Dzoragukh coal field, for the three villages that the coal field encompasses. The entire coal-bearing horizon, a series of tuffaceous sandstones, siltstones, and claystones, is approximately 50 m thick. The AKD coal field contains two coal beds, each greater than 1 m thick, and numerous small rider beds, with a total resource of approximately 31,000,000 metric tonnes. The coals are late Eocene in age, high volatile bituminous in rank, relatively high in ash yield (approximately 40%, as-determined basis) and moderate in sulfur content (approximately 3%, as-determined basis). The two coal beds (No. 1 and No. 2), on a moist, mineral-matter-free basis, have high calorific values of 32.6 MJ/kg (7796 cal/g) and 36.0 MJ/kg (8599 cal/g), respectively. Coal is one of the few indigenous fossil fuel resources occurring in Armenia and thus, the AKD coal field could potentially provide fuel for heating and possibly energy generation in the Armenian energy budget.  相似文献   
首次利用气候变化特征,对由于缺少特征古生物化石资料而长期难以进行地层划分的东营凹陷南坡始新统沙河街组四段下亚段——孔店组一段的红层进行了有效划分。采用基于孢粉化石Ephedripites相对含量约束下的测井数据法恢复相对古气候变化,首先根据Ephedripites相对含量的变化确定气候变化拐点(最干旱点)的位置段,再根据能谱测井数据或常规测井数据计算出的连续粘土矿物组成确定气候拐点的具体点,即为层位界线。根据标准井测井数据建立的数学模型,可以对该井附近新钻探井的红层进行划分对比,其科学性、合理性已被之后的勘探成果所证实。该方法为缺少古生物化石数据的"哑地层"划分提供了一种新思路。  相似文献   
西藏中部南羌塘改则盆地美苏组由砖红色砂砾岩和火山岩夹层组成,一些学者在美苏组建组剖面等地获得古新世-始新世的K-Ar年龄(34.0~69.1Ma),目前对其形成时代还缺少可靠的年代学约束。应用激光烧蚀多接收器电感耦合等离子体质谱仪(LA-MC-ICP-MS)方法,对改则盆地美苏组沉积地层中的流纹岩、石英粗安岩和花岗斑岩中锆石进行了U-Pb同位素测定。结果表明,改则盆地美苏组红层中的三个火山岩样品及一个侵入岩样品岩浆锆石206Pb/238U年龄分别为38.3±0.5 Ma、39.0±0.3 Ma、37.4±0.4 Ma、38.8±0.6 Ma,从而限定了该地区美苏组沉积时代为始新世晚期。改则地区美苏组岩浆岩形成时代为班公湖-怒江缝合带调节印度-欧亚大陆碰撞之后高原内部刚性块体向东"逃逸"而重新活动提供了年代学证据。   相似文献   
A middle Eocene Crassostrea sp. reef near Río Turbio, southwestern Patagonia (Argentina), represents the earliest record of an oyster reef associated with estuarine facies in the southern hemisphere, and also one of the few known worldwide occurring in Paleogene rocks. The reef grew in an outer estuary environment subject to periodic changes in salinity and may have reached a maturing phase. The Río Turbio reef – by its dimensions, geometry, and substrate lithology– would have been located in a tidal channel convergence area. This reef provides new evidence suggesting that estuaries served as refuges for Crassostrea populations allowing them to disperse into fully marine environments many times throughout the Cenozoic.  相似文献   
根据深海钻探样品分析,对东太平洋地区573孔始新世末渐新世初的地层进行了研究,尤其是研究了其稀土元素地球化学特征。各层球粒陨石标准化值曲线平缓,重稀土相对富集,各层Ce严重亏损(第2层轻度亏损),各层的Eu仅轻度亏损。始新世与渐新世的界线地层含钨粘土层的稀土元素含量明显比其它层含量高得多。此外,该层还富含Fe及指示地外成因的Ni、Co、Ir等元素,且底部富含微玻璃陨石。这些特征说明该含金属粘土层的形成与火山活动有显关系,其底部可能还与陨击作用相联系。从区域地质情况来看,始新世末期有明显的生物灭绝和环境变化,微玻璃陨石广泛发育,说明该时期明显的灾变事件发生。  相似文献   
藏南岗巴-定日地区发育着西藏最晚期的海相沉积,对这套海相沉积的研究,可提供关于西藏特提斯演化晚期的良好信息,本文对岗巴-定日地区始新世遮普惹组的化石碳酸盐岩微相进行了较为详细的分析和研究。参考Wilson(1975)的标准微相,初步识别出10种微相和5种生物相类型。同时对遮普惹组中的砾状灰岩的成因机制作了有益的探讨,它完全是由沉积作用而成;胶结物不是源于物质的重新分配,而是台地边缘斜坡的等深流沉积。以此为基础,对西藏特提斯晚期沉积环境的演变进行了较为详细的分析。笔者认为:岗巴-定日盆地在始新世Ypresian-Lutetian早期接受海侵;自Lutetian晚期开始,区内总体处于一种海退环境,但由于受板块碰撞作用的影响,岗巴地区在Lutetian晚期-Bartonian晚期成为-深水坳陷盆地;至Priabonian早期,海水完全退出本区。  相似文献   
The progressive indentation of India into Eurasia generated an E–W-trending orthogonal collision belt and a N–S-trending oblique collision belt. Compiling available data reveals that ~70% of the Cenozoic igneous rocks in eastern and southeastern Tibet are concentrated within an ENE-trending, ~550-km long and ~250-km wide magmatic zone(CMZ) that once separated the orthogonal and oblique collision belts. The Latitude 26°N Line is now its southern boundary. The onset timing of magmatism of the CMZ ...  相似文献   
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