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Nummulites multiplicutiospiralis n.sp.is described and illustrated for both generations from a claystone of Lutetian age in the Middle Eocene Qarara Formation, Maghagha,Nile valley,Egypt.Previously considered to be Nummulites gizehensis,we describe this form as a new species based on diameter of the test and protoconch sizes,septal shape and granulations.The primary feature of this species is spiral multiplication,seen in spiral section.The species is also characterized morphologically by lenticular to flat tests with rounded periphery,wrinkled to broadly meandering septal filaments and few granules on the periphery in microspheric forms.The granules are spirally arranged on the septal filaments in megalospheric forms.Chambers are longer than high and the spire is irregular.The new taxon belongs to the Nummulites partschi Group,Subgroup N.gizehensis.Reflexive coiling in the spiral may develop through ontogeny as in N.rollandi,the species which was considered to be an index species in the southern Tethys (Boukhary et al.,1982 and Boukhary et al.2010).The characters of the new species,as well as its retrogenesis and reflexive coiling,should be further studied in general in Nummulites spp.,to understand the importance of such characters phylogenetically.  相似文献   
The Eocene La Meseta Formation is the youngest exposed unit of the back-arc James Ross Basin, Antarctic Peninsula, cropping out in Seymour (Marambio) Island. The formation comprises 720 m of clastic sedimentary rocks of deltaic, estuarine and shallow marine origin. It was subdivided into six unconformity-based units (Valle de Las Focas, Acantilados, Campamento, Cucullaea I, Cucullaea II and Submeseta Allomembers) grouped into three main facies associations. Facies association I represents valley-confined deposition in a progradational/aggradational tide-dominated and wave-influenced delta front/delta plain environment. Facies association II includes tidal channels, mixed tidal flats, tidal inlets and deltas, washover and beach environments. Facies association III represents nonconfined tide- and storm-influenced nearshore environments. La Meseta Formation sandstones are quartzofeldspathic with some hybrid arenites (glauconite and carbonate bioclasts-rich). Sandstone detrital modes are subdivided into two distinctive petrofacies: the low quartz petrofacies (petrofacies I, Q<55% and L>12%), interpreted to retain the original provenance signal, and the high quartz petrofacies (petrofacies II, Q>55% and L<12%), representing the reworking product of the former after selective elimination of the more labile components. Petrofacies I sandstone framework grains were mainly derived from a dissected magmatic arc and an associated metamorphic belt. Textural evidence for recycling of some grains (e.g. garnet) from older sedimentary units during valley incision is not conclusive. Changes in the relative participation of source areas during the evolution of the incised-valley system are evaluated from the relative proportions of lithic fragments and monomineralic clasts derived from each rock type. Two lithic assemblages were recognized. The mixed lithic assemblage (Rv/Rm+Rp<1.4) shows participation of all rock types; it represented valley-confined environments, either during the initial stage of valley development, or after main episodes of incision. The volcanic lithic assemblage (Rv/Rm+Rp>1.4) is clearly dominated by volcanic-derived clasts; it developed at times of high sea level and/or during later stages of the valley fill, when an “energy fence” at the shoreline prevented delivery of sediment from the Antarctic Peninsula, thus enhancing the relative participation of local volcanic sources.  相似文献   
通过识别沉积基准面旋回产生的层序界面,东营凹陷中始新统上部-上始新统可划分出四个层序。各层序具有相似的成因和体系域构成。其低位域 (LST)发育辫状河、下切水道-浊积扇、扇三角洲、废弃型三角洲和水下扇。湖泊扩张体系域 (EST)发育由深湖泥岩、油页岩、白云岩、滨浅湖组成的湖泊体系、破坏型三角洲及曲流河体系。湖泊萎缩体系域 (RST)发育浅湖、河流三角洲体系及扇三角洲体系。由于同一层序在盆地发育的构造部位不同,可以表现出三种层序样式 :A位于构造坡折带之下的深湖-三角洲环境层序样式,B、位于构造坡折带之上的下切水道-浅湖环境层序样式和C、位于湖域之外的河流-泛滥平原环境层序样式。并在综合研究的基础上建立了东营凹陷中始新统上部-上始新统层序的成因模式。指出在每个三角洲主朵体的前方同生断裂带及其靠近洼陷一侧是低位砂体的主要发育区,也是低位砂体油藏的富集区和寻找隐蔽油藏的主要方向。  相似文献   
The Ching-dar syncline is located to the west of the city of Birjand, in the east of han. The ca. 500 m thick studied section at the eastern flank of the syncline contains a sequence of almost continuous shallow- marine limestones that exhibit no major sedimentary breaks or evidence for volcanic activity. Skeletal grains consist of large benthic foraminifera and green algae whereas non-skeletal grains are mostly peloids and intraclasts. They were deposited on a shallow-marine carbonate ramp. The limestones have undergone extensive diagenetic processes with varying intensities, the most important of which are micritization, cementation, compaction (chemical and mechanical), internal filling and stylolitization. Chemical analysis of the limestone samples revealed high calcium and low magnesium content. Major and minor element values were used to determine the original carbonate mineralogy of these lime- stones. Petrographic evidence and elemental values indicate that calcite was the original carbonate mineral in the limestones of the Ching-dar syncline. The elemental composition of the Ching-dar car- bonates also demonstrates that they have stabilized in a meteoric phreatic environment. Variation of Sr/ Ca vs. Mn values suggests that diagenetic alteration occurred in an open geochemical system.  相似文献   
针对具有歧义的多期三角洲叠加层序的体系域划分问题,从层序地层划分的基础是沉积环境变化的同步性出发,以直接反映环境变化的孢粉、藻类为基础,结合岩性、电性特征、地震反射特征,解决了类似渤海海域渤中凹陷BZ19-4区多期三角洲叠加东二层序的体系域划分问题,指明了正确划分的方法与依据,同时也阐明了体系域划分对油气勘探的重要意义。  相似文献   
《Comptes Rendus Geoscience》2018,350(6):310-318
The sabkha of Gueran in the Southwest Moroccan Sahara has yielded a rich and diverse fauna of late middle Eocene vertebrates that include the world's richest Bartonian age archaeocete assemblage. Archeocete remains were described previously and here we report on the rest of the vertebrate fauna. The Gueran fauna includes abundant chondrichthyan species belonging to Lamniformes, Carcharhiniformes and Rhinopristiformes, and actinopterygian assemblage consisting of Cylindracanthus, of a siluriform, and of Perciformes. Turtles are represented by at least two marine taxa referred to as Cheloniidae and Dermochelyidae. Crocodylian remains belong to at least two longirostrine species, including gavialoid remains. Snakes are represented by Pterosphenus cf. schweinfurthi (Palaeophiidae). Seabirds are represented by a pseudo-toothed bird (Pelagornithidae). The avian fossil belonged to a gigantic soaring bird and constitutes the earliest occurrence of the genus Pelagornis. The presence of proboscideans is attested by dental fragments. This fossil assemblage from Gueran shows affinities with those of the Eocene beds of Egypt and Libya. The numerous shared taxa support a close biogeographical connection between faunas from southeastern and southwestern coasts of the Mediterranean Sea.  相似文献   
谭先锋  黄建红  李洁  高红灿  况昊  蒋威 《地质论评》2015,61(5):1107-1120
济阳坳陷始新统孔店组深部碎屑岩中普遍发育碳酸盐胶结物。依据普通薄片、扫描电镜、X衍射、阴极发光、流体包裹体测温和碳氧同位素等实验结果,对济阳坳陷始新统孔店组深部砂岩中的碳酸盐胶结物进行了深入研究。结果表明:碳酸盐胶结物类型有方解石、铁方解石、铁白云石和菱铁矿等,胶结方式有早期基底式胶结、成岩期点状胶结、成岩后期裂缝充填,胶结物的纵向上和横向上分布具有一定的规律性;早期基底式胶结主要形成于原始沉积水介质的化学沉积分异作用,这种沉积分异作用主要发生在湖盆沉积的同生期,由于化学物质的饱和度分异造成;成岩期胶结物主要跟成岩演化过程中流体的自由流动、粘土矿物转化、有机质的演化和地质环境的变化有关,断裂构造活动形成的深部热液也是形成部分碳酸盐胶结物的主要原因;碳酸盐胶结物对储层具有明显的改造作用,早期基底式胶结沉淀作用对岩石储层具有强烈胶结作用和抗压实作用,成岩期碳酸盐的沉淀作用对储层空间具有明显的堵塞作用,成岩过程中的碳酸盐矿物的溶解作用提高了深部地层的储层质量。  相似文献   
Sequence developments in rift basins are considered to be influenced largely by tectonics and to a lesser extent by eustatic sea‐level and climate. Studies indicate that in passive margin basins, climate can mask the effects of tectonics and eustasy by modulating the sediment supply. It is, however, less understood how the sedimentary sequence in rift basins might respond to strong climatic fluctuations where tectonic pulses generate rapid accommodation space. Here a case study has been provided to assess the effect of climate vis à vis sea‐level and tectonics on sequence development in the Cambay rift basin, western India, during the Early Palaeogene (Late Palaeocene to Early Eocene) super greenhouse globe. Facies analysis of this shale–lignite sequence suggests deposition in a lagoon/bay, developed over the Deccan Trap basement. Detailed sequence stratigraphic analysis using basin‐wide representative composite sections, marker lignite seam, event bed and high‐resolution carbon isotope (δ13C) chemostratigraphy suggest an overall transgressive motif. Among the three prominent Early Eocene eustatic highstands, only the one at ca 53·7 Ma is expressed by the thickest coal accumulation throughout the basin. Expression of the other sequence stratigraphic surfaces is subdued and can be due to the overall finer grain size of the sediment or local variation in the subsidence rate at different fault‐controlled mini‐basins. Enigmatic presence of a maximum flooding surface coinciding with the 53·7 Ma climate event (Eocene Thermal Maximum 2), manifested by negative carbon isotope excursion, indicates possible influence of climate over and above tectonics in developing the rift sequence. Qualitative rainfall variation assessed using the magnitude of the carbon isotope excursion and pollen abundance show that a relatively dry/low precipitation climatic phase during the Eocene Thermal Maximum 2 hindered the siliclastic supply to the basin. Thus, it has been inferred that climate‐induced high siliciclastic supply possibly enhanced the autocyclic reorganization and hindered the development of the key sequence stratigraphic surfaces across the basin during climate extremes.  相似文献   
The results of our new paleomagnetic investigations on 21 sites in the Cévennes and Lure regions as well as previous studies demonstrate that all Mesozoic marly limestones of SE France exhibit similar paleomagnetic behavior with remagnetization disputed in age. The studied areas have the particularity to have been folded before (Late Eocene), the Alpine folding (Oligo–Miocene). Samples (201 marly limestones) dated from Lower Jurassic to Lower Cretaceous have been demagnetized by thermal treatment. They all present a well-defined component with a normal polarity which was mostly obtained between 200 and 350 °C. Numerous arguments lead from pretectonic to syntectonic widespread remagnetization related to orogenic fluid circulation affecting the whole basin. An Eocene age (between 35 and 40 Ma) is obtained for this remagnetization thanks both to the comparison of the average inclination of all regional paleomagnetic studies (+54.9°/−1.5°) with the expected paleomagnetic inclination and the syntectonic character of remagnetization.  相似文献   
同号文 《地层学杂志》1996,20(1):23-28,T002
衡阳市郊五马归槽始新世鱼化石保存在黑色湖相纹层中。根据纹层序列的对比,发现该地的鱼化石均为同一层位;根据鱼化石在纹层序列中的具体位置及鱼化石的保存状况,笔者推测鱼群的死亡并非由于季节更替,而是由气候干旱引起的湖水盐度升高所控制;黑白纹层的变化是由大气降雨所致。  相似文献   
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