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代晶晶  王登红  王海宇 《地质学报》2019,93(6):1270-1278
遥感技术具有宏观、经济、快速、准确等技术优势,特别是近年来高空间分辨率、高光谱、雷达等遥感技术的发展十分迅速,为三稀矿产资源调查提供了一种全新的技术手段。遥感技术应用于三稀矿产资源调查尚处于起步阶段,目前主要在稀土矿产资源调查中应用较多,在稀有稀散金属调查中应用非常欠缺,主要应用方向包括地质找矿、矿产资源开采现状调查、环境监测等。通过分析三稀矿产资源的成矿规律,建立相应的遥感找矿模型,可以缩小找矿靶区,为三稀矿产资源的找矿调查提供快捷有效的技术支撑;此外,高空间分辨率遥感数据可以提取矿山的地表开采信息,通过与矿权信息的叠加分析,实时动态地监测三稀矿产资源的开采现状,为矿政管理提供依据;最后,遥感技术可以提取三稀矿山在开采过程中造成的地表环境变化信息,如植被破坏、土地压覆、水体污染、地质灾害等,获取环境变化的面积、强度等要素信息,为三稀矿产资源环境监测提供准确评估。今后应加强多源遥感数据在三稀矿产资源调查中的技术方法研究,建立不同类型三稀矿产资源的遥感找矿模型,并推进全国三稀矿产资源开采现状与环境监测的广度与力度,建立星-空-地一体化的三稀矿产资源调查体系。  相似文献   
苏玉  曹晓峰  黄艺 《湖泊科学》2013,25(1):91-98
采用底栖动物完整性指数(B-IBI)评价滇池流域入湖河流健康状况.根据滇池流域38个样点(9个参照点,29个干扰点)于2009年丰水期和2010年平水期采得的大型底栖动物数据,对19个生物参数进行分布范围、Spearman相关性和判别能力分析,确定构成滇池流域底栖动物生物完整性的指数为甲壳动物+软体动物分类单元数、集食者%、捕食者%和耐污类群%.用比值法统一量纲,计算各个生物参数的值,并将所得的值相加即得到B-IBI指数值.根据B-IBI指数值的25%分位数确定健康等级标准,并对小于25%分位数的值进行四等分,即得到滇池流域底栖动物完整性的评价标准,B-IBI>1.62为健康,1.03~1.62为亚健康,0.31~1.03为一般,0.10~0.31为较差,<0.10为极差.评价结果表明,滇池流域的38个样点中,16个为健康,5个为亚健康,6个为一般,6个为较差,5个为极差.B-IBI值与硝态氮和水温有较大的负相关关系,与其他理化因子相关性不明显.  相似文献   
20世纪,越来越多的证据使人们意识到,吸入含石棉的灰尘会使从事与石棉有关的几种职业(如石棉采矿、造船和石棉产品组装)的工人患上几种严重的呼吸道疾病(石棉沉着病,肺癌和mesotheliuma)。为此已经制定了若干规定,以控制工人们在特殊的制造、采矿和其他工作地点与石棉尘埃的接触。比较间接的是控制和管理"天然产生的石棉"(NOA),这一问题近年来也引起了管理机构、健康机构和居民团体的注意。NOA包括在自然状态下原地找到的被描述为石棉的矿物,例如在基岩或土壤中的这种矿物。NOA之所以引起关注,是因为如果含石棉的岩石受到自然侵蚀或人类活动(例如修路、城市开挖、农业、采矿、压碎和碾磨)的影响,就有可能暴露并变成空中尘埃的微小纤维。天然石棉矿床的规模差异很大,从薄的四散的细脉一直到大的矿体。它们的地理分布与地质条件直接有关。石棉产出的地质背景是含镁丰富的主岩,这些岩石受到低压低温的变质作用蚀变而成。已知的容矿主岩包括变质的和已被交代的超基性岩(尤其是蛇纹岩)、一些基性火成岩、变质白云岩和变质的铁建造。石棉形状的角闪石在几种热液蚀变型的碱性火成侵入体中也能作为副矿物存在。石棉形成于可预见和可鉴别的地质环境。这种认识是一种信息,而这种信息使公众健康机构可以执行有情报根据的屏蔽和管理规划。第一步是在区域的或国家规模的尺度上确定和描述已知的(报道过的)石棉矿床。第二步是对容纳已知石棉矿的单位进行填图,以划定可能的其他石棉矿化的范围。这种地质研究使有关机构对遇到石棉的可能性做出规划,而尽量节省在不太可能遇到石棉矿的地区的管理费用。对石棉地质条件的认识可以事先应用于岩石和土壤的挖掘项目,而不管挖掘的规模有多大。这种对石棉管理的科学探索能有助于缓解对挖掘所发现的自然石棉矿床的连续不断地做出反应。因此,通过对很可能含有石棉矿床的地区做填图,规划者可开发出一些控制尘埃的程序,这些程序适用于工人和附近居民最容易暴露于空气携带的石棉的地区。  相似文献   
中国环境考古学研究综述   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
近十几年来,环境考古学在中国取得了令人瞩目的发展。回顾十几年来的研究实践可以发现,我国旧石器时代的环境考古工作,主要集中于古代人类生存环境的重建,在研究方法上经历了传统分析阶段和多元分析阶段,现在试图进入综合研究阶段。而新石器和铜石并用阶段的环境考古工作,则集中于探讨考古文化的兴衰、更替、中断和转移的环境背景。实践证明,现阶段的环境考古学需要考古学和地学各分支学科之间的紧密结合,需要基础理论上的突破与研究方法上的改进。  相似文献   
高公岛近岸海域浮游植物群落特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
2009年8月对高公岛附近海域的海洋浮游植物及环境因子进行了调查,在14个调查站位共鉴定浮游植物4门36属81种,其中,硅藻门25属63种,占种数的77.78%;甲藻门9属16种,占种数的19.75%,蓝藻门1属1种,占种数的1.23%,金藻门1属1种,占种数的1.23%。浮游植物生态类型主要以低盐近岸性类群为主,辅以少量的广温广盐性类群。主要优势种为斯氏几内亚藻、短角弯角藻、拟旋链角刺藻、扭链角刺藻。优势度分别为0.688、0.207、0.142、0.103。浮游植物的细胞丰度范围为0.458×105~3.134×105个/L,平均值为1.180×105个/L。群落特征指数变幅较大(种类数为19~43,丰富度指数为1.064~2.364,多样性指数为2.069~3.428,均匀度指数为0.485~0.677)。丰富度指数均值为1.753多样性指数均值为2.926,均匀度指数均值为0.592。相关性分析表明,仅均匀度指数与水温之间具有显著的相关性,相关系数(r)为0.544,P<0.05,水温越高,均匀度指数越高;其它因子之间均没有显著的相关性。高公岛近岸海域水质状况的生物多样性指数评价显示,该海域水质总体处于轻污染,尚适宜浮游植物的生长。  相似文献   
We explore opportunities for an integrated approach in community resilience to inform new research directions and practice, using the productive common ground between two strands of literature on community resilience, one from social–ecological systems and the other from the psychology of development and mental health. The first strand treats resilience as a systems concept, dealing with adaptive relationships and learning in social–ecological systems across nested levels, with attention to feedbacks, nonlinearity, unpredictability, scale, renewal cycles, drivers, system memory, disturbance events, and windows of opportunity. The second strand emphasizes identifying and developing community strengths, and building resilience through agency and self-organization, with attention to people–place connections, values and beliefs, knowledge and learning, social networks, collaborative governance, economic diversification, infrastructure, leadership, and outlook. An integrative approach seated in the complex adaptive system and ecological understanding can incorporate the identification of explicit social strengths and connections to place, activated by agency and self-organizing.  相似文献   
The potential negative environmental impact of immigration has been raised in a number of receiving countries. In New Zealand there has been a debate questioning whether or not immigrants share the same environmental values as native-born residents. This article reports on a study of the environmental values of immigrants and native-born residents of New Zealand (n = 427). The research employed a survey instrument known as the New Environmental Paradigm to examine the environmental worldviews of the subjects. The informing literature for the study is drawn from postmaterialist and social exclusion theory, and the study also considers the role of acculturation in modifying environmental attitudes. The main finding of the study is that there was no significant difference in the environmental worldviews of immigrants and native-born New Zealanders. Both groups held mildly ecocentric views. The level of immigrants’ acculturation was found to be unrelated to their environmental attitudes.  相似文献   
Despite evidence of a growing environmental consensus in the United States, students of electoral politics have long debated the political significance of environmentalism by noting the near absence of this issue from national political campaigns. Unfortunately, with only limited survey data available in the past, the few studies to address environmental voting did more to report a deficiency than to explain why it should be the case. In this study I use 1996 National Election Study (NES) data to examine the impact of environmental concern on attitudes toward American political parties and their candidates. Data results on issue positions and proximities confirm that while environmental issues represent a strength of the Democratic ticket, those issues seldom shape individual vote preferences for three reasons: (1) low issue salience; (2) small perceived differences between candidates on matters of environmental policy; and (3) the tendency of environmental concern to cut across traditional (and more powerful) cleavages, including partisan identification.  相似文献   
Equity issues have led many economists to reconsider their preference for conducting efficiency analyses with aggregated estimates of the benefits and costs of changes in environmental resource allocations. For example, evidence suggests that health risks due to hazardous wastes disproportionately affect the poor and non White. Disproportionate outcomes are not necessarily inefficient, however. The purpose of this article is to propose a demand-side approach for environmental equity analysis that is based on a technique adapted from the labor economics of wage discrimination. Applying the test to the demand for water quality, we find that willingness to pay values are not equal for White and non-White survey respondents. The empirical results lead to some observations about environmental equity analyses.  相似文献   
Approaches to water planning and international arrangements for water conflict resolution are conditioned by the context in which water resources are discussed and by the priorities that emerge from such discussions. This chapter analyzes the consequences of linking water to security issues, and the paradigmatic influence of competing notions of security on water policy directions. I develop a generic model of what constitutes any notion of security: what is to be protected, from what dangers, by what means, and by whom. This template is used as an analytical device to consider three distinct versions of environmental security: (1) prevention of environmental conflicts, (2) food security, and (3) ecological security. The central argument is that these diverse conceptions drive water discourses in divergent directions, and establish goals that are not easily compatible with one another. Pursuing one type of security is likely to compromise other types.  相似文献   
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