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气候模式FIO-ESM对2015/16年厄尔尼诺的预测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Recently atmospheric and oceanic observations indicate the tropical Pacific is at the El Ni?o condition. However,it's not clear whether this El Ni?o event of this year is comparable to the very strong one of 1997/98 which brought huge influence on the whole world. In this study, based on the Ensemble Adjusted Kalman Filter(EAKF)assimilation scheme and First Institute of Oceanography-Earth System Model(FIO-ESM), the assimilation system is setup, which can provide reasonable initial conditions for prediction. And the hindcast results suggest the skill of El Ni?o-Southern Oscillation(ENSO) prediction is comparable to other dynamical coupled models. Then the prediction for 2015/16 El Ni?o by using FIO-ESM is started from 1 November 2015. The ensemble results indicate that the 2015/16 El Ni?o will continue to be strong. By the end of 2015, the strongest strength is very like more than 2.0°C and the ensemble mean strength is 2.34°C, which indicates 2015/16 El Ni?o event will be very strong but slightly less than that of 1997/98 El Ni?o event(2.40°C) calculated relative a climatology based on the years1992–2014. The prediction results also suggest 2015/16 El Ni?o event will be a transition to ENSO-neutral level in the early spring(FMA) 2016, and then may transfer to La Ni?a in summer 2016.  相似文献   
北京地区暴雨个例的观测敏感区研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
利用基于集合预报的相关方法对2009年7月23日发生在北京及周边地区的暴雨过程的观测敏感区进行了分析。通过WRF(Weather Research Forecast)三维变分方法对初始场进行随机扰动,形成30个初始集合样本,做了预报时效为12 h的集合预报。利用该方法分析检验区(北京及周边地区)累积降水[14:00(北京时间,下同)至20:00]相对于初始时刻(08:00)各基本要素的敏感性,确定感性要素及其对应的区域。研究发现初步确定的敏感性要素为水汽和温度,对应的敏感区分别位于北京的西南侧和北京的东北侧,且通过实况分析可知初步确定的敏感性要素和对应的敏感区具有明确的物理意义。还进一步通过观测系统模拟试验(OSSE)的资料同化验证所确定的敏感区,结果表明在水汽对应的敏感区内同化水汽对降水的预报结果有明显的改进;在温度对应的敏感区内同化温度,降水的预报准确率有了明显的提高,说明了初步确定的敏感性要素和敏感区的正确性。在水汽对应的敏感区内同化水汽的同时在温度对应的敏感区内同化温度,使降水预报的技巧有大幅度的提高,说明了温度和水汽的共同作用对提高降水预报准确率贡献最大。因此,通过基于集合预报的相关方法能够快速的确定敏感区。研究结果将为确定北京暴雨的观测敏感区提供参考。  相似文献   
集合卡曼滤波由于易于使用而被广泛地应用到陆面数据同化研究中,它是建立在模型为线性、误差为正态分布的假设上,而实际土壤湿度方程是高度非线性的,并且当土壤过干或过湿时会发生样本偏斜.为了全面评估它在同化表层土壤湿度观测来反演土壤湿度廓线的性能,特引入不需要上述假设的采样重要性重采样粒子滤波,比较非线性和偏斜性对同化算法的影响.结果显示:不管是小样本还是大样本,集合卡曼滤波都能快速、准确地逼近样本均值,而粒子滤波只有在大样本时才能缓慢地趋近;此外,集合卡曼滤波的粒子边缘概率密度及其偏度和峰度与粒子滤波完全不同,前者粒子虽不完全满足正态分布,但始终为单峰状态,而后者粒子随同化推进经历了单峰到双峰再到单峰的变化.  相似文献   
Data assimilation method provides a framework to decrease the uncertainty of hydrological modeling by sequentially incorporating observations into numerical model. Such a process involves estimating statistical moments of different order based on the evolution of conditional probability distribution function. Because of the nonlinearity of many hydrological dynamics, explicit and analytical solutions for moments of state distribution are often impossible. Evensen [J Geophys Res 99(c5): 10143–10162 (1994)] introduced Ensemble Kalman Filtering (EnKF) method to address such problems. We test and evaluate the performance of EnKF in fusing model predictions and observations for a saturated–unsaturated integral-balance subsurface model. We find EnKF improve the model predictions, and also we conclude a good estimate of state variance is essential for the success of EnKF.  相似文献   
数据同化是提升复杂机理过程模型精度的关键技术之一,而湖泊藻类模型的敏感参数具有随时间动态变化的特征,导致数据同化过程中无法精准更新某一时段的敏感参数,影响数据同化的模型精度提升效果.针对上述问题,本研究耦合了参数敏感性分析与集合卡尔曼滤波,研发了一种能够实时识别模型敏感参数的新型数据同化算法;为验证研发算法的效率,依托巢湖的高频水质自动监测数据,测试算法对藻类动态模型的精度提升效果.测试结果表明:研发算法能够精准跟踪模型敏感参数的动态变化,并根据监测数据实时更新模型敏感参数,实现了水质高频自动监测数据与藻类动态模型的深度融合,藻类生物量模拟精度提升了55%,即纳什系数(NSE)从0.49提升到0.76,模拟精度提升效果也显著优于传统数据同化算法(NSE=0.63).研发算法可应用于其它水生态环境模型的数据同化,为水生态环境相关要素的精准模拟预测提供关键技术支撑.  相似文献   
富营养化模型是进行湖泊水环境质量预测和管理的重要工具,然而模型客观存在的误差一直是应用者关心的重要问题.数据同化作为连接观测数据与数值模型的重要方法,可以有效提高模型的准确性.集合卡尔曼滤波(En KF)是众多数据同化算法中应用最为广泛的一种,可进行非线性系统的数据同化,并能有效降低数据同化的计算量.本研究以太湖作为具体实例,选择Delft3D-BLOOM作为富营养化模型,在数值实验确定En KF集合数为100、观测误差方差为1%、模拟误差方差为10%的基础上分别进行模型状态变量同化以及状态变量与关键参数同步同化.结果显示,仅同化状态变量时,模型预测精度有所增加;同时同化状态变量和关键参数时,可显著提升模型在湖泊水环境质量预测中的精度.该研究为应用集合卡尔曼滤波以提高复杂的湖库富营养化模型模拟精度提供了有效的方法.  相似文献   
Sampling strategies and square root analysis schemes for the EnKF   总被引:26,自引:1,他引:26  
The purpose of this paper is to examine how different sampling strategies and implementations of the analysis scheme influence the quality of the results in the EnKF. It is shown that by selecting the initial ensemble, the model noise and the measurement perturbations wisely, it is possible to achieve a significant improvement in the EnKF results, using the same number of members in the ensemble. The results are also compared with a square root implementation of the EnKF analysis scheme where the analyzed ensemble is computed without the perturbation of measurements. It is shown that the measurement perturbations introduce sampling errors which can be reduced using improved sampling schemes in the standard EnKF or fully eliminated when the square root analysis algorithm is used. Further, a new computationally efficient square root algorithm is proposed which allows for the use of a low-rank representation of the measurement error covariance matrix. It is shown that this algorithm in fact solves the full problem at a low cost without introducing any new approximations.  相似文献   
The ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is a commonly used real-time data assimilation algorithm in various disciplines. Here, the EnKF is applied, in a hydrogeological context, to condition log-conductivity realizations on log-conductivity and transient piezometric head data. In this case, the state vector is made up of log-conductivities and piezometric heads over a discretized aquifer domain, the forecast model is a groundwater flow numerical model, and the transient piezometric head data are sequentially assimilated to update the state vector. It is well known that all Kalman filters perform optimally for linear forecast models and a multiGaussian-distributed state vector. Of the different Kalman filters, the EnKF provides a robust solution to address non-linearities; however, it does not handle well non-Gaussian state-vector distributions. In the standard EnKF, as time passes and more state observations are assimilated, the distributions become closer to Gaussian, even if the initial ones are clearly non-Gaussian. A new method is proposed that transforms the original state vector into a new vector that is univariate Gaussian at all times. Back transforming the vector after the filtering ensures that the initial non-Gaussian univariate distributions of the state-vector components are preserved throughout. The proposed method is based in normal-score transforming each variable for all locations and all time steps. This new method, termed the normal-score ensemble Kalman filter (NS-EnKF), is demonstrated in a synthetic bimodal aquifer resembling a fluvial deposit, and it is compared to the standard EnKF. The proposed method performs better than the standard EnKF in all aspects analyzed (log-conductivity characterization and flow and transport predictions).  相似文献   
Reservoir management requires periodic updates of the simulation models using the production data available over time. Traditionally, validation of reservoir models with production data is done using a history matching process. Uncertainties in the data, as well as in the model, lead to a nonunique history matching inverse problem. It has been shown that the ensemble Kalman filter (EnKF) is an adequate method for predicting the dynamics of the reservoir. The EnKF is a sequential Monte-Carlo approach that uses an ensemble of reservoir models. For realistic, large-scale applications, the ensemble size needs to be kept small due to computational inefficiency. Consequently, the error space is not well covered (poor cross-correlation matrix approximations) and the updated parameter field becomes scattered and loses important geological features (for example, the contact between high- and low-permeability values). The prior geological knowledge present in the initial time is not found anymore in the final updated parameter. We propose a new approach to overcome some of the EnKF limitations. This paper shows the specifications and results of the ensemble multiscale filter (EnMSF) for automatic history matching. EnMSF replaces, at each update time, the prior sample covariance with a multiscale tree. The global dependence is preserved via the parent–child relation in the tree (nodes at the adjacent scales). After constructing the tree, the Kalman update is performed. The properties of the EnMSF are presented here with a 2D, two-phase (oil and water) small twin experiment, and the results are compared to the EnKF. The advantages of using EnMSF are localization in space and scale, adaptability to prior information, and efficiency in case many measurements are available. These advantages make the EnMSF a practical tool for many data assimilation problems.  相似文献   
风暴尺度集合预报系统(Storm-Scale Ensemble Forecast system,简称SSEFs)中集合成员之间发散度不足一直都是研究的难点。本文尝试了将Barnes空间滤波融入到集合转换卡尔曼滤波(ETKF)更新预报系统中的混合初值扰动法。该方案将ETKF方法的小尺度信息与来自于侧边界条件扰动的大尺度信息相结合,缓解了扰动在侧边界不匹配的问题。通过2012年北京“7.21”暴雨并使用邻位方法对比分析了不同初值扰动方案在不同时间尺度与空间尺度上的特征,在此基础上进一步探讨了构造混合初始扰动法的可行性。结果表明:ETKF试验所构造的初始扰动无法与侧边界条件扰动相匹配,混合后的初始扰动可以有效缓解SSEFs中由于初始扰动与侧边界扰动不匹配产生的虚假波动,其中大尺度信息保留较多的混合试验(ETKF80)和动力降尺度方案(Down)在减少虚假波动方面的效果最优;从集合离散度来看,在前期暖区降水阶段ETKF的离散度在小尺度上最大,随着锋面降水的开始,Down的离散度逐渐超过ETKF,而使用各滤波波段构造的混合试验同时具备ETKF与Down二者的特征。选择合理的滤波波段可以获得最为合理的离散度表现(ETKF180),说明仅考虑侧边界匹配(Down和ETKF80)并不能获得最合理的集合离散度,应综合考虑其他因素。从降水概率预报结果来看,选取合适的滤波波段所构造的混合扰动试验同样获得了较好的效果。  相似文献   
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