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利用1979~2013年NCEP再分析数据,通过经验正交分解对比了前冬时期北大西洋风暴轴的高低空分布,并用涡动动能(Eddy Kinetic Energy,EKE)方程对风暴轴高低空分布型差异进行了诊断。研究结果表明:上层和下层第一空间分布型差异巨大,对流层下层风暴轴中心偏北,靠近极地,而上层风暴轴中心偏西南,靠近北美沿岸。EKE方程诊断结果表明:正压转换项在高低空符号相反,导致了EKE在上、下层分布出现显著差异,即上层正压转换项为负,在扰动发展中起能量耗散作用,而下层正压转换项为正,且极大值区域对应下层EKE极大值区域,为风暴轴下层向极区域增强的主要原因。而斜压转换和非地转位势通量散度在上层均为正,且远大于下层,为风暴轴上层涡动能量维持的原因,也从涡动能量收支上解释了风暴轴的主体出现在上层。  相似文献   
Dynamic positioning (DP) is an operation method whereby the position of a surface vessel is maintained in close proximity to a required position in the horizontal plane through the controlled application of forces and moments generated by purposely installed thrusters. When estimating thrust, this kind of conventional control system often uses many acceleration sensors, velocity sensors, environment sensors, and filters. Usually, these sensors have measured electrical errors. To reduce the number of sensors used and to decrease the measurement errors, this article presents an effective control system for estimating thrust and moment commands, which is based on energy and impulsemomentum principles. Donha and Brinati's example is followed to verify the feasibility of the present control system, which performs semisubmersible platform positioning using an LQG controller, and the results are feasible and economical. A simulated coring vessel marine positioning in southern Taiwan is presented, which can estimate the counterthrust and moment commands, and the complex environmental forces and moments are described. The results can provide a valuable control system for dynamically positioned vessels.  相似文献   
Studying the diversity‐ecosystem function relationship in the deep sea is of primary importance in the face of biodiversity loss and for our understanding of how the deep sea functions. Results from the first study of diversity‐ecosystem function relationships in the deep sea (Danovaro et al. 2008; Current Biology, 18, 1–8) are unexpected and show an exponential relationship between deep‐sea nematode diversity and ecosystem function and efficiency, although this relationship appears largely restricted to relatively low diversities [ES(51) <25]. Here, we investigate the relationship between nematode diversity and several independent measures/proxies of ecosystem function (sediment community oxygen consumption, bacterial biomass, bacterial extracellular enzyme activity) and efficiency (ratio of bacterial/nematode carbon to organic C content of the sediment) on the New Zealand continental slope. Nematode diversity at our study sites was relatively high [ES(51) = 30–42], and there was no relationship between species/functional diversity and ecosystem function/efficiency after accounting for the effects of water depth and food availability. Our results are consistent with a breakdown of the exponential diversity‐function relationship at high levels of diversity, which may be due to increased competition or greater functional redundancy. Future studies need to take into account as many environmental factors and as wide a range of diversities as possible to provide further insights into the diversity‐ecosystem function relationship in the largest ecosystem on Earth.  相似文献   
In this study,the Surface Energy Balance Algorithms for Land(SEBAL) model and Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer(MODIS) products from Terra satellite were combined with meteorological data to estimate evapotranspiration(ET) over the Sanjiang Plain,Northeast China.Land cover/land use was classified by using a recursive partitioning and regression tree with MODIS Normalized Difference Vegetation Index(NDVI) time series data,which were reconstructed based on the Savitzky-Golay filtering approach.The MODIS product Quality Assessment Science Data Sets(QA-SDS) was analyzed and all scenes with valid data covering more than 75% of the Sanjiang Plain were selected for the SEBAL modeling.This provided 12 overpasses during 184-day growing season from May 1st to October 31st,2006.Daily ET estimated by the SEBAL model was misestimaed at the range of-11.29% to 27.57% compared with that measured by Eddy Covariance system(10.52% on average).The validation results show that seasonal ET from the SEBAL model is comparable to that from ground observation within 8.86% of deviation.Our results reveal that the time series daily ET of different land cover/use increases from vegetation on-going until June or July and then decreases as vegetation senesced.Seasonal ET is lower in dry farmland(average(Ave):491 mm) and paddy field(Ave:522 mm) and increases in wetlands to more than 586 mm.As expected,higher seasonal ET values are observed for the Xingkai Lake in the southeastern part of the Sanjiang Plain(Ave:823 mm),broadleaf forest(Ave:666 mm) and mixed wood(Ave:622 mm) in the southern/western Sanjiang Plain.The ET estimation with SEBAL using MODIS products can provide decision support for operational water management issues.  相似文献   
节能减排是遵循人类社会发展的规律,顺应当今世界发展潮流的重大策略。节能减排工作必须依靠先进能源科学管理工具和决策分析工具,掌握各企业在节能减排工作中的基础数据和过程数据,实现对其节能减排工作的过程评价和动态监管。借助GIS强大的数据处理、可视化和空间分析能力,我们构建了节能减排空间信息系统。在对系统关键技术分析的基础上,构建了系统的技术框架,基于WebGIS的节能减排空间信息系统可以应用于很多行业,该系统有助于推进企业加快结构调整,转变发展方式,努力建设和推进资源节约型、环境友好型的企业发展进程。  相似文献   
深水半潜式平台系泊锚链的倾角变化是评价平台系泊状态与锚链受力的重要指标,是半潜式平台重要的监测内容。目前,深水锚链的测量主要是采用自容式的传感器,针对其水下长时间测量的应用特点,要求它的设计必须具有低功耗、高可靠性、大存储量、体积小、防水耐压等指标。根据我国南海流花平台的锚链监测需要,设计与制作了专用的水下自容式倾角传感器,并在实际应用中进行了检验。  相似文献   
河北平原冬小麦播种面积收缩及由此节省的水资源量估算   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
王学  李秀彬  辛良杰 《地理学报》2013,68(5):694-707
以河北平原1998-2010 年11 地市的农业统计数据和22 个气象站点的逐日气温、降水量、水汽压、风速、日照时数和相对湿度等资料为基础,对该地区冬小麦播种面积的收缩情况及由此引发的耕作制度变化进行了分析;同时,结合作物系数法和逐旬有效降水量法,计算了不同耕作制度下的水分亏缺量,进而估算了该地区因耕作制度变化节省的水资源量。结果表明:① 该时段河北平原11 地市冬小麦的播种面积均呈收缩趋势,总面积下降了16.07%,约49.62×104 hm2。京津唐城市群表现最为明显,下降了47.23%;② 冬小麦的降水满足率仅为20%~30%,而春玉米和夏玉米均为50%以上;冬小麦-夏玉米一年两熟制所需的灌溉水资源量为400~530 mm,而春玉米一年一熟制仅为160~210 mm;③ 该时段河北平原因冬小麦播种面积收缩而节省的灌溉水资源量约为15.96×108 m3/a,相当于南水北调中线一期工程为京津冀三省市供水量的27.85%。  相似文献   
     玄武岩风化是大气CO2 的一个主要碳汇过程,气候条件是影响玄武岩风化和固碳速率的重要因素。该文选择中国东 部不同气候带的新生代玄武岩典型风化剖面,进行了粘土矿物和常量元素分析。结果显示,在内蒙古-海南岛的采样区间内, 随着气候条件由干冷向暖湿转化,风化剖面中粘土矿物组合呈现蒙脱石+ 伊利石+ 高岭石→蒙脱石+ 高岭石→高岭石+ 三水 铝石的转变。剖面中土壤元素得失状况也显示出相应的规律,由于存在粉尘输入与风化淋滤作用的综合影响,在干冷的内 蒙古地区,粉尘对于Ca,K,Na,Si 等元素的输入量大于这些元素的淋失量;在山东地区,Ca,K,Na 元素开始快速淋失, 大于粉尘的输入量;在苏皖地区,Si 元素的淋失量开始小于粉尘输入量;而在湿热的海南地区,风化作用强烈,Si显示出 大量淋失的特点,碱性元素几乎全部流失。根据元素的相对得失率和北方粉尘平均组分的校正,初步估算了研究区内玄武 岩风化对大气CO2 的消耗速率,其数值在5.37~181.00 t(km2·a)之间,与Dessert 等(2003)的研究结果大致相当。  相似文献   
Our goal was to evaluate effects of broad-scale changes in vegetation from grasslands to shrublands over the past 150 years on near-surface atmosphere over the Jornada Experimental Range in the northern Chihuahuan Desert, using a regional climate model. Simulations were conducted using 1858 and 1998 vegetation maps, and data collected in the field. Overall, the vegetation shift led to small changes in sensible heat (SH) and an increase in latent heat (LH). The impacts of shrub encroachment depended on shrubland type: conversion from grass to mesquite cools the near-surface atmosphere and from grass to creosotebush warms it. Higher albedo of mesquite relative to grasses reduced available energy, which was dissipated mainly as LH due to the deeper root system in mesquite. In creosotebush-dominated areas, a decrease in albedo, an increase in roughness length and displacement height contributed to the SH increase and warmer temperatures. Sensitivity simulations showed that an increase in soil moisture content enhanced shrub LH and a reduction in mesquite cover enhanced the temperature differences. The observed shift in vegetation led to complex interactions between land and surface fluxes, demonstrating that vegetation itself is a weather and climate variable as it significantly influences temperature and humidity.  相似文献   
This study investigates the effect of non-linear soil deformation on the displacement interaction among energy piles. The work is based on interaction factor analyses of full-scale pile group tests, whose results are compared with experimental evidence. The results presented highlight the tendency of interaction factor analyses that ignore non-linear soil deformation to overestimate the interaction and the displacement of energy pile groups. This outcome, in accordance with previous studies for conventional pile groups subjected to mechanical loads, may be considered in the analysis and design of energy pile groups subjected to thermal (and mechanical) loads through the interaction factor method.  相似文献   
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