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南美洲南部的Pali Aike火山岩区第四纪碱性玄武岩中普遍发育含石榴石的斜方辉石岩包体。这种斜方辉石岩既作为独立的捕掳体存在又以细脉的形式穿插于橄榄岩捕掳体中。斜方辉石岩普遍含富Ti矿物,并且次生斜方辉石含橄榄石和单斜辉石残晶。与含石榴石橄榄岩中的斜方辉石相比,这种次生的斜方辉石以高TiO2、中等含量的Al2O3以及低Mg#为特征,表明它是在一种高度分异演化的富Ti熔体交代作用下通过消耗橄榄石和单斜辉石方式形成的。斜方辉石岩全岩的Co、Ni略低,Cr和铂族元素(PGE)含量与地幔橄榄岩相当,表明这些元素在交代作用过程中相对稳定,而交代介质带入的组分以碱质(K2O+Na2O)、Ti、Si、Al和S为主。交代的斜方辉石在现代活动岛弧和古克拉通的地幔橄榄岩捕掳体中多有报道。与这些环境中地幔样品的斜方辉石相比,PaliAike地区的次生斜方辉石含有相对高的Ti和Al,以及相对低的Mg。高Ti低Mg属性反映了交代介质可能来源于下伏的软流圈地幔并且经历了高度的分异和演化过程。Pali Aike地区所见到的这种交代斜方辉石和斜方辉石岩在其他被上涌软流圈影响的陆下岩石圈地幔中可能普遍存在。这些研究对了解中国华北-东北中生代以来的岩石圈地幔减薄机制有着重要的借鉴意义。  相似文献   
The equation of state of MgGeO3 perovskite was determined between 25 and 66 GPa using synchrotron X-ray diffraction with the laser-heated diamond anvil cell. The data were fit to a third-order Birch–Murnaghan equation of state and yielded a zero-pressure volume (V 0) of 182.2 ± 0.3 Å3 and bulk modulus (K 0) of 229 ± 3 GPa, with the pressure derivative (K= (?K 0/?P) T ) fixed at 3.7. Differential stresses were evaluated using lattice strain theory and found to be typically less than about 1.5 GPa. Theoretical calculations were also carried out using density functional theory from 0 to 205 GPa. The equation of state parameters from theory (V 0 = 180.2 Å3, K 0 = 221.3 GPa, and K0 = 3.90) are in agreement with experiment, although theoretically calculated volumes are systematically lower than experiment. The properties of the perovskite phase were compared to MgGeO3 post-perovskite phase near the observed phase transition pressure (~65 GPa). Across the transition, the density increased by 2.0(0.7)%. This is in excellent agreement with the theoretically determined density change of 1.9%; however both values are larger than those for the (Mg,Fe)SiO3 phase transition. The bulk sound velocity change across the transition is small and is likely to be negative [?0.5(1.6)% from experiment and ?1.2% from theory]. These results are similar to previous findings for the (Mg,Fe)SiO3 system. A linearized Birch–Murnaghan equation of state fit to each axis yielded zero-pressure compressibilities of 0.0022, 0.0009, and 0.0016 GPa?1 for the a, b, and c axis, respectively. Magnesium germanate appears to be a good analog system for studying the properties of the perovskite and post-perovskite phases in silicates.  相似文献   
Small-scale heterogeneity in the deep mantle is concentrated in the upper-mantle transi-tion zone(TZ),in the depth range 410-660 km and also at the bottom 250 km D region.This encour-ages a more detailed investigation of the potential for seismic reflectivity imaging by modelling hetero-geneous structures in mantle convection models including phase transitions of the TZ and D regions.We applied finite elements with variable spacing near the boundary layers in 2-D cylindrical geometry that allow for sufficie...  相似文献   
《International Geology Review》2012,54(14):1684-1708
Volcanic rocks that make up Faial Island, Central Azores, consist of four volcano-stratigraphic units, with ages between 730 ka and the present. Lavas range from alkali basalts to trachyandesites and belong to the alkaline-sodic series. The oldest unit is the Ribeirinha Volcanic Complex, generally characterized by low MgO contents. The Cedros Volcanic Complex is composed of basalts to benmoreites with low MgO contents. The Almoxarife Formation represents fissure flows, containing MgO contents similar to to slightly higher than those of the underlying Cedros Volcanic Complex. The youngest unit, the Capelo Formation, consists of mafic rocks with MgO values higher than those of the other units. Bulk-rock major and trace element trends suggest that differentiation of the three earliest units were dominated by fractional crystallization of plagioclase ± clinopyroxene ± olivine ± titanomagnetite. Capelo bulk-rock compositions are the most primitive, and are related to a period when volcanic activity was fed by deep magmatic chambers, and melts ascended more rapidly. Comparison among geochemical patterns of the trace elements suggests a strong similarity between the lavas from Faial and Pico islands. Corvo Island volcanism contrasts with the geochemistry of Faial and Pico lavas, reflecting its strong K and Rb depletion, and Th, U, Ta, Nb, La, and Ce enrichment. Absence of the Daly gap in the Faial volcanics is attributed to early crystallization of Ti-Fe oxides. The probable source of the Faial magma coincides with the MORB-FOZO array, which implies the presence of ancient recycled oceanic crust in the mantle source. Ratios of incompatible trace elements suggest the similarity of Corvo volcanic rocks with magmas derived from HIMU sources, whereas the Faial and Pico volcanic rocks could have been produced from sources very close to EMII-type OIB.  相似文献   
本文基于中国地震观测台网记录到的震中距为10°~23°之间琉球俯冲区一个中深源地震的P波三重震相信息,研究了下扬子克拉通转换带顶部P波速度结构.通过射线追踪和理论地震图与观测地震波形的对比,发现下扬子克拉通下方的410 km间断面为一厚度20 km的梯度带,其上存在一由西南向东北变厚的低速层,厚度变化40~57 km,P波速度减低2.7%~4.5%.该低速层可以被认为是由于地幔橄榄岩部分熔融引起的.  相似文献   
长江中下游中生代岩浆岩及铜铁成矿带的深部构造背景   总被引:18,自引:0,他引:18  
李曙光 《安徽地质》2001,11(2):118-122
地球物理和中、新生代幔源岩浆岩同位素地球化学研究表明华北和华南陆块的深部岩石圈地缝合线较地表地缝合线南移。在郯庐断裂带以东南移至南京一镇江一线,并从南京往西呈南西走向延伸至桐城一带;在郯庐断裂带以西的大剐山区,深部地缝合线至少南移至岳西以南。这一贴近长江中下游的深部地缝合线,有可能在郯庐断裂系早白垩世发生大规模左行走滑作用下而导致引张,从而诱发了地幔上隆和大规模岩浆事件及铜铁成矿作用。  相似文献   
Major-element compositions of minerals in peridotite xenoliths from the Lac de Gras kimberlites provide constraints on the mode of lithosphere formation beneath the central Slave Craton, Canada. Magnesia contents of reconstructed whole rocks correlate positively with NiO and negatively with CaO contents, consistent with variable partial melt extraction. Alumina and Cr2O3 contents are broadly positively correlated, suggestive of melt depletion in the absence of a Cr–Al phase. Garnet modes are high at a given Al2O3 content (a proxy for melt depletion), falling about a 7 GPa melt depletion model. These observations, combined with high olivine Mg# and major-element relationships of FeO-poor peridotites (<7.5 wt%) indicative of melt loss at pressures >3 GPa (residual FeO content being a sensitive indicator of melt extraction pressure), and similar high pressures of last equilibration (∼4.2 to 5.8 GPa), provide multiple lines of evidence that the mantle beneath the central Slave Craton has originated as a residue from high-pressure melting, possibly during plume subcretion. Apparent low melt depletion pressures for high-FeO peridotites (>7.5 wt%) could suggest formation in an oceanic setting, followed by subduction to their depth of entrainment. However, these rocks, which are characterised by low SiO2 contents (<43 wt%), are more likely to be the result of post-melting FeO-addition, leading to spuriously low estimates of melt extraction pressures. They may have reacted with a silica-undersaturated melt that dissolved orthopyroxene, or experienced olivine injection by crystallising melts. A secular FeO-enrichment of parts of the deep mantle lithosphere is supported by lower average Mg# in xenolithic olivine (91.7) compared to olivine inclusions in diamond (92.6).  相似文献   
Geochemical Evidence for Slab Melting in the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Geochemical studies of Plio-Quaternary volcanic rocks from theValle de Bravo–Zitácuaro volcanic field (VBZ) incentral Mexico indicate that slab melting plays a key role inthe petrogenesis of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt. Rocks fromthe VBZ are typical arc-related high-Mg andesites, but two differentrock suites with distinct trace element patterns and isotopiccompositions erupted concurrently in the area, with a traceelement character that is also distinct from that of other Mexicanvolcanoes. The geochemical differences between the VBZ suitescannot be explained by simple crystal fractionation and/or crustalassimilation of a common primitive magma, but can be reconciledby the participation of different proportions of melts derivedfrom the subducted basalt and sediments interacting with themantle wedge. Sr/Y and Sr/Pb ratios of the VBZ rocks correlateinversely with Pb and Sr isotopic compositions, indicating thatthe Sr and Pb budgets are strongly controlled by melt additionsfrom the subducted slab. In contrast, an inverse correlationbetween Pb(Th)/Nd and 143Nd/144Nd ratios, which extend to lowerisotopic values than those for Pacific mid-ocean ridge basalts,indicates the participation of an enriched mantle wedge thatis similar to the source of Mexican intraplate basalts. In addition,a systematic decrease in middle and heavy rare earth concentrationsand Nb/Ta ratios with increasing SiO2 contents in the VBZ rocksis best explained if these elements are mobilized to some extentin the subduction flux, and suggests that slab partial fusionoccurred under garnet amphibolite-facies conditions. KEY WORDS: arcs; mantle; Mexico; sediment melting; slab melting  相似文献   
发展中的板块边界:天山-贝加尔活动构造带   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
冯锐  马宗晋  方剑  吴宣 《地学前缘》2007,14(4):1-17
亚洲内陆的强地震密集地发生在天山-贝加尔一线,但该处并不存在一条连续的大断裂,学术界对这个问题的认识长期相左。文中分析了这条地震带的时空分布、分区特点、应力状态和活动周期,计算了欧亚大陆的布格重力异常场、均衡重力异常场,反演了上地幔的密度分布和剪切波速分布。发现在这个部位的70~250km的深部有一条北东向的密度、速度陡变带,它是新生代的冷地幔和热地幔的交界带,与浅部构造存在立交关系,对亚洲大陆的现今构造运动和应力场具有重要的控制作用。这个带的地震不同于传统意义上的板缘地震和板内地震,是一种因为深浅构造不同而造成的结构性地震,性质上为大陆内缘地震。文中还就深浅构造的空间立交关系、时间镜像关系进行了讨论,指出在南北地震带和伊朗东侧地震带的立交结构也与上地幔构造有关。天山-贝加尔活动构造带是正在发展中的板块边界,是大陆内部的一个典型构造,北侧为稳定的俄罗斯-西伯利亚次板块,南侧为活动的中国-东南亚次板块。  相似文献   
新疆博格达造山带北段东侧白杨沟地区分布有大面积的晚石炭世至早二叠世的火山岩,岩石主要由亚碱性玄武岩和安山岩组成,其中分布有大量保存极好的枕状熔岩。枕状熔岩主要为基性熔岩,SiO2含量50.17%~54.66%,Al2O3为13.10%~16.44%,MgO为4.62%~7.89%,TiO2为1.23%~2.79%,CaO为7.06%~13.07%,Na2O为2.76%~4.99%,K2O为0.07%~0.82%。基性熔岩的大离子亲石元素(LILE)一组为富集如Rb和Ba,另一组相对亏损;高场强元素(HFSE)如Nb和Ta在N-MORB标准化图解上都具有明显的负异常。熔岩的稀土元素在球粒陨石标准化配分图解中表现为总体平坦,轻稀土元素(LREE)轻微富集的右倾曲线,δEu为0.89~1.12。从Sr-Nd-Pb同位素组成来看,εNd(t)为+2.8~+3.1,143Nd/144Nd(i)为0.512407~0.512422,εSr(t)为-14.0~-17.5、87Sr/86Sr(i)为0.70293~0.70317、206Pb/204Pb(i)为17.622~17.835、207Pb/204Pb(i)为15.3...  相似文献   
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