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连续运行的GNSS参考站网络能够实时监测地表水文负荷变迁引起的弹性地壳垂直变形.因此,利用GNSS观测的水文负荷垂直位移估计区域陆地水储量变化是一种行之有效的方案.本文收集了长江流域98个GNSS台站2011—2020年的垂直位移时间序列,并采用Slepian基函数方法将其转化为相应的位移谱,基于质量负荷理论估算长江流域陆地水储量变化,然后联合GRACE、GLDAS和降水数据分析其时空分布特征及水文驱动机制.GNSS反演结果与GRACE、GLDAS水储量变化均表现出明显的季节特征,周年振幅的空间相关系数分别为0.79和0.91.三种结果均表现出年水储量变化东西部大、中部小的空间模式,但GNSS反演结果显示整个长江流域水储量变化的最大周年振幅为~214 mm,明显大于GRACE (~121 mm)和GLDAS (~107 mm)的结果.此外,本文深入调查了长江流域三个子区域(金沙江流域、传统上游及长江中下游)水储量变化的空间格局与时序特征,发现基于三个数据集的水储量变化周年振幅在金沙江流域均呈现出西南向东北递减的趋势,且GNSS与GRACE结果显示长江中下游水储量变化较为显著.GNSS时序结果与GRACE、GLDAS及降水数据在三个子区域的时间相关系数均在0.48~0.84之间,其中金沙江流域GNSS与GLDAS相关系数达到了0.84.研究同时发现GNSS结果与降水存在非规律性的时滞关系:在金沙江流域与传统上游,GNSS结果出现峰值时刻较降水滞后2月,而在长江中下游几乎没有时延现象. 利用长江中下游GNSS结果估算的水储量盈亏情况与历史极端水文事件有较好的对应,表明利用稀疏GNSS台站网络可以有效捕捉流域尺度极端水文情况,能够为研究区域尺度水储量时空变化提供新的解决方案.

地磁倒转与生物灭绝因果关系研究五十年   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
魏勇  万卫星 《地球物理学报》2014,57(11):3841-3850
地磁场源于地球内部的地核发电机,经由近3000 km厚的地幔和地壳到达地面,穿过生物圈、大气层和电离层后延展至太空形成磁层.地磁场对生物圈有双重保护作用:阻挡了高能粒子向内入侵,也避免了氧和水等挥发性物质向外逃逸.尽管地磁场在几十亿年的时间里帮助维持了地球的宜居性,人们仍认为地磁倒转所导致的保护作用削弱会给生物圈带来深刻的负面影响,甚至是生物灭绝.本文梳理地磁倒转与生物灭绝因果关系研究的五十年发展历程,结合历史背景评介早期"一对一"假说的得与失,并着重阐述空间环境变化在最新提出的"多对一"假说中的重要作用.这些研究成果已经清晰地说明,从地核到磁层的地球各圈层是一个耦合的复杂系统,地球演化中的重大事件应当从地球系统科学的角度来看待,并借助比较行星学来研究和理解.  相似文献   
聊古-1井氮氦比区间概率信息量与地震的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
采用了非线性的褶积滤波结合多元回归的方法排除聊古1井氮氦比观测值中的干扰影响,然后计算了其观测值区间概率的信息量.分析了信息量与1981年宁晋MS5.8地震和1983年菏泽MS5.9地震的关系.结果显示,在这两次地震前2个月左右,氮氦比信息量都明显地出现升高异常,地震后恢复到正常值  相似文献   
The four naturally-occurring radium isotopes (223Ra, 224Ra, 226Ra and 228Ra) were used to estimate the submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the Isola La Cura marsh area in the northern Venice Lagoon (Italy). By determining the radium contributors to the study area (river, coastal ocean and sediments) the radium excess in the lagoon water was quantified through a mass balance model. This radium excess is attributed to a submarine groundwater discharge source and represents the most important input of radium. Possible endmembers were considered from analysis of groundwater samples (subtidal and marsh piezometers, marsh wells and seepage meters) that were enriched in Ra by one to two orders of magnitude relative to surface waters. In particular, a permeable layer at 80 cm depth in the surrounding marsh is considered to be representative of the most likely SGD source, although similar radium activities were measured in other subtidal porewater samples collected in the Isola La Cura area. The estimated SGD flux to the study area ranged from 1 · 109 to 6 · 109 L·d− 1, the same order of magnitude as the overall riverine input to the lagoon (3 · 109 L·d− 1). A major fraction of this SGD flux is likely recirculated seawater, as evidenced by the endmember salinity. The water residence time of 2 days was estimated by both using the shortest-lived radium isotope and estimating the volume of water exchanged between the lagoon and the open sea during a tidal cycle (tidal prism approach). This SGD flux could be used to estimate the input of other chemical species (metals, nutrients, etc.) via SGD which might affect the Venice Lagoon ecosystem.  相似文献   
大别山东段超高压变质带中变质花岗岩富硅、贫钙、贫铝,属偏碱性花岗岩,围岩为含榴辉岩包体的超高压副片麻岩。变质花岗岩稀土元素总量多在(100-200)×10^-6,具有较大的负铕异常,其原岩应为壳源型花岗岩。元素地球化学特征表明变质花岗岩原岩与古造山作用有关。变质花岗岩中存在大量由岩浆型内核和变生型边缘构成的变质增生锆石。结合锆石U-Pb年龄资料认为,变质花岗岩应由古老花岗岩变质形成,而不是超高压变质作用之后部分地壳岩石重熔的产物。岩石中有富锰和贫锰两种石榴子石,通过富锰石榴子石-黑云母、贫锰石榴子石-多硅白云母等矿物对的温压计算可知变质花岗岩在400-500℃、0.6-0.8GPa条件下经历过变质作用。但几种间接证据反映出变质花岗岩可能经历过超高压变质作用。  相似文献   
云南丽江大气气溶胶的化学成分谱分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
张仁健  邹捍  沈振兴  王玮 《高原气象》2007,26(6):1319-1323
对云南省丽江玉龙雪山地区大气气溶胶化学元素成分进行了观测和分析.结果表明,丽江玉龙雪山大气气溶胶以Mg、Al、Ca、Si、K和Fe等地壳元素为主,占总元素浓度的82%.丽江地区气溶胶Pb、Se、Br元素浓度均高于珠峰浓度值.丽江气溶胶S、As、Se、Br和Pb等与人类活动有关的气溶胶元素的富集因子很高.这表明丽江地区人类活动影响不容忽略.  相似文献   
本文阐述了乔治王岛长城站区燕窝湖沉积物中微量元素及某些常量元素的含量、分布、富集系数和相关系数的变化规律 ,探讨了该湖岩芯物质来源及气候环境的阶段性变迁 ,认为一方面燕窝湖周围碎屑沉积岩 (包括火山沉积岩 )是进入沉积体系的主要物源 ;另一方面 ,地幔物质也是其物源之一 ;同时 ,并不排除南极大陆冰进期搬运来的陆源物质进入沉积体系。  相似文献   
伽玛射线暴的产生机制比较公认的是:长暴产生于大质量恒星死亡;短暴产生于密近双星合并.因此人们很自然地推测长暴和恒星形成率直接成比例,但是最近数据分析表明这并不能很好地拟合观测.考虑到只有质量大于某一临界质量的大质量恒星才可能产生长暴,因此恒星初始质量分布函数对长暴的产生率会有较大影响.考虑用恒星初始质量分布函数来解释长暴观测个数随红移的分布,得到了比较好的结果.  相似文献   
The paper focuses on the redistribution of aerosol particles (APs) during the artificial nucleation and subsequent growth of ice crystals in a supercooled cloud. A significant number of the supercooled cloud droplets during icing periods (seeding agents: C3H8, CO2) did not freeze as was presumed prior to the experiment but instead evaporated. The net mass flux of water vapour from the evaporating droplets to the nucleating ice crystals (Bergeron–Findeisen mechanism) led to the release of residual particles that simultaneously appeared in the interstitial phase. The strong decrease of the droplet residuals confirms the nucleation of ice particles on seeding germs without natural aerosol particles serving as ice nuclei. As the number of residual particles during the seedings did not drop to zero, other processes such as heterogeneous ice nucleation, spontaneous freezing, entrainment of supercooled droplets and diffusion to the created particle-free ice germs must have contributed to the experimental findings. During the icing periods, residual mass concentrations in the condensed phase dropped by a factor of 1.1–6.7, as compared to the unperturbed supercooled cloud. As the Bergeron–Findeisen process also occurs without artificial seeding in the atmosphere, this study demonstrated that the hydrometeors in mixed-phase clouds might be much cleaner than anticipated for the simple freezing process of supercooled droplets in tropospheric mid latitude clouds.  相似文献   
Late Mesoproterozoic igneous rocks in the SW Yangtze Block are important for understanding the role of it in reconstruction of the Rodinia supercontinent.In the present study,we report new geochronological,geochemical,and Nd-Hf isotopic data for the Cuoke plagioclase amphibolites and granites in the SW Yangtze Block.Geochronological results show that the plagioclase amphibolites and granites have similar late Mesoproterozoic zircon U-Pb ages of 1168-1162 Ma,constituting a bimodal igneous assemblage.The plagioclase amphibolites have high and variable TiO2 contents(1.15-4.30 wt.%)and Mg#(34-66)values,similar to the tholeiitic series.They are characterized by enrichment in LREEs and LILEs,and have OIB-like affinities with positive Nb and Ta anomalies.The plagioclase amphibolites have positive whole-rockεNd(t)(+3.2 to+4.3)and zirconεHf(t)(+4.3 to+10.7)values,indicating that they were derived from an OIB-like asthenospheric mantle source.The granites belong to the reduced peralkaline A-type series and have negativeεNd(t)value of-6.0 andεHf(t)values of-5.8 to-13.8,indicating a derivation from the partial melting of ancient mafic lower crust.In combination with the~1.05-1.02 Ga bimodal igneous assemblage in the SW Yangtze Block,we propose that the Cuoke 1168-1162 Ma igneous rocks were likely formed in a continental rift basin and argue against the existance of Grenvillian Orogen in the SW Yangtze Block during the late Mesoproterozoic.  相似文献   
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